Vol.4, No.3 by Tem Journal

Trunk pipelines work under a cyclic dynamical mechanical load because when oil or gas is pumped, ... more Trunk pipelines work under a cyclic dynamical mechanical load because when oil or gas is pumped, the pressure constantly changes - pulsates. Therefore, the fatigue phenomenon is a common reason of accidents. The fatigue phenomenon more often happens in the zone of non-metallic inclusions concentration. To know how the characteristics of non-metallic inclusions influence the probability of an accident the most modern research methods should be used.
It is determined with the help of the modern research methods that the accident rate of welded joints of pipelines is mostly influenced by their morphological type, composition and size of nonmetallic inclusions, this effect is more important than the common level of pollution by non-metallic inclusions. The article presents the results of the investigations of welded joints, obtained after the use of different common welding materials. We used the methods, described in the state standards: scanning electronic microscopy, spectral microprobe analysis and nano-indentation. We found out that non-metallic inclusions act like stress concentrators because they shrink, forming a blank space between metal and non-metallic inclusions; it strengthens the differential properties on this boundary. Nonmetallic inclusion is not fixed, it can move.
The data that we have received mean that during welded joints’ contamination (with non-metallic inclusions) monitoring process, more attention should be paid to the content of definite inclusions, but not to total contamination.
The discussion on the educational systems in varied countries seems endless. There are different ... more The discussion on the educational systems in varied countries seems endless. There are different viewpoints from one country to another; yet, as the demand on the labour market has become global and, implicitly, the access to the jobs has been extended, the question naturally rises, to what extent are the educational systems convergent and can they generate an identical offer, based on similar skills of the candidates from different countries, aspects which should create equal employment opportunities. In the given context, it is of the utmost importance to create unitary educational systems, across wide geographical spaces, meant to answer such an evolution on economic-social and geo-strategic levels. Also, the educationprovidershave to customizetheiroffer in a proper way in orderto meetthe dynamical demands of employers.
People who do not have expertise in the financial area may not see the relationship between the n... more People who do not have expertise in the financial area may not see the relationship between the numerical and linguistic data. In our study, a knowledge discovery approach using Turkish natural language processing is recommended in order to respond to meaningful queries and classify them with high accuracy. Query corpus consists of randomly selected unique keywords. Quantitative evaluation is done in order to measure the classification performance. Experimental results indicate that our proposed approach is sufficiently consistent with and able to make categorical classifications correctly. The approach highlights the relationship between numerical and linguistic data obtained from Turkish financial market.
T-SQL, dialect of SQL, is a language used for a relational database management system (primarily ... more T-SQL, dialect of SQL, is a language used for a relational database management system (primarily Microsoft’s SQL Server), which in turn is based on the relational model. Understanding some of the key foundation principals can help in a better understanding of the language.
This paper introduces basics of the relational model and the difference between the relational model and the actual T-SQL implementation.Several tightly related topics like predicates, relations, and common misconceptions about databases are also discussed.
SC macrodiversity system with dual EGC microdiversity receivers operating over shadowed multipath... more SC macrodiversity system with dual EGC microdiversity receivers operating over shadowed multipath fading environment is considered. Received signal experiences correlated Gamma long term fading and Rician short term fading. SC macrodiversity receiver reduces Gamma large scale fading effects, while EGC microdiversity receivers mitigate short term fading effects on system performance. Closed form expressions for arbitrary order output moments of macrodiversity structure output signal is evaluated. Numerical results, obtained for arbitrary order output moments are presented graphically to show Gamma long term fading severity effect, correlation coefficient effects and Rician factor effect.
Agent-oriented techniques represent an exciting new means of analyzing, designing and building co... more Agent-oriented techniques represent an exciting new means of analyzing, designing and building complex software systems. They have the potential to significantly improve current practice in software engineering and to extend the range of applications that can feasibly be tackled. Yet, to date, there have been few serious attempts to cast agent systems as a software engineering paradigm. This paper seeks to rectify this omission. Specifically, points to be argued include:firstly, the conceptual apparatus of agent-oriented systems is well-suited to building software solutions for complex systems and secondly, agent-oriented approaches represent a genuine advance over the current state of the art for
engineering complex systems. Following on from this view, the major issues raised by adopting an agentoriented approach to software engineering are highlighted and discussed in this paper.
The drinking water from the source Studenčica contains a high percentage of dissolved mineral sal... more The drinking water from the source Studenčica contains a high percentage of dissolved mineral salts and can not be used for the operation of steam boilers.It is therefore necessary this water to bephysically and chemically treated.Physical treatment consistsofthe removal of mechanical impurities by means of sand filters, and chemical treatment is consisted of two different procedures: decarbonation and demineralization. Decarbonation is performed in quick concrete reactor - accelerator with a solution of Ca(OH)2 and FeCl3, and demineralization is performed using ion modifiers.
The vast fossil fuel consumption and decreasing oil reserves and natural resources, enforce much ... more The vast fossil fuel consumption and decreasing oil reserves and natural resources, enforce much more need of finding decision for renewable energies and development of constructions for using the so called green resources. One solution of this problem is combination ofalready established solar based sources and brown gas cell construction. Brown gas cell production is based on electrolysis of pure water and as a result generating a real gas fuel. This production can find large utility in different usages.

TEM Journal Vol.4, No.3, Aug 27, 2015
Research activities in the field of modern Biomedical engineering show a more intense trend towar... more Research activities in the field of modern Biomedical engineering show a more intense trend towards the use of sophisticated engineering measurement tools in order to optimize existing medical devices. External fixators are such an example of the above mentioned. Critical design parameters are being optimized by the use of existing engineering research methodology. One of the most important parameter for external fixators that have to be tracked are the interfragmentary displacements between the proximal and distal bone segment. This is usually achieved by the use of a finite element method. Another way is the use of displacement sensors or transducers. To verify these numerical results and to gain additional real life footage of interfragmentary displacements during testing, the use of a high speed camera has been taken into consideration. This paper compares previously acquired numerical data for a specific external fixator design parallel to the same setup whilst being recorded with a high speed camera. Results indicate good superposition with previously obtained data.

TEM Journal Vol.4, No.3, Aug 27, 2015
As a stochastic, microscopic, time-step, behavior-based model with capabilities to provide applic... more As a stochastic, microscopic, time-step, behavior-based model with capabilities to provide application of programming interface (API) and simulation, VISSIM has become one of the most useful and reliable programs utilized by contemporary engineers and researchers in the processes of evaluation of control operations and strategies of transportation. In this paper are given 'state of the art' calibration and validation techniques of VISSIM parameters that derive from the need to accurately match the simulations results of the models with the observed field data. In this context, different practices of different traffic control operations that have been done so far in calibration and validation process are overviewed. For each one of them the aim of calibration, developed methodologies, manner in which are identified "best" parameters for calibration, calibration objective functions, criteria, optimization techniques, evaluation of modeling outputs are emphasized. Finally, a prescription of credibility and reliability of calibrated parameters to the related traffic conditions is given.

TEM Journal Vol.4, No.3, Aug 27, 2015
Predicting student failure is an important task that can empower educators to counteract the fact... more Predicting student failure is an important task that can empower educators to counteract the factors that affect student performance. In this paper, a part of the bigger problem of predicting student failure is addressed: predicting the students that do not complete their assignment tasks. For solving this problem, real data collected by our university’s educational platform was used. Because the problem consisted of predicting one of three possible classes (multi-class classification), the appropriate algorithms and methods were selected. Several experiments were carried out to find the best approach for this prediction problem and the used data set. An approach of time segmentation is proposed in order to facilitate the prediction from early on. Methods that address the problems of high dimensionality and imbalanced data were also evaluated. The outcome of each approach is shown and compared in order to select the best performing classification algorithm for the problem at hand.
TEM Journal Vol.4, No.3, Aug 27, 2015
The development of information and communication technologies (ICT) has led to the significant ch... more The development of information and communication technologies (ICT) has led to the significant changes in many areas of human lives. One of the aspects becoming much more challenging is the education of ICT professionals. Latest statistics show that the labor market demand for ICT practitioners exceeds the number of higher education graduates in the field of ICT. This paper provides a brief overview of the past and current situation on the labor market regarding the demand for ICT professionals, as well as forecasts by 2020. Paper also provides a research of demanded competencies in ICT jobs advertisements, and their comparison with competencies defined within the e-Competence framework 3.0 and generic competencies defined by Tuning project.
TEM Journal Vol.4, No.3, Aug 27, 2015
Since its debut in the last quarter of the twentieth century, pinch technology has become an effi... more Since its debut in the last quarter of the twentieth century, pinch technology has become an efficient tool for efficient and cost-effective engineering process design. This method allows the integration of mass and heat streams in such a way that minimizes waste and external purchase of mass and utilities. Moreover, integrating process streams internally will minimize fuel consumption and hence carbon emission to the atmosphere. This paper discusses a programmable approach to the design of mass and heat exchange networks that can be used easily for large scale engineering processes.
TEM Journal, Aug 27, 2015
This paper proposes a dependability reusable ontology for knowledge representation. The fundament... more This paper proposes a dependability reusable ontology for knowledge representation. The fundamental knowledge related to dependability follows its taxonomy. Thus, this paper gives an analysis of what is the dependability domain ontology andof its components.The dependability domain ontology plays an important role in ensuring the dependability of information systems by providing support for their diagnosis in case of faults, errors and failures.The proposed ontology is used as a dependability framework in two case study Cyber-Physical Systemswhich demonstrate its reusability within this category of systems.
Vol.4, No.2 by Tem Journal
In this paper a new software system for finding of incipient faultsis presented.An experiment is ... more In this paper a new software system for finding of incipient faultsis presented.An experiment is made with real measurement of partial discharge(PD) that appeared in power transformer. The software system usesacquisition data to define the real state of this transformer. One of the most important criteria for the power transformer’s state is the presence of partial discharges. The wave propagation caused by partial discharge depends on scheme of the winding and construction of the power equipment. In all cases, the PD source had a specific position so the wave measured from the PD –coupling device had a specific waveform. The waveform is different when PD-coupling device is put on a specific place. The waveform and the time of propagation are criteria for the localization of the source of incipient faults in the volume of power transformer.

This paper presents an overview of the recorded state in terms of the capacity for introducing of... more This paper presents an overview of the recorded state in terms of the capacity for introducing of an informatics system for knowledge management of an academic institution – the Faculty of Administration and Information Systems Management (FAISM), unit of the University of Bitola “St. KlimentOhridski”. It examines: the attitudes on knowledge and learning, the personal detectors on logistics - support to the system and the attitudes toward the working group - the organization, of all 40 employees, as well as the achievement motive of 112 active students at FAISM. The results indicated that the FAISM’ readiness for change in direction of increased sharing and use of the knowledge possessed is moderate, with limited awareness among the staff that the clear professional requirements, rules and standards previously set, are prerequisites for successful implementation and application of this system.

The study discuss the reliability of global talent competitiveness (GTC) as framework of deter- m... more The study discuss the reliability of global talent competitiveness (GTC) as framework of deter- minants based on multiple criteria assessment method- ology presenting the comparisons of Baltic States and Serbia as a case study. The multiple criteria evaluation principles are focused on the knowledge components interdependencies with global talent determinants as well as other criterial systems used for the innovation strategies. The approach in a research under review and de- tailing of GTC criterial system when evaluating the talent potential determinants revealed some benefits of multicriteria decision making analysis. The GTC index is a useful instrument for rational global talent management when using the EU structural funds, in- tersectorial distributing of limited resources for more rational development of labour & vocational skills, for evaluating the innovation and talent growth determi- nants.
This paper integrates theories and findings of the role of human resources management (HRM) in th... more This paper integrates theories and findings of the role of human resources management (HRM) in the process of knowledge management (KM) in the information and communication technologies (ICT) sector in Croatia.In order to succeed, companies must prevent the loss of knowledge. Therefore, they must recognize the importance of human resources as the main factor of business. Only knowledge management enables knowledge sharing.Furthermore, applications of information technology (IT) in the field of HRM can prevent the loss of knowledge and arise the transfer of knowledge among employees.For the purpose of this paper, a survey regarding human resource and knowledge management in IT companies is conducted in order to analyze the structure of HR and the importance of knowledge sharing in an organization.
This paper explores the possibilities of the Eurocode EN 1991-1-4 to be used to predict the respo... more This paper explores the possibilities of the Eurocode EN 1991-1-4 to be used to predict the response of structures with installed dynamic vibration absorber or TMD.The analysis is performed in a way that Davenport model is used to conduct theoretical calculation, and then is made calculation according to Eurocode procedure 2. Finally, results from both methods are compared. Floor displacements, accelerations, aerodynamical damping of structure and compliance to serviceability criteria ISO 10137:2007 is being calculated. In the end, remarks concerning the usability of the EN standard for predicting wind response of wind susceptible structures are given on the basis of calculated results from both methods.
This document refers to the non-stationary heat conduction through transparent thermal insulators... more This document refers to the non-stationary heat conduction through transparent thermal insulators. Non-stationary heat transfer means that temperature varies in time, in all points of the thermal field. Temporal and spatial distributions of the temperature inside of the sample are experimentally determined.
Keywords – Transparent thermal insulators, non-stationary heat conduction, thermal field, coefficient of heat transfer over, coefficient of heat transfer through, coefficient of heat conduction
Vol.4, No.3 by Tem Journal
It is determined with the help of the modern research methods that the accident rate of welded joints of pipelines is mostly influenced by their morphological type, composition and size of nonmetallic inclusions, this effect is more important than the common level of pollution by non-metallic inclusions. The article presents the results of the investigations of welded joints, obtained after the use of different common welding materials. We used the methods, described in the state standards: scanning electronic microscopy, spectral microprobe analysis and nano-indentation. We found out that non-metallic inclusions act like stress concentrators because they shrink, forming a blank space between metal and non-metallic inclusions; it strengthens the differential properties on this boundary. Nonmetallic inclusion is not fixed, it can move.
The data that we have received mean that during welded joints’ contamination (with non-metallic inclusions) monitoring process, more attention should be paid to the content of definite inclusions, but not to total contamination.
This paper introduces basics of the relational model and the difference between the relational model and the actual T-SQL implementation.Several tightly related topics like predicates, relations, and common misconceptions about databases are also discussed.
engineering complex systems. Following on from this view, the major issues raised by adopting an agentoriented approach to software engineering are highlighted and discussed in this paper.
Vol.4, No.2 by Tem Journal
Keywords – Transparent thermal insulators, non-stationary heat conduction, thermal field, coefficient of heat transfer over, coefficient of heat transfer through, coefficient of heat conduction
It is determined with the help of the modern research methods that the accident rate of welded joints of pipelines is mostly influenced by their morphological type, composition and size of nonmetallic inclusions, this effect is more important than the common level of pollution by non-metallic inclusions. The article presents the results of the investigations of welded joints, obtained after the use of different common welding materials. We used the methods, described in the state standards: scanning electronic microscopy, spectral microprobe analysis and nano-indentation. We found out that non-metallic inclusions act like stress concentrators because they shrink, forming a blank space between metal and non-metallic inclusions; it strengthens the differential properties on this boundary. Nonmetallic inclusion is not fixed, it can move.
The data that we have received mean that during welded joints’ contamination (with non-metallic inclusions) monitoring process, more attention should be paid to the content of definite inclusions, but not to total contamination.
This paper introduces basics of the relational model and the difference between the relational model and the actual T-SQL implementation.Several tightly related topics like predicates, relations, and common misconceptions about databases are also discussed.
engineering complex systems. Following on from this view, the major issues raised by adopting an agentoriented approach to software engineering are highlighted and discussed in this paper.
Keywords – Transparent thermal insulators, non-stationary heat conduction, thermal field, coefficient of heat transfer over, coefficient of heat transfer through, coefficient of heat conduction
Macedonia towards European Union is clear and
unambiguous interest and priority goal. Republic of
Macedonia within the integration processes from
16.05.2007, has the status of a candidate for
membership in the European Union. Thus it has the
right to use financial funds from the pre-accession
funds in order to meet the criteria for membership in
the European Union, and harmonization of the
national legislation within the European. The paper
has a goal to give preliminary assessment of the
current capacities in the Republic of Macedonia for
absorption of resources from the EU funds.
(euroization) in Montenegro has had its consequences
for the subsequent economic policy, whose main pillar
has become the fiscal policy. Given that fiscal policy
must be directed towards the achievement of a number
of fiscal and non-fiscal objectives, the importance of
the careful and adequate management by its holders
gains special importance. In the context of the euroized
Montenegrin economy, fiscal policy is the most
important, and practically the only relevant instrument
of macroeconomic management in Montenegro,
especially in terms of the realization of the effects of
stimulus, stabilization and redistribution.
enables quick analysis of elastic rotor natural
frequency modes is developed using Matlab. This
simulation model enables users to get dependency
diagram of natural frequency in relation to diameter
and length of the rotor,density of the material or
modulus of elasticity. Testing of the model is done
using numerical analysis in SolidWorks software
Bulgaria is subject to monitoring, including in the field
of ecomomy. Our country complies with the rules and
procedures imposed by the common European policy.
Although recent analyses indicate a slight decline in
corporate indebtedness, it also maintains the same high
levels, thus it hides certain risks for businesses in all
sectors of the economy. The delayed payment to a
counterparty leads to an avalanche of delayed
payments. The need for discipline, good faith and fair
payments is tangible.
most appropriate methods and techniques used for
Teaching English to children with special educational
needs and to determine whether they should take the
courses in foreign languages in mainstream education
or with a supporting teacher. The study is based on a
questionnaire applied to teachers of English and on
questionnaires answered by children with special
educational needs and children without learning
difficulties. The theoretical part covers suggestions for
teaching English to children with special educational
needs and the practical part is a comparison between
the answers provided by the interviewed teachers and
students. The findings conclude that teachers are able
to teach regular children simultaneously with
mainstream children, though these are reluctant
regarding the education of children with special
educational needs in mainstream education.
different forms of trading. Electronic business opens
up new markets and market segments. Auctions are a
very reliable and competitive trading model which
allows to achieve fair prices and to choose the optimal
business partners. The purpose of this model is that the
system can extend the duration of the auction until
they met various commercial applications.The basic
motivation for research in this paper is the increasing
trend of the use of electronic auctions in the process of
selling and buying products and services.
communication media for people with hearing
difficulties.In developed countries, systems are made
for overcoming a problem in communication with deaf
people. This encouraged us to develop a system for the
Bosnian sign language since there is a need for such
system. The work is done with the use of digital image
processing methods providing a system that teaches a
multilayer neural network using a back propagation
algorithm. Images are processed by feature extraction
methods, and by masking method the data set has been
created. Training is done using cross validation method
for better performance thus; an accuracy of 84% is
possible to create and describe information damping
mechanism for transition of threats from one user
group to another (within the parameters of portraits),
which is the main cause of the massively spreading
threat on social networks. Threat predictability in
social networks is associated with an adequate scrutiny
of system and user portrait, which has a direct
data consists of five steps. Data preparation, which
includes data cleaning and feature selection, takes
away from 60% to 95% total time of the whole process.
Thus, it is crucial phase of the process. The purpose of
this research is to investigate feature selection
techniques performance by conducting empirical
research. Our comparison of three feature selection
techniques reveals significant difference in feature
selection techniques performance.
influenced many countries to adopt mobile services in
their private and public organizations including Oman.
M-commerce services are growing rapidly with the
exponential growth of mobile devices, technologies and
networks. Hence, many business organizations private
or public use them to improve revenue, reduce costs,
maintain their competitive edge and achieve a level of
high efficiency. Although there were many Mcommerce
services introduced, it was hard to find
evidence of any study conducted to determine their
successes or failures. This study is an attempt to
explore the factors affecting the adoption of Mcommerce
services in Oman using the Technology
Acceptance Model (TAM) approach.
solar radiation energy using transparent thermal
insulators. Transparent thermal insulators are
transparent for sunlight, at the same time those
are very good thermal insulators. Transparent
thermal insulators can be placed instead of
standard conventional thermal insulators and
additionally transparent insulators can capture
solar radiation, transform it into heat and save
heat just as standard insulators. Using
transparent insulators would lead to reduce in
usage of fossil fuels and would help protection of
an environment and reduce effects of global
warming, etc.
centre with 266.4 m2
area, and it focuses on defining
the heat profile of the centre, as well as on the airflow
in the centre. To this purpose, the necessary
measurements in the data centre have been taken, and
a detailed model in the computational fluid dynamics
program package PHOENICS has been elaborated.
The model simulations yielded the fields of
temperature, velocity and pressure throughout the
center, as well as the complete image of the airflow in
the center.The results helped to detect the weak points
and to draw conclusions regarding upgrading the
defined working conditions in the data-com equipment.
Keywords – intelligence; decision support; service; accessibility; metric
Keywords – REA ontology, metamodel, validation, identification, business process modelling
Keywords - Cardiometabolic Risk, Assessment, Risk Calculators, Artificial Neural Networks.
Keywords - HP LED, SPD, accelerated life test, change in color.
Keywords - ANFIS, WEDM, cold work tool steel, surface roughness.
Keywords - Competitive Edge, Multicriteria Evaluation, Manufacturing Enterprise, SAW Method.
Keywords - Information security, Information assurance.
Keywords - Eastern European countries, transportation, enterprises, workforce, labour productivity, turnover, added value, gross operating surplus, SME, suggestions.
Keywords - PHP, ASP.
Keywords - Higher education, students’ satisfaction, quality.
technology can use five different service classes
according to their different needs. In this paper we
propose priority based uplink scheduling scheme for
IEEE 802.16 standard that improves the QoS
performances of the WiMAX service classes, especially
when the number of connections gets higher. Essential
QoS parameters like throughput, delay and jitter have
been calculated using the ns-2 simulation tool and
changing the number of the ertPS connections.
Obtained results prove that our proposed uplink
scheduling algorithm gives better results compared
with so far known uplink scheduling mechanism.
represent the significant cause of death worldwide
during the past few decades. Obesity is recognized as
an independent factor for the development of the
cardiovascular diseases. There is a strong correlation
between the central (abdominal) type of obesity and the
cardiovascular and metabolic diseases. Among a
variety of anthropometric measurements of the
abdominal fat size, sagittal abdominal diameter (SAD)
has been proposed as the valid measurement of the
visceral fat mass and cardiometabolic risk level. This
paper presents a solution based on artificial neural
networks (ANN) for estimating SAD low-limits for the
adverse metabolic profile. ANN inputs are: gender, age,
body mass index, systolic and diastolic blood pressures,
HDL-, LDL- and total cholesterol, triglycerides,
glycemia, fibrinogen and uric acid. ANN output is SAD.
ANN training and testing are done by dataset that
includes 1341 persons.
research in light of didactic polyform principle and
their positive correlative links, which they
contribute to breaking of formalism in Mathematics
Teaching for realization of the most important
teaching goals, i.e. making the process more active
and more dynamic and adopting deductive methods
as the most significant way of thinking, complete
acquisition proficiency and its applying to various
mathematical and other situations.
This work concerned with the Mathematics
Teaching and especially the principle of polyform,
introduced with geometrical-arithmetical-algebraic
interpretation in function of dynamic teaching
process with tendency of continuous offering of
occasionsto pupils for original and creative thinking
in addition to development of habits of independent
polyform thinking, critical evaluation and
reasonable generalization.
Keywords: Principle of polyformism,
geometrical polyformism, combine polyformism,
methodological innovations, breaking of formalism.
been widely used to simulate the experimental studies,
which cost a lot of time and need to be repeated many
times, in different fields of the industry with sufficient
accuracy results. Therewithal, the energy conservation
and controlled use of energy is very important for the
more clean and habitable world. Therefore, refrigerant
gases used in cooling systems should not affect global
warming and damage to the ozone layer. Regarding
that, in this study the ejector performance was mapped
in Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) software
using R600a (isobutene) refrigerant gas that the
hydrocarbon-based, non-ODP (Ozone Depletion
Potential) and has less effect of GWP (Global Warming
the productivity or efficiency of the new European
Union (EU) states, with emphasis on Estonia; and to
compare them on the EU level. Industry, construction,
trade and transport in Estonia have been viewed
separately. Labour market problems in Eastern
European countries have become more and more
important. When the EU labour markets opened, some
EU countries were forced to face the problem of partial
workforce drain to richer countries with higher wages.
In addition, on the one hand, East European countries
have quite high unemployment rates, and on the other,
many vacant jobs – there is a lack of qualified
workforce. Low salaries, among other reasons, force
many people to go to work in rich countries, where
wages are several times higher. A number of proposals
to increase labour productivity for both workers and
entrepreneurs have been listed in the summary.
based Information Systems are very popular due to
several reasons. The main reason is the ability to
update and maintain them without distributing and
installing software on thousand of client computers.
This paper describes the main stages of the
development process and mainly requirement analysis
and database design. Such kind of system will provide
students with the opportunity to choose among more
projects, to work with different specialists in other
conditions, in international teams, in different
environments and to have more opportunities for their
future professional realization.
method. It built using adaptive skin tone segmentation
and identification of image keypoints specific for a
hand. Details about skin detector implementations
provided.Application of different feature detectors and
descriptors for hand detection is considered.
Experimental results show the performance of a
method, and demonstrate promising results for hand
numerous definitions about the financial systems in
whole. But, in the literature today, we can separate one
definition about the finances which is in the function of
the business decision-making. According to it, the
finances can be also interpreted as a discipline that has
to secure information's about the managers-leaders of
the organization that will help in the process of making
the adequate business decisions [1].
The contents, above all, are made by the economic
information's and processes: measuring and
communicating with the financial information's. This
definition means usage of the information's about the
making of the business decisions and identifying of the
users of the financial information's.
It is out of every suspicion that the understanding
of this definition encloses, above all, understanding of
the terms about the economic information. Usually,
when we make efforts to define the term information,
we firstly make difference with the term data. The data
represents a kind of a fact which is characteristic for
physical phenomenons or business transactions. The
data can be defined as a group of non-incidentally
received symbols which represent quantity, events,
undertaken actions or things. The data can be
expressed with letters, numbers or symbols.
The information's are defined as data processed in a
form which is meaningful or valuable for a specific
aim. The financial information's represent processed
data so that they can be used in planning, control and
making of the business decisions. The data represent a
raw material which serves for processing-production of
examine eight mixtures made with pumice powder and
fly ash in order to produce lightweight materials.
Additionally, textile fiber was utilized to increase
strength of the lightweight concrete. It was found that
28 days compressive strength, thermal conductivity,
sound transmission speed, water absorption and unit
weight varied from13.0 to 20.9 MPa, 0.34 to 0.43
W/mK, 2.52 to 3.11 km/s, 14.3 to 17.5 % and 1.19 to
1.40 g/cm3
, respectively. It was seen form SEM pictures
of samples that reaction products of cement were
formed. In all samples, there was no deformation due
to temperature from 300 to 700°C. However, at 900°C,
all samples were deformed and showed cracks of 3 mm.
The compressive strengths of cracks samples were
obtained from 8.1 to 10.2 MPa. The results showed that
pumice and fly ash decreased thermal conductivity and
sound transmission. Also, samples were not
decomposed at high temperature when pumice and fly
ash used as admixtures in lightweight concrete.
surface quality of manganese steel sheets. The sheets
are produced by hot rolling, on an industrial scale, in
the Makstil AD Steel Mill in Skopje.
Several surface defects were detected; however, the
appearance of edge waves in the hot rolling process
was especially analyzed. For this purpose, the change
of the geometrical parameters of manganese steel
sheets was monitored during the hot rolling process
and measurements of the sheet flatness were done.
Furthermore, some of the more important
technological parameters of the rolling process were
followed – reduction degree, temperature, velocity and
rolling force, in each of the passes, in the course of the
plastic deformation.
The knowledge obtained indicates that sheets with
quality surface and without edge waves are produced
with higher rolling velocities, higher rolling
temperatures and lower rolling forces. This finding can
serve for defining optimal sheet processing conditions,
at which absence of edge waves and satisfactory
flatness quality of the steel sheets can be accomplished.
the connection length and clamping strength is
increased in friction drilling of thin-walled cast
materials. In this experimental study 2400, 3600, and
4800 rpm spindle speeds, 50, 75, and 100 mm/min feed
rates, 240
, 360
, and 480
tool conical angles were selected.
2, 4, and 6 mm thicknesses of A7075-T651 aluminium
alloys and St 37 steel materials were drilled with using
10 mm diameter HSS (High Speed Steel) and WC
(Tungsten Carbide) rotating conical tools which have
16 mm cylindrical region length. I was analysed the
surface roughness, bushing height and bushing sheet
thickness according to the spindle speed, feed rate, tool
conical angle, workpiece material thickness, both
workpiece and tool material types parameters.
Consequently it was discovered that in friction drilling
of 2 mm thickness A7075-T651 aluminium alloy, the
bushing was formed as petal shape, which limited
providing connection length and clamping strength
owing to the brittleness of the material. In friction
drilling of brittle materials, there were a lot of cracks
generated on the bushing shape. The minimum surface
roughness values were obtained at 3600 rpm spindle
speed and 75 mm/min feed rate conditions friction
drilling of St 37 steel material. The surface roughness
values of A7075-T651 aluminium alloys were higher
than St 37 steel materials. In conditions decreasing the
spindle speeds, tool conical angles, and increasing feed
rates, the bushing height was increased and bushing
wall thickness was decreased
elementary school second grade students’ metaphors
that they develop. The results of the research indicate
that the students have developed positive images about
the internet. Internet was expressed as a source of
application by the primary school students and they
likened the internet to an object (abascus, bulb, USB,
book etc.), to a person (clever person, father-mother,
scholar, philosopher etc), to a source of information
(clever library, encyclopedia, tree of information, the
salad of information etc), to an animal (to a donkey, to
a creature that knows everything, the ants etc.), to a
machine ( machine of information) or to an ocean.
in introducing and developing web based e-learning
resources into seafarers’ education, as additional mode
of acquiring knowledge, at the Faculty of Maritime
Studies, which is a part of the University of
Montenegro. Some numerical and qualitative results of
the polls realized among a number of involved
students, teachers, and experts in the field, are
presented and discussed in order to identify pros and
cons of the issue, as well as the directions for further
acting. Finally, some empirically based suggestions
related to technical support in terms of software
platform and tools for creating more interesting,
engaging and inciting e-instructional materials are
given, as well.
experiment wichh was conducted in three departments
socio-linguistic direction in which experiment is the
central part of the topic and realized by IBSE (InguryBased Science Education) method. The first section is
done was working by IBSE method, the second
instruction was supported with demonstration
experiment and multimedia contents, while in the third
teaching was organized by a classic method. The
research results are expected and the first department
showed a statistically significant increase in the
quantum of knowledge.
organization is committed to begin the SPI effort, the first step is an assessment of the current process and the current capability of the organization to develop and maintain quality software. In this paper, the author presents a methodology for continuous software
process self-assessment, developed, tested and successfully applied in several companies in Macedonia. The methodology, using the SW-CMM (Software Capability Maturity Model) as a referentmodel, is unique in: Development of a suitably structured Database of Documents covering nearly every practice used by the actual software process. The documents are grouped according to aspects of development, quality assurance, configuration management and project management. The database provides software input to the referent model.
Formalization of the complex structure of the referent model SW-CMM, enabling statistical evaluation of the practices used versus baselines of the model, starting from the bottom up to the Levels of Maturity. For that purpose a software tool has been
created and applied.There are very few methodologies and techniques, which include processes, modeling and documentation in a single package (Curtis et al. 1992). The main
finding of this study is that an efficient, easy to use, sustainable and objective self-assessment and consequently self-improvement process should involve significant, well-designed initial efforts. This paper presents the methodology itself and reports our experiences in developing and conducting a self-assessment process that follows such a systematic approach.
guaranteed. Based on that, to describe the behavior of the WHILE loop we introduce appropriate formulas of the first-order predicate logic defined on the abstract state space (briefly S-formulas). This paper presents our approach to analyzing the WHILE loop semantics that is solely based on the first order predicate logic.
devices, capable of retrieving multimedia content from the environment. In this type of network, the nodes usually have very limited resources, in terms of processing power, bandwidth and energy. Efficient coding of the multimedia content is therefore
important. A new image compression codec, suitable for this type of network was developed, a very high compression ratio can be achieved, the compression rate varies depending on the content but it is usually between 90% and 99% compared to the previous
camera network.
situations, but the method of their application in an unfamiliar situation allows the student to solve the problem. School classes fulfill their mission of quality preparation of students for further education, application of knowledge in the world of work or in
everyday problem situations.
thoroughly designed complex procedure which is eminently realized in all parts of educational system. The process of designing and applying educational computer software should be
particularly emphasized. In the aim of enhancing lectures and overcoming mentioned drawbacks we created a software for learning the contents from lecture topic "Inheritance mechanisms" for the 4th grade of grammar schools. Educational computer software "Inheritance Mechanisms" in Biology
lectures represents a new generation of educational technology, which is based on computing science and resources. This software is made for teaching and learning procedure, tests, assessments and exercises.
insertion and deletion in a list of elements. An experimental case study is done through implementing the list as: 1) Array Data Structure and as 2) Dynamic Linked List Data Structure and measuring the performance. The contribution of the study is based on the realized experimental case study analyses, its insights and recommendations for improving the efficiency of algorithms for t
searching, insertion and deletion in a list of elements. The recommendations, and insights gained from the realized measurements are presented and discussed.
technological process of sewing, as well as general
demands for seams produced in garment production,
this research should contribute the development of
sewed seams breaking forces. Thus, many
measurements of seam breaking forces have been
conducted. These measurements enable us to define
optimal strength of seam strength that improves the
compliance of sewed seams parameters. This paper
deals with the influence of the thread type and stitch
density on the seam strength. The breaking forces and
elongations at break were determined by the
standardized method (SRPS 2062) and fabric (tape
method) according to SRPS EN ISO 13934-1. Fabric
samples used for seam testing were sewed by seam
(1.01.01) and stitch type 301 with stitch densities 3, 4
and 5 cm-1
. Optimal seam strength (130.9 Ncm-1
) on the
fabric T71, and at the same time the highest strength,
has been noticed at the samples with seam line in weft
direction with stitch density 5 cm-1
, sewed with
polyester thread 20x2 tex count, while on fabric T71
that value is 115.9 Ncm-1
. According to obtained
results, it can be concluded that stitch density (3 cm-1
5 cm-1
) and the type of sewing thread (cotton and
polyester, K1 ÷ K5) have great influence on defining
seam sttrength, their inconsistency may lead to great
differences in seam behavior.
Keywords – Seam Strength, Seam Breaking Force
Implementation of algorithm for triangulation polygon is given in programming language JAVA. The main motivation is to present a way of solving problems through so-called visual planning and
programming using object-oriented concepts. Dynamic and static model processing show the problem and give the plan for solving and implementation in some of objective-oriented program language. In one section of this paper we will list some research of authors and their results in the application of programming languages in the field of computer graphics. We specify reason
for programming in Java in computer graphics and compared with other programming languages.
implementation, the post implementation support, as well as the measurements of practical benefits of the IS implementation.
Keywords: information system, methodology, local government.
international issue which all democratic societies,
including ours, need to stand against.
Accordingly, it is necessary to introduce such legal
definitions in positive legislation of the Republic
of Serbia which take into account the specificity of
electronic proof, in order to use collected proof as
valid in a court procedure. Also, an international
standardization of process rules of a criminal
procedure regarding actions of corroboration of
this kind of crime is necessary, in order to use
proof collected in a foreign state through an
international legal cooperation in criminal
matters in our state, and vice versa, having in
mind trans-national component of IT crime.
presents the installation and use of femtocells, as well as the problems one may encounter during this process. It also offers a technical solution, with its basic characteristics and the possibility of realization at a particular location, illustrated by the example of a telecomunications provider. The possibilities of implementation of new equipment to existing mobile networks are also discussed,
followed by the comparative analysis which aims at emphasizing the significant reduction of electrical energy consumption between GSM macro base stations and femtocell application.
and false in every invalid state. Basically, we can divide
them into two categories: object invariants and class
invariants. Object invariants describe the consistency of
object, i.e. non-static fields. Analysis of invariants takes
the most important place in object-oriented program
verification and can be directed in two ways – as
prescribed and as described. This paper considers both
analyses which are based on the strongest dynamic
postconditions of methods with the guard as the precondition, thus, determining all possible transitions and only them. In addition, since dynamic postconditions are logical functions of the initial-final states, our solution is based solely on the first-order predicate logic.
and Academic Learning. The intersection and combination of the insights from all the reviewed and analysed concepts will be used to Develop Mobile Learning Knowledge Management System that will combine all the previous mentioned concepts. The
research objective is to apply knowledge management into mobile learning and combine it with current research on personalization and adaptive learning.
globally dominant because it proved to be more flexible and effective in the age of globalization and changes in society, economy and labour market. Serbia joined this process in 2003 with the education reform which was supposed to introduce some novelties based on the UK system. The paper reviews those characteristics of the education system in the UK which Serbia adopted as objectives of its reform in order to make it
more effective and compatible with other European education systems.
one way of dealing with these challenges, based on sensor networks and the Sensor Web concept. The solution is given as GinisSense system. GinisSense is designed accordingly to Open Geospatial Consortium specifications and recommendations for the field of Sensor Web. This paper explains GinisSense
architecture and presents its opportunities for environmental monitoring, preservation and protection.
Real projects, however, are never limited by boundaries
of a single case. They often cover body of knowledge in
various subjects, from different years of study, and even
study programs. The real work is also very team, where
each team member perform tasks in their domain of
expertise. This implies that the project must participate
with students of different subjects, majors, years of
study and even different schools. To facilitate the
coordination of such projects, special software was
developed –as Web applications. Application itself
provides a classic project management, and
collaboration and cooperation of a number of teachers
and students that can be spatially distant, as well as basic
educational components-monitoring student
achievement, their evaluation and self-evaluation,
assistance in teamwork, and learning through trial and
error method, analysis of the literature, brain-storming
and team participation. In this paper, the possibilities of
application are presented, a description of its use is
given, and the importance and usefulness of the usage of
such applications is discussed.
for determining static and deformation values within the structural limit analysis step by step method, which gives a detailed view into the behavior of a girder in a gradual load increasing, until the formation of failure mechanism. This algorithm has been the base for making a computer program for determining the load limit in
truss girders and this has been presented in this paper in
numerical example and also presented in this example is
the application of linear programming in determination of the limit load.
anauthorised use of it. Existing laws on industrial property did not render sufficient protection for creators of integrated circuit topographies. New ones were necessary. Although imperfect and of specific nature they provide decent motivation basis for further
research and practical application of innovation in this area of information technology.
predict future health status, and detect any health anomalies and trends of an individual before subjective signs appear.
We are proposing in this paper an integrated usability testing tool, which can replace a certain type of laboratory testing, where the users’ actions on the real platform are measured and analyzed.
We conducted tests with the tool and compared the results with a small scale laboratory test using the same scenarios. The results seem to confirm the proposed tool as a viable alternative to the laboratory test.
The subject of this research will be the systems for knowledge management, their relationship with the organizational learning, and the role of information technology in these systems.
The purpose of this research is to recognize the importance and the benefits of managing knowledge and to perceive the role of information technology in knowledge management in enterprises in Republic of Macedonia, in order to achieve competitive advantage and long-term profitability.
The objective of this thesis is to apply the agile manufacturing concept to the metal forming industry and to develop a recommendation of action how the press manufacturers can support their customers in dealing with volatile markets in an efficient way. For that reason production technology requirements are developed that should highlight characteristics of a production line that is essential to become “agile”.
As a point of departure a literature research has been carried out to determine what has already been published about “agile” production requirements and how other industries deal with volatile markets.
In a next step interviews with industry experts have been carried out to verify the findings of the literature review. The findings were documented in case studies which where the basis for the derivation of the production technology requirements that are relevant for the metal forming industry
When system of equations relate to estimation of two dimensional stationary problems, the applicable method for estimation in basic two – dimensional form is recommended.