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Burung memiliki peranan penting di alam, sehingga dapat dijadikan indikator perubahan lingkungan karena ada perbedaan keanekaragaman hayati khususnya spesies yang menempati habitat tersebut. Perbedaan tersebut ada hubungannya dengan... more
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Peranan elang brontok (Nisaetus cirrhatus) di alam adalah predator pengendali suatu ekosistem. Elang ini merupakan salah satu jenis burung pemangsa yang terancam oleh deforestasi, gangguan manusia, dan pemburuan liar, sehinga dapat... more
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      GeographyUniversitas Udayana
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      MicrobiologyPractice theoryBiology
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      Ecosystems EcologyPlant EcologyConservation BiologyBiology
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      Marine BiologyMarine EcologyBiologyEcology
Study on habitat distribution of Kukang (Nycticebus coucang Boddaert, 1785) and the vegetation structure in Marga Mekar village (605, 01 ha), South Sumedang was conducted in August-November 2002. Field survey and interviews were... more
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      Plant EcologyPrimatologyEcologyHabitats
Javan slow loris's profile: ecology and conservation [poster] [awareness material]
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      PrimatologyConservationEcologyNocturnal primates
Javan slow loris is an endangered primate that naturely inhabits in some agroforestry garden namely talun in West Java. This study aimed to determine habitat preferences and to estimate population number. Data collection was conducted... more
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The Critically Endangered Javan slow loris (Nycticebus javanicus) is threatened by habitat loss and the illegal trade. Forests have been replaced by urban areas, agricultural land and plantations, leaving only 10% of the original, with a... more
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      PrimatologyPopulation DensityNocturnal primatesHabitat Preference
Result: Awareness in villages did impact to local people knowledge (Fig. 1), and also the market visitor (Fig. 2).
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      PrimatologyWildlife ConservationAwarenessNocturnal primates
Kebanyakan partikel dalam aerosol biologi terlalu besar untuk mencapai paru-paru, karena partikel-partikel ini tersaring pada daerah pernapasan atas. Sebaliknya, partikel-partikel yang sangat kecil mungkin mencapai tapak-tapak infektif... more
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Edible film dibuat dari pati sagu alami dan pati sagu termodifikasi. Pati sagu termodifikasi merupakan pati sagu yang telah dipresipitasi (diendapkan) dengan pelarut etanol dengan variasi waktu presipitasi (1, 2, 3, 4, dan 5 jam).... more
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In Thermus thermophilus homocitrate synthase (HCS) catalyzes the initial reaction of lysine biosynthesis through K K-aminoadipic acid, synthesis of homocitrate from 2-oxoglutarate and acetyl-CoA. HCS is strongly inhibited by lysine,... more
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      KineticsTemperatureLysineSubstrate Specificity
In Thermus thermophilus homocitrate synthase (HCS) catalyzes the initial reaction of lysine biosynthesis through K K-aminoadipic acid, synthesis of homocitrate from 2-oxoglutarate and acetyl-CoA. HCS is strongly inhibited by lysine,... more
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      KineticsTemperatureLysineSubstrate Specificity
Homocitrate synthase (HCS) catalyzes aldol-type condensation of acetyl coenzyme A (acetyl-CoA) and ␣-ketoglutarate (␣-KG) to synthesize homocitrate (HC), which is the first and committed step in the lysine biosynthetic pathway through... more
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      KineticsBiological ChemistryMacromolecular X-Ray CrystallographyBiological Sciences
This study was carried out on four fungi isolated from soft coral to investigate antibacterial activity as new antibiotics for diarrhea-causing bacteria such as Escherichia coli (Migula, 1895) Castellani and Chalmers, 1919 and... more
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Effective and efficient preservation process is necessary in terms of increasing the fungal usage for industrial scale as biostarter. The objective of this study was to identify bentonite characteristic to be carrier to preserve of... more
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