I'm crying my eyes out
"I have depression." - character who has been through extensive therapy.
"I feel dead inside all the time and nothing helps!" - character who does like, regular introspective thinking and is aware of the concept of mental health.
"Leave me the fuck alone I'll be fine once I get over my stupid shit." - repressed character.
"It's fine I'm just having an Empty Time. What? Yeah, empty times, you know, when everything is like bzzzzzz in your brain and you don't shower for two weeks. Why, what do you call it?" - ooooughhh now we're talkin
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only thing i’ve done this morning despite waking up early and not having class is shower (after a lot of internal struggle) and clarify my aljulfab character arcs..which is great but i wish i’d done something more useful like make that breakfast smoothie i bought ingredients for yesterday or my actual assignments
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I don't care what your perception of the female body has been warped into by the media and advertising prevalent in culture. eat some goddamn carbs
The amount of people I know IRL and online who skop meals and then feel exhausted and try perk up with nicotine and and an energy drink before ending up so anxious they make themselves sick pisses me off. You need OATS!!!!!!!!
I went to a boarding school in Denmark (efterskole) for two years in the mid 00s, whose entire thing was “healthy eating and exercise leads to a healthy mind leads to the ability to learn and become an enlightened and informed participant of society”. the one thing they kept repeating over and over is “don’t drink your calories it will make you anxious and hungry and if it’s in the form of Coca Cola the caffeine will only exacerbate this”
We would regularly have guest speakers on a variety of topics - an anorexia patient, a person who’d studied abroad in the USA, a person who freestyled their further education (this was about to be abolished so not an option for us, but still an inspiring talk), a person who’d refused their military service and was instead doing community service (and why), and so on and so forth.
At one point we had a guest speaker come talk about it his work with juvenile delinquents.
He was the overseer of a house where these kids (our age! Some younger!) lived - not a prison - and where they would receive schooling to complete their mandatory primary education in a setting where social workers were on hand to assist and basically the whole point was to nurture the kids in an attempt to prevent them from choosing a life of crime and/or become dependent on the welfare system due to inability to work. They had support, teachers, people who believed in them, etc.
And yet these kids were failing. They were unruly, anxious, restless, spent their breaks smoking or going to the corner shop for soft drinks or snacks and were too wired to settle down at night to sleep so would often wind up sneaking out and causing trouble - even if the trouble was only some half asses graffiti on a bus stop .and in the morning they would be too exhausted to get up and would take half a day - until lunch, when they would be going on their corner shop lunch break - to wake up.
The problem was: these kids weren’t eating proper food. They were subsisting on nicotine, sugary snacks, and Coca Cola. So this guy, who’d heard of our school, got in touch and requested meal plans and then introduced mandatory breakfast and lunch, with dinner still optional, all following our school’s carefully designed meal plans (vegetable frontloaded with only 100g meat per person, one vegetarian day, one fish day, all bread made with whole meal flour. And since this was Denmark, dinner was a “cold table” i.e. rye bread with various topping choices, salads, and any lunch leftovers reheated as a side). And he made it mandatory for all the staff too, and assigned seating groups with a staff member (we had this at our school too), so that each meal resembled a family meal.
And suddenly these kids were having complete breakfasts with oatmeal porridge and yogurt and toast and some fruit and milk and orange juice, which gave them a solid source of energy to start the day, and they had a hot meal for lunch, and after a about a week of this dinner attendance skyrocketed. The kids weren’t restless and anxious anymore. Most of them voluntarily quit smoking and most of them stopped getting a soft drink from the corner shop too - they weren’t hungry anymore, so the sugary craving went away. These kids, just because they were getting three solid meals every day, flourished. They could concentrate in class. They were awake in the morning. They didn’t stay up late wired and restless. They all graduated and went back home and didn’t see the inside of any system, welfare or criminal, again. These kids didn’t want to be troublemakers - they just (for whatever reason) didn’t have the foundation they needed to succeed and that foundation, it turned out, was proper nutrition.
Really, truly, please do not underestimate eating. Don’t skip your meals. Take care of yourself.
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been really obsessed over fab/nick/nikolai lately..needd nick to take photos of fab and nikolai all wrapped up in each other or for them to get caught by paparazzi while out together
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the strokes for rip it up - new zealand, october/november 2001 / no. 283 — print version
web version
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the strokes at a pub in london, with the robot gifted to them by rip it up’s journalists
the strokes for rip it up - new zealand, october/november 2001 / no. 283 — web version
print version
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- sent by Anonymous
Have u seen the lyrics for Albert's song more to life... Christ alive
- answered by sophaeros
this already has me reeling like what a crazy opening line and then the ending of this verse. jesus
AMBIGUOUS GAME MENTION……well obviously the ambiguity/mixed signals and mentions of touring life make me think of casamond..plus playing some kind of game….he also just kind of seems to be reveling in his life being great tho. happy for him
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