Papers by Renate Egger-Wenzel
De Gruyter eBooks, Dec 20, 2021
De Gruyter eBooks, Feb 4, 2013
Der Artikel von Francis Macatangay hat wesentliche Querverbindungen in Hinsicht auf die Exodustra... more Der Artikel von Francis Macatangay hat wesentliche Querverbindungen in Hinsicht auf die Exodustradition zwischen den BüchernExodus, Deuteronomium und Tobit aufgezeigt, doch lässt sich darüber hinaus noch weit mehr Material finden, ohne bisher die Wort- bzw. Textebene ernsthaft untersucht zu haben. Durch ähnliche oder in der Tobiterzählung absichtlich variierte Exodus-Themen wird eine Verbindung zwischen beiden Textkonvoluten hergestellt. Im deuterokanonischen Buch wird dieses Material als identitätsstiftende Tradition großteils durch Tobits Belehrungen kreativ erneuert bzw. wach gehalten. Wo im Exodusbuch die Israeliten als Gemeinschaft gefordert sind und mehrfach versagen, stehen im in der Diaspora spielenden Tobitbuch Einzelschicksale im Vordergrund und münden trotz der zu bestehenden Gefährdungen in eine Erfolgsstory für die einzelnen Protagonisten. Damit kommt es – und hier nehme ich Bezug auf den gewählten Titel meines Beitrags – zu einer Individualisierung des Exodusgeschehens, z.T. verteilt auf mehrere Figuren im Tobitbuch. Die rabbinische Überlieferung scheint sich des folkloristischen Tobit-Materials zu bedienen und dieses mit der Exodustradition in der Figur des Mose zu verknüpfen. Damit wird das Buch Tobit zu einer Art Midrasch der Mosesüberlieferung. Man könnte es auch mit Weitzman so ausdrücken: „… the evocation of ‚classical‘ biblical texts such as the Pentateuch was one of the most common compositional techniques among Jewish authors in the early postbiblical period …“
De Gruyter eBooks, Jun 27, 2012
author of the Book of Judith writing in the Hasmonean period and points to ancient Near Eastern a... more author of the Book of Judith writing in the Hasmonean period and points to ancient Near Eastern antecedents (esp. the Behistun inscription). 5 Cf. the discussion by PRIEBATSCH, Buch, 54-56. According to SCHMITZ, Betulia, the fictional location near the Jezreel valley refers not only to a classical battlefield within Israel's history, but also (by its description) to the Battle of Thermopylae (Herodotus, Hist. 7.175-176). At the same time, the naming of the place Bethulia enables numerous etymological associations, such as virgin or house of God, associations reflected semantically within the Judith narrative; cf. OTZEN, Tobit, 87-90. 6 Von GEMÜNDEN, Affekt, 14. 7 Von GEMÜNDEN, Affekt, 14; cf. also her discussion of the different positions with bibliographical notes (13-16). 8 Wonder, love, hatred, desire, joy, and sadness; cf. DESCARTES, Leidenschaften. 9 This approach is described in the context of theories of cognitive emotions, theories that are in conflict with the theories referring to the cultural context. "Daneben gibt es eine dritte Gruppe von Theorien, die versuchen, die Natur der Emotionen zu erklären, die ‚Sozial konstruktivistischen Theorien', die dem sozialen Kontext in der Genese der Gefühle einen übergeordneten und der Biologie einen eher untergeordneten Stellenwert einräumen" (WASSMANN, Macht, 143).
The new Ben Sira fragment of manuscript C, which Elizur had published recently in Tarbiz 76 (2008... more The new Ben Sira fragment of manuscript C, which Elizur had published recently in Tarbiz 76 (2008), shows only the lines of the manuscript. In addition her numbering could confuse a little. So it was necessary to proof the cola and compare them with the text editions. In summary there were found the following cola: Sir 3:27a.b(A); 6:5a-10b(A), 12a-15b(A),; 20:30a-31b; 21:22a-23b, 26a.b; 22:11a-12b, 21a-22b; 23:11a.b; 25:7c.d; 36:24b(B,Bm) and 37:1a, 2a-2b(B,Bm,D).
Blindness respectively amblyopia is a handicap nowadays as well in the ancient world, which cause... more Blindness respectively amblyopia is a handicap nowadays as well in the ancient world, which causes many problems. At the age over 75 the “cataract” is with more than 90 % the most frequent diagnosis concerning the eyes. In the ancient world there was no chance for healing. Both in the Bible and in old-eastern codices there exist regulations how to deal with blind persons. For an occupational group within the cultic area however blindness seems to be a kind of quality criterion, which was possibly straight suited by the physical handicap to receive and interpret the Lord’s message better than seeing humans.
De Gruyter eBooks, Oct 22, 2023
The narrator of the Book of Esther speaks positively about a Jewish "way of life&quo... more The narrator of the Book of Esther speaks positively about a Jewish "way of life" (τὴν ἀγωγήν, 2:20) only in the long version of the Greek text. According to 2:7, Mordechai educates his foster child Esther in these principles and at the end of the book he does the same for "all his people" (10:3). Mordechai apparently by then had become the alleged successor of king Artaxerxes. Is the narrator suggesting that he is educating the Jews and those fellow citizens who had converted out of fear and perhaps even the entire Persian Empire? Add. B, which cites the edict of king Artaxerxes instigated by Haman, also mentions a "Jewish way of life" that is allegedly disastrous for the Persian Empire (τὸ ἐθνος μονώτατον ἐν ἀντιπαραγωγῇ παντὶ διὰ παντὸς ἀνθρώπῳ κείμενον διαγωγὴν νόμων ξενίζουσαν παραλλάσσον, B:5) and concludes that Jewry must be utterly destroyed. Here a member of a supposed in-group, that is, Haman, wishes to eliminate an out-group, which is a whole people, that is the Jews. Contrary to his plan, however his in-group proves to be an out-group and the people that he regarded as an out-group emerge as loyal and admirable Persian citizens.
Emotions from Ben Sira to Paul
... Printed in Germany Cover Design: Christopher Schneider, Berlin Page 7. ... 266. Cf. FV REITER... more ... Printed in Germany Cover Design: Christopher Schneider, Berlin Page 7. ... 266. Cf. FV REITERER (ed.) Bibliographie zu Ben Sira unter Mitarbeit von N. Calduch-Benages/R. Egger-Wenzel/A.Fersterer/I. Krammer,(BZAW 266; Berlin/New York: de Gruyter, 1998). ...
Papers by Renate Egger-Wenzel