RMIT University
Future Social Service Institute
This chapter focuses on debates around the privatization of public services using globalization as a pivot point. It is argued that the privatisation of public services has encouraged globalisation by enabling multi national companies to... more
1. Introduction This paper explores the expectations associated with the establishment of a wired community initiative in a low income, multiethnic public housing estate in inner Melbourne. Reach for the Clouds will give approximately two... more
The paper describes the development, construction and consequences to date of a'wired community'being created at Atherton Gardens, a low-income inner city public housing estate in Melbourne. This wired community, which will... more
This report was commissioned by the Interchurch Gambling Taskforce in November 2001.It became clear to us that the Victorian government was so financially dependent on gambling to balance the state budget that it was not able to attack... more
This paper critically analyses performance Indicators as used in the social housing system of Australia. The use of performance indicators emerged in the mid nineties and grew out of the new managerialist and economic rationalist ideas... more