Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Cycling"
The meaning of "Cycling" in various phrases and sentences
Что значит You need to get to work everyday,so if you built cycling into the day,it essentially takes the willpower out of the equation.(What does take sth out of the equation mean?)?
This is a comparison to a mathematics equation that might look something like this:
“need transportation to work” + “need willpower to do exercise” = “things I should do everyday”
—If you get exercise by cycling to work, then there is no additional willpower required (it is removed from the equation)
“need transportation to work” + “need willpower to do exercise” = “things I should do everyday”
—If you get exercise by cycling to work, then there is no additional willpower required (it is removed from the equation)
Что значит cycling
All are sports squash is a british sport. Im not sure if windsurfing is american. Darts i wouldnt say is a sport but rather an activity. But all the other ones are sports in america! :)
Что значит cycling?
yep :)
Что значит tear up the cycling track?
If a cyclist is tearing up the cycling track, then it means they are very, very fast. This is a hyperbole; they are going so fast that they are causing damage to the track (not really).
If the city (government) is tearing up the track, then they are removing/demolishing it.
If the city (government) is tearing up the track, then they are removing/demolishing it.
Synonyms of "Cycling" and their differences
В чем разница между I went cycling for 50 km и I cycled 50 km ?
There is no difference in meaning.
The first seems to emphasise that you went cycling, not the distance.
The second emphasises the distance.
The first seems to emphasise that you went cycling, not the distance.
The second emphasises the distance.
В чем разница между cycling и ride a bike ?
@PiotrKowalPoland both have the same meaning
В чем разница между He is unskilled at cycling и He is inept at cycling ?
they mean the same thing! 'unskilled' and 'inept' can be classified as synonyms. :)
В чем разница между cycling и bicycling и biking ?
there is no real difference. "Biking" is most commonly used. "Bicycling" is more formal.
At gyms here in the USA there are "cycling" classes - which means stationary (not moving) bikes in a room with an instructor. "Spinning" or "spin class" is a copyrighted name for a "cycling" class.
At gyms here in the USA there are "cycling" classes - which means stationary (not moving) bikes in a room with an instructor. "Spinning" or "spin class" is a copyrighted name for a "cycling" class.
Translations of "Cycling"
Как сказать на Английском (британский вариант)? For whom are there are free cycling courses?
It’s fine. Everybody will understand what you mean.
Most modern people would say something like – who is entitled to the free cycling courses?
“Whom” is pretty much officially a dying word. Various constructions of – who – have been replacing it for decades.
It’s fine. Everybody will understand what you mean.
Most modern people would say something like – who is entitled to the free cycling courses?
“Whom” is pretty much officially a dying word. Various constructions of – who – have been replacing it for decades.
Как сказать на Английском (британский вариант)? to do cycling
to go cycling
to go cycling
thanks a lot!
Как сказать на Английском (американский вариант)? What does ‘You’ve been cycling on your own ages.’ mean?
That sentence does not make sense.
maybe they meant to write: you've been cycling on your own for ages.
This could mean:
- you have a lot of experience cycling.
- you have been cycling for a long time, and that is why you are good at cycling.
However, it really depends on the context of the situation/conversation.
maybe they meant to write: you've been cycling on your own for ages.
This could mean:
- you have a lot of experience cycling.
- you have been cycling for a long time, and that is why you are good at cycling.
However, it really depends on the context of the situation/conversation.
Как сказать на Английском (американский вариант)? It was very tired so I went cycling for 60 minutes,
Cycling is loved for my family,
Cycling is loved for my family,
"I was very tired, so I went cycling for 60 minutes. My family loves cycling."
Other questions about "Cycling"
I often join a virtual cycling race for trinig, but if I do it in night, I can't fall asleep. это звучит нормально?
× I often join a virtual cycling race for trinig, but if I do it in night, I can't fall asleep.
✓ I often join a virtual cycling race for training, but if I do it at night then I can't fall asleep.
✓ I often join a virtual cycling race for training, but if I do it at night then I can't fall asleep.
I like cycling, but I don't like cleaning bikes very muck. However, it's necessary to do that to keep bikes working well. это звучит нормально?
× I like cycling, but I don't like cleaning bikes very muck.
✓ I like cycling, but I don't like cleaning bikes very much.
× However, it's necessary to do that to keep bikes working well.
✓ However, it's necessary to do that to keep the bikes working well.
✓ I like cycling, but I don't like cleaning bikes very much.
× However, it's necessary to do that to keep bikes working well.
✓ However, it's necessary to do that to keep the bikes working well.
While cycling, I found a frog at the center of a trail. Since t looked a bit dangerous, I carried it at the edge of it. это звучит нормально?
@kinesis Yes! But at the same time using two "it"s that refer to two things in the same sentence can sound too repetitive.
It's really just a matter of preference though, since using "the trail" and your original sentence both make sense 😄
It's really just a matter of preference though, since using "the trail" and your original sentence both make sense 😄
It's said that cycling on trails right after the rain can damage the condition of them, so you should refrain. это звучит нормально?
× It's said that cycling on trails right after the rain can damage the condition of them, so you should refrain.
✓ It's said that cycling on trails right after the rain can damage them. To preserve their condition avoid riding on them after the rain.
what you wrote is fine. some suggestions to sound a bit more natural. avoid is more common than refrain. Even my suggested second sentence is a bit much. you could also make the second sentence as simple as "so don't do it!" in conversation.
✓ It's said that cycling on trails right after the rain can damage them. To preserve their condition avoid riding on them after the rain.
what you wrote is fine. some suggestions to sound a bit more natural. avoid is more common than refrain. Even my suggested second sentence is a bit much. you could also make the second sentence as simple as "so don't do it!" in conversation.
I like cycling in nature. это звучит нормально?
I like riding my bike in nature も使われる
Meanings and usages of similar words and phrases
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