Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Banana"
The meaning of "Banana" in various phrases and sentences
Что значит you're bananas?
It’s slang to say “you’re crazy” or “you’re insane”
“You’re bananas!”
“estás loco!”
“You’re bananas!”
“estás loco!”
Что значит you're bananas?
Estás loco.
Что значит go banana ?
When he saw how beautiful she was he went bananas.
Что значит holy banana pants?
sometimes people say things like that instead of swearing/cursing. it doesn't actually mean anything
Что значит top banana?
It means the boss - the person in charge. They are ranked higher than everyone else so they are the "top." Another similar and more common expression is "top dog."
Example sentences using "Banana"
Покажите мне примеры предложений с bananas(it is go bananas' bananas).
to go bananas means go crazy.
she went bananas.
the kids made there mom go bananas.
she went bananas.
the kids made there mom go bananas.
Покажите мне примеры предложений с go bananas.
1. My daughter goes bananas whenever she sees a sweet shop.
2. My maths teacher goes bananas if you don't hand your homework in.
3. I don't even know what happened, she just went bananas!
2. My maths teacher goes bananas if you don't hand your homework in.
3. I don't even know what happened, she just went bananas!
Покажите мне примеры предложений с "go bananas" .
When you "go bananas" you behave in a slightly crazy or silly fashion. The expression is considered slang and is therefore used only in informal contexts.
The children will go bananas when they see the cute little puppy.
Aparna went bananas when she was introduced to Brad Pitt
The children will go bananas when they see the cute little puppy.
Aparna went bananas when she was introduced to Brad Pitt
Покажите мне примеры предложений с to go bananas(=crazy).
I'm going bananas because of my exams!
Ever since she broke up with her boyfriend, she's gone bananas!
(This is a very informal and slang phrase)
Ever since she broke up with her boyfriend, she's gone bananas!
(This is a very informal and slang phrase)
Покажите мне примеры предложений с top banana .
This is not extremely popular but it means to be number one (most important person) in an organization. I.e. "You just want to be top banana" (you just want to be most important). Younger people use it as slang for most interesting or easy to get along with person.
Synonyms of "Banana" and their differences
В чем разница между He is bananas и He goes bananas ?
He is bananas - the person is crazy all the time.
He goes bananas - the person becomes crazy (or excited) by an event. For example: he goes bananas when he sees his daughter.
He goes bananas - the person becomes crazy (or excited) by an event. For example: he goes bananas when he sees his daughter.
В чем разница между I eat a banana. и I eat bananas и What difference is there in these sentences? If I eat only one banana everyday and never eat plural numbers of bananas, Should I use “ I eat a banana.”? и Or If I say “I eat a banana.”, otherwise I accidentally happened to eat two banana on one day, Am I going to be a liar? ?
And if you say I’m eating banana even though you are not then you would be lying.
В чем разница между banana и a banana и bananas ?
"thank you guys:)
There is banana in this juice.
There is a banana in this juice.
whats the difference between them?"
In this case, you would say the first one. "Banana" is...more of a flavor here than a physical banana, I guess? You don't really know what the juice company did to make that bottle of banana juice. (If you made the juice yourself and put exactly one banana into it, then you could say either sentence, but the first would still be more natural.)
If your drink literally has a whole banana floating in it, then it's definitely "a banana."
"thank you guys:)
There is banana in this juice.
There is a banana in this juice.
whats the difference between them?"
In this case, you would say the first one. "Banana" is...more of a flavor here than a physical banana, I guess? You don't really know what the juice company did to make that bottle of banana juice. (If you made the juice yourself and put exactly one banana into it, then you could say either sentence, but the first would still be more natural.)
If your drink literally has a whole banana floating in it, then it's definitely "a banana."
В чем разница между banana и bananas ?
Banana - 🍌 x1 singular
Bananas - 🍌🍌 2+ (plural)
Bananas - 🍌🍌 2+ (plural)
В чем разница между ripe banana и banana ?
A ripe banana is a banana that is ready to eat. It's all yellow, or yellow with some brown spots.
An overripe banana is past ripe. It's all brown and very, very soft. You probably don't want to eat it.
(The opposite is "underripe" -- a banana that is still green.)
All ripe bananas are bananas but not all bananas are ripe!
You can use "ripe" with any fruit to say it is ready to eat.
An overripe banana is past ripe. It's all brown and very, very soft. You probably don't want to eat it.
(The opposite is "underripe" -- a banana that is still green.)
All ripe bananas are bananas but not all bananas are ripe!
You can use "ripe" with any fruit to say it is ready to eat.
Translations of "Banana"
Как сказать на Английском (американский вариант)? that's bananas
في الإنجليزية تقال That is a banana
Как сказать на Английском (американский вариант)? how do you say "banana" in English?
Check the question to view the answer
Как сказать на Английском (американский вариант)? what is go bananas?
To go crazy
Как сказать на Английском (американский вариант)? banana
Xin chào. Tôi là Monga của HiNative. Thường thì có nhiều người dùng phản hồi. Nhưng vì đã có một câu trả lời tốt rồi nên lúc này bạn vui lòng xem lại các câu trả lời minh hoạ cũ. Xin "nhấp" vào liên kết. โปรด"แตะ"ที่ลิงก์
Как сказать на Английском (британский вариант)? banana chahiye
I think it means, "Want a banana?"
Other questions about "Banana"
Which sounds natural?
A: I could step on a banana skin if it was lying on the floor and I wasn’t looking where I was going.
B: I could step on a banana skin if it were lying on the floor and I weren’t looking where I were going.
A: I could step on a banana skin if it was lying on the floor and I wasn’t looking where I was going.
B: I could step on a banana skin if it were lying on the floor and I weren’t looking where I were going.
A is better. B is technically correct but nobody really talks like that.
'slipping on a banana peel" is a well-known joke in japan, but no one will laugh at.
because everybody knows that trite clique and there's no punchline.
everybody will understand it's a prank, and say "so what?"
does it sound natural?
because everybody knows that trite clique and there's no punchline.
everybody will understand it's a prank, and say "so what?"
does it sound natural?
"Slipping on a banana peel" is a well-known joke in Japan, but no one laughs at it. This is because everybody knows it's a trite cliché. Everyone will understand it's a prank and say "so what?"
Just watching a ripen banana makes me soothed. это звучит нормально?
Just watching a ripened banana makes me feel soothed
1.A banana peeled.
2.This corn grinded. это звучит нормально?
2.This corn grinded. это звучит нормально?
No. It's just that in your example, it does not make sense for the banana to 'peel' by itself.
An example of 'peel' with intransitive use is for example "The paint on the wall has peeled".
But I admit, it is quite rare to use intransitive form of peel.
People usually just say "The paint on the wall is peeling"
Second example (for the corn), again the same thing. It doesn't make sense to say 'this corn grinds' because the corn cannot 'grind' itself. Someone has to grind the corn.
If you want to use intransitive, one example would be "The ground corn" <--- this is used to refer to the corn that has already been ground.
'ground' --> past tense of 'grind'
An example of 'peel' with intransitive use is for example "The paint on the wall has peeled".
But I admit, it is quite rare to use intransitive form of peel.
People usually just say "The paint on the wall is peeling"
Second example (for the corn), again the same thing. It doesn't make sense to say 'this corn grinds' because the corn cannot 'grind' itself. Someone has to grind the corn.
If you want to use intransitive, one example would be "The ground corn" <--- this is used to refer to the corn that has already been ground.
'ground' --> past tense of 'grind'
I went bananas because of Adam smith's the Wealth of Nations was too hard.
I got crazy because of Adam smith's the Wealth of Nations. это звучит нормально?
I got crazy because of Adam smith's the Wealth of Nations. это звучит нормально?
× I went bananas because of Adam smith's the Wealth of Nations was too hard.
✓ I went bananas because Adam Smith’s book “The Wealth of Nations” was too hard.
× I got crazy because of Adam smith's the Wealth of Nations.
✓ I went crazy because of Adam Smith’s book “The Wealth of Nations”
✓ I went bananas because Adam Smith’s book “The Wealth of Nations” was too hard.
× I got crazy because of Adam smith's the Wealth of Nations.
✓ I went crazy because of Adam Smith’s book “The Wealth of Nations”
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