International Journal for the Study of Skepticism, Volume 7, Issue 4, pages 246 – 257 Publication Year : 2017
The two main components of Coliva's view are Moderatism and Extended Rationality. According to Mo... more The two main components of Coliva's view are Moderatism and Extended Rationality. According to Moderatism, a belief about specific material objects is perceptually justified iff, absent defeaters, one has the appropriate course of experience and it is assumed that there is an external world. I grant Moderatism and instead focus on Extended Rationality, according to which it is epistemically rational to believe evidentially warranted propositions and to accept those unwarrantable assumptions that make the acquisition of perceptual warrants possible and are therefore constitutive of ordinary evidential warrants. I suggest that, even though Extended Rationality might be true, it cannot do the work that Coliva wants it to do. Although my objections do not show that it is false, they can serve to clarify what sorts of problem a theory of justification or rationality could possibly address. This provides an alternative to Coliva's view of the skeptical problem and the question, on what does rationality hinge?
Papers by Yuval Avnur
stopped by rejecting Cartesian Skepticism. If she is right, Wilson has solved one of philosophy’s
enduring problems. However, her regress is irrelevant to Cartesian Skepticism. This is evident
once the proposition that we should have doubts, the person who has doubts, and the person who
thinks that we should have doubts are carefully distinguished.
stopped by rejecting Cartesian Skepticism. If she is right, Wilson has solved one of philosophy’s
enduring problems. However, her regress is irrelevant to Cartesian Skepticism. This is evident
once the proposition that we should have doubts, the person who has doubts, and the person who
thinks that we should have doubts are carefully distinguished.