Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Bananas"
The meaning of "Bananas" in various phrases and sentences
Что значит Bananas deliver less than 10 percent of our daily dose of the mineral potassium. ?
It means that people need a certain amount of potassium every day (daily dose). If bananas only give 10%, then to get enough potassium, we have to get it from somewhere else (or eat a lot more bananas).
Synonyms of "Bananas" and their differences
В чем разница между Bananas are my favourite fruit и The banana is my favourite fruit ?
ok, thank you
В чем разница между Bananas are put to my smoothies. и Bananas are put in my smoothies. ?
I agree with lily, that is pretty unnatural way to say it.
Translations of "Bananas"
Как сказать на Английском (американский вариант)? Bananas
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Other questions about "Bananas"
1. Bananas are growing well.
바나나가 잘 자라고 있다
2. John is growing bananas.
John은 바나나를 기르고 있다 это звучит нормально?
바나나가 잘 자라고 있다
2. John is growing bananas.
John은 바나나를 기르고 있다 это звучит нормально?
× 1. Bananas are growing well.
✓ 1. The bananas are growing well.
For the first sentence you must say the bananas to show that you are talking about the same bananas from earlier. If you just say bananas it sounds like you are saying that all bananas in the world/every banana is growing well!
✓ 1. The bananas are growing well.
For the first sentence you must say the bananas to show that you are talking about the same bananas from earlier. If you just say bananas it sounds like you are saying that all bananas in the world/every banana is growing well!
Bananas are my favorite food because they are very sweet. I can peel them easily and eat them right away! это звучит нормально?
Your first take would be more common.
Bananas make me full easily. это звучит нормально?
× Bananas make me full easily.
✓ Bananas fill me up easily.
The original is grammatically perfect, but this verb is used more.
✓ Bananas fill me up easily.
The original is grammatically perfect, but this verb is used more.
Bananas fit arid weather. это звучит нормально?
Maybe " bananas are suitable for arid weather" might be better.
Bananas are different from peaches and plums and get ripe almost constantly. это звучит нормально?
Bananas are different from peaches and plums and get ripe almost immediately.
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