Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Button"
The meaning of "Button" in various phrases and sentences
Что значит as cute as a button
= very cute.
It is an idiom.
It is an idiom.
Что значит You pushed my buttons, you shouldn't have pushed my buttons.?
If you’re “pushing someone’s buttons” you’re “annoying” them.
Что значит bust my buttons ?
It’s just a funny phrase. It kind of just means that he is shocked
Что значит button up his blackness?
to do things that white people would stereotypically do
Что значит she is bright as a button?
그녀는 버튼처럼 밝다.
Example sentences using "Button"
Покажите мне примеры предложений с Get to the button of.
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Покажите мне примеры предложений с button up everything .
button up everythingは子供がきちんと上着のボタンをかけるように、親が言う表現なので、一般的にはbutton up everythingだけが言われています。
however, sometimes people say "Make sure you button up everything" or "Don't forget to button up everything."
however, sometimes people say "Make sure you button up everything" or "Don't forget to button up everything."
Synonyms of "Button" and their differences
В чем разница между Try pressing this button. и Try to press this button. ?
English is not my native language, but I'll try to do my best 😊 (see if you can understand why I wrote "try to do my best" after reading my answer 😉)
Try + infinitive is used to talk about attempting to do something, making an effort to do something (usually something difficult and often failing in the process.)
Try + -ing, on the other hand, is used to talk about making an experiment (doing something to see what will happen.)
In other words:
Try to press this button. Can you do it? Are you strong enough?
Try pressing this button. Then see what happens afterwards. Maybe this will solve your problem?
Speaking of ATM machines, there's usually no difficulty in pressing the buttons, and they are there for a purpose (pressing them will help you in some way or another.) That's why "try pressing this button" sounds more natural here.
Let's look at another example, which I found on the Internet:
I tried to move the table but it was too heavy = moving the table was difficult, it required an effort and I had to give up in the end.
I didn't like the way the furniture was arranged, so I tried moving the table to the other side of the room = I moved it as an experiment to see if the room would look better. It wasn't difficult and it didn't require any effort on my part.
Try + infinitive is used to talk about attempting to do something, making an effort to do something (usually something difficult and often failing in the process.)
Try + -ing, on the other hand, is used to talk about making an experiment (doing something to see what will happen.)
In other words:
Try to press this button. Can you do it? Are you strong enough?
Try pressing this button. Then see what happens afterwards. Maybe this will solve your problem?
Speaking of ATM machines, there's usually no difficulty in pressing the buttons, and they are there for a purpose (pressing them will help you in some way or another.) That's why "try pressing this button" sounds more natural here.
Let's look at another example, which I found on the Internet:
I tried to move the table but it was too heavy = moving the table was difficult, it required an effort and I had to give up in the end.
I didn't like the way the furniture was arranged, so I tried moving the table to the other side of the room = I moved it as an experiment to see if the room would look better. It wasn't difficult and it didn't require any effort on my part.
В чем разница между "It pushes my buttons." и "It rubs me the wrong way." ?
The only difference I can think of is that you usually talk about people pushing your buttons (though it's not wrong to use it for other things), but "rubs me the wrong way" can be used for people or for scenarios/situations equally.
В чем разница между button и snaps ?
A button you have to pull through a hole on the opposite piece of clothing. A snap has two pieces you have to push together to close.
В чем разница между With the button pushed,the light turns on. и pushing the button make the light turn on. ?
if you are trying to explain to someone, that pushing the botton will turn on the light . "pushing the botton will turn on the light" or "pushing the botton will make the light turn on"
В чем разница между With the button pushed,the light turns on. и pushing the button make the light turn on. ?
There is no real difference but the former sounds like the lights and button are of a higher quality. There is a vision of a slight delay between pushing the button and the light coming on which somehow feels like a mark of quality.
Translations of "Button"
Как сказать на Английском (американский вариант)? Could you call the button in the picture that turns around “wheel”? “
“knob” would be more accurate
Как сказать на Английском (американский вариант)? このコートのゴールドの大きなbuttonがきにいっています。
I think it is: "There is a big gold button on this coat."
Как сказать на Английском (американский вариант)? gotten and button and forgotten and threatening
You can listen to the pronunciations of these words on the Oxford Learner's Dictionary.
Как сказать на Английском (американский вариант)? button, written, omitted, britain, vague, archive, and archaic
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Как сказать на Английском (американский вариант)? how do you say the button to turn on/off the light.
Other questions about "Button"
Пожалуйста, покажите как произносится "button" and "important".
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(1) You could find a button in the bottom left corner of the screen.
(2) You could find a button on the bottom left corner of the screen.
(3) You could find a button on the bottom left corner.
это звучит нормально?
(2) You could find a button on the bottom left corner of the screen.
(3) You could find a button on the bottom left corner.
это звучит нормально?
Good question.
This is more advanced -or sophisticated use of English.
Listen with your EARS -
to the sounds of the words
- as if you were listening to MUSIC.
Read this aloud:
What do you hear?
now read this aloud:
What do you hear?
I prefer the two words that sound very different.
You want them to find THE BUTTON
and THEN you want them to look
at the LOWER left corner.
The two separate sounding words help keep the focus clear. For instructions we want things CLEAR.
When words sound similar they blend together and BLUR things.
Words that sound so close - change how our mind responds.
Sometimes we want words to flow together - for example in poetry:
Poem - by Carl Sandburg
The fog comes
on little cat feet.
It sits looking
over harbor and city
on silent haunches
and then moves on.
You can hear - “ o “ sounds
throughout- they blend everything
into a smooth mist or fog
Hope this makes sense to you.
This is more advanced -or sophisticated use of English.
Listen with your EARS -
to the sounds of the words
- as if you were listening to MUSIC.
Read this aloud:
What do you hear?
now read this aloud:
What do you hear?
I prefer the two words that sound very different.
You want them to find THE BUTTON
and THEN you want them to look
at the LOWER left corner.
The two separate sounding words help keep the focus clear. For instructions we want things CLEAR.
When words sound similar they blend together and BLUR things.
Words that sound so close - change how our mind responds.
Sometimes we want words to flow together - for example in poetry:
Poem - by Carl Sandburg
The fog comes
on little cat feet.
It sits looking
over harbor and city
on silent haunches
and then moves on.
You can hear - “ o “ sounds
throughout- they blend everything
into a smooth mist or fog
Hope this makes sense to you.
When you push the button,
response ? reaction ?
response ? reaction ?
If it describes the behavior of the button itself (e.g. animation of it being pushed), I would go with "response". But "reaction" wouldn't be wrong either.
There is no button for paying the bill on the tablet device.
When you finish your meal, please bring your numbered card which was given on your table to the cash desk and pay the bill. это звучит нормально?
When you finish your meal, please bring your numbered card which was given on your table to the cash desk and pay the bill. это звучит нормально?
There is no option for paying the bill on the tablet device.
When you finish your meal, please bring your numbered card which was placed on your table to the cashier and pay the bill.
There is no option for paying the bill on the tablet device.
When you finish your meal, please bring your numbered card which was placed on your table to the cashier and pay the bill.
You have only to press the button. это звучит нормально?
You only have to press the button.
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