Edgar Lyra
Edgar Lyra é graduado em Engenharia Química pela UERJ (1981), com mestrado (1999) e doutorado (2003) em Filosofia pela Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro, onde hoje atua como professor e pesquisador. Coordenou o curso de graduação em filosofia entre setembro de 2013 e março de 2020, e desde então exerce o cargo de diretor do departamento. Tem experiência na área de Filosofia Contemporânea, especialmente em problemas éticos, políticos e pedagógicos vinculados à atual hegemonia tecnológica e seus efeitos ambientais. Entre 2014 e 2016, coordenou o Grupo de Trabalho Heidegger da ANPOF (Associação Nacional de Pós-Graduação em Filosofia), ao qual continua filiado. Criou e lidera, desde 2016, o Grupo de Estudos e Pesquisa em Filosofia da Tecnologia, certificado pelo CNPq. Ingressou em junho de 2019 no Laboratório de Humanidades Digitais da PUC-Rio; em setembro do mesmo ano filiou-se ao EMAPS (grupo de Ética e Mediação Algorítmica de Processos Sociais); em agosto de 2020 ao SERG (Grupo de Pesquisa em Engenharia Semiótica); e desde junho de 2021 representa a PUC-Rio no grupo de trabalho sobre Inteligência Artificial da SACRU (Strategic Alliance of Catholic Research Universities). Fortemente convencido da necessidade de formar professores de filosofia para lidar com as demandas da era técnica, dedica ao estudo da retórica com intenções político-pedagógicas, partindo da Retórica de Aristóteles até seus ecos contemporâneos. Este trabalho resultou em sua publicação mais recente, o livro "O Esquecimento de uma Arte - retórica, educação e filosofia no século 21". Ainda, no esforço de formação de professores, atua desde 2014 como colaborador do Mestrado Profissionalizante em Filosofia e Ensino do CEFET-RJ. Coordenou o PIBID / PUC-Rio de Filosofia entre agosto de 2012 e fevereiro de 2020, e entre junho de 2015 e junho de 2016, assessorou o MEC (Ministério da Educação) na elaboração das duas primeiras versões do documento de Ciências Humanas da Base Nacional Comum Curricular (BNCC). Atua regularmente em cursos de especialização e extensão, e no assessoramento de escolas de Educação Básica.
Edgar Lyra graduated in Chemical Engineering from UERJ (1981), obtaining a master's degree (1999) and a Ph.D. (2003) in Philosophy from the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro. He settled down as a professor and researcher in the Philosophy Department at PUC-Rio, where he coordinated the undergraduate course between September 2013 and March 2020. He now heads the department. He has experience in Contemporary Philosophy, especially in ethical, political, and pedagogical problems linked to the current technological hegemony and its environmental effects. Between 2014 and 2016, he coordinated the Heidegger Working Group of ANPOF (National Association of Graduate Studies in Philosophy), to which he remains affiliated. He created and led, since 2016, the Group of Studies and Research in Philosophy of Technology, certified by CNPq (Nacional Brasilian Agency for Research). He joined in June 2019 the Digital Humanities Laboratory at PUC-Rio; in September of the same year, he joined the EMAPS group (Ethics and Algorithmic Mediation of Social Processes); in August 2020 to SERG (The Semiotic Engineering Research Group); finally, since June 2021, he has been a member of the working group on artificial intelligence by SACRU - Strategic Alliance of Catholic Research Universities. Strongly convinced of the need to train philosophy teachers to deal with the demands of the technical age, he has dedicated himself to the study of rhetoric with political-pedagogical intentions, starting from Aristotle's Rhetoric, towards its contemporary echoes. This work resulted in his most recent publication, the book (written in Portuguese) "The Forgetting of an Art - rhetoric, education, and philosophy in the 21st century". Also, in the teacher training effort, he has been working since 2014 as a collaborator in the Professionalizing Master in Philosophy Teaching at CEFET-RJ. He coordinated the PIBID-Filosofia in PUC-Rio (a broad teachers training program) between August 2012 and February 2020. From June 2015 to June 2016, he advised the MEC (Brazilian Education Ministery) in preparing the first two versions of the Human Sciences document of the National Common Curricular Base. He regularly works on specialization courses, extensions, and advising Basic Education schools.
Edgar Lyra graduated in Chemical Engineering from UERJ (1981), obtaining a master's degree (1999) and a Ph.D. (2003) in Philosophy from the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro. He settled down as a professor and researcher in the Philosophy Department at PUC-Rio, where he coordinated the undergraduate course between September 2013 and March 2020. He now heads the department. He has experience in Contemporary Philosophy, especially in ethical, political, and pedagogical problems linked to the current technological hegemony and its environmental effects. Between 2014 and 2016, he coordinated the Heidegger Working Group of ANPOF (National Association of Graduate Studies in Philosophy), to which he remains affiliated. He created and led, since 2016, the Group of Studies and Research in Philosophy of Technology, certified by CNPq (Nacional Brasilian Agency for Research). He joined in June 2019 the Digital Humanities Laboratory at PUC-Rio; in September of the same year, he joined the EMAPS group (Ethics and Algorithmic Mediation of Social Processes); in August 2020 to SERG (The Semiotic Engineering Research Group); finally, since June 2021, he has been a member of the working group on artificial intelligence by SACRU - Strategic Alliance of Catholic Research Universities. Strongly convinced of the need to train philosophy teachers to deal with the demands of the technical age, he has dedicated himself to the study of rhetoric with political-pedagogical intentions, starting from Aristotle's Rhetoric, towards its contemporary echoes. This work resulted in his most recent publication, the book (written in Portuguese) "The Forgetting of an Art - rhetoric, education, and philosophy in the 21st century". Also, in the teacher training effort, he has been working since 2014 as a collaborator in the Professionalizing Master in Philosophy Teaching at CEFET-RJ. He coordinated the PIBID-Filosofia in PUC-Rio (a broad teachers training program) between August 2012 and February 2020. From June 2015 to June 2016, he advised the MEC (Brazilian Education Ministery) in preparing the first two versions of the Human Sciences document of the National Common Curricular Base. He regularly works on specialization courses, extensions, and advising Basic Education schools.
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Papers by Edgar Lyra
e aprendizagem. A perspectiva de aprimoramento acelerado e continuado dessas tecnologias torna tal reflexões ainda mais estratégicas e urgentes.
ISSN: 2175-7402 CC BY-NC 4.0
ALCEU (Rio de Janeiro, online), V. 23, Nº 49, p.124-136, jan./abr. 2023
propaganda eleitoral digital e seus efeitos sobre a democracia foram tema de uma das edições do Podcast do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Comunicação da PUC-Rio (PPGCOM/PUC-Rio), gravado ente o primeiro e segundo turnos das eleições de 2022. Os entrevistados foram os professores Arthur Ituassu e Marcelo Alves (PPGCOM/PUC-Rio) e Edgar Lyra, diretor do Departamento de Filosofia da PUC-Rio. A entrevista e a transcrição do podcast foram feitas por Mauro Silveira.
This text is one of the chapters of the Liber Amicorum commemorating the 70th birthday of the Portuguese philosopher Irene Borges-Duarte. It dialogues more directly with a recent work by the author, "Care and Affection in Heidegger and Existential-Phenomenological Analysis." The bridge is the notion of pathos, central in Aristotle's "Rhetoric" and its Heidegger's 1924 analysis. I try in the text to explain some of the paths opened (and not explored) by Heidegger, clues that I used in my own book "The Forgetting of an Art - Rhetoric, Edu ation, and Philosophy in the 21st Century". In short, it is a hermeneutic-phenomenological reading of the "Rhetoric" that produces an opportune tensioning of a tradition of interpreters divided between theories of persuasive argumentation, and stylistic or literary contributions.
Schlüsselwörter: Heidegger, Ostasien, Technik, Gefahr, Sprache, Geschichte.
Abstract: In his later work, Heidegger discussed the global hegemony of modern technology, which has become increasingly incisive in the definition of our habits, language and horizons of expectation. In addition to revisit the metaphysical paths that westernized the world and to question the essence of the current domination, Heidegger also turned to some niches of alterity capable of irrigating the soil of technical reification, e.g., for the dialogue with some oriental alterity. It was precisely in the difficulty of this dialogue that he saw a promise. Bottom line: if the East itself, geopolitically speaking, eventually became westernized, how, amid the empire of technology, with its speed and peculiar framework, the eastern alterity interrogated by Heidegger could possibly offer us genuine sap of transformation?
Keywords: Heidegger, East Asia, technology, danger, language, history.
Resumo: Heidegger ocupou-se, em sua obra tardia, com a hegemonia planetária da técnica moderna, cada vez mais incisiva na definição dos nossos hábitos, linguagem e horizontes de expectativa. Além de repisar os caminhos metafísicos que ocidentalizaram o mundo, e de questionar a essência da atual dominação, voltou-se para alguns nichos de alteridade, capazes de irrigar o solo da objetificação técnica, por exemplo, para o diálogo com certa alteridade oriental. Precisamente na dificuldade desse diálogo ele enxergava uma promessa. Questão de fundo: se o próprio Oriente, geopoliticamente falando, acabou se ocidentalizando, de que modo, em meio ao império da tecnologia, com sua velocidade e enquadramento peculiares, a alteridade oriental interrogada por Heidegger poderia nos oferecer genuína seiva de transformação?
Palavras-chaves: Heidegger, Oriente, técnica, perigo, língua, história.
Palavras-chave: Formação de professores; ensino de filosofia; BNCC; reforma do ensino médio; políticas públicas de educação.
Abstract: This article analyzes some transformations in the public policies of education occurred in Brazil in the last years, with emphasis on its consequences for the teaching of philosophy and the training of its basic education teachers. The concerning with these consequences launches a broad discussion-that goes beyond the struggle for space for philosophy in the high school schedules. The main purpose is to call attention to the multiple variables at play, binding the defense of philosophy teaching with the general effort to overcome brasilian current educational liabilities.
Abstract: The article calls attention to the present technological dominance and to the necessity of asking about its dictates. " The Question Concerning Technology " is the initial guide text. The questioning must happen in a realm that is, on the one hand, akin to the essence of technology and, on the other, fundamentally different from it. Art could, in principle, offer thought occasion to this questioning. It's not, nevertheless, trivial how it could happen, equally on the side of thought or art. The conference uttered in Athens in 1962, entitled "The Provenance of Art and the Destination of Thought", gives breath to the finalization of the investigation.
e aprendizagem. A perspectiva de aprimoramento acelerado e continuado dessas tecnologias torna tal reflexões ainda mais estratégicas e urgentes.
ISSN: 2175-7402 CC BY-NC 4.0
ALCEU (Rio de Janeiro, online), V. 23, Nº 49, p.124-136, jan./abr. 2023
propaganda eleitoral digital e seus efeitos sobre a democracia foram tema de uma das edições do Podcast do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Comunicação da PUC-Rio (PPGCOM/PUC-Rio), gravado ente o primeiro e segundo turnos das eleições de 2022. Os entrevistados foram os professores Arthur Ituassu e Marcelo Alves (PPGCOM/PUC-Rio) e Edgar Lyra, diretor do Departamento de Filosofia da PUC-Rio. A entrevista e a transcrição do podcast foram feitas por Mauro Silveira.
This text is one of the chapters of the Liber Amicorum commemorating the 70th birthday of the Portuguese philosopher Irene Borges-Duarte. It dialogues more directly with a recent work by the author, "Care and Affection in Heidegger and Existential-Phenomenological Analysis." The bridge is the notion of pathos, central in Aristotle's "Rhetoric" and its Heidegger's 1924 analysis. I try in the text to explain some of the paths opened (and not explored) by Heidegger, clues that I used in my own book "The Forgetting of an Art - Rhetoric, Edu ation, and Philosophy in the 21st Century". In short, it is a hermeneutic-phenomenological reading of the "Rhetoric" that produces an opportune tensioning of a tradition of interpreters divided between theories of persuasive argumentation, and stylistic or literary contributions.
Schlüsselwörter: Heidegger, Ostasien, Technik, Gefahr, Sprache, Geschichte.
Abstract: In his later work, Heidegger discussed the global hegemony of modern technology, which has become increasingly incisive in the definition of our habits, language and horizons of expectation. In addition to revisit the metaphysical paths that westernized the world and to question the essence of the current domination, Heidegger also turned to some niches of alterity capable of irrigating the soil of technical reification, e.g., for the dialogue with some oriental alterity. It was precisely in the difficulty of this dialogue that he saw a promise. Bottom line: if the East itself, geopolitically speaking, eventually became westernized, how, amid the empire of technology, with its speed and peculiar framework, the eastern alterity interrogated by Heidegger could possibly offer us genuine sap of transformation?
Keywords: Heidegger, East Asia, technology, danger, language, history.
Resumo: Heidegger ocupou-se, em sua obra tardia, com a hegemonia planetária da técnica moderna, cada vez mais incisiva na definição dos nossos hábitos, linguagem e horizontes de expectativa. Além de repisar os caminhos metafísicos que ocidentalizaram o mundo, e de questionar a essência da atual dominação, voltou-se para alguns nichos de alteridade, capazes de irrigar o solo da objetificação técnica, por exemplo, para o diálogo com certa alteridade oriental. Precisamente na dificuldade desse diálogo ele enxergava uma promessa. Questão de fundo: se o próprio Oriente, geopoliticamente falando, acabou se ocidentalizando, de que modo, em meio ao império da tecnologia, com sua velocidade e enquadramento peculiares, a alteridade oriental interrogada por Heidegger poderia nos oferecer genuína seiva de transformação?
Palavras-chaves: Heidegger, Oriente, técnica, perigo, língua, história.
Palavras-chave: Formação de professores; ensino de filosofia; BNCC; reforma do ensino médio; políticas públicas de educação.
Abstract: This article analyzes some transformations in the public policies of education occurred in Brazil in the last years, with emphasis on its consequences for the teaching of philosophy and the training of its basic education teachers. The concerning with these consequences launches a broad discussion-that goes beyond the struggle for space for philosophy in the high school schedules. The main purpose is to call attention to the multiple variables at play, binding the defense of philosophy teaching with the general effort to overcome brasilian current educational liabilities.
Abstract: The article calls attention to the present technological dominance and to the necessity of asking about its dictates. " The Question Concerning Technology " is the initial guide text. The questioning must happen in a realm that is, on the one hand, akin to the essence of technology and, on the other, fundamentally different from it. Art could, in principle, offer thought occasion to this questioning. It's not, nevertheless, trivial how it could happen, equally on the side of thought or art. The conference uttered in Athens in 1962, entitled "The Provenance of Art and the Destination of Thought", gives breath to the finalization of the investigation.