St. Olaf College
Yupana is the name given to the counting deviceor abacusof the Incas; in the indigenous Andean language of Quechua, "yupay" means "to count." Counting was a fundamental aspect of structuring such an extensive and elaborate civilization as... more
En este trabajo los autores buscan rescatar la memoria histórica de unas matemáticas olvidadas: las que estructuraron el terreno andino antes de la llegada de los conquistadores españoles en el siglo XVI. Las tradiciones numéricas de las... more
This issue of the Revista Latinoamericana de Etnomatemática (RLE, Latin American Journal of Ethnomathematics) serves as evidence of the extensive work carried out by researchers around the globe that contributes to the continually growing... more
In this article I explore the benefits and dangers of intercultural contact in the context of the creation and diffusion of Chilam Balam books, sacred texts compiled mainly during the colonial period and used by Maya communities of... more
This is a paper presented at the State of Iberoamerican Studies: Human Rights Across the Disciplines on Friday, Oct. 13 at the University of Minnesota.