Papers by M. Abou Ghantous
![Research paper thumbnail of O58 Effets de la chirurgie bariatrique sur le DT2 : utilisation de la modélisation mathématique pour comprendre les mécanismes sous-jacents](
Diabetes & Metabolism, 2013
ABSTRACT Introduction La chirurgie bariatrique non seulement induit une perte drastique et durabl... more ABSTRACT Introduction La chirurgie bariatrique non seulement induit une perte drastique et durable de poids, mais permet aussi une rémission durable du DT2 chez les malades obèses morbides. La rémission du diabète se produit souvent dans les quelques jours qui suivent la chirurgie, bien avant toute perte significative de poids. Les mécanismes physiologiques et biochimiques qui expliquent l’impact de la chirurgie bariatrique sur l’homéostasie du glucose sont cependant mal connus. Notre objectif est d’utiliser la modélisation mathématique pour essayer de mieux comprendre les mécanismes derrière la rémission du DT2 après chirurgie bariatrique. Matériels et méthodes Une méthode mathématique générale a été proposée pour estimer la réponse biochimique aux médicaments, aux chirurgies, ou les autres interventions médicales. Cette méthode a été ensuite appliquée a un modèle très simple de la réponse à la dérivation gastrique Roux-en-Y (Roux-en-Y gastric bypass). Résultats Il y a manifestement des effets multiples et très complexes de la chirurgie bariatrique. Les résultats de notre modèle confirment que la rémission de diabète après la chirurgie bariatrique peut être expliquée en partie par une augmentation de la sécrétion postprandiale de GLP-1, et ses effets sur la sécrétion d’insuline. Cependant notre modèle suggère aussi que d’autres mécanismes sont susceptibles d’être impliqués, y compris éventuellement par un mécanisme de transport de glucose dans les cellules des organes périphériques indépendamment de l’effet de l’insuline. Cette hypothèse est supportée par l’induction d’une diminution de la glycémie dans des souris souffrant de DT1 lorsqu’elles expriment une molécule isolée des cellules intestinales et dont la production est augmentée après la chirurgie bariatrique chez le rat. Conclusion Il est possible qu’une partie de l’effet de la chirurgie bariatrique sur le DT2 soit due a un facteur qui induit le transport du glucose dans les cellules independamment de l’insulin.
![Research paper thumbnail of Spin dynamics across an inhomogeneous atomic boundary separating ultrathin Heisenberg ferromagnetic films](
European Physical Journal-applied Physics - EUR PHYS J-APPL PHYS, 2007
A theoretical model is presented for the study of the scattering and the localisation of spin-wav... more A theoretical model is presented for the study of the scattering and the localisation of spin-waves at an extended inhomogeneous structural and magnetic boundary separating ultrathin Heisenberg ferromagnetic films. The model system consists of two different magnetic materials A and B with different thickness of two and three atomic layers, on either side of a defect atomic step. The matching technique is used with nearest neighbour magnetic exchange to analyse both the localisation and the scattering spin dynamics. The localised spin states that manifest themselves as Rayleigh branches, and the local densities of spin states are calculated on this boundary. The coherent reflection and transmission scattering properties of spin-waves incident from the interior of the ultrathin films on the inhomogeneous boundary are also calculated. The numerical calculations are applied in particular to a system of three Fe ferromagnetic atomic layers and two Gd ferromagnetic atomic layers, across a defect atomic step. The results illustrate the occurrence of Fano resonances in the transmitted spectra due to the localised spin states on the inhomogeneous boundary. An interesting physical effect is observed for this magnetic and atomic step boundary, namely the frequency selective conductance of the spin-waves via Fano resonances, by an appropriate choice of the angle of spin-wave incidence on the boundary.
![Research paper thumbnail of Ballistic transport of spin waves incident from cobalt leads across cobalt–gadolinium alloy nanojunctions](
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 2014
Calculations are presented for the scattering and ballistic transport of spin waves (SW) incident... more Calculations are presented for the scattering and ballistic transport of spin waves (SW) incident from cobalt leads, on ultrathin ferrimagnetic cobalt-gadolinium ‥Co½Co ð1 À cÞ Gd ðcÞ ℓ ½Co‥ nanojunction systems. The nanojunction ½Co ð1 À cÞ Gd ðcÞ ℓ itself is a randomly disordered alloy of thickness ℓ hcp lattice planes between matching hcp planes of the Co leads, at known stable concentrations c r 0:5 for this alloy system. To compute the spin dynamics, and the SW scattering and ballistic transport, this alloy nanojunction is modeled in the virtual crystal approximation (VCA), valid in particular at the length scale of the nanojunction for submicroscopic SW wavelengths. The phase field matching theory (PFMT) is applied to compute the localized and resonant magnons on the nanojunction. These magnons, characteristic of the embedded nanostructure, propagate in its symmetry plane with spin precession amplitudes that decay or match the spin wave states in the semi-infinite leads. The eigenvectors of these magnon modes are calculated for certain cases to illustrate the spin precession configurations on the nanojunction. The VCA-PFMT approach is also used to calculate the reflection and transmission spectra for the spin waves incident from the Co leads on the nanojunction. The results demonstrate resonance assisted maxima for the ballistic SW transmission spectra due to interactions between the incident spin waves and the nanojunction magnon modes. These properties are general for variable nanojunction thicknesses and alloy stable concentrations c r 0:5. In particular, the positions of the resonance assisted maxima of spin wave transmission can be modified with nanojunction thickness and alloy concentration.
Journal of Applied Physics, 2013
![Research paper thumbnail of Magnetic Properties of 2D Nano-Islands Subject to Anisotropy and transverse fields: EFT Ising Model](
An Ising effective field theory (EFT) is presented to calculate the characteristic magnetic prope... more An Ising effective field theory (EFT) is presented to calculate the characteristic magnetic properties of a 2D
nano-island presenting an out-of-plane magnetization, and subject to an applied in-plane transverse magnetic
field. A non-diagonal Ising Hamiltonian with nearest neighbor exchange, single-atom magnetic anisotropy, and a
transverse Zeeman term, defines the ground state of the system. We investigate the effects due to the transverse
field acting on the magnetic order, in conjunction with those due to the reduced dimensionalities of the core and
periphery domains of the nano-island. The choice of a model spin S ≥ 1 for the atoms permits the analysis of spin
fluctuations via the single-atom spin correlations. A numerical method is developed to avoid approximations
inherent to analytical treatments of the non-diagonal Hamiltonian for spin S ≥ 1 systems. It is applied
successfully for nano-island spin S = 1 and 2 systems, generating accurate EFT results. Detailed computations
are made for the characteristic magnetic properties of the nano-island over its hexagonal lattice, and applied
numerically to calculate the properties of the 2D Co nano-island on an fcc(111) surface. It is shown how the
transverse magnetic field perturbs the magnetic order, generating spin correlations and magnetizations for the
core and periphery domains that are fundamentally different along the longitudinal and transverse directions. The
transverse field drives the system Curie temperature to lower values with increasing strength. The isothermal
susceptibilities are shown to be exchange dominated along the out-of-plane direction and quasi-paramagnetic in
the inplane. A characteristic thermodynamic function that scales directly with the spin and the transverse field is
derived for the correlations of the longitudinal and transverse spin components on the nano-island atomic sites.
![Research paper thumbnail of Sublattice magnetizations of ultrathin alloy [Co1−cGdc]n nanojunctions...](
The cobalt and gadolinium sublattice magnetizations of ultrathin cobalt-gadolinium alloy nanojunc... more The cobalt and gadolinium sublattice magnetizations of ultrathin cobalt-gadolinium alloy nanojunctions
½Co1cGdcn between Co leads are investigated using the effective field theory (EFT) and mean
field theory (MFT) methods. The n hcp atomic layers at homogeneous concentrations c are
considered to model structurally the alloy nanojunction. In particular, the Ising EFT serves to
determine the appropriate exchange constants for Co and Gd, characterized by their fundamental
spins, by calculating their single-site spin correlations, magnetizations, and Curie temperatures,
in good agreement with experimental data in the ordered phase. The EFT results seed the MFT
calculations for the nanojunction from the interface inwards. The combined EFT and MFT
analysis yields the sublattice magnetizations for the Co and Gd sites, and compensation effects,
on the individual layers of the nanojunctions, as a function of concentration, temperature, and
nanojunction thickness. We observe that these magnetic variables are different for the first few
layers near the nanojunction interfaces but tend to limiting solutions in the core layers. The
exchange constants and sublattice magnetizations calculated by this combined approach and
referenced to the fundamental Co and Gd spins, are necessary elements for the self-consistent
analysis of the spin dynamics of the system and the quantum transport of lead magnons across
the nanojunctions. V
Papers by M. Abou Ghantous
nano-island presenting an out-of-plane magnetization, and subject to an applied in-plane transverse magnetic
field. A non-diagonal Ising Hamiltonian with nearest neighbor exchange, single-atom magnetic anisotropy, and a
transverse Zeeman term, defines the ground state of the system. We investigate the effects due to the transverse
field acting on the magnetic order, in conjunction with those due to the reduced dimensionalities of the core and
periphery domains of the nano-island. The choice of a model spin S ≥ 1 for the atoms permits the analysis of spin
fluctuations via the single-atom spin correlations. A numerical method is developed to avoid approximations
inherent to analytical treatments of the non-diagonal Hamiltonian for spin S ≥ 1 systems. It is applied
successfully for nano-island spin S = 1 and 2 systems, generating accurate EFT results. Detailed computations
are made for the characteristic magnetic properties of the nano-island over its hexagonal lattice, and applied
numerically to calculate the properties of the 2D Co nano-island on an fcc(111) surface. It is shown how the
transverse magnetic field perturbs the magnetic order, generating spin correlations and magnetizations for the
core and periphery domains that are fundamentally different along the longitudinal and transverse directions. The
transverse field drives the system Curie temperature to lower values with increasing strength. The isothermal
susceptibilities are shown to be exchange dominated along the out-of-plane direction and quasi-paramagnetic in
the inplane. A characteristic thermodynamic function that scales directly with the spin and the transverse field is
derived for the correlations of the longitudinal and transverse spin components on the nano-island atomic sites.
½Co1cGdcn between Co leads are investigated using the effective field theory (EFT) and mean
field theory (MFT) methods. The n hcp atomic layers at homogeneous concentrations c are
considered to model structurally the alloy nanojunction. In particular, the Ising EFT serves to
determine the appropriate exchange constants for Co and Gd, characterized by their fundamental
spins, by calculating their single-site spin correlations, magnetizations, and Curie temperatures,
in good agreement with experimental data in the ordered phase. The EFT results seed the MFT
calculations for the nanojunction from the interface inwards. The combined EFT and MFT
analysis yields the sublattice magnetizations for the Co and Gd sites, and compensation effects,
on the individual layers of the nanojunctions, as a function of concentration, temperature, and
nanojunction thickness. We observe that these magnetic variables are different for the first few
layers near the nanojunction interfaces but tend to limiting solutions in the core layers. The
exchange constants and sublattice magnetizations calculated by this combined approach and
referenced to the fundamental Co and Gd spins, are necessary elements for the self-consistent
analysis of the spin dynamics of the system and the quantum transport of lead magnons across
the nanojunctions. V
nano-island presenting an out-of-plane magnetization, and subject to an applied in-plane transverse magnetic
field. A non-diagonal Ising Hamiltonian with nearest neighbor exchange, single-atom magnetic anisotropy, and a
transverse Zeeman term, defines the ground state of the system. We investigate the effects due to the transverse
field acting on the magnetic order, in conjunction with those due to the reduced dimensionalities of the core and
periphery domains of the nano-island. The choice of a model spin S ≥ 1 for the atoms permits the analysis of spin
fluctuations via the single-atom spin correlations. A numerical method is developed to avoid approximations
inherent to analytical treatments of the non-diagonal Hamiltonian for spin S ≥ 1 systems. It is applied
successfully for nano-island spin S = 1 and 2 systems, generating accurate EFT results. Detailed computations
are made for the characteristic magnetic properties of the nano-island over its hexagonal lattice, and applied
numerically to calculate the properties of the 2D Co nano-island on an fcc(111) surface. It is shown how the
transverse magnetic field perturbs the magnetic order, generating spin correlations and magnetizations for the
core and periphery domains that are fundamentally different along the longitudinal and transverse directions. The
transverse field drives the system Curie temperature to lower values with increasing strength. The isothermal
susceptibilities are shown to be exchange dominated along the out-of-plane direction and quasi-paramagnetic in
the inplane. A characteristic thermodynamic function that scales directly with the spin and the transverse field is
derived for the correlations of the longitudinal and transverse spin components on the nano-island atomic sites.
½Co1cGdcn between Co leads are investigated using the effective field theory (EFT) and mean
field theory (MFT) methods. The n hcp atomic layers at homogeneous concentrations c are
considered to model structurally the alloy nanojunction. In particular, the Ising EFT serves to
determine the appropriate exchange constants for Co and Gd, characterized by their fundamental
spins, by calculating their single-site spin correlations, magnetizations, and Curie temperatures,
in good agreement with experimental data in the ordered phase. The EFT results seed the MFT
calculations for the nanojunction from the interface inwards. The combined EFT and MFT
analysis yields the sublattice magnetizations for the Co and Gd sites, and compensation effects,
on the individual layers of the nanojunctions, as a function of concentration, temperature, and
nanojunction thickness. We observe that these magnetic variables are different for the first few
layers near the nanojunction interfaces but tend to limiting solutions in the core layers. The
exchange constants and sublattice magnetizations calculated by this combined approach and
referenced to the fundamental Co and Gd spins, are necessary elements for the self-consistent
analysis of the spin dynamics of the system and the quantum transport of lead magnons across
the nanojunctions. V