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Discuție:Neagu Djuvara

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Iata ce spune Deletant despre Djuvara în cartea sa din 2006, Hitler’s Forgotten Ally — Ion Antonescu and His Regime, Romania 1940–44, nota 41 atasata capitolului 10, The Coup of 23 August 1944 (mi-am permis sa îngros partea esentiala):

The courier in question, Neagu Djuvara, made it quite clear to his audience at the fiftieth anniversary symposium on ‘23 August 1944 in the History of Romania’, held in Bucharest on 8–9 October 1994 (to which King Michael had accepted an invitation but was refused entry to Romania by the authorities), that Mihai Antonescu, with the Marshal’s approval, had merely told Nanu to approach Madame Kollontay to ask whether the earlier conditions given by the Russians were still valid or would have to be negotiated. At the same time, Djuvara revealed, Mihai Antonescu instructed Nanu not to tell the British and Americans of this approach to the Soviets. Mihai Antonescu did not, as Nanu later claimed, tell him that the Marshal was ready to withdraw from the war and had given Mihai a free hand to sign the armistice (F. C. Nano (1952), ‘The First Soviet Double-Cross: A Chapter in the Secret History of World War II’, Journal of Central European Affairs, Vol. 12(3) (October): 236–58). As Djuvara remarked, the events in the three-month period since the issue of the Russian conditions had rendered many of them irrelevant and the mere raising of the question as to whether they were still valid showed how out of touch with reality the two Antonescus were.

Si iata ce a scris Djuvara însusi în 1944, conform Raportului anexat în fotocopie cartie sale Misterul telegramei bla bla bla:

Mi-a răspuns că Mareșalul este gata să se dea la o parte de îndată ce va fi nevoie și că i-a dat mână liberă pentru semnarea armistițiului.

De asemenea, acelasi Djuvara a admis ca cele 56 de cazemate de pe malul Siretului (devenite în vremea lui Carol II linia FNB) ar fi putut opri pe nemti (retineti, nemtii care erau bine echipati si profesionisti ai razboiului; noi având aceiasi opincari si alaturi de niste rusi betivi); însa în 1944 cele 1600 de cazemate ajutate de 75 km de contra-escarpe anti-tanc n-ar fi putut face fata acelorasi rusi (alaturi de armata germana, la fel de tehniciana ca si atunci).

Si închei cu o alta contradictie semnata de acelasi mare guru al istoriei, citez:

Ideea de a începe un război împotriva unui aliat, alături de care te-ai bătut timp de patru—cinci ani, era de neconceput. (Neagu Djuvara: "Curierul de Stockholm", Observatorul militar, nr. 18, 2004, p. 18)

Cu stima,
Marian -- (discuție) 11 august 2021 20:37 (EEST)Răspunde