Recent papers in Privatization
Good morning, Councilmembers. Chairperson Grosso, thank you for responding to the will of the people and scheduling this hearing today.
This paper discusses the eects of restructuring on nursing as a profession through an examination of the issue of complaints in Ontario. It argues that new managerialist techniques and associated changes in the nature of work are reducing... more
Advanced by powerful venture philanthropies, educational technology companies, and the US Department of Education, a growing movement to apply ‘big data’ through ‘learning analytics’ to create ‘personalized learning’ is currently... more
Different types of public-private partnerships (PPPs) have been practiced in worldwide infrastructure development with diverse results and a variety of problems have been encountered. A number of factors combine to determine the success... more
Yep, fuck it. Neoliberalism sucks. We don't need it.
Background During the 1990s, Italy privatised a significant portion of its healthcare delivery. The authors compared the effectiveness of private and public sector healthcare delivery in reducing avoidable mortality (deaths that should... more
O objetivo deste artigo é examinar a evolução do direito de acesso à água, desde a perspectiva internacional global, passando pela regulação comparada na América do Sul, até o surgimento e a implementação do arcabouço regulatório... more
This article raises the question of quality of school education in India by bringing out the issues of teacher training and mindless privatization in the light of National Education Policy 2019.
Vreme nakon raspada jugoslovenske države obeležio je niz događaja i aktera kojima je i u društvenim naukama posvedeno veoma mnogo pažnje. Transformacija političkog sistema, uspon starih i novih političkih elita, ratovi u Hrvatskoj, Bosni... more
Shopping malls are often criticised as a cause of the privatisation of public space and the erosion of the public sphere. Some authors argue that to fight these negative processes, shopping malls should be considered equivalent to public... more
Приватизация в Беларуси за 2011 год: результаты аукционов, ведущие субъекты, социальные последствия Содержание Введение Методология, ограничения исследования, замечания 1. Государственная программа приватизации и приоритеты покупателей... more
This article aims at defining for-profit higher education, introducing relevant national cases, and exploring prospects of the sector. National case selection is based on geographical scope (one case per continent) and data availability.
Social science researchers interested in human health have generally neglected the production of health care spaces and the experience of medical workers, particularly physicians. Health care researchers have contributed to our knowledge... more
Il presente volume fa parte delle attività scientifiche ed editoriali dell'Associazione «MaTriX. Laboratorio di Storia, Sociologia e Scienza delle Istituzioni» con sede in Via Giovanni XXIII 13\C, 20866 Carnate (MB), codice fiscale... more
The mystery of capital offers a simple yet beguiling message: capitalism can be made to work for the poor, through formalising their property rights in houses, land and small businesses. This approach resonates strongly in the South... more
בשנים האחרונות, עקב מספר תהליכים בהם קיצוץ בתקציב הביטחון, שינוי תפיסות, ושינויים מבניים החל הצבא להפריט מספר תחומים. ככל שחולף הזמן יש יותר תחומים בצבא שמופרטים ולמעשה, הצבא "קונה" שרות מהמגזר האזרחי ומכניס ל"שותפות" אתו שחקנים נוספים.... more
SEBASTIAN FITZEK SIMONA MARIA STĂNESCU n acest articol ne-am propus să analizăm principalele teme de reformă şi dezvoltare a programelor politice aflate la guvernare în perioada de tranziţie, pe două dimensiuni: a. stabilirea unor... more
Longish Description, concentrating on the theoretical content: The book has a very broad purview. It examines paradigm change in several areas, including economic policy and welfare provision, but focusing on education reform.... more
In the 1980s, and especially in the 1990s, the European countries went through a phase of privatization, which radically reduced the reach of the post-WWII welfare state. The rationale for such an exercise varied, as did the forms of... more
Understanding contemporary conflicts in Africa remains directly dependent on the approaches employed to decipher or interpret them. This article first examines the bias of conventional approaches (inherited from the Cold War) and then... more
A safe, clean, accessible and affordable drinking water and sanitation service for all individuals is a human right recognized explicitly from the United Nations General Assembly (Resolution 64/292, July 2010). Access to clean drinking... more
New policies require legitimacy to survive. Prison privatization represents a policy challenged by initial perceptions of illegitimacy. In the 1980s, governments began to allow private firms to run correctional facilities, shifting an... more
This book aims to contextualize the debate of PSP and then present the research findings. It starts by outlining the research objectives and the framework. It then presents a historical perspective of PSP in the water supply sector. In... more
Belarus, as one of the least reformed post-Soviet countries, needs a large-scale privatization. Two attempts of privatization (1990-1996 and 2007-2013) failed, market reforms were stopped and reversed by Nomenklatura and President... more
Al considerar la orientación hacia la competencia y el mercado que han adoptado múltiples sistemas educativos durante las últimas décadas, el artículo analiza las características, consecuencias y principales implicancias de la instalación... more
The privatization of basic needs provision has seen a related and increasing reliance on corporate-community partnerships in serving the “last mile.” These relationships often seem promising because they suggest mutual... more
Bundeskoordination Internationalismus: Seminar und Veranstaltung in Berlin: “Von Bischofferode nach Athen Die deutsche Vereinigungspolitik und die Zukunft der EU” 21.-23.10.2016 Vladimiro Giacché Anschluss. Die deutsche Vereinigung und... more
La privatización de la tierra fue un proceso de adaptación de la economía salvadoreña como respuesta a la transformación del mercado internacional donde a través de las reformas liberales se generó un transición en la concentración de... more
The collapse of cod stocks in the waters off Newfoundland in the early 1990s was widely understood as an ecological disaster and the death of a rural way of life that had endured for centuries. While many areas have remained closed to... more
Methods We used multivariate longitudinal regression to analyse age-standardised mortality rates in working-age men (15-59 years) in post-communist countries of eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union from 1989 to 2002. We defined mass... more
This essay will focus on the last four decades when these policies became relevant to the political and economic sphere of Pakistan and what culminated out of it. We will start with the 1970s when the Pakistan People’s Party came into... more