David Hume
Recent papers in David Hume
David Hume (1711-1776) ranks among the greatest of philosophers and issues of religion lie at the heart of what most concerned him. Although the exact nature of Hume’s attitude to religion is a matter of some controversy, there is general... more
In everyday language, according to the Oxford English Dictionary, "people often confuse the words empathy and sympathy." As is clarified promptly, "empathy means 'the ability to understand and share the feelings of another' (as in both... more
“İntihar Üzerine” (Ek 1) ve “Ruhun Ölümsüzlüğü Üzerine” (Ek 2) denemeleri, David Hume’un din bağlamında dogmatik inanışları, uslamlamaları en keskin bir biçimde eleştirdiği yazılarıdır. Görgül felsefesinin temel doğruları ve izlediği... more
Descartes’s belief in innate ideas still looms, in one form or another, over the history of philosophy today. In typical Early-Modern, Rationalist fashion, Descartes presents readers with main arguments for his belief in these... more
According to David Hume the imagination is a mental faculty that forms, unites and separates ideas. This creative character puts it in a position to play a major role not only in fiction — once it’s due to the imagination that we conceive... more
Οι καλλιτεχνικοί συνδυασμοί είναι τόσοι, όσοι και οι εμπειρίες, ενώ ο λογικός εντοπισμός τους περιορίζεται στις στοιχειώδεις περιγραφές των μορφών και όχι στην ουσιώδη φύση τους. Ένα τέτοιο συμπέρασμα είναι αρκετό ώστε να παροτρύνει την... more
O Tratado da Natureza Humana provavelmente é a obra mais conhecida do filósofo escocês David Hume. Ela está dividida em três partes distintas, mais um Apêndice, tendo esse último a função de esclarecer ou apontar alguns aspectos obscuros... more
What is the explanation behind this Scottish interest in taste in the middle of the 18th century? Hume, Smith, Kames and BLair discussing issues connecting taste, passions and society
Hume famously argues that the laws of nature provide us with decisive reason to believe that any testimony of a miracle is false. In this paper, I argue that the laws of nature, as such, give us no reason at all to believe that the... more
The issue I will examine is the role played by imitating others’ hatred of oneself—whether the ‘internalization’ of others’ hatred of one’s vice is a necessary condition and constituent of ‘agency’ as such, and specifically moral... more
The core of D. Lewis' many con tribution to philosophy, including his work in philosophical ontolo gy, intensional logic and semantics, probability and decision theory, and topics within philosophy of science as well as a distinguished... more
Wer sich mit der Philosophie des Geistes beschäftigt, kommt an David Hume nicht vorbei. In seinem "Treatise of Human Nature" (1739/40) stellt er eine Konzeption von Selbst (self), Geist (mind) oder Seele (soul) vor, die einige Autoren... more
A French, a Scotch and a German; 16 th and 18 th centuries; a rationalist, a skeptic and a universalist; René Descartes, David Hume and Immanuel Kant had searched for the question of whether there would be any certain knowledge and if... more
It has long been known that Jean-Baptiste Du Bos (and, in particular, his book Critical Reflections on Poetry and Painting) exercised a considerable influence on Hume's essays and, in particular, on the 'Of the Standard of Taste' and 'Of... more
1. Quote/Unquote Philosophers like other people often have a weakness for quiz-shows. And like the crew in the Hunting of the Snark, they are all of them fond of quotations 1 . So I begin with a quotation and a question. The quotation... more
Angesichts der wegweisenden Beiträge, die Autoren wie Platon, Aristoteles, Thomas von Aquin oder auch Thomas Hobbes zu der altehrwürdigen und immer aktuellen Debatte um die Gerechtigkeit geleistet haben, wären die Antworten, die David... more
Die systematische Diskussion um die Gültigkeit der These von der Unableitbarkeit eines Sollens aus einem Sein ist bis auf den heutigen Tag nicht abgeklungen. Für unser Thema ist von Bedeutung, daß Befürworter wie Kritiker der sogenannten... more
In this short comparative essay, I will compare Hume and Plato on the question of: “To what extent is beauty a matter of sentiment?” We will see that for Hume—using primarily his essay “Of the Standard of Taste”—beauty is purely a matter... more
Da Pirrone a Rorty, passando per Socrate, Carneade, Cicerone, Giovanni di Salisbury, Guicciardini, Montaigne, Sorbière, Pascal, Bayle, Hume, Nietzsche, Russell, Rensi, Oakeshott e Popper: il volume offre per la prima volta un quadro... more
Céljainkat és a cselekvés erkölcsi értékét gyakran az érzelmek, a bennünk lévő szenvedélyek határozzák meg. Kecskés Pál (1895-1976) szavaival az így értelmezett etika „voltaképpen az érzelmek természetrajza” . Szenvedélyeink és... more
'Hume has no theory of sovereignty. As a result he is frequently supposed to lack a proper theory of politics, providing only a political sociology incapable of addressing the central normative significance of political obligation in... more
A retired Belgian bricklayer claimed in 2014 that a miracle had taken place in his garage. A statue of Mother Mary gave light in the darkness. Scientists have demystified this supposed miracle. It is against this background that the... more
Our objective is to address the question about human beings by means of the concept of experience. Due to the existing arguments and critiques targeting all aspects of the modern paradigm, our approach will be based on D. Hume’s... more
Comme sceptique, Hume est souvent considéré comme réduisant la causalité à une fiction ou croyance naturelle sans garantie. Nous ne percevons jamais les liens qui unissent les causes aux effets et nous contenterions de les projeter sur... more
RESUMEN: El artículo presenta y contrasta el papel central de la simpatía en las teorías morales de Hume y Smith a lo largo de cinco puntos: 1) la simpatía como «fuente principal de las distinciones morales» y como contrapunto al egoísmo,... more
Review of "Hume: An Intellectual Biography"by James A. Harris, published in The New York Review of Books
Dorst recently concludes that the measurement problem of standard quantum mechanics (SQM) dissolves if we accept Humeanism about laws of nature. In this Comment, I argue that his analysis of the so-called nomological gaps of SQM is... more
A new way to explain the meta-ethical theory of emotivism for the 21st Century using emojis.
Table of contents: Remerciements Avant-propos Introduction. Réfléchir (sur) la sensation (Lucie Lagardère, Anne-Laure de Meyer, Marina Poisson) PREMIÈRE PARTIE : PHILOSOPHIE ET ART Chapitre 1. La couleur : de la sensation à la... more
David Hume (1711-1776), deneyimciliğin problemleriyle meşgul olarak modern düşünceye önemli katlıları olan İskoç filozoftur. Locke ve Berkeley'in ampirik felsefesini mantıksal tutarlılığa dönüştürmüştür. Bilginin büyük bir bölümünün... more
Common sense philosophy was one of eighteenth-century Scotland's most original intellectual products. It developed as a viable alternative to modern philosophical scepticism, known as the 'Ideal Theory' or 'the way of ideas'. The nine... more
The author analyzes the ideas of the British (Scottish) philosopher D. Hume about the nation. Hume examined the history of mankind as the history of the rise and fall of developing nations. It is shown that he recognizes the existence... more
Manifiesto ético en favor del ateísmo.