  • image id:

    screenshot of a text conversation.

    grey: i took a nap and had a dream we were fighting over fish facts

    blue: you and me? Who won

    grey: yeah i woke up pissed off

    grey: the argument was “squids are bugs like shrimp” and they arent they are cephalopods and they actually have pretty large brains. and you just kept saying no theyre bugs and i was getting pissed

    blue: because they are. Dream me was right

    grey: im gonna start actually hurting you

    grey: you piss me off

    /end id

  • one way trigger wins most rpf song 12 yrs in a row

  • image id:

    Songwriters: Julian Casablancas / Nick Valensi / Albert Jr Hammond

    One Way Trigger lyrics © The Strokes Band Music

    /end id

    LOL YES how much of a hand he had in it varies according to the database (here’s socan vs sabam. c = composer for instruments, a = author for lyrics)

    socan screenshot. one way trigger, original title. work number 75674557. casablancas julian & hammond jr albert: ca. fraiture nick, valensi nick, morretti fabrizio: cALT
    socan screenshot. one way trigger, original title. work number 75674557. casablancas julian & hammond jr albert: ca. fraiture nick, valensi nick, morretti fabrizio: cALT

    it also always reminds me of their other comphet coded song (on sabam theyre all listed as ca)

    socan screenshot. one way trigger, original title. work number 75674557. casablancas julian & hammond jr albert: ca. fraiture nick, valensi nick, morretti fabrizio: cALT
  • anyone live in new zealand and would be ok w helping me request an interlibrary loan + scanning/photographing stuff for me? there are two obscure strokes interviews (and one arctic monkeys interview) i’ve been looking for and the library isn’t replying to my emails

  • Prisoner's dilemma poll. So not look at tags until you vote. After you vote see what prev did and gain points based on the list below

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    Cooperative Choice

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    Both Selfish; you each lose 2 points

    You Selfish, prev Cooperative; You gain 2 points

    You Cooperative, prev Selfish; You lose 1 point

    Both Cooperative; You Each gain 1.5 points

    (ps make sure to say what you voted)

    Making this post long so you have to scroll to see prev's tags.
