Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Buttocks"
The meaning of "Buttocks" in various phrases and sentences
Что значит I came here because I thought you broke your buttocks ?
Muchas gracias ☺️
Что значит buttocks?
backside, or bum, or butt
natiche, culo
natiche, culo
Что значит the buttocks, the hips, bum, butt, ass?
Buttocks, bum, butt, and ass all refer to the same thing. It's the body part you sit on. Hips are the bones on each side of your waist.
The word buttocks is not used often, so for your example I would say butt or bum. Saying ass can be considered rude.
The word buttocks is not used often, so for your example I would say butt or bum. Saying ass can be considered rude.
Example sentences using "Buttocks"
Покажите мне примеры предложений с my shapely buttocks.
ちょっと変ですが…。😅 "He was staring at my shapely buttocks." "My shapely buttocks come from bicycling to work every day."
Synonyms of "Buttocks" and their differences
В чем разница между buttocks и buttcheeks ?
buttocks is the formal, medical term.
buttcheeks is the informal term.
buttcheeks is the informal term.
В чем разница между buttocks и gluteus ?
The gluteus muscles are in the buttocks. The buttocks are the whole area, including muscle, fat, and skin.
Translations of "Buttocks"
Как сказать на Английском (британский вариант)? buttocks
Check the question to view the answer
Как сказать на Английском (американский вариант)? buttocks
people normally just say butt in america but there is a lot of slang work for them as well
Other questions about "Buttocks"
I fell on my buttocks this morning. I got my new white shoes dirty when I fell. Today is not my day😢 это звучит нормально?
× I fell on my buttocks this morning.
✓ I fell on my butt this morning.
× I got my new white shoes dirty when I fell.
✓ I got my new, white shoes dirty when I fell.
✓ I fell on my butt this morning.
× I got my new white shoes dirty when I fell.
✓ I got my new, white shoes dirty when I fell.
and would you say buttocks or butt?
Who and and what situation would say buttocks ?
What does 'buttocks' mean in the following
It was in the news that Smugglers were smuggling cocaine in fake buttocks transplants.
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