Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Dump"
The meaning of "Dump" in various phrases and sentences
Что значит why would you dump on me??
I’m not sure of the situation, but “dump on” would be kind of slang for”criticize” or “make fun of”. So one possibility is “why would you dump on me for the way I dress? You know I don’t have any money for new clothes”
“Why would you dump me” would be asking someone why they broke off a romantic relationship with someone. A girl might ask a boy they were dating “why would you dump me?”
“Why would you dump me” would be asking someone why they broke off a romantic relationship with someone. A girl might ask a boy they were dating “why would you dump me?”
Что значит dumped?
It can be used in different ways.
“I dumped the food out”(saying you threw it away or put it somewhere else)
“My boyfriend dumped me”(saying that he broke up with me)
“I dumped the food out”(saying you threw it away or put it somewhere else)
“My boyfriend dumped me”(saying that he broke up with me)
Что значит take a dump?
Slang for going to the toilet and having a poo! :D
Что значит too young , too dump to realize?
It means that when you are young you cant realize things that older people can. It also means that you are less intelligent when you are young.
Что значит dump sb ?
sb stands for somebody, so dump sb means to break up with someone, i.e. to not be in a relationship with them anymore
Example sentences using "Dump"
Покажите мне примеры предложений с dump.
Also sometimes used in slang as in: "Her boyfriend dumped her" (he got rid of her without a good reason or without an explanation.) Also, used to describe a run-down or not very good place, as in: "This house is a dump."
Покажите мне примеры предложений с dump throw away.
Factories dump waste into rivers.
I dumped my heavy textbooks onto the table.
If Elyse gets a bad score on a test, she throws away the test.
If Elyse gets a bad score on a test, she throws the test away.
I threw away my trash.
Official Definitions:
dump: to deposit or dispose of (garbage, waste, or unwanted material), typically in a careless or hurried way
throw away: to get rid of something that you no longer want
Other Meanings:
dump: to abandon or desert (someone), especially in a relationship
throw away: to waste something such as an opportunity or an advantage, for example by doing something silly
The girl dumped her boyfriend yesterday.
Don't throw away this wonderful opportunity.
I dumped my heavy textbooks onto the table.
If Elyse gets a bad score on a test, she throws away the test.
If Elyse gets a bad score on a test, she throws the test away.
I threw away my trash.
Official Definitions:
dump: to deposit or dispose of (garbage, waste, or unwanted material), typically in a careless or hurried way
throw away: to get rid of something that you no longer want
Other Meanings:
dump: to abandon or desert (someone), especially in a relationship
throw away: to waste something such as an opportunity or an advantage, for example by doing something silly
The girl dumped her boyfriend yesterday.
Don't throw away this wonderful opportunity.
Покажите мне примеры предложений с dump.
'The house was a complete dump'
'I dumped my boyfriend'
'I need to take this scrap to the dump'
'I need to take a dump'
'I dumped my boyfriend'
'I need to take this scrap to the dump'
'I need to take a dump'
Покажите мне примеры предложений с dump the phone.
No hay frases comunes. Adivino que encontraste esa frase en una película o algo, ¿no? "Dump the phone" es una manera de decir "tira el celular", pero no se usa en la vida diaria, solamente si uno es un espía o agente secreto :)
Покажите мне примеры предложений с take a dump.
I really have to take a dump, but someone is in the restroom.
Synonyms of "Dump" and their differences
В чем разница между dump rubbish и throw away rubbish ?
Throw away rubbish means something you want to get rid off and dump is a place where you throw rubbish,hope this helps <3
В чем разница между dump и throw away ?
両方とも「捨てる」の意味なんですが、throw awayは普通にゴミ箱に捨てるって意味です。
В чем разница между to dump и to pour и to throw и to toss ?
dump = jogar fora, fazer dumping, dar demais pra outra pessoa
pour = servir (bebida), jorrar
throw/toss = jogar (menos casual/mais casual)
‘Don’t dump your trash here, pick it up’
‘Pour me a glass of hot chocolate while it’s pouring outside’
‘Don’t throw things inside the house’
‘Hey, toss me that pen really quick’
pour = servir (bebida), jorrar
throw/toss = jogar (menos casual/mais casual)
‘Don’t dump your trash here, pick it up’
‘Pour me a glass of hot chocolate while it’s pouring outside’
‘Don’t throw things inside the house’
‘Hey, toss me that pen really quick’
В чем разница между "dumped" и "forsaked" и "deserted" и "abandoned" ?
Dumped = plantar, dejar, abandonar = to break up with someone, to end a relationship (slang)
Forsaked (Forsook) = renunciar dejar, abandonar = to leave someone or something of great importance to you, usually for very personal reasons (poetic, literary)
Deserted = vacío, desierto, deshabitado/a, desatendido, abandonado
Desert = abandonar, desertar; desertio = To leave without permission (like a military post) or to leave without any plans or returning (to desert a house that then falls into ruin); or the desert - a hot habitat with very little water.
Forsaked (Forsook) = renunciar dejar, abandonar = to leave someone or something of great importance to you, usually for very personal reasons (poetic, literary)
Deserted = vacío, desierto, deshabitado/a, desatendido, abandonado
Desert = abandonar, desertar; desertio = To leave without permission (like a military post) or to leave without any plans or returning (to desert a house that then falls into ruin); or the desert - a hot habitat with very little water.
В чем разница между you can dump it if you don't want и you can throw it away if you don't want ?
@tjstkdn There is no difference to the meaning.
'Dump' is slightly more informal than 'Throw it away' but they both mean to get rid of something.
'Dump' is slightly more informal than 'Throw it away' but they both mean to get rid of something.
Translations of "Dump"
Как сказать на Английском (американский вариант)? dump truck이 미국에서는 욕인가요?
욕이 아니고 그냥 속어예요. 엉덩이의 속어. 사람에 따라 칭찬으로 들릴수도 있어요.
예) She got a big dump truck.
그녀가 육감적인 엉덩이가 있다.
예) She got a big dump truck.
그녀가 육감적인 엉덩이가 있다.
Как сказать на Английском (американский вариант)? dump
Check the question to view the answer
Как сказать на Английском (британский вариант)? dumped
Check the question to view the answer
Как сказать на Английском (американский вариант)? dump
Other questions about "Dump"
The dump truck tilted its dumper up to tip the gravel on the ground.
Is it grammatically correct?
Is it grammatically correct?
Close! I would recommend using “bed” (as in truck bed, not a bed for sleeping) and using “dump” instead of “tilt”.
”The dump truck tilted its bed up to dump the gravel on the ground.”
”The dump truck tilted its bed up to dump the gravel on the ground.”
1. The dump truck poured dirt in the large hole.
2. The dump truck poured dirt into the large hole.
Which one is correct? In vs into.
I think both are correct
2. The dump truck poured dirt into the large hole.
Which one is correct? In vs into.
I think both are correct
Technically the second one is more correct, if you mean that the truck is putting dirt in the hole from the outside. The first sentence can be interpreted as both the truck and the dirt are in the hole.
Most native speakers will probably infer what you mean if you use the first sentence, but the second one will help avoid confusion.
Most native speakers will probably infer what you mean if you use the first sentence, but the second one will help avoid confusion.
Have you taken a dump in your pants? это звучит нормально?
Did you take a dump in your pants?
Your sentence is correct, but does not sound natural because no English speaker will ask that sort of question. ^^
Your sentence is correct, but does not sound natural because no English speaker will ask that sort of question. ^^
Why did they call it a dump truck? Isn't it a pick-up truck?
Yes, it's a pick up truck, or just a truck. they're wrong.
dump in your all energy just untill your life change into the whole nee level это звучит нормально?
Dump in all your energy until your life changes to a new level.
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