Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Abbreviation"
The meaning of "Abbreviation" in various phrases and sentences
Что значит 100K is 100,000?
What abbreviations is "K" of??
What abbreviations is "K" of??
100K is 100,000.
K comes from "kilo", like in "kilogram" or "kilometer". In spoken English, it's pronounced "K" or "thousand".
K comes from "kilo", like in "kilogram" or "kilometer". In spoken English, it's pronounced "K" or "thousand".
Что значит abbreviation for the TMI (used for in pregnancy meaning)?
Hmm, I can't find anything specifically related to pregnancy, but TMI means "Too much information." It's used when someone gives you information that you didn't need/want to know. For example, if you're texting your friend and they tell you that they are using the bathroom while talking to you. That would be too much information. Hope this helps!
Что значит the abbreviation "tbh"?
To be honest
Что значит you’d. whose abbreviation?
1) short form of you had:
EX: It happened just after you'd left the room.
2) short form of you would:
EX: You'd be much warmer in your black jacket.
Pronunciation: /jud, jʊd, jəd/
EX: It happened just after you'd left the room.
2) short form of you would:
EX: You'd be much warmer in your black jacket.
Pronunciation: /jud, jʊd, jəd/
Что значит abbreviation?
It's a shortened form of a word. For example Dr. is an abbreviation of Doctor
Example sentences using "Abbreviation"
Покажите мне примеры предложений с please teach me a common abbreviation.
Do you mean abbreviations, or do you mean acronyms?
Here are 37 common English acronyms.
Here are 37 common English acronyms.
Покажите мне примеры предложений с abbreviations of "what" .
yeah but only on the internet :))))
Покажите мне примеры предложений с popular abbreviations in english.
WTF? I can't believe you're asking this, b/c we nvr use any abbrev.s in Eng.
Покажите мне примеры предложений с abbreviations of "thank you".
Thank you = ty
Thank you so much = tysm
Thanks = thx
Thank you so much = tysm
Thanks = thx
Покажите мне примеры предложений с which are the abbreviations are used in English, on chats like Lol or Idk?.
Lol (laugh out loud)
Idk (I don't know)
1. "Lol I can't believe he did that"
2. "Idk what I got on the test"
3. "Lol idk what I was thinking when I did that"
Idk (I don't know)
1. "Lol I can't believe he did that"
2. "Idk what I got on the test"
3. "Lol idk what I was thinking when I did that"
Synonyms of "Abbreviation" and their differences
В чем разница между abbreviation и shortened ?
Abbreviation is usually a few letters that is still recognizable.
(January > Jan. Apartment > Apt. Minute > Min.)
Shortening is just making a long word or sentence shorter. (Administration > Admin. Information > Info.)
(January > Jan. Apartment > Apt. Minute > Min.)
Shortening is just making a long word or sentence shorter. (Administration > Admin. Information > Info.)
В чем разница между abbreviation и acronym и initialism ?
Often, abbreviations, acronyms and initialisms are all called "abbreviations". And initialisms are almost always called "acronyms". But there are differences between these three words.
An initialism uses the first letter of each word (or of each important word). These letters are not pronounced like a word. They are said separately.
RSPCA (pronounced "R-S-P-C-A") = Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
NHS (pronounced "N-H-S") = National Health Service
WO (pronounced "WHO") = World Health Organization
NATO (pronounced /ˈneɪtəʊ/ ("naytoh")) = North Atlantic Treaty Organisation
Abbreviations use some of the letters of a word (or of words).
e.g. (from Latin ‘exempli gratia’) means "for example"
i.e. (from Latin ‘id est’) means that is, or in other words
Dr is a common abbreviation for "doctor". It uses the first letter and the last letter. But it isn't pronounce "d-r" and it isn't pronounced "drrr". The full word "doctor" is always spoken.
Another common abbreviation is oz for "ounce" or "ounces". The abbreviation is the same for singular and plural. I don't know where the 'z' comes from. It just is "oz".
This web page talks about abbreviations and gives several examples.
An initialism uses the first letter of each word (or of each important word). These letters are not pronounced like a word. They are said separately.
RSPCA (pronounced "R-S-P-C-A") = Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
NHS (pronounced "N-H-S") = National Health Service
WO (pronounced "WHO") = World Health Organization
NATO (pronounced /ˈneɪtəʊ/ ("naytoh")) = North Atlantic Treaty Organisation
Abbreviations use some of the letters of a word (or of words).
e.g. (from Latin ‘exempli gratia’) means "for example"
i.e. (from Latin ‘id est’) means that is, or in other words
Dr is a common abbreviation for "doctor". It uses the first letter and the last letter. But it isn't pronounce "d-r" and it isn't pronounced "drrr". The full word "doctor" is always spoken.
Another common abbreviation is oz for "ounce" or "ounces". The abbreviation is the same for singular and plural. I don't know where the 'z' comes from. It just is "oz".
This web page talks about abbreviations and gives several examples.
В чем разница между abbreviation и contraction ?
A contraction is a combination of two words put together
Can’t = Can Not
An abbreviation is when you shortened a word most likely to make it easier to write
IDK = I Don’t Know
Can’t = Can Not
An abbreviation is when you shortened a word most likely to make it easier to write
IDK = I Don’t Know
В чем разница между abbreviation и acronym ?
Abbreviation is the shortened form of a word:
example (ex), approximately (approx), library (lib)
Acronym is the first letter of each word in a phrase:
ASAP (As Soon As Possible)
BRB (Be Right Back)
example (ex), approximately (approx), library (lib)
Acronym is the first letter of each word in a phrase:
ASAP (As Soon As Possible)
BRB (Be Right Back)
В чем разница между abbreviation и contraction ?
An abbreviation is to shorten a word
A contraction is to join words together
Brother => Bro
Is not => Isn't
A contraction is to join words together
Brother => Bro
Is not => Isn't
Translations of "Abbreviation"
Как сказать на Английском (британский вариант)? Hello! The abbreviations YOLO and FOMO: are they used mainly in writing or do you also pronounce them as words in spoken language? Thank you)
YOLO can be said as a word, although only in informal situations. I've only ever seen FOMO written, not spoken, but there may be people who use it as a word as well, I don't know for sure.
Как сказать на Английском (британский вариант)? what is the abbreviation of “for example”?
If you're asking what the abbreviation is it's "e.g.".
Как сказать на Английском (американский вариант)? what is the abbreviation of “for example”
ei or eg. but i use 'ex' haha
Как сказать на Английском (американский вариант)? I want to know abbreviation "I would have to be ~".
1. I'da to be ~
or 2. I woulda to be ~
or 3. I would hafta be ~
and so on...
Which is more natural? Please let me know. Thanks a lot.
1. I'da to be ~
or 2. I woulda to be ~
or 3. I would hafta be ~
and so on...
Which is more natural? Please let me know. Thanks a lot.
I'd say the most natural phrasing with abbreviations is one unlisted, "I'd hafta be"
Как сказать на Английском (американский вариант)? "The abbreviation of " she is " and " she has" is the same, right?"
no, they are different. For example,
She is beautiful.
She has a beautiful hair.
She is beautiful.
She has a beautiful hair.
Other questions about "Abbreviation"
Abbreviation for ~
~'s abbreviation
Which of the two is more natural? это звучит нормально?
~'s abbreviation
Which of the two is more natural? это звучит нормально?
The first option sounds more natural
Abbreviation for ~
Abbreviation for ~
Please tell me abbreviations and newly coined words for texting in English😉
Texting/internet slang
Txt- text
Omw - on my way
Btw - by the way
Tbh- to be honest
U- you
Hbu- how about you
lol - general expression of laughter (laugh out loud)
(A bit older but sometime generally older people use) lol - lots of love
x/X - kisses
o/O - hugs (generally older people towards family, and older women to their friends add something like xxxooo to the end of their messages)
More varying stages of laughter
lmao- laughing my ass off
lmfao- laughing my f$&king ass off
Rofl- rolling in floor laughing
Roflmao- rolling in floor laughing my ass off
Roflmfao-rolling in floor laughing my f&$king ass off
(The acronyms with f$&k are eh... kinda vulgar but not the worst.)
More vulgar (don’t use)
stfu - shut the f&$k up
Kys- kill yourself
Kms- kill myself (it’s sad how used this can be online)
Fk up - f$&k up
Gamer: (used outside of games as well)
gg(wp) - good game (well played)
bg - bad game
Glhf- good luck have fun
Other internet slang depends on trend
There are a few online slang dictionaries that you can look at.
Urban dictionary Is a bit old but can be useful
There are some newer ones but their names escape me
Txt- text
Omw - on my way
Btw - by the way
Tbh- to be honest
U- you
Hbu- how about you
lol - general expression of laughter (laugh out loud)
(A bit older but sometime generally older people use) lol - lots of love
x/X - kisses
o/O - hugs (generally older people towards family, and older women to their friends add something like xxxooo to the end of their messages)
More varying stages of laughter
lmao- laughing my ass off
lmfao- laughing my f$&king ass off
Rofl- rolling in floor laughing
Roflmao- rolling in floor laughing my ass off
Roflmfao-rolling in floor laughing my f&$king ass off
(The acronyms with f$&k are eh... kinda vulgar but not the worst.)
More vulgar (don’t use)
stfu - shut the f&$k up
Kys- kill yourself
Kms- kill myself (it’s sad how used this can be online)
Fk up - f$&k up
Gamer: (used outside of games as well)
gg(wp) - good game (well played)
bg - bad game
Glhf- good luck have fun
Other internet slang depends on trend
There are a few online slang dictionaries that you can look at.
Urban dictionary Is a bit old but can be useful
There are some newer ones but their names escape me
I've heard that the abbreviation of words is not only the difference in simplicity but also the feeling of human acceptance. is that true? if yes, how is it different?
for example
I am / i'm , I will / I'll , I would / I'd etc
for example
I am / i'm , I will / I'll , I would / I'd etc
Contractions are the common way native speakers speak. We often don't use contractions when we want to sound adamant. Example. "I won't do it" becomes "I will not do it" This let's me stress "not" with my tone of voice. I'm making it really clear that I object to what was asked. It's unlikely that an English learner would be perceived as adamant by using "I will not do it" simply because they don't apply an angry/annoyed tone, but it still doesn't sound like a native speaker would.
Sometimes I see abbreviations like "u r ..." that means "You are ..." in online game chat.
When do/don't you use the abbreviations like this?
What do you think and feel about it?
When do/don't you use the abbreviations like this?
What do you think and feel about it?
Its an internet slang, you can use it like you would use normal japanese internet slang.
Ur = youre just like www = 草
Only used in non-formal situations.
Ur = youre just like www = 草
Only used in non-formal situations.
"Wasn't" is an abbreviation for "was not".
Is this expressions natural?
Is this expressions natural?
"Wasn't" is a contraction of "was not".
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