Papers by Kristian Paskojević
Filologija, 2022
Paleografsko istraživanje opisano u ovome članku uspoređuje grafijske karakteristike dviju varija... more Paleografsko istraživanje opisano u ovome članku uspoređuje grafijske karakteristike dviju varijanti glagoljičnog kurzivnog pisanja – diplomatičkog i knjiškog kurziva. Korpus istraživanja čine dva spomenika hrvatske glagoljične pismenosti: Kršanski prijepis Istarskog razvoda i Kvarezimal/Tlmačenje od muki pisara Šimuna Grebla. Metodologija istraživanja bazira se na prokušanom grafolingvističkom opisu s fokusom na paleografske kategorije koordinacije u linijskom sustavu, morfologije slovnih oblika i usporedbe kratičnog i ligaturnog inventara. Cilj istraživanja je pojašnjenje razvojnog procesa spomenutih podtipova glagoljice karakterističnih za hrvatski kulturni krug, vremenski i prostorno blis-
kih. Ključna je i funkcionalna diferencijacija; diplomatički kurziv vezan je uz pravne tekstove, dok je knjiški fokusiran na literaturu općenito. Pristup istraživanju je »genetički«, pokušat ćemo vidjeti gdje se stupanj koordinacije slova (kao glavni generator minuskulizacije) fiksira. Korpus promatranih tipova hrvatskog glagoljičkog pisanja još je uvijek nedovoljno istražen, tako da je i ta konstatacija bila dodatan motiv provedbi zamišljenog zadatka.
Palaeographic research conducted on the mentioned works of Croatian
Glagolitic heritage compares the graphic characteristics of two variants of
Glagolitic cursive writing – diplomatic and literary cursive. The research methodology
is based on a grapholinguistic description with the focus on palaeographic
categories of coordination in the line system, morphology of letter
forms and comparisons of abbreviations and ligatures. The aim of the research
is to clarify the development of the mentioned subtypes of the Glagolitic
alphabet which were specific for Croatian litteracy. The approach to research
is genetic – we will try to see where the degree of letter coordination (as
the main generator of the minusculization process) is fixed. The observed corpus
of Croatian Glagolitic writing is still insufficiently researched, and this
fact was an additional reason for the conduction of the planned paleographic
Croatica, 2021
Libro od mnozijeh razloga, rukopisna knjiga nastala u Dubrovniku 1520. g., karakteristična je po ... more Libro od mnozijeh razloga, rukopisna knjiga nastala u Dubrovniku 1520. g., karakteristična je po šarolikom sadržaju i izboru tema koje obuhvaća (dijelovi evanđelja, poučne legende, molitve, dijelovi horoskopa i sanjarice). Sastavljena je od pet dijelova naknadno povezanih u jednu cjelinu/zbornik, a pojedine su dijelove pisale različite pisarske ruke.
Milan Rešetar, čije je paleografsko istraživanje poslužilo kao polazna točka članka, spominje tri glavne pisarske ruke i četvrtu koja je uglavnom dodavala naslove pisane crvenom tintom. Uz njih pojavljuju se još dvije mlađe ruke koje su dopunjavale prazan prostor na kraju pojedinih dijelova rukopisa. Glavna zadaća ovog paleografskog istraživanja jest analiza grafije navedenih pisara i komparacija slovnih oblika s ciljem identifikacije
razlika/sličnosti između njih, s naglaskom na njihovu morfologiju. Termin grafija širi je od grafomorfologije, pod njim se podrazumijeva način bilježenja fonema slovima ili grafemima, odnosno sustav slova kojim se pišu fonemi pojedinog jezika (Badurina 2012:65). Jedan je od ciljeva istraživanja i prepoznavanje mogućih poveznica između pisara i različitih tipova pisma (primjerice kurziv).
Anali, 2021
U bogatoj građi knjižnice Zavoda za povijesne znanosti HAZU u Dubrovniku u zbirci povjesničara i ... more U bogatoj građi knjižnice Zavoda za povijesne znanosti HAZU u Dubrovniku u zbirci povjesničara i etnologa Vida Vuletića Vukasovića nalazi se i dosad znanstveno neobrađena manja ćirilična rukopisna knjiga formata 18×14 cm. Ukupno 93 sačuvana lista sadržavaju dijelove različitih bogoslužnih obreda istočnog kršćanskog (pravoslavnog) karaktera pisanih crkvenoslavenskim jezikom srpske redakcije. Cilj provedenog paleografskog istraživanja prikazanog u ovom radu je što preciznije opisati pronađeni rukopis, predložiti njegovo adekvatno imenovanje, pokušati dati odgovore o vremenu i mjestu njegova nastanka te ukazati na moguće grafijske ili jezične zanimljivosti.
Slovo, 2019
Srednovjekovna ćirilička diplomatička minuskula sredinom XIV. st. je preferirano sredstvo pismovn... more Srednovjekovna ćirilička diplomatička minuskula sredinom XIV. st. je preferirano sredstvo pismovne komunikacije između Dubrovnika i susjednih slavenskih kancelarija. To poslovno pismo u ovom razdoblju već ima definirane karakteristične slovne oblike, uvelike uvjetovane poodmaklim procesom slovne koordinacije unutar linijskog ustroja, kao i ostale pismovne posebnosti zapadne ćirilice koje su naslijeđene iz duge dubrovačke tradicije ćiriličkog pisanja. Cilj ovog usporednog paleografskog istraživanja jest na osnovi dokumenata iz dvije najplodnije slavenske kancelarije ovog razdoblja na obližnjem prostoru, odnosno dubrovačke i srpske (nemanjićke), identificirati moguće razlike u istraživanim kategorijama pisma, potencijalne lokalne karakteristike pisma, kao i produbiti spoznaje o mogućim smjerovima razvoja pisma (prvenstveno identifikacija poveznica s novovjekovnim kurzivnim pismima).
Slovo 71, 2021
This single large leaf of a monumental Croatian breviary with part of the reading for the Feast
o... more This single large leaf of a monumental Croatian breviary with part of the reading for the Feast
of St. Apollonia served for centuries as a cover for the printed book De Medendis Febribus ars
medica (1526), written by Antonio Alta ab Altomario, a Neapolitan physician and philosopher.
This text came to the attention of the scholarly and general public only after an auction held
in London in 2017. The conducted research aims to process this unpublished material palaeographically and linguistically. In terms of content, but also considering the transliterations
of the text, a comparison was made with the Latin version of the legend. The palaeographic
analysis is based on a comparison with the Second Beram Breviary, and the focus is on the
peculiarity of the methodology: an intensive palaeographic and linguistic description of a small
corpus from a varied and unstabilized individual manuscript
Slovo, 2019
Medieval Cyrillic diplomatic minuscule (a form of Cyrillic script) in the mid 14th century is the... more Medieval Cyrillic diplomatic minuscule (a form of Cyrillic script) in the mid 14th century is the preferred means of written communication between Dubrovnik and the neighboring Slavic chanceries. In this period, this form of Cyrillic script, used mainly in political and business purposes, already has characteristic letter shapes, largely conditioned by the advanced process of coordination within the linear system, as well as other writing peculiarities that are inherited from Dubrovnik’s long tradition of Cyrillic writing. The aim of this comparative palaeographic research is to identify, on the basis of documents from two of the most prolific Slavic chanceries of this period in the nearby area, the Dubrovnik and Serbian (Nemanjić family) ones, possible differences in the studied categories of the script, potential local characteristics of the script, as well as to deepen the understanding of the possible directions of development of the script (primarily the identification of links to later cursive Cyrillic forms).
U radu se raspravlja o problemima razvoja minuskulnog ćiriličkog pisma u svjetlu stanja u jednoj ... more U radu se raspravlja o problemima razvoja minuskulnog ćiriličkog pisma u svjetlu stanja u jednoj ispravi koju je prepisao Nikša Zvijezdić, poznati pisar dubrovačke kancelarije, sredinom XV. stoljeća. Propituju se mogućnosti primjene metodologije ovjerene u latinskoj i glagoljskoj paleografiji, posebice s ozbirom na stanje na svim grafetičkim razinama, osobito na planu koordinacije linijskoga sustava.
This article analyses three documents drafted between 1419 and 1421, that is,
shortly before the... more This article analyses three documents drafted between 1419 and 1421, that is,
shortly before the commencement of the building of a stone fortification of Sokol
Fortress in Konavle. All the three documents concern Ragusan purchase of the
parts of Sokol Fortress: from Duke Sandalj Hranić of Bosnia (Sokol, 1420, scribe
dijak Grubač), from Stjepan Ostojić, King of Bosnia (Kraljeva Sutjeska, 1419,
scribe logothete Novak Gojčinović), and an agreement between the Ragusans and
Duke Sandalj on the purchase of the parts of Sokol Fortress and Župa Konavoska
(County of Konavle) in possession of Count Radoslav Pavlović at the time
(Dubrovnik, 1421, scribe ‘Slav’ chancellor Rusko Kristoforović). This palaeographic
study examines the similarities and differences in graphic style as well as the
specifics established in these documents.
The choice of two documents of the Bosnian rulers and one of Dubrovnik is
not random. Given the time frame and the event, and having compared two
documents written in minuscule (Sokol, Dubrovnik), the analysis of the development
processes called for a parallel with a charter written in uncial script which, for the
sake of enquiry, would serve as a control sample of the graphic changes in the
miniscule of the Ragusan and Bosnian chancery. Since none of the known Ragusan
notaries of the early fifteenth century used the uncial script, the charter of King
Stjepan Ostojić, itself a document related to the ownership of Sokol Fortress and
Župa Konavoska, seemed a logical choice.
Palaeographic analysis has included the following elements: coordination in
the linear system and specifics of the script, binding of letters in writing, punctuation and capitalization, ligatures and abbreviations. The study of the three documents
written over a short interval may confirm an established practice of certain
graphic characteristics, and be used as a departure point for further research into
the scribal practice of Dubrovnik and beyond.
PHD Dissertation by Kristian Paskojević
The roll of city of Dubrovnik as a diplomatic, cultural and trading centre, not only during the m... more The roll of city of Dubrovnik as a diplomatic, cultural and trading centre, not only during the middle ages but also throughout history in general is very well known not only to scholars, but also to the general public. One of the unfairly neglected themes of Dubrovnik's rich history are the Cyrilllic charters and writings of Dubrovnik's medieval Slavic chancery which are still very poor researched, and also relatively unkown to international and domestic scientific circles. A very large number of this medieval
charters is preserved in Dubrovnik's Archive, which is not so suprising fact if one considers the role of medieval Dubrovnik as the centre of western Cyrillic litteracy. Latest serious palaeographic researches were conducted during the 60-s and late 80-s years of 20th century. Therefore, it is absolutely necessary to start with new objective and methodologically contemporary and modern researches of this extensive and very sensitive historical theme. This doctoral dissertation under the supervision of Mateo Žagar would cover writing graphy development processes of Dubrovnik's slavical medieval office and their relationship, characteristics, graphical similarities and diversities, and also specifical characteristics in the broader geopolitical context, especially in diplomatic correspondence with neighbouring countries and principalities
(medieval Bosnia, Hum, Duklja, Serbia, different feudal autonomous rulers). Chronologically the theme would cover the period from the end of 12th to the end of the 15th century and would follow graphical and some ortographical characteristics of writings used in Dubrovnik's medieval Slavic chancery. The greatest focus will be on mostly used version, diplomatical minuscule, but theme will also cover some aspects of Cyrillic uncial writing, and in a special part of the thesis possible relations between
diplomatical minuscule and Cyrillic cursive also known as bosanica will be considered. As for the graphical characteristics, the main focus will stand on the categories of coordination in linear system and writing's characteristics, binding of letters in writing and specifical forms of letters in texts, use of interpunctual sings, ligatures, and some ortographic characteristics (for example use of capital letters). The main goal of this doctoral thesis/palaeographical research is to recognize specifical characteristics
od Dubrovnik's medieval Slavic chancery and their bonds and mutual influences with Latin and eventually also Glagolitic letters of same period.
Papers by Kristian Paskojević
kih. Ključna je i funkcionalna diferencijacija; diplomatički kurziv vezan je uz pravne tekstove, dok je knjiški fokusiran na literaturu općenito. Pristup istraživanju je »genetički«, pokušat ćemo vidjeti gdje se stupanj koordinacije slova (kao glavni generator minuskulizacije) fiksira. Korpus promatranih tipova hrvatskog glagoljičkog pisanja još je uvijek nedovoljno istražen, tako da je i ta konstatacija bila dodatan motiv provedbi zamišljenog zadatka.
Palaeographic research conducted on the mentioned works of Croatian
Glagolitic heritage compares the graphic characteristics of two variants of
Glagolitic cursive writing – diplomatic and literary cursive. The research methodology
is based on a grapholinguistic description with the focus on palaeographic
categories of coordination in the line system, morphology of letter
forms and comparisons of abbreviations and ligatures. The aim of the research
is to clarify the development of the mentioned subtypes of the Glagolitic
alphabet which were specific for Croatian litteracy. The approach to research
is genetic – we will try to see where the degree of letter coordination (as
the main generator of the minusculization process) is fixed. The observed corpus
of Croatian Glagolitic writing is still insufficiently researched, and this
fact was an additional reason for the conduction of the planned paleographic
Milan Rešetar, čije je paleografsko istraživanje poslužilo kao polazna točka članka, spominje tri glavne pisarske ruke i četvrtu koja je uglavnom dodavala naslove pisane crvenom tintom. Uz njih pojavljuju se još dvije mlađe ruke koje su dopunjavale prazan prostor na kraju pojedinih dijelova rukopisa. Glavna zadaća ovog paleografskog istraživanja jest analiza grafije navedenih pisara i komparacija slovnih oblika s ciljem identifikacije
razlika/sličnosti između njih, s naglaskom na njihovu morfologiju. Termin grafija širi je od grafomorfologije, pod njim se podrazumijeva način bilježenja fonema slovima ili grafemima, odnosno sustav slova kojim se pišu fonemi pojedinog jezika (Badurina 2012:65). Jedan je od ciljeva istraživanja i prepoznavanje mogućih poveznica između pisara i različitih tipova pisma (primjerice kurziv).
of St. Apollonia served for centuries as a cover for the printed book De Medendis Febribus ars
medica (1526), written by Antonio Alta ab Altomario, a Neapolitan physician and philosopher.
This text came to the attention of the scholarly and general public only after an auction held
in London in 2017. The conducted research aims to process this unpublished material palaeographically and linguistically. In terms of content, but also considering the transliterations
of the text, a comparison was made with the Latin version of the legend. The palaeographic
analysis is based on a comparison with the Second Beram Breviary, and the focus is on the
peculiarity of the methodology: an intensive palaeographic and linguistic description of a small
corpus from a varied and unstabilized individual manuscript
shortly before the commencement of the building of a stone fortification of Sokol
Fortress in Konavle. All the three documents concern Ragusan purchase of the
parts of Sokol Fortress: from Duke Sandalj Hranić of Bosnia (Sokol, 1420, scribe
dijak Grubač), from Stjepan Ostojić, King of Bosnia (Kraljeva Sutjeska, 1419,
scribe logothete Novak Gojčinović), and an agreement between the Ragusans and
Duke Sandalj on the purchase of the parts of Sokol Fortress and Župa Konavoska
(County of Konavle) in possession of Count Radoslav Pavlović at the time
(Dubrovnik, 1421, scribe ‘Slav’ chancellor Rusko Kristoforović). This palaeographic
study examines the similarities and differences in graphic style as well as the
specifics established in these documents.
The choice of two documents of the Bosnian rulers and one of Dubrovnik is
not random. Given the time frame and the event, and having compared two
documents written in minuscule (Sokol, Dubrovnik), the analysis of the development
processes called for a parallel with a charter written in uncial script which, for the
sake of enquiry, would serve as a control sample of the graphic changes in the
miniscule of the Ragusan and Bosnian chancery. Since none of the known Ragusan
notaries of the early fifteenth century used the uncial script, the charter of King
Stjepan Ostojić, itself a document related to the ownership of Sokol Fortress and
Župa Konavoska, seemed a logical choice.
Palaeographic analysis has included the following elements: coordination in
the linear system and specifics of the script, binding of letters in writing, punctuation and capitalization, ligatures and abbreviations. The study of the three documents
written over a short interval may confirm an established practice of certain
graphic characteristics, and be used as a departure point for further research into
the scribal practice of Dubrovnik and beyond.
PHD Dissertation by Kristian Paskojević
charters is preserved in Dubrovnik's Archive, which is not so suprising fact if one considers the role of medieval Dubrovnik as the centre of western Cyrillic litteracy. Latest serious palaeographic researches were conducted during the 60-s and late 80-s years of 20th century. Therefore, it is absolutely necessary to start with new objective and methodologically contemporary and modern researches of this extensive and very sensitive historical theme. This doctoral dissertation under the supervision of Mateo Žagar would cover writing graphy development processes of Dubrovnik's slavical medieval office and their relationship, characteristics, graphical similarities and diversities, and also specifical characteristics in the broader geopolitical context, especially in diplomatic correspondence with neighbouring countries and principalities
(medieval Bosnia, Hum, Duklja, Serbia, different feudal autonomous rulers). Chronologically the theme would cover the period from the end of 12th to the end of the 15th century and would follow graphical and some ortographical characteristics of writings used in Dubrovnik's medieval Slavic chancery. The greatest focus will be on mostly used version, diplomatical minuscule, but theme will also cover some aspects of Cyrillic uncial writing, and in a special part of the thesis possible relations between
diplomatical minuscule and Cyrillic cursive also known as bosanica will be considered. As for the graphical characteristics, the main focus will stand on the categories of coordination in linear system and writing's characteristics, binding of letters in writing and specifical forms of letters in texts, use of interpunctual sings, ligatures, and some ortographic characteristics (for example use of capital letters). The main goal of this doctoral thesis/palaeographical research is to recognize specifical characteristics
od Dubrovnik's medieval Slavic chancery and their bonds and mutual influences with Latin and eventually also Glagolitic letters of same period.
kih. Ključna je i funkcionalna diferencijacija; diplomatički kurziv vezan je uz pravne tekstove, dok je knjiški fokusiran na literaturu općenito. Pristup istraživanju je »genetički«, pokušat ćemo vidjeti gdje se stupanj koordinacije slova (kao glavni generator minuskulizacije) fiksira. Korpus promatranih tipova hrvatskog glagoljičkog pisanja još je uvijek nedovoljno istražen, tako da je i ta konstatacija bila dodatan motiv provedbi zamišljenog zadatka.
Palaeographic research conducted on the mentioned works of Croatian
Glagolitic heritage compares the graphic characteristics of two variants of
Glagolitic cursive writing – diplomatic and literary cursive. The research methodology
is based on a grapholinguistic description with the focus on palaeographic
categories of coordination in the line system, morphology of letter
forms and comparisons of abbreviations and ligatures. The aim of the research
is to clarify the development of the mentioned subtypes of the Glagolitic
alphabet which were specific for Croatian litteracy. The approach to research
is genetic – we will try to see where the degree of letter coordination (as
the main generator of the minusculization process) is fixed. The observed corpus
of Croatian Glagolitic writing is still insufficiently researched, and this
fact was an additional reason for the conduction of the planned paleographic
Milan Rešetar, čije je paleografsko istraživanje poslužilo kao polazna točka članka, spominje tri glavne pisarske ruke i četvrtu koja je uglavnom dodavala naslove pisane crvenom tintom. Uz njih pojavljuju se još dvije mlađe ruke koje su dopunjavale prazan prostor na kraju pojedinih dijelova rukopisa. Glavna zadaća ovog paleografskog istraživanja jest analiza grafije navedenih pisara i komparacija slovnih oblika s ciljem identifikacije
razlika/sličnosti između njih, s naglaskom na njihovu morfologiju. Termin grafija širi je od grafomorfologije, pod njim se podrazumijeva način bilježenja fonema slovima ili grafemima, odnosno sustav slova kojim se pišu fonemi pojedinog jezika (Badurina 2012:65). Jedan je od ciljeva istraživanja i prepoznavanje mogućih poveznica između pisara i različitih tipova pisma (primjerice kurziv).
of St. Apollonia served for centuries as a cover for the printed book De Medendis Febribus ars
medica (1526), written by Antonio Alta ab Altomario, a Neapolitan physician and philosopher.
This text came to the attention of the scholarly and general public only after an auction held
in London in 2017. The conducted research aims to process this unpublished material palaeographically and linguistically. In terms of content, but also considering the transliterations
of the text, a comparison was made with the Latin version of the legend. The palaeographic
analysis is based on a comparison with the Second Beram Breviary, and the focus is on the
peculiarity of the methodology: an intensive palaeographic and linguistic description of a small
corpus from a varied and unstabilized individual manuscript
shortly before the commencement of the building of a stone fortification of Sokol
Fortress in Konavle. All the three documents concern Ragusan purchase of the
parts of Sokol Fortress: from Duke Sandalj Hranić of Bosnia (Sokol, 1420, scribe
dijak Grubač), from Stjepan Ostojić, King of Bosnia (Kraljeva Sutjeska, 1419,
scribe logothete Novak Gojčinović), and an agreement between the Ragusans and
Duke Sandalj on the purchase of the parts of Sokol Fortress and Župa Konavoska
(County of Konavle) in possession of Count Radoslav Pavlović at the time
(Dubrovnik, 1421, scribe ‘Slav’ chancellor Rusko Kristoforović). This palaeographic
study examines the similarities and differences in graphic style as well as the
specifics established in these documents.
The choice of two documents of the Bosnian rulers and one of Dubrovnik is
not random. Given the time frame and the event, and having compared two
documents written in minuscule (Sokol, Dubrovnik), the analysis of the development
processes called for a parallel with a charter written in uncial script which, for the
sake of enquiry, would serve as a control sample of the graphic changes in the
miniscule of the Ragusan and Bosnian chancery. Since none of the known Ragusan
notaries of the early fifteenth century used the uncial script, the charter of King
Stjepan Ostojić, itself a document related to the ownership of Sokol Fortress and
Župa Konavoska, seemed a logical choice.
Palaeographic analysis has included the following elements: coordination in
the linear system and specifics of the script, binding of letters in writing, punctuation and capitalization, ligatures and abbreviations. The study of the three documents
written over a short interval may confirm an established practice of certain
graphic characteristics, and be used as a departure point for further research into
the scribal practice of Dubrovnik and beyond.
charters is preserved in Dubrovnik's Archive, which is not so suprising fact if one considers the role of medieval Dubrovnik as the centre of western Cyrillic litteracy. Latest serious palaeographic researches were conducted during the 60-s and late 80-s years of 20th century. Therefore, it is absolutely necessary to start with new objective and methodologically contemporary and modern researches of this extensive and very sensitive historical theme. This doctoral dissertation under the supervision of Mateo Žagar would cover writing graphy development processes of Dubrovnik's slavical medieval office and their relationship, characteristics, graphical similarities and diversities, and also specifical characteristics in the broader geopolitical context, especially in diplomatic correspondence with neighbouring countries and principalities
(medieval Bosnia, Hum, Duklja, Serbia, different feudal autonomous rulers). Chronologically the theme would cover the period from the end of 12th to the end of the 15th century and would follow graphical and some ortographical characteristics of writings used in Dubrovnik's medieval Slavic chancery. The greatest focus will be on mostly used version, diplomatical minuscule, but theme will also cover some aspects of Cyrillic uncial writing, and in a special part of the thesis possible relations between
diplomatical minuscule and Cyrillic cursive also known as bosanica will be considered. As for the graphical characteristics, the main focus will stand on the categories of coordination in linear system and writing's characteristics, binding of letters in writing and specifical forms of letters in texts, use of interpunctual sings, ligatures, and some ortographic characteristics (for example use of capital letters). The main goal of this doctoral thesis/palaeographical research is to recognize specifical characteristics
od Dubrovnik's medieval Slavic chancery and their bonds and mutual influences with Latin and eventually also Glagolitic letters of same period.