Social media, increasingly entrenched in our lives, is as much a passing fad as was the automobile a century ago. What is this growing trend, and how can businesses strategically use it to their advantage?
By now, we've all heard that what makes social media "different" are such elements as essential two-way dialogues, grassroots-driven growth and that whole "community" element... There have been books all about "social currency," "social... more
In view of the disadvantages of the traditional time-varying algorithm about nonstationary random vibration signal of a spacecraft with close spaced modal frequency. A process neural network (PNN) based on the empirical mode decomposition... more
Canadian oil sands reserves are located in three major areas, Athabasca, Cold Lake and Peace River, in the Province of Alberta. According to Alberta's government, Canadian oil sands are the second largest source of oil in the world... more
In this work, by using the local node refinement technique purposed in [1, 2], and a quad-tree type algorithm [3, 4], we built a global refinement technique for Kansa's unsymmetric collocation approach. The proposed scheme is based on a... more
We describe heterogeneous multi-CPU and multi-GPU implementations of Jacobi's iterative method for the 2-D Poisson equation on a structured grid, in both single-and doubleprecision. Properly tuned, our best implementation achieves 98% of... more
A novel method for detection of lines in a digital image used in line scale calibration process is described. The line images are recorded by a moving microscope and a CCD camera. This method is based on the center of the line instead of... more
This report was prepared as an account of Government sponsored work. Neither the United States, nor the Commission, nor any person acting on behalf of the Commission: A. Makes any warranty or representation, expressed or implied, with... more
The heavy lift launch vehicles (HLLV) proposed for use in constructing satellite pomer systems (SPS) mould deposit various contaminants in the middle atmosphere, contaminants that would conceivable have adverse effects on climate and... more
可达~30.5 mg/g, 该过程更符合 Langmuir 吸附模型, 与块体 g-C 3 N 4 相比吸附容量提高了~1.83 倍。光催化还原实验 表明: 三维大孔 g-C 3 N 4 具有高的光催化活性和良好的稳定性, 其还原反应速率常数为~0.0142 min-1 , 是块体 g-C 3 N 4 (~0.0024 min-1)的~5.9 倍。鉴于三维大孔 g-C 3 N 4 具有较优异的吸附-催化还原性能, 该材料有望应用于放射性废水
Colored fringe pattern approach has been proposed to overcome the limitations of the sequential phase-shifting fringe pattern profilometry for dynamic measurements. However, the use of colored fringe patterns leads to a mayor problem, the... more
During the last years, there has been increased interest in developing efficient radial basis function (RBF) algorithms to solve partial differential problems of great scale. In this article, we are interested in solving large PDEs... more
Recent numer ical studies have proved that multiquadric collo ca tion methods can achieve expo nen tial rate of conver gence for elliptic prob lems. Although some investi ga tions has been performed for time dependent prob lems, the influ... more