Tecnocampus de Mataro
There are theories related to the time dependence of the speed of light that predict that the speed of light is not constant but depends on the time. But they are not verifiable or demonstrable physically or mathematically with concrete... more
There are theories related to the time dependence of the speed of light that predict that the speed of light is not constant but depends on the time. But they are not verifiable or demonstrable physically or mathematically with concrete... more
La norma UNE 25-460-90 especifica en las instalaciones eléctricas en edificios la elección e instalación de los materiales eléctricos en la puesta a tierra con los conductores de protección adecuados. El factor K surge en la norma como... more
La ley de relación del transformador es una ley propiamente electromagnética, que surge como consecuencia de la aplicación de la inducción electromagnética entre el circuito eléctrico primario y el circuito eléctrico secundario. En este... more
Una de las formas de entender como se propaga una epidemia es utilizando un modelo matemático. En 1927 el bioquímico William Ogilvy Kermanck y el teniente coronel Anderson Gray McKendrick [1] idearon un modelo para interpretar las... more
There are theories related to the time dependence of the speed of light that predict that the speed of light is not constant but depends on the time. But they are not verifiable or demonstrable physically or mathematically with concrete... more
The aim of this work is to produce a classification system to assess cervical injury from a multi-sensor database. This is a database that has never been gathered before, with data coming from three different sensors: inertial, EEG, and... more
It is a mistake to believe that the primitive experiments, known as the origin of the physical sciences, have been sufficiently studied and therefore it is impossible to extract from them some new and important knowledge. This view has... more
Easy experiments carried out in the dawn of electromagnetism are still being a reason for scientific articles, because its functioning contradicts some laws and rules of electromagnetic theory. Although these experiments led Einstein to... more
It is a mistake to believe that the primitive experiments, known as the origin of the physical sciences, have been sufficiently studied and therefore it is impossible to extract from them some new and important knowledge. This view has... more
Los puntos de Lagrange son esencialmente puntos en el espacio con un determinado equilibrio. Donde pueden aparcarse satélites o telescopios de observación en una orbita más o menos estable. La determinación de estos puntos de Lagrange... more
Lagrangian points are essentially points in space with a certain equilibrium. Where satellites or observation telescopes can be parked in a stable orbit. The determination of these Lagrange points corresponds to the three-body... more
El propósito de esta publicación es comprobar que los fenómenos asociados al magnetismo son manifestaciones de la relatividad especial. No en vano, el magnetismo es una consecuencia de la velocidad de las cargas eléctricas, y la... more
The purpose of this publication is to verify that the phenomena associated with magnetism are manifestations of special relativity. Not in vain, magnetism is a consequence of the speed of electric charges, and special relativity tells us... more
A new experiment on unipolar induction has been designed and built by topologically modifying the structure of the Faraday disk. The metamorphosis consists of replacing the magnet with a solenoid, with the same axis of rotation as the... more