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Air Raid (G1)

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The name or term "Air Raid" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, see Air Raid (disambiguation).
Air Raid is an Autobot Aerialbot and sometimes Cyberjet from the Generation 1 continuity family.
Danger? HA! I laugh at danger! LAUGH, I TELL YOU!!!

Some might call Air Raid reckless, the way he dives out of nowhere, charging enemy units head on. Air Raid would laugh at that. A rash and fearless young warrior who loves surprises (especially those that leave his foes too stunned to fight back), he has only one real goal in life: to have fun. Needless to say his attitude puts him in a lot of danger, but you can be sure he's enjoying himself the whole time.

Air Raid combines with his fellow Aerialbots to form Superion or with other Transformers to form Galvatronus.



Generation 1 cartoon continuity

The Transformers cartoon

Voice actor: Rob Paulsen (English), Kenyū Horiuchi (Japanese), Kōki Kataoka (Japanese, "War Dawn"), Show Hayami (Japanese, "Thief in the Night"), Masashi Ebara (Japanese, "Fight or Flee"), Yoku Shioya (Japanese, "The Ultimate Weapon"), Xu Hong (Chinese), Wolfgang Mascher (German, "Forever Is a Long Time Coming"), Imo Heite (German, "Starscream's Ghost"), Bernd Simon (German, "Thief in the Night"), Reinhard Brock (German, "Fight or Flee" and "The Big Broadcast of 2006"), Fritz von Hardenberg (German, "The Ultimate Weapon"), Gerd Wiedenhofen (German, Generation 2), Georges Atlas (European French, "The Key to Vector Sigma, Part 2"), Francis Lax (European French, "Aerial Assault"), Unknown (European French, "Cosmic Rust"), Júlio César (Portuguese), Ricardo Schnetzer (Portuguese, "Forever Is a Long Time Coming"), Marco Antônio Costa (Portuguese, "Thief in the Night"), Carlos Seidl (Portuguese, "The Ultimate Weapon"), José Luiz Barbeito (Portuguese, "Fight or Flee")
TheKeyToVectorSigmaPart2 AirRaidDeadEnd.jpg

At one point during the eternal war with the Autobots on Earth, Megatron grew fed up with how his opponents ruled the roads and created a group of Decepticon cars known as the Stunticons. In order to give his new warriors life and intellect, he brought them to Cybertron and tracked down the ancient supercomputer, Vector Sigma, to input cybernetic personalities into the Stunticons. Thanks to a series of traps and drones in their way, the Autobots failed to prevent Megatron from succeeding and returning to Earth. Seeking to even the playing field, Optimus Prime conceived of the idea of retrofitting several broken-down Cybertronian ships into Earthly jets, and bringing them to life as a team of Autobot flyers. The Key to Vector Sigma, Part 1 With the help of his tech-savvy soldiers, Hoist, Wheeljack, Ratchet, and Prime's own creator, Alpha Trion, Optimus' plan was enacted and the Aerialbots were born. While they initially had their doubts about joining the Autobots, Silverbolt eventually talked them around. Air Raid and the others rescued Optimus Prime from the Stunticons and combined into Superion to battle Menasor. The Key to Vector Sigma, Part 2

Like most of the Aerialbots, Air Raid was slow to learn the Autobots' ways. Overly impressed with the flying skills of Starscream and his wingmen, the Aerialbots were easily lured onto a Kronosphere platform, and cast more than nine million years into the past. They had the opportunity to view Megatron's evil firsthand, as the early Decepticons deactivated their new friends Ariel, Dion and Orion Pax. Air Raid and the others soon returned to the future with a newfound resolve to oppose the Decepticons' tyranny. War Dawn

Air Raid led the Aerialbots in a flight around the Statue of Liberty, which the Autobots were gracefully coating with Perceptor's new invention, Corrostop, to prevent corrosion. Unfortunately, the Decepticons were just as interested in Perceptor's work, and the Stunticons arrived to kidnap him. Air Raid and the others chased the Stunticons aboard Blitzwing all the way back to the Decepticons' undersea base, but were driven off by the Lightning Bug. This impressive heat ray zapped Air Raid's missile in mid-flight, then tagged his tail for good measure. He was forced to sit there and smolder while giving his report to Optimus Prime before being allowed to pick up some replacement parts. Cosmic Rust


Air Raid was with the Aerialbots when they answered a distress call about a canyon cave-in, but the team soon discovered the call was a trap laid by the Combaticons. After taking out Slingshot the Combaticons claimed the upper hand, until the arrival of Autobot reinforcements changed their minds and the tide of battle. As the Combaticons retreated, Silverbolt held Air Raid back from pursuing the Combaticons in order to get his help in digging out Slingshot. After his recovery, Slingshot volunteered to be a decoy as part of Skydive's plan to investigate a plane smuggling ring. Air Raid sarcastically told his fellow jets to enjoy their 'vacation' as he departed.

Returning later to assist Slingshot and Skydive, Air Raid and Silverbolt took on Vortex, Ramjet, Blast Off and a fleet of drone jets while under fire from the Combaticons and Megatron's purple griffin fortress. After the Combaticons formed Bruticus, Air Raid tried to distract the giant Decepticon from smacking Silverbolt, and got smacked himself instead. With the arrival of Fireflight, the Aerialbots combined into Superion and wrestled with Bruticus, then separated again. With a well-placed shot, they set an oil field ablaze and the resulting blast sent the defeated Decepticons and Bruticus flying into the sky.

What!!! A fly in my energon soup?!

After regrouping in Prince Jumal’s palace, Air Raid threatened some good old fashioned Autobot justice against captured Decepticon minion Ali, but Silverbolt said the Aerialbots should let Prince Jumal deal with his fellow human. Aerial Assault

After the death of Megatron and the retaking of Cybertron, Air Raid and the Aerialbots became part of the Autobot Fleet. When Ultra Magnus, Kup and Spike were kidnapped to Quintessa, the rescue party alerted the Aerialbots to swoop by for covering fire and pick-up. Air Raid and Skydive made the strafing run that took out the Quintessons' defensive proton cannon. Five Faces of Darkness, Part 2 When the Quintessons destroyed their own planet to get at the Autobots, the resulting blast wave destroyed the Aerialbots' ship, sending Air Raid and the rest hurtling through space. They eventually impacted on Goo, Five Faces of Darkness, Part 3 and were rescued by Wreck-Gar and the Junkions. Five Faces of Darkness, Part 4

In the episode "Dark Awakening", several jets in the Autobot Fleet resembling the Aerialbots' alt modes were destroyed by the Quintessons. Repeatedly. Since the Aerialbots unquestionably survived the attack, it would seem their character models were merely used to build up the size of the fleet, and the casualty figures.

When Perceptor's science team were attacked in space, Air Raid and the Aerialbots accompanied Rodimus Prime in rescuing them. As Superion, they confronted a horde of Quintessons and drove them off. After Silverbolt disengaged their super mode, Air Raid still wanted to chase after the Quintessons, but Silverbolt reined him in. Air Raid chastised him for having no sense of adventure, to which Silverbolt retorted that was exactly why he was in charge. Forever Is a Long Time Coming

One lovely afternoon in space, Air Raid was playing cat-and-mouse with Scourge and Cyclonus. Once he had finished his fun, Air Raid led the Decepticon duo into an asteroid field where his fellow Aerialbots were waiting to spring an ambush. The Aerialbots messed the Decepticons up pretty badly, especially after they transformed into Superion. Eventually, they chased the Decepticons through a strange warp in space. This proceeded to have no consequences for anyone whatsoever. Fight or Flee

I'll kill you, asteroid!
Air Raid and the Aerialbots were spending a relaxing day watching home movies on Teletraan II when things suddenly got serious, as the Autobots' computer off-handedly informed them Trypticon was never destroyed in his last battle with Metroplex. When they tracked Trypticon to his new staging grounds, Air Raid and the Aerialbots launched from Broadside, but the Decepticon presence in Carbombya was more than they had anticipated. Still, Air Raid paid tribute to his leader Silverbolt by reciting his famous battle-cry, "Good-bye, cruel world!" He dipped his singed tailfins in the ocean and managed to make a hasty retreat with Broadside and his fellow Aerialbots. The Aerialbots soon returned with reinforcements and drove the Decepticons from Carbombya. Thief in the Night

When Starscream possessed Cyclonus and attempted to get rid of Galvatron, he lured him into an Autobot trap involving Rodimus Prime and the Aerialbots. Starscream's Ghost

During a battle in space, Air Raid and the Aerialbots may or may not have been present. Superion, at least, was surely there on the planet Eurythma...sometimes. Carnage in C-Minor

After Sky Lynx took some hostile fire over the planet of Junk, Rodimus Prime dispatched Air Raid and the Aerialbots to investigate. They were caught in a crossfire between the brain-addled Junkions and the Quintessons, who were responsible for messing with the Junkions' air waves, and their minds. Even after becoming Superion, the Aerialbots took heavy fire and had to be brought back to First Aid on Cybertron for repairs. The Big Broadcast of 2006

TheUltimateWeapon CharredAirRaid.jpg

On one occasion, Air Raid was buzzing too close to Trypticon during a battle on Earth, and the dinosaur city unleashed his full plasma breath. Air Raid's tail-fins were scorched and he had to set down in a small lake, but his sacrifice gave Silverbolt a chance to fly down Trypticon's throat now that his flame was temporarily used up. The Aerialbot leader was then able to cause serious internal damage to the giant Decepticon before flying back out again. And Air Raid totally planned it that way. No, really. The Ultimate Weapon

During the Decepticon invasion of Japan, the Aerialbots fought against Astrotrain when he tried to derail a bullet train full of passengers. The Burden Hardest to Bear Sometime thereafter, Air Raid and the Aerialbots were recruited by Rodimus Prime to rescue the body of Optimus Prime from Swofford and Morgan. Unfortunately, this only meant they were among the first Autobots exposed to the Hate Plague. Despite the madness induced by the red dust, the Aerialbots were apparently still willing to form Superion. Superion ran amok, causing serious property damage, infecting Defensor, and taking several other Autobots out of action. The Return of Optimus Prime, Part 1

When the Decepticons invaded Cybertron searching for the Plasma Energy Chamber, the Aerialbots tried to stop them. Unfortunately, they didn't reckon with Sixshot. Flying heedlessly into battle, Air Raid was shot down first by the Six Changer's siege tank mode. The Rebirth, Part 1 The Combaticons then took his power pack to use as fuel for the giant rocket engine they were constructing for Galvatron. The Rebirth, Part 2 Fortunately, the Autobots won the day and ushered in a new Golden Age for Cybertron. The Rebirth, Part 3

Japanese cartoon continuity

Fight! Super Robot Lifeform Transformers story pages

I want to tell you about the Transformers!

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Scramble City
ScrambleCity Air Raid.jpg

Air Raid and the Aerialbots were dispatched from the Scramble City project by Ultra Magnus to aid Optimus Prime in battle with the Seekers and Devastator. Their aerial firepower frankly overwhelmed the marauding Decepticons, and sent them home with their transistors between their struts. On his second attempt, Megatron sent the Stunticons, who were considerably more successful in engaging the Autobots. Damaged in jet modes, Air Raid the Aerialbots chose instead to merge and form Superion. As Superion, they possessed scramble combining abilities, but so did the Stunticons when they formed Menasor. The Aerialbots were in the midst of reconfiguring their limb formation when Fireflight, being... well, a daydreaming idiot, mixed up whether he was supposed to be the right leg or the left. His indecision gave Menasor time to shoot him down, and Wildrider assumed the place of Superion's right leg instead, corrupting his programming. Air Raid and the others were trapped as Superion, literally fighting themselves, until Fireflight retook his place as Superion's limb. Scramble City: Mobilization

The Headmasters cartoon
Hm2 Skydive Air Raid.jpg

Air Raid and the Aerialbots were stationed at Autobot City on Earth in 2011. When Galvatron attacked Cybertron via the old space bridge network, the Aerialbots were summoned to Cybertron as reinforcements. They soon arrived with the Trainbots and quickly joined the battle. Air Raid and his team formed Superion and battled Abominus and Devastator. Four Warriors Come out of the Sky Later, the combined Aerialbots fought alongside Raiden and Defensor against the Decepticon combiners, and were nearly crushed when Bruticus collapsed a building on their position. They were bailed out by the arrival of the Battleship Maximus. When Hot Rod began his search for the Matrix of Leadership on Earth, Air Raid and the Aerialbots returned to the humans' planet to assist him. They confronted the Stunticons in the desert, pitting Superion against Menasor yet again. The battle was so fierce it eventually carried them to the Arctic where Hot Rod was searching. The Mystery of Planet Master

Air Raid and his flying comrades joined the Triple Changers in distracting the Decepticons long enough for Twincast to sneak inside Trypticon and gather data on the Madmachine. The Great Cassette OperationSometime later, Air Raid and the Aerialbots were on a research vessel that passed near a strange meteorite. The meteorite had been altered by Galvatron to produce magnetic warping waves whenever it detected metal, and so it sent the Aerialbots and their ship twisting through space. Although the Decepticons tried to intervene, the Autobots eventually recovered Air Raid and his injured colleagues. Approach of the Demon Meteorite

HM9 Aerialbots charge with Superion.jpg

Following a lengthy repair cycle, Air Raid and the Aerialbots were ready for action when Galvatron and the Decepticons laid siege to Cybertron one last time. Transporting to Cybertron from Earth, they raced into battle (on foot, for some reason). Air Raid and the team got the drop on the Stunticons when they merged into Superion, smashing and scattering the 'Cons before they could form Menasor. Cybertron Is in Grave Danger, Part 1 As the fighting continued, the Aerialbots battled Abominus as Superion and later separated to trade blaster fire with the Stunticons. The warring only came to an end once Scorponok's bombs blew up Vector Sigma and annihilated the planet.Cybertron Is in Grave Danger, Part 2

When a giant carnivorous plant attacked San Francisco, Ultra Magnus dispatched Air Raid and the Aerialbots to combat it. Although they made frequent bombing runs on the organism, the Aerialbots were unable to stop it. Only the arrival of Fortress and his powerful giant Transtector brought an end to the creature's rampage. Head On!! Fortress Maximus Air Raid and the Aerialbots were part of a strike team that flew to the moon to disrupt Scorponok's gathering of Decepticons. They immediately formed Superion upon entering the battle. Return of the Immortal Emperor

When one of Scorponok's Death Towers emerged in Washington D.C., Air Raid and the Aerialbots were dispatched to investigate it. As part of Superion, Air Raid participated in the Autobots final battle with Scorponok's Decepticons at the North Pole. He lent his energies to the Headmasters' Head Formation to revitalize Fortress Maximus at the critical moment. The Final Showdown on Earth (Part 2)


As part of Superion, Air Raid was stationed at Scramble City while it was under reconstruction after an attack from Metrotitan. Metrowars

Unite Warriors/Legends

In the 2030s, Air Raid and the Aerialbots deployed from Metroplex to put a stop to the Stunticons' latest bout of mischief. Today Is Us Stunticons' Annual Holiday Demolition Race! This led to a battle in which Superion battled and was seized by Grand Scourge, though the Aerialbots were able to separate and escape thanks to Broadside's intervention. They went on to accompany Broadside to the Legends World and help him defeat Thrust, who then started living with them on Broadside's giant transtector. Bonus Edition Vol. 53 The Aerialbots later visited Metroplex, another visitor to this world, and hosted their annual barbecue party on his city mode together with their old friend, King Hassan. Today Is Energon BBQ! Bonus Edition Vol. EX

Generations Selects Special Comic

In 2050, the Autobots chose to support the Selectors in their revolution against their human creators and masters. As a result, Air Raid and the Aerialbots abandoned their friend Jumal in the Middle East to reunite with the Autobot forces. Volcanicus comic 2 Later, Air Raid was briefly seen as Abominus blasted Superion apart. Abominus comic 2

TV Magazine comic continuity

Fight! Super Robot Lifeform Transformers comic

When the Protectobots confronted Menasor at a baseball stadium, Air Raid and the Aerialbots arrived as back-up. They formed Superion to engage Menasor and Bruticus. After Defensor was injured, Superion targeted the Decepticon combiners' legs, shaking them loose and giving the smaller Protectobots a chance to link up with the Decepticon gestalts and override control of their bodies. Fight! Super Robot Lifeform Transformers #5 After the Autobots discovered a utopia island paradise, it was besieged by Megatron and the Constructicons, who wanted to build an impregnable fortress. Kenji radioed for help, and Optimus Prime sent Air Raid and the Aerialbots to the rescue. As Superion they fought off Devastator and Trypticon, using their smarts to outthink the evil warriors. As Hound cast a massive hologram of Metroplex, Air Raid detached from Superion to buzz around Trypticon's head, tricking him into charging at the not-quite-there Autobot. Instead of grappling with his foe, Tryppy tripped over a cliff into the waters below. Fight! Super Robot Lifeform Transformers #6

The Great Transformer War

In 2010, Galvatron kidnapped Dalton of Eran to utilize his skills and improve the Decepticons' combiner technology. Air Raid and the Aerialbots joined the Protectobots in assaulting Trypticon, in hopes of rescuing the hostage scientist. Air Raid and his team formed Superion for a first strike, but the Decepticon combiners countered with their deployment modes, launching the Stunticon and Combaticon troops with enough force to tear Superion apart. The Protectobots stood guard over Hot Spot as he performed battlefield triage on the Aerialbots in his repair bay mode, bringing them back on-line. Silverbolt then transformed into launcher mode and unleashed Air Raid and the other Aerialbots in their own scramble attack, blinding Menasor and Bruticus long enough for the Autobots to escape safely with Dalton. The Great Transformer War #1

Full Throttle Scramble Power!

The Decepticons, up to their usual tricks, threatened to plunder Earth's resources. The Aerialbots pleaded with Optimus Prime to allow them to deal with their bitter rivals, the Stunticons, currently attacking a powerplant. Though Optimus was hesitant at first, the Aerialbots being new and inexperienced, he allowed them this chance to prove themselves. The two teams met, and quickly combined into their gestalt forms to do battle. Though Superion was initially crippled by the Omega Wave Cannon, a new weapon controlled by the Decepticons, he held his own until the Autobots dispatched enough reinforcements to turn the tide of battle, and send the Decepticons fleeing. Full Throttle Scramble Power!


I want to tell you about the Transformers!

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Marvel Comics continuity

Marvel The Transformers comics

Events from the UK-only comic stories are in italics.
"Talk to me, Goose!"

Thanks to his previous connection to the Creation Matrix, Buster Witwicky began experiencing dreams and visions of new Transformers, beginning with an etching of Superion he made without even being consciously aware of it. Devastation Derby! By sharing his visions with Optimus Prime, Buster was able to clarify the images and understand the future of the evolution of the Cybertronian race—amalgam model robots like the Constructicons' Devastator, capable of a more-streamlined merging into a more powerful form. Second Generation! Together, Optimus and Buster witnessed a prophetic vision in which Skydive and the other Aerialbots assisted the Protectobots in defending the Pullen Power Plant from the Combaticons and the Stunticons by combining into their gestalt forms. The Special Teams Have Arrived It was this vision which allowed Optimus Prime and Wheeljack to conceive of and construct the Aerialbots. Second Generation!

"Character models? HA! I laugh at character models!"

Working on a plan to reverse engineer the gestalt technology the Decepticons used to create Devastator, Optimus Prime and the Autobots staged a daring raid on the Decepticon base of operations, giving Bumblebee enough time to digitally record the Constructicons' electrical transformation pattern for study. Command Performances! Working off that blueprint, Wheeljack successfully created Air Raid and the Aerialbots. During the new warriors' testing phase, however, the Autobots were alerted to a Decepticon operation at Hoover Dam. Only the Aerialbots were fast enough to reach the location in time, and so Prime was forced to send them into battle before their programming was completed.

Air Raid proved to be the most effective of the new Aerialbots in battle. After his fellow jets took a few hits in battle with the Cybertronian Seekers, Air Raid singlehandedly shook their formation and tore up Ramjet's nosecone with his torque rifle, giving the other Aerialbots time to regroup.

The Aerialbots eventually turned the tide on the Decepticons and drove them off, giving them time to focus on the energy siphon which was the core of the problem. At Silverbolt's command, they merged into Superion and began dismantling the drill device. A problem arose, however, when Bombshell's cerebro-shell controlled pawn Ricky Vasquez pointed Megatron (in his gun mode) at the giant Autobot. Because the majority of the Aerialbots were not programmed specifically to protect human life, Superion only saw a potential threat that needed to be eliminated. As the human fought against the Decepticons' control, Silverbolt too fought inside Superion's gestalt mind to protect the human. In the end, Silverbolt was forced to disengage Superion to keep him from destroying the human. Luckily, Ricky was more successful and managed to break the cerebro-shell's hold long enough to point Megatron at the drill and destroy it, ending the threat. Aerialbots over America!

"Being lobotomized? HA! I laugh at being lobotomized!"

After the near disaster at Hoover Dam, Optimus Prime had the Aerialbots shut down and their programming completely erased. Returned to a blank slate, he then inputted fully-programmed personalities for them with the Matrix before their next mission. It, uh...didn't help. In battle with Menasor as Superion, the Aerialbots were attacked by Circuit Breaker, deactivated, and captured by RAAT. Heavy Traffic! It was only when the Battlechargers went on a rampage across America and Circuit Breaker wanted to take them down that she struck a deal with her Autobot captives—they could go free if they allowed themselves to be temporarily combined into a battlesuit that she could use to defeat the Decepticons. Decepticon Graffiti!

Stories featuring G.I. Joe do not fit into the normal Marvel UK continuity. See G.I. Joe and the Transformers for details.
Aerialbots all fall down.jpg

Optimus Prime sent Air Raid and the Aerialbots to back up Bumblebee as he investigated possible Decepticon activity at the unveiling of Power Station Alpha. They arrived just in time to see Bumblebee being blown away by the G.I. Joe team guarding the power station and combined into Superion in an attempt to retrieve his body. Blood on the Tracks Upon learning that Optimus Prime had died in battle while the Aerialbots were on their mission Superion immediately disengaged and returned to the Ark. Power Struggle United with both G.I. Joe and Cobra against the Decepticons, who planned to use Power Station Alpha to destroy the world, Slingshot and the Aerialbots entered the battle and once more formed Superion, this time to defeat Devastator. ...All Fall Down!

The Aerialbots would once again encounter Menasor at a Blackrock plant. When they combined into Superion this time their individual personalities merged and Air Raid and the others discovered that Silverbolt suffered from vertigo. Horrified at his fear of heights being found out, he drove their combined form into a vicious, brutal fury. ...Perchance to Dream

Later, Air Raid and the other Aerialbots fell under Jetfire's command, investigating enemy activity in a small East Coast town. Little did they suspect that Jetfire had been tasked with undermining each one of them as a means of testing their psychological limits. Early in the mission, Air Raid and Skydive teased Silverbolt over his displacement as team leader, unaware on how deep their words cut.

Air Raid's sensors detected the Decepticons upon the team's arrival, but the group's chance to strike in an organized manner was lost when Slingshot rushed a surprise attack. The Aerialbots came upon Starscream, Skywarp, and Thundercracker syphoning electricity to create Energon cubes, and a stray shot caused the cache to detonate. The group managed to escape the explosion, and the Aerialbots merged into Superion to do away with Starscream, the other two Decepticons having already escaped. Superion proved destructive and slow-witted as ever, and his target managed to escape. Despite the mission ending on a sour note, Jetfire gave the Aerialbots a positive review, having been unconscious during Superion's poor showing. The Return of the Transformers

Air Raid and the other Autobots aboard the Ark watched as Ratchet tried and failed to revive Optimus Prime. Funeral for a Friend! As Grimlock took over the Autobots, Air Raid and the other Aerialbots took an extended leave of absence from the war, since the Dinobot commander focused Autobot resources on repairing their fallen comrades and prepping the Ark to become spaceworthy again. Back on Earth, the human Ethan Zachary replayed some of Optimus Prime's memories of Air Raid in an attempt to convince him that he was more than just a computer program. Pretender to the Throne! Air Raid disembarked with the rest of the Earth-bound Autobots from the Ark onto Earth's moon, where he and the other Autobots witnessed a battle for leadership between Grimlock and Blaster. This was a moment of opportunity for Ratbat's Decepticons, who attacked Slingshot and the others on the moon's surface. Though the Decepticons struck a devastating first blow, Blaster and Grimlock managed to temporarily put aside their differences in order to lead their troops together. Though many Autobots were severely damaged, the Decepticons were successfully pushed into a retreat. Totaled!

At some point, the Aerialbots shot down Dreadwing over one of Earth's oceans. Unfortunately the Decepticon was carrying a vital power source, requiring the resurrected Optimus Prime and the Autobot Powermasters to go down to the sea bed to retrieve it. Dreadwing Down!

"Kids ODing? HA! I laugh at kids ODing!"

Sometime later, it was Air Raid, Skydive, and Fireflight who were the first to respond to a distress call from Buster Witwicky, the Autobots' old human ally who had been the Decepticons' prisoner for nearly a year. They found the boy nearly frozen to death on an iceberg, and brought him to the care of his older brother, Spike, and the latter's binary bonded partner, Fortress Maximus. But the Autobots had been led into a trap laid out by Starscream, who had planted Buster outside the Decepticons' secret base. Though a brief fire-exchange ensued, the Autobots and Decepticon forces joined when they realized that Starscream, planning to acquire the nigh-infinite power of the Underbase, posed a greater threat. Together, they were able to prevent him from absorbing most of the Underbase's power. Unfortunately, the fraction Starscream did manage to take into himself still bestowed him with unimaginable power. In an effort to protect the Earth from his rampage, the Aerialbots were Starscream's first victims, wiped out in a single blast of cosmic power in the skies over New York City. Dark Star

Along with the other deactivated Autobots aboard the Ark, Air Raid and the Aerialbots were eventually revived by the Nucleon super-energy Grimlock and the Dinobots recovered from Hydrus Four. He was ambushed and killed by Bludgeon's forces on Klo, then revived by the mystical powers of the Last Autobot. End of the Road!

These stories do not fit into the normal Marvel continuity. See Earthforce for details.

One dark and stormy night, Air Raid heard a commotion in the halls of Earthforce's makeshift shuttle base, and turned on the lights to find Skydive and Wheeljack struggling with each other in the dark. The story was, Skydive had come by to relieve Wheeljack from guard duty, only to find the post abandoned and signs of a serious struggle in place of his comrade. There was a smoldering patch of ground, a hastily discarded blaster, and animal tracks all over. Thinking quickly, Skydive concluded that one of the Predacons had entered the base and ambushed Wheeljack where he sat. He rushed back to the shuttle and found the door had been forced. Seeing a shadowy figure carrying a heavy burden in the dark, Skydive figured it for the Predacon carrying Wheeljack's remains and LEAPT into action!

Aerialbots the house that wheeljack built.jpg

As it turned out, Wheeljack had just overheated the makeshift heating unit he had brought out to keep warm. Getting tangled in the smoking heater, Wheeljack knocked over his own table and broke the lamp. The noise brought an angry polar bear over, and a frantic Wheeljack tore out of there carrying the still smoldering heater, forcing the door to the shuttle when he reached it. Then some NUT jumped him from out of nowhere!

Air Raid suggested everyone go to bed and forget the incident ever happened. The motion carried. Mystery!

Air Raid was present with the entire Earthforce team outside Autobot Earthbase when Wheeljack unveiled his brand-new unbreachable defensive system. This was unfortunate, as Wheeljack had forgotten that, once activated, the system could only be turned off from the inside. Prowl elected to run the gauntlet and reach the shutdown console inside, and the Aerialbots provided air support for him. Air Raid and his buddies gunned down the Acid Bats at the entryway, giving Prowl his chance to get through. The House that Wheeljack Built!

Marvel UK future timelines
"Redshirts dying? HA! I laugh at redshirts dying!"

In 2008, Air Raid and Beachcomber rushed to defend Autobot City from Quintesson invaders. Their crew was quickly overwhelmed, however, and so were the duo when they ran to get some more help. Space Pirates!

Another Time & Place

Air Raid joined Silverbolt and Skydive in an assault on Hydrus Four, blasting open a medical center occupied by the Decepticons in order to rescue the Dinobots and prevent the resurrection of Megatron. Another Time & Place

The Big Broadcast of 2006
In the UK version of the story, the events of "The Big Broadcast of 2006" are a fabrication invented by Wreck-Gar.
Aerialbots big broadcast of 2006.jpg

After receiving reports from Sky Lynx that strange goings-on were happening around the planet of Junk, Rodimus Prime sent Air Raid and the Aerialbots to investigate. Encountering a Quintesson Cruiser above the planet, they formed Superion, who fired his jets at the ship's force fields. The resultant explosion not only damaged the Quintesson craft but also knocked Superion unconscious. He was recovered by Sky Lynx, who returned him to Cybertron for repairs. The Big Broadcast of 2006

Transformers Comic-Magazin

I want to tell you about the Transformers!

This character article is a stub and is missing information on their fictional appearances. You can help Transformers Wiki by expanding it.

Transformers in Action: He Who Laughs Last ... The Energon Trap

Marvel Generation 2 comic

Why are you crumbling? You're not the guy with Gold Plastic Syndrome.

After the defeat of Bludgeon and his Decepticons on Klo, the Autobots split into smaller combat units throughout the universe. Once Optimus Prime and Grimlock learned of the threat posed by the second generation Cybertronian army, though, the Autobot forces reconsolidated under their command. Air Raid and the other Aerialbots were first seen after the Autobots had retreated to an asteroid sanctuary for retraining. They were, um, outsmarted by Hot Rod during the war games, and led into a Dinobot ambush. The Power and the Glory Later, he was rescued by the Decepticon Skywarp in the skies over Ethos while battling Cybertronians. Escalation! Still, he managed to do a little better against the Cybertronians the second time around, popping jets out of the sky so that the Dinobots could, ah... greet them on the ground below. Total War! He was last seen preparing for the Autobot-Decepticon alliance's last stand against the Swarm on Earth. A Rage in Heaven!

Regeneration One

"Mission aborted? Ha! I laugh at missions being aborted!"
Regeneration One continues from the Marvel US series, and does not include the UK stories or any subsequently published stories.

After Silverbolt was reformatted into a new Nucleon-free body, he was reunited with Air Raid and the rest of the Aerialbots, flying scouting missions for Ultra Magnus's Cybertronian Civil Defense. They were recalled to base before they were able to stumble upon Soundwave's Neo-Decepticons, which may have been fortunate as Soundwave had Monstructor waiting for them. Destiny, Part Three Soon after that Air Raid and the Aerialbots flew alongside Blades as he located Ultra Magnus, missing since his first bout with Galvatron, and updated him regarding the arrival of Bludgeon's Warworld and its invading army of Blitz Engines above Cybertron. Destiny, Part Four Air Raid and the Aerialbots then joined Jetfire, Blades, Doubleheader, Skyhammer, Cloudraker, Dogfight and Crossblades in attacking the Warworld directly, providing a distraction so that the Wreckers could sneak aboard. Destiny, Part Five

The Special Teams

Air Raid was created on Cybertron, where Vector Sigma first ignited the spark of life within him. Air Raid, and the rest of the Aerialbots were nearly convinced to join the Decepticons upon their initial alliance with the Autobots. This was due to a fault in the Aerialbots’ programming, present due to a sudden drop in the mega-computer when they were being created. The Aerialbots were sent over by Optimus to help the Protectobots defend the Pullen Power Plant from the Decepticons. Happening upon Bruticus and Menasor teaming-up to take on Defensor, the Aerialbots combined into Superion to even the odds. Bruticus fell early in the battle, prompting the Aerialbots to separate and give chase to Starscream while Defensor took over the fight with Menasor. The Special Teams

Ladybird Books continuity

When an Autobot salvage expedition was unexpectedly ambushed by Decepticons, Ultra Magnus became concerned that the Cons had developed a new form of surveillance. Silverbolt suggested his men perform a full scan of the area for any spy installation. The Aerialbots were unable to locate any sites on the ground, but a ghost of a radar contact at high altitude caught their attention. Forming Superion, they flew as high as possible and confirmed that something was out there in the upper atmosphere. Galvatron's Air Attack

Dreamwave Generation One continuity

At some point in Cybertronian history, roughly around the time of the Dark Ages, Air Raid and his Aerialbot comrades became a combiner subgroup, able to merge to form Superion. Because Superion and his fellow super-robots began causing too much sheer devastation during the war, however, the Crisis Intervention Accords were signed by the various factions, prohibiting the use of super-robots. Combiner sub-group members could either join different factions separately (like Motormaster) or remain together as a neutral, unaligned group (like the Protectobots). What Air Raid and the Aerialbots chose to do is unknown. War Within: The Dark Ages

Who's the best F-15?? ME!

At some point in the late 20th century, Air Raid and the Aerialbots joined the crew of the Ark in defeating the Decepticons on Earth, only to be deactivated when the Ark II exploded in mid-air on its journey back to Cybertron. Prime Directive #1 In reality the ship was sabotaged by the rogue engineer-turned arms dealer Adam Rook, known as Lazarus, and General Robert Hallo, who planned on reprogramming the Transformers into the service of the United States military. The Aerialbots were some of the few Transformers who were not recovered by Lazarus for his reprogramming venture, now aimed at hiring out the Transformers to the highest bidder. Instead, they lay immobile in the Arctic waters until reactivated as Superion in 2002 by Optimus Prime, using the power of the Matrix of Leadership. Prime Directive #2

Air Raid and the Aerialbots in their Superion form, battled the Decepticons in the Northwest Territories of Canada Prime Directive #3 and again in San Francisco. However, during the initial skirmish, Superion was broken down into his individual components by the Seekers, and the Autobots watched in horror as Devastator hoisted Air Raid in his hand in triumph. Prime Directive #4 The Autobots were then tied up with steel girders while Megatron tried to convince Optimus to join him, purporting that humans were too morally bankrupt to be worth his efforts. Prime Directive #5 But thanks to the interference of some humans, the Autobots were freed and proceeded to clobber the Decepticons, with Air Raid punching Starscream. However, the insane General Hallo launched a nuclear missile at San Francisco in the hopes of wiping out all the Transformers. Before Optimus Prime could stop them, the Aerialbots formed Superion and intercepted the missile, ramming it head-on. Superion, and by extension the Aerialbots, were destroyed in stopping the missile. Prime Directive #6

The remains of Air Raid and the other Aerialbots were gathered up and studied by Earth Defense Command. Generation 1 issue #0

Transformers/G.I. Joe

The Aerialbots were awakened on the Fera Islands in 1939 and were reformatted as World War II-era fighter planes. After joining the battle against Cobra and the Decepticons, Air Raid and the others battled the Seekers, forcing them back. Trial by Fire When Grimlock and Roadblock fell off a cliff, the Aerialbots combined into Superion and rescued them. Wolves

As Superion, they came under fire from Shockwave, Trenches eventually succumbing to his firepower, and were destroyed. The Iron Fist

2005 IDW continuity

Before the war, Air Raid was a fan of the underground gladiatorial games in which Megatron participated. He was witness to Megatron killing Cy-Kill, and cheered at the spectacle. Megatron Origin #2

Early in the war, the Aerialbots responded to Optimus' rallying call for additional support against the Decepticons and fought against the Seekers in the battle that followed. Broadcast Air Raid and the Aerialbots later buzzed Trypticon when that Spawn of Mortilus was reactivated on Cybertron. The Illusion of Control

Thousands of years later, Air Raid was among the Autobots poised to fight against Galvatron's army on Cybertron. Led by Silverbolt, he and the other Autobot fliers attacked Kimia Facility and fought with the many Sweeps defending it. Numbers


After the war ended years later, Air Raid and his fellow Aerialbots worked crowd control on the Decepticons after Ratbat was murdered. He later followed Silverbolt's lead along with the rest of the Aerialbots in deserting Bumblebee's fledgling government. Stick Together Shortly after leaving Iacon behind and traveling into the untamed wilderness Cybertron had become, the Aerialbots were the first to fall victim to Megatron's experiments with a combiner energy that influenced their minds and made them turn on each other. Before the Dawn Air Raid eventually teamed up with the other Aerialbots and tried to do Silverbolt in, tracking him for three days. After Silverbolt finally succumbed to the influence of the signal, the team was forcibly merged into a single being: Superion! Night and the City

Superion soon fell in battle against a Prowl-controlled Devastator, leaving all the surviving Aerialbots comatose and on life support. Three Monologues They were eventually rebuilt and resuscitated through the efforts of Wheeljack and the Enigma of Combination. First Contact As part of Starscream's political maneuvers, Air Raid and the new Aerialbots were deployed to Caminus to stop Menasor; Superion was able to dispatch the Stunticon combiner. The Sum and Its Parts Following another clash with Devastator, Superion was briefly reduced to his components, although Starscream thought otherwise and forcibly reintegrated the Aerialbots back into Superion. Mistakes and Mayhem

Much to Optimus Prime's concern, Superion hadn't separated since the fight with Devastator; Prowl commented that for all intents and purposes Superion was the new default form for the Aerialbots. You, Me, and the Universe

EdgeOfTheEarth AerialbotsAttacked.jpg

As Superion joined Optimus Prime's Autobots on Earth, he disassembled into his individual Aerialbot components from time to time. Air Raid and the Aerialbots performed a "bombing" run in the arid desert, releasing payloads that caused dramatic botanical growth where they fell, providing food to support the local humans. Air Raid and the Aerialbots then fled the air resistance they faced, reluctantly holding to Prime's orders to not engage any human counter-strikes. Edge of the Earth

During a conflict with Galvatron, however, the ancient Decepticon manipulated the power of the Enigma of Combination through the Onyx Interface's source code, creating new combiners under his control and disrupting existing ones. As a natural-born combiner, uncreated by the Enigma, Superion had some immunity. He copied and isolated the Onyx code into his own core-processor then dismantled himself, neutralizing the Onyx code so long as the Aerialbots remained separated. As Above...So Below Air Raid and the other discombobulated Aerialbots were recovered from the site of the ocean battle White Light and returned to the newly established Autobot City to recover. White Heat

Air Raid and the Aerialbots returned to Cybertron and took to the skies when Onyx Prime descended on their homeworld in his personal vessel. Another Mine During the battle with Unicron, he combined with his fellow Aerialbots into Superion to help defeat the planet-eater for good. Ceremony

Transformers: All Spark

I want to tell you about the Transformers!

This character article is a stub and is missing information on their fictional appearances. You can help Transformers Wiki by expanding it.

Another Episode, Part 1

Kre-O online manga

Air Raid - Kre-O Micro-Changers Combiners.jpg

Air Raid and Fireflight were surprised to learn the Aerialbots' leader Silverbolt was afraid of heights, but modified their fighting style as the combined Superion to compensate for Silverbolt's phobia. Kre-O Micro-Changers Combiners comic


In Primax 096.0 Beta, Air Raid was part of General Optimus Prime's newly reconstituted Firestormer Squadron. At the final battle of the third Cybertronian war on Mirtonia, General Optimus Prime led the Firestormers to victory over the Decepticon Star Empire, although this ended with the General and Sergeant Hound being blasted away by an explosion into Nexus 208.0 Epsilon. General Optimus Prime profile card

Transformers: The Ultimate Pop-Up Universe

Pursuing the AllSpark after it had been launched into space, Air Raid was one of the many Autobots that found their way to Earth. There, he participated in a great battle within a human settlement against the Decepticons. The Ultimate Pop-Up Universe

My Little Pony/Transformers

During his invasion of Cybertron, King Sombra used his magic to enslave many Cybertronians, including Air Raid and the other Aerialbots. As Superion, the Aerialbots attacked the Dinobots, but Spike broke through Sombra's mind control and forced them to de-combine. The Mightiest Dinobot

Commercial appearances


Transformers Legends

When the Autobots learned that the Decepticons were planning to create a new batch of Decepticons, the Autobots responded by returning to Cybertron and building the Aerialbots. Both they and the Stunticons were brought to life at the same time before Vector Sigma, and Air Raid and the Aerialbots fought to defend the supercomputer from the Decepticons. Though it seemed that the Decepticons might win thanks to the power of Menasor, the Aerialbots managed to rout the Decepticons and chase them away. The Key to Vector Sigma, Part 1 Air Raid and the rest of the Aerialbots clashed against the Stunticons once more on Earth, when the Decepticons attempted to use the power of the Key to Vector Sigma to transform the planet into a new Cybertron. He and his teammates merged into Superion, and they were ultimately victorious. Key to Vector Sigma, Part 2

Air Raid and the other Aerialbots managed to drive Nemesis Prime into a retreat after this twisted creation of Doctor Arkeville was unleashed on the world. Nemesis Rising Air Raid was among the Autobots who fought the Decepticons after they joined forces with the Quintessons. Five Faces of Darkness: Part 2

Transformers: Battle Tactics


Air Raid participated in battles against a variety of opponents, both Autobots and Decepticons. Sometimes there were many of him! He was a Rare character first available as a reward in he "Superion's Guard" event. Transformers: Battle Tactics

Transformers: Frontiers

MysteryOfConvoy UltraMagnus RobotSprite.gif
The Game Full of Death and Suffering...!

This character article is a stub and is missing information on their video game appearances. You can help Transformers Wiki by expanding it.

Transformers: Frontiers

Transformers: Earth Wars

I laugh at having the same ability as Slipstream!

Gung-ho or rash? Foolish or fearless? It's hard to tell with Air Raid, but it's clear he delights in tactics that others might well see as suicidal - streaking at Mach 3 into a cluster of Decepticon Seeker jets and letting rip with his air-to-air heat-seeking missiles. What is sure is his wild-eyed devil-may-care personality matches his fighting style. He just loves to catch the enemy napping and spark their wires! Air Raid bio

  • Class: Aerial
  • Lowest Star Rating: 1 star
  • Weapons: Air Raid uses a standard issue laser rifle to blast targets.
  • Ability: Fusion Bomb: Drops a fusion bomb on a target and explodes if it is destroyed within 20 seconds, dealing massive damage in the blast radius. (He had a simple Air Strike in the Beta version)
    • Cost: 3 ability points +3 for reuses.

Air Raid at Transformers: Earth Wars Wiki

Transformers Roleplaying Game

Air Raid was a fearless flier. The Enigma of Combination The Aerialbots were among the many Transformers summoned to the Apex, where they provided air support and covering fire for other heroes. Worlds Collide: Battle for the Multiverse


The Transformers

I laugh at my lack of articulation!
  • Air Raid (Aerialbot, 1986, 1991)
    • Team ID number: A5
    • Japanese ID number: C-54
    • Accessories: torque rifle
The Transformers Air Raid transforms from a black F-15 Eagle. He can combine with his fellow Aerialbots to form Superion, and as a Scramble City-style limb toy, he can also combine with any Scramble City team leader, though his nominal position is as Superion's left leg.
In Japan, the Aerialbots were also later all made available again as mail-away items during Return of Convoy. The smaller toys cost 1000 yen (120 more than their original retail price!) and 2 robot points.

  • Superion (Gift set, 1986)
    • Japanese ID number: C-55
All five Aerialbots were also available in many markets as a gift set. The toys were unchanged from their individual releases.

  • Air Raid (1990)
    • Accessories: "Torque rifle"
Air Raid, along with his teammates, was rereleased without changes in the 1990 European/Australian "Classics" reissue series.

Generation 2

I laugh at my Spider-Man deco wings!
  • Air Raid (Aerialbot, 1994)
    • Team ID number: A2
    • Accessories: torque rifle
The first Generation 2 Air Raid was a redeco of the original. His plane mode was primarily blue and featured stickers with a pattern reminiscent of the costume of a human superhero. His robot mode was mostly white and silver.

"I laugh at my q-tip arsenal!"
  • Air Raid (Cyberjet, 1995)
    • Accessories: 2 air-to-air heat-seeking missiles
Air Raid's second Generation 2 appearance was released as part of wave 2 of the Cyberjets assortment, a redeco of Skyjack from wave 1 of the same assortment, whose altenate mode is a F-117A Nighthawk. He features a pressure-launch missile launcher that becomes his right arm in robot mode. His non-loaded missiles can be stored in clips on the undersides of his wings.
This toy was sold in Japan without changes (though it did come with an extra decal sheet) as the separate character Aero Raid. Apparently, the decision to market the redecos as separate characters was a last-minute change of plans that was only put into use in America and Japan; in Europe, Hasbro supposedly stuck to the original idea for said assortment (here named "Mini-Jets"), with the redecos being sold as running change color variants of their wave 1 mold-mates instead, in unchanged packaging featuring package art in the original deco and the original character's name. Thus, Skyjack was available in Air Raid's colors but still marketed as Skyjack himself. This practice is only confirmed for the versions available in multilingual French/Dutch/German packaging; thus far, no specimens in English/Spanish/Portuguese packaging or in Italian GiG packaging have surfaced.
Generation 2 mold: Skyjack
  • Hasbro:
  • Takara:

Universe (2003)

I laugh at my unfortunate naming error!
  • Air Raid & Wind Sheer (Deluxe, 2004)
    • Accessories: missile
For the 2003 Universe line, the Cyberjet Air Raid was redecoed again and released in a two-pack with the Decepticon Wind Sheer at the Deluxe price point. The lack of bios for Universe characters leaves open the possibility that this is not the original Air Raid. Then again, there's nothing that says it isn't, either.
Generation 2 mold: Skyjack
  • Hasbro:
  • Takara:

Universe (2008)

I laugh at my resemblance to Soundwave!
  • Aerial Rivals (multi-pack, 2008)
    • Series: Classic Series
  • Known designers: Joe Kyde (deco artist)
Universe Legends Class Air Raid is a redeco of Legends of Cybertron Soundwave, transforming into a Cybertronic stealth bomber somewhat akin to a F-117A Nighthawk prototype, the Have Blue, and with a color scheme based upon his Generation 2 Cyberjet incarnation.
He was only available in a Target-exclusive five-pack with Legends Class Blades, Skydive, Ramjet, and Thrust. The packaging back and the instructions swap Air Raid and Skydive's names, but since the deco used for "Skydive" is very clearly based on Generation 2 Cyberjet Air Raid, this can be assumed to be an error.

I'm finally a combiner again? Who's laughing now!
  • Superion (Multi-pack, 2008)
    • Series: G1 Series
    • Accessories: 2 dual-barrel cannons, connector piece, Autobot-type energon star
Available only as a component of Superion, this version of Air Raid is a dark grey and black redeco of Energon Windrazor/Treadshot, transforming into a small, futuristic fighter resembling an F-22 Raptor. He can also form a leg or arm to any Energon-series "Powerlinx Combiner" super robot, though his nominal placement is as the left leg to Superion. He comes with two double-barreled guns and a connector piece, which can form hand-held weapons as well as become a footplate or "hand" for his combined mode, plus a blue "super energon" Autobot-style energon star that fits over his spark crystal.
Air Raid was released, along with the others in this box set, in 2008 Universe packaging in Australia and Singapore, but was only released as Target-exclusive set in Revenge of the Fallen Superion packaging in North America. Thus, this toy doubles as live-action movie Air Raid.
He comes with Silverbolt, Fireflight, Skydive, and Airazor (who shares his mold). This mold was also redecoed into Timelines Breakaway and Revenge of the Fallen Airazor.

Bot Shots

I laugh at my tinier than tiny size!
  • Autobot Air Force (Five-pack, 2013)
    • Series: 2
    • Number: T015
      • Fist strength: 128
      • Blaster strength: 714
      • Sword strength: 768
Air Raid is a redeco of the Powerglide mold. As such, he turns into a super-deformed jet with a spring-loaded transformation back into robot mode. He was available in a five-pack with Silverbolt, Quickslinger, Skydive, and Autobot Firestrike.


I laugh at myself for being an Autobot Conehead!
Air Raid comes as part of the Superion Micro-Changer combiner set, and can be rebuilt from his robot mode into a jet. He can also contribute his bricks to form Superion.
He uses the Conehead helmet.

  • Combiner Robot Mega Pack (3-pack, 2016)
    • Set number: ???
    • Pieces: 245
3 years later, the 3 Micro-Changer combiners, Superion, Bruticus and Menasor is reissed and released as a 3-pack. The toys were unchanged from their individual releases.

Combiner Wars

I laugh at my newly-found spectacular range of articulation!
  • Air Raid (Deluxe Class, 2015)
    • 1 OF 5: Superion
    • Accessories: Double barrelled gun, Gun/fist/foot
Released under the Combiner Wars subline of the Generations toyline, Air Raid is a major retool of Skydive from the same assortment (keeping only the thighs, fronts of the lower legs, middles of the arms, combiner connector, and gun from the original mold), with the alternate mode changed to a black F-14 Tomcat fighter jet, whereas the robot mode homages his original form. He is also able to form either an arm or leg for any Combiner Wars-style Voyager Class figure or form one of Legends Godbomber's legs, but is intended to be combined with the other Deluxe Class Aerialbots (Alpha Bravo, Firefly, and the aforementioned Skydive) and the Voyager Class Silverbolt to form Superion. He is also officially associated with Galvatronus.
The hand-painted prototypes on display at San Diego Comic-Con 2014, as well as the prototype used for early stock photos of Superion, featured some minor coloring differences with the final product. Notably, Air Raid's upper arms were originally colored silver. However, the hand-painted prototype used for stock photos of Air Raid himself is closer to the final product.
Air Raid comes with a copy of "Combiner Wars #7" (actually Robots in Disguise #15). Non-American releases instead come with a collector card featuring art from the "Nemesis Rising" episode of Transformers Legends.
As a part of the first and second wave promotion in Hasbro's Asian markets, a free sticker sheet for the Aerialbots and Stunticons was given out when purchasing any four Deluxe Class toys from those waves. As such, Air Raid was given Generation 1 toy-esque stickers for the owner to apply if they wanted.[1]
Air Raid was retooled into Unite Warriors Curse Armada Thrust.
Combiner Wars mold: Skydive

Version 1:

Version 2:

Other versions:

  • HasbroCombiner Wars Strafe
  • Hasbro/TakaraTomyPower of the Primes Dreadwind
  • Hasbro/TakaraTomyPower of the Primes Blackwing

I laugh at Drag Strip's bleeding optics (that I caused)!
  • Superion (Collection Pack, 2016)
    • Accessories: Rifle, individual Aerialbots guns/fists/feet
A G2-themed redeco of Combiner Wars Air Raid was packed along with the other Aerialbots (including Powerglide), and sold as a giftset.
The Superion "Collection Pack" was (at least in theory) a "shared exclusive" between various online retailers (such as Hasbro Toy Shop, Amazon, BigBadToyStore, and Entertainment Earth) and the online storefronts of major "big box" retailers (such as Toys"R"Us, Walmart, Target, and Kmart). It was still available at general retail in Hasbro's Asian markets, though.
Combiner Wars mold: Skydive

Version 1:

Version 2:

Other versions:

  • HasbroCombiner Wars Strafe
  • Hasbro/TakaraTomyPower of the Primes Dreadwind
  • Hasbro/TakaraTomyPower of the Primes Blackwing

Unite Warriors

I laugh at my show-accurate paint ops!
TakaraTomy's Unite Warriors iteration of Superion features a redeco of Air Raid (under his Japanese name "Air Rider"), swapping out colors on his detailing, and lacking both the gold trim and blue forehead of the Hasbro version.
Combiner Wars mold: Skydive

Version 1:

Version 2:

Other versions:

  • HasbroCombiner Wars Strafe
  • Hasbro/TakaraTomyPower of the Primes Dreadwind
  • Hasbro/TakaraTomyPower of the Primes Blackwing

Titans Return

  • Blunderbuss & Broadside (2017)
Titans Return Broadside comes with tiny Aerialbot jets (specifically in the alternate modes of their Combiner Wars figures) molded on a sprue; once cut off this sprue, the jets can be attached to his carrier and robot mode ports.


The Legends release of Broadside also includes five Airbot sprues, redecoed in a different shade of gray to match Broadside's cartoon-accurate appearance.

Age of the Primes

I laugh at my unorthodox method of combination!
  • Aerialbot Air Raid (Deluxe Class, 2025)
  • 2 of 5: Superion
  • TakaraTomy name: Air Raid (エアレイド)
  • TakaraTomy ID number: AOTP-04
  • Accessories: 2 blasters
  • Known designers: Mark Maher (Hasbro), Shogo Hasui (TakaraTomy)[2]
Age of the Primes “Aerialbot Air Raid” is part of the first wave of Deluxe Class toys, transforming into an unlicensed approximation of an F-15 Eagle, with a robot mode based directly on his animation model from the original cartoon. He comes with a pair of identical black blasters that can be mounted under his wings in jet mode.
Air Raid’s main feature is his ability to transform into a leg that can attach to the frame included with Silverbolt, the line’s Commander, to help form Superion. His nominal place is as the combiner’s left leg.
He was revealed at Cybertron Con 2024 and went up for preorder on December 10.
Designer commentary on Age of the Primes Air Raid from Mark Maher on Instagram


Transformers Trading Card Game

I laughed at my own successful effect!
  • Air Raid, Fearless Flyer (2019)
    • Wave 2: Rise of the Combiners
    • Rarity: CT
    • Card Number: T02/T46
    • Stars: 5
Air Raid, Fearless Flyer was released as part of the Transformers Trading Card Game Wave 2: Rise of the Combiners. Like all other members of combiner teams released in the set, Air Raid, Fearless Flyer is a folding card, with the Bot and Alt modes being depicted when the card is folded in half, and a holofoil portion of the the combined mode depicted when unfolded. The reverse of Air Raid, Fearless Flyer depicts Superion's right arm, which is formed by Air Raid in the artwork.
The artwork for Bot Mode is reused from the Combiner Wars Air Raid toy's packaging art, and is based on said figure.
Air Raid, Fearless Flyer can be used to form Superion, Sky Protector with the use of the Action card Aerialbot Enigma while he and the other Wave 2 Aerialbots are in Bot mode on the battlefield or KO area.

Transformers Character Card

Transformers Character Card Superion and Menasor.jpg
Released as part of the sixth wave of the e-HOBBY exclusive Transformers Character Card series, this pair of holographic trading cards depict super-deformed art of Superion (with his components Fireflight, Skydive, Silverbolt, Air Raid and Slingshot) and Menasor (with his components Dead End, Breakdown, Motormaster, Wildrider and Drag Strip) along with character profiles and tech specs.


  • Much like the other Aerialbots, Air Raid's wings and tailfins appear to have been swapped in his robot mode character model, meaning his wings end up on his back rather than on his legs.
  • The Universe Air Raid/Wind Sheer two-pack was initially listed under the name "Skyjack" in Walmart computers.
  • Most modern Hasbro molds include a "pretooled" alternate head on the sprue, with Combiner Wars Air Raid's alternate tooling being based on the Generation 1 Coneheads (Dirge, Thrust, and Ramjet). For clarification, TakaraTomy's Unite Warriors Curse Armada Thrust uses this pretooled head and not a TakaraTomy-original element.

Foreign names

  • Japanese: Air Rider (エアライダー Ea Raidā), Air Raid (エアレイド Ea Reido)
  • French: Bombardo (Canada)
  • Italian: Tornado
  • Mandarin: Kōng Xí (China, 空袭, "Air Raid")
  • Russian: Naletchik (Налётчик, "Raider")



  1. Aerialbot and Stunticon sticker promotion on
  2. Age of the Primes panel with Hasbro designer Mark Maher at Cybertron Con 2024 Day 1, recorded at the "Giant Peng Peng" (巨大化鹏鹏) BilliBilli channel.
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