Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Negotiate"
The meaning of "Negotiate" in various phrases and sentences
Что значит negotiating?
Finding a middle ground between people
Что значит negotiate?
here it means "to find a way through (a path or obstacle)" or just "to follow (a path)"
Что значит negotiating?
making a deal
Example sentences using "Negotiate"
Покажите мне примеры предложений с negotiate.
1. We can negotiate on the price.
2. I can’t negotiate anymore.
3. You can negotiate with them if you want.
4. I can negotiate with her if you want.
5. I will negotiate with her until she gives me the price I want.
2. I can’t negotiate anymore.
3. You can negotiate with them if you want.
4. I can negotiate with her if you want.
5. I will negotiate with her until she gives me the price I want.
Покажите мне примеры предложений с negotiate.
The police are negotiating with the criminal
Покажите мне примеры предложений с negotiate .
"We do not negotiate with criminals". "Let's negotiate a new deal". "I am not willing to negotiate on the price".
Покажите мне примеры предложений с negotiate .
I was going into a business meeting, and was prepared to negotiate for better funds.
Покажите мне примеры предложений с negotiate.
Synonyms of "Negotiate" and their differences
В чем разница между negotiate и walk through ?
Oh, OK, thanks for the info. That helps a lot.
It seems like you know that, in this context, the definition of the verb "to negotiate" is *to succeed in crossing, surmounting, moving through, etc.*
So in your novel, I think "get through" is a better alternative than "walk through".
To answer your question:
Yes, "negotiate" is a very fancy word for "get through" (walk through). It is much less casual than "get through" (walk through). I don't think I ever hear this meaning of "negotiate" used in casual conversation. I think "negotiate" is probably used mostly by academics, intellectuals, writers, and journalists.
It seems like you know that, in this context, the definition of the verb "to negotiate" is *to succeed in crossing, surmounting, moving through, etc.*
So in your novel, I think "get through" is a better alternative than "walk through".
To answer your question:
Yes, "negotiate" is a very fancy word for "get through" (walk through). It is much less casual than "get through" (walk through). I don't think I ever hear this meaning of "negotiate" used in casual conversation. I think "negotiate" is probably used mostly by academics, intellectuals, writers, and journalists.
В чем разница между negotiate и consult ?
negotiate = try to reach an outcome which is favorable for all.
consult = ask for advice
consult = ask for advice
В чем разница между negotiate и bargain ?
They are the same when used as verbs.
“I want negotiate the price”
“I want to bargain on the price”
However it’s more common to use negotiate generally speaking.
Something to also note is the word bargain can be used in substitute of the word “Deal” as a noun.
So using both in an example:
“I will get a bargain on the price of the car if I negotiate with the salesman”
“I want negotiate the price”
“I want to bargain on the price”
However it’s more common to use negotiate generally speaking.
Something to also note is the word bargain can be used in substitute of the word “Deal” as a noun.
So using both in an example:
“I will get a bargain on the price of the car if I negotiate with the salesman”
В чем разница между negotiate и dicker ?
Negotiate is more formal, and usually refers to the main thing that is negotiated.
Dicker is very informal, and can have two meanings:
1. After the main part of the deal is negotiated, you can discuss the price or details casually. "They dickered back and forth about who would drive." In this sense, it doesn't mean anything negative.
2. To insist on something petty. In this sense, it can have a negative meaning. For example, if you "dicker about the price" it means you are spending a lot of time trying to get a small advantage. However, someone can say, "They dickered about the price" without meaning anything negative.
You can never say "They dickered a business deal." You can only say "they dickered about a small detail" or "about the details." You can, however, say either, "They negotiated a business deal" or "they negotiated the details."
"Dickered" is a bit old-fashioned and is more rarely used now. It's also kind of regional -- it's used more in the Southern US than in other parts. Many native English speakers don't know the word exists or what it means. That's why someone thought you meant "bicker" which is to argue. In fact, you may have meant bicker! Bicker can mean the same thing as "dicker" above.
Dicker is very informal, and can have two meanings:
1. After the main part of the deal is negotiated, you can discuss the price or details casually. "They dickered back and forth about who would drive." In this sense, it doesn't mean anything negative.
2. To insist on something petty. In this sense, it can have a negative meaning. For example, if you "dicker about the price" it means you are spending a lot of time trying to get a small advantage. However, someone can say, "They dickered about the price" without meaning anything negative.
You can never say "They dickered a business deal." You can only say "they dickered about a small detail" or "about the details." You can, however, say either, "They negotiated a business deal" or "they negotiated the details."
"Dickered" is a bit old-fashioned and is more rarely used now. It's also kind of regional -- it's used more in the Southern US than in other parts. Many native English speakers don't know the word exists or what it means. That's why someone thought you meant "bicker" which is to argue. In fact, you may have meant bicker! Bicker can mean the same thing as "dicker" above.
В чем разница между negotiate и bargain ?
To bargain is mostly about making a deal ( a commercial transaction) - ( a bargain is a cheap deal) "Trump is bargaining with the welfare of the US by cutting funds" vs. "Citizens are trying to negotiate with politicians to get their voices heard." To negotiate can mean to bargain but it can also mean to compromise on the meaning of something . Negotiate can apply to non-material things whereas bargains are usually about money. For example, I can negotiate with someone about the meaning of a word but I would not bargain with someone about the meaning of the word.
Translations of "Negotiate"
Как сказать на Английском (американский вариант)? negotiate
Neu ban muon biet cach phat am thi hay xem trang web nay:
(Hinh cua ban la ai vay? co phai tu PDX101 ko? 😊)
(Hinh cua ban la ai vay? co phai tu PDX101 ko? 😊)
Как сказать на Английском (американский вариант)? negotiating
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Как сказать на Английском (американский вариант)? negotiate
hope this pronunciation helps !
Как сказать на Английском (американский вариант)? negotiate
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Как сказать на Английском (американский вариант)? negotiate
Other questions about "Negotiate"
I negotiate and finally compromised with her. это звучит нормально?
I negotiated and finally compromised with her.
Пожалуйста, покажите как произносится to negotiate.
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Пожалуйста, покажите как произносится negotiate.
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Пожалуйста, покажите как произносится negotiate.
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negotiated это звучит нормально?
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