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    Lake Burlinskoye Location: Altai Krai, Western Siberia

    Lake Burlinskoye is a pink lake in Siberia with a train that runs through it. The train collects sediment from the lake bed using harvesting tools, as a part of a salt harvesting operation dating back to 1768. This method yields 65,000 tons of salt each year.

  • a true male feminist will be bisexual. attracted to women in case there's a woman who wants you and attracted to men in case there's a fujoshi who wants to watch you have gay sex.

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    Breaking Bad
    (2008-2013), Created by Vince Gilligan

  • House of leaves is such a cult classic, oft-memed work of literature with references that are pretty ubiquitous in most vaguely sub-cultural online circles but no one even so much as mentions the trip-hop alt-pop album mark danielewski’s sister, poe, released in conjunction with the book. Bc people are addicted to missing out i guess

  • I’m talking about it though.

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    Oh to have attended the poe x house of leaves book tour…

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    Slapping some color on these cheebs. I think I'd rather watercolor them but it was a fun exercise.

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    The internet is such a beautiful haunted echoey warehouse

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    reposting this w the colors fixed u.u

  • YOU WILL FIND A WAY!!!! YOU WILL FIND A WAY . You will find a WAY ….. you WILL find a way . You will find a way you will find a way……!! YOU WILL FIND A WAY YOU WILL FIND A WAY you will find a Way you will (find) a way you will find. a way you will find a way YOU WILL FIND A WAY!!!!!!!