Journal Article by Sarah Anne Ganter

The rise of digital intermediaries such as search engines and social media is profoundly changing... more The rise of digital intermediaries such as search engines and social media is profoundly changing our media environment. Here, we analyze how news media organizations handle their relations to these increasingly important intermediaries. Based on a strategic case study, we argue that relationships between publishers and platforms are characterized by a tension between (1) short-term, operational opportunities and (2) long-term strategic worries about becoming too dependent on intermediaries. We argue that these relationships are shaped by news media's fear of missing out, the difficulties of evaluating the risk/reward ratios, and a sense of asymmetry. The implication is that news media that developed into an increasingly independent institution in the 20th century—in part enabled by news media organizations' control over channels of communication—are becoming dependent upon new digital intermediaries that structure the media environment in ways that not only individual citizens but also large, resource-rich, powerful organizations have to adapt to. The rise of digital intermediaries such as search engines and social media is profoundly changing our media environment. In this article, we analyze how news media handle their relations to these increasingly important intermediaries and work with large
Increasingly, researchers are conducting studies within a diversity of cultural contexts This pap... more Increasingly, researchers are conducting studies within a diversity of cultural contexts This paper discusses whether and how the researcher’s own cultural otherness plays a role in academic interview situations. The argument is based on Goffman’s theory of interaction under conditions of otherness and the empirical data from 118 interviews and notes during the years 2007 and 2010 and between 2013 and 2014. The empirical data presented in this paper illustrates how a lack of education, socialisation, and cultivation within the fieldwork context—one’s own cultural otherness—assumes ceremonial and substantial meaning in academic interview situations and merits being the subject of methodological considerations.
This article investigates the flow of communication policy principles across the supranational, i... more This article investigates the flow of communication policy principles across the supranational, international and national levels, through the lens of policy transfer. Policy transfer is a new concept for the field of media and communication studies. The article utilizes and expands on the concept to study the case of digital policy flows between leading regional powers, the EU and USA and MERCOSUR. The article argues that EU and US policy priorities are reflected in the Latin American policy framework, which shifts from a focus on audiovisual and culture-centred objectives to the digital economy paradigm. MERCOSUR then functions as a policy broker between 'outside' interests and those of its member states through the influence of international key players whose interests clash with those of regional goals.
This article investigates the flow of communication policy principles across the supranational, i... more This article investigates the flow of communication policy principles across the supranational, international and national levels, through the lens of policy transfer. Policy transfer is a new concept for the field of media and communication studies. The article utilizes and expands on the concept to study the case of digital policy flows between leading regional powers, the EU and USA and MERCOSUR. The article argues that EU and US policy priorities are reflected in the Latin American policy framework, which shifts from a focus on audiovisual and culture-centred objectives to the digital economy paradigm. MERCOSUR then functions as a policy broker between 'outside' interests and those of its member states through the influence of international key players whose interests clash with those of regional goals.
Bookchapters by Sarah Anne Ganter
In: Löblich, M. and Pfaff-Rüdiger, S. (Eds.). Communication and Media Policy in the Era of Digitization and the Internet. NOMOS, Center on Governance, Communication, Public Policy and Law at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munich, 29-43., 2013
Papers by Sarah Anne Ganter
Rodriguez-Amat, J.R., Sarikakis, K., Ganter, S.A. & Tsapogas, D. (2013) ‘Gobernanza de Internet y Libertad de Expresión en Europa: estado de la cuestión’, in: Corredoira, L. & Cotino, L. (Eds.), Libertad de expresión e información en Internet. Amenazas y protección de los derechos personales. Cen...
International Journal of Media and Cultural Politics
![Research paper thumbnail of Von der Medien- zur Netzpolitik? Eine Analyse des Leistungsschutzrechts für Presseverlage in Deutschland. [From media policy to internet policy? An analysis of the ancillary copyright for press publishers in Germany.]](
Zusammenfassung: Im März 2013 hat die deutsche Regierung ein Gesetz verabschiedet, das die Nutzun... more Zusammenfassung: Im März 2013 hat die deutsche Regierung ein Gesetz verabschiedet, das die Nutzung von Presseinhalten durch News-Aggregatoren regelt. Es ist der erste Fall, in dem die Verwendung digitaler Inhalte in Deutschland reguliert wird, obwohl es schon früher Versuche gab, Gesetze in diesem Bereich zu verabschieden. Dieser Beitrag untersucht, ob der hier präsentierte Fall einen Paradigmenwechsel von traditioneller Medienpolitik hin zu einer Netzpolitik darstellt. Die Analyse betrachtet die Ausbildung von Akteurskoalitionen, die für das Gesetz eintraten oder versuchten, es zu verhindern, und stellt die Wertedimensionen dar, denen die beteiligten Akteure Priorität in den Debatten um das Leistungsschutzrecht
für Presseverlage einräumten.
Abstract: In March 2013 the German government passed a new law, which regulates the use of press contents through news aggregators. It is the first case in which the use of digital
content is regulated in Germany, though there have been earlier attempts of introducing laws in this area. This article investigates whether the presented case indicates the upcoming of a paradigm change from traditional media policy towards net-policy. This is analysed by looking at the formation of actor coalitions that pushed or tried to prevent the law and the underlying values the involved actors gave preference to in their contributions to the debate surrounding the process of designing the law.
Conference Papers by Sarah Anne Ganter
Journal Article by Sarah Anne Ganter
Bookchapters by Sarah Anne Ganter
Papers by Sarah Anne Ganter
für Presseverlage einräumten.
Abstract: In March 2013 the German government passed a new law, which regulates the use of press contents through news aggregators. It is the first case in which the use of digital
content is regulated in Germany, though there have been earlier attempts of introducing laws in this area. This article investigates whether the presented case indicates the upcoming of a paradigm change from traditional media policy towards net-policy. This is analysed by looking at the formation of actor coalitions that pushed or tried to prevent the law and the underlying values the involved actors gave preference to in their contributions to the debate surrounding the process of designing the law.
Conference Papers by Sarah Anne Ganter
für Presseverlage einräumten.
Abstract: In March 2013 the German government passed a new law, which regulates the use of press contents through news aggregators. It is the first case in which the use of digital
content is regulated in Germany, though there have been earlier attempts of introducing laws in this area. This article investigates whether the presented case indicates the upcoming of a paradigm change from traditional media policy towards net-policy. This is analysed by looking at the formation of actor coalitions that pushed or tried to prevent the law and the underlying values the involved actors gave preference to in their contributions to the debate surrounding the process of designing the law.