Constructicon (G1)
From Transformers Wiki
The name or term "Constructicon" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, see Constructicon (disambiguation). |
- The Constructicons are a Decepticon subgroup from the Generation 1 continuity family.
The Constructicons are the Decepticons' foremost designers, engineers and builders. They are also particularly notable for their status as the very first combining subgroup of Transformers. The individual members of the team are:
- Scrapper (front-end loader)—a modest but masterful designer
- Bonecrusher (bulldozer)—a destructive berserker
- Scavenger (excavator)—a materials detector with self-esteem issues
- Mixmaster (cement mixer)—a maniacal chemist
- Hook (crane)—a snobbish perfectionist
- Long Haul (dump truck)—a worker who longs for battle
They are able to merge their bodies and minds together to form the gigantic Devastator.
In some universes, there are more Constructicons in addition to or in lieu of the primary six. The named ones include:
- Gravedigger—the younger brother of Bonecrusher
- Hauler (crane)—an Autobot ex-Constructicon
- Erector (crane cab)—an Autobot ex-Constructicon
- Hightower (crane)—a substitute member with traits of both Mixmaster and Hook
- Scoop (front-end loader)—a religious fanatic drafted by Starscream as a stand-in for Scrapper
In the world of Beast Wars: Uprising, the Constructicon roster changes over time as members die, until the team consists of:
- Buckethead (front-end loader)—a late-model Decepticon who joined shortly before the Micromaster Upgrade
- Hightower (crane)—a former Autobot placed in charge of the group
- Quickmix (cement mixer)—a former Autobot chemist
- Wideload (dump truck)—a former Throttlebot who joined the Decepticons in defiance of Rodimus's poor leadership
- Steam Hammer (steam shovel)—a surprisingly gifted laborer
- Skavenger—the sole surviving member of the original team, not to be confused with Scavenger
Members' color schemes are required to include green.[1]
“ | Really. That has to be the stupidest color for a 'disguise'... | ” |
Marvel Comics continuity
Marvel The Transformers comics
Seeking to bolster the size of his forces on Earth in 1985, Decepticon Commander Shockwave arranged for the construction of six new Decepticon bodies, which were then infused with life by the power of the Creation Matrix, tapped from the head of the imprisoned Optimus Prime. Thus, the Constructicons were born, and were immediately put to work building a massive radio transmission dish that Soundwave used to beam a message to Cybertron. When the Autobots attempted to interfere, the Constructicons revealed their hidden power and merged into Devastator to fight them off, allowing the message to successfully go through. The Next Best Thing to Being There!
The Autobots, intrigued by Devastator's unique combining power, attempted to replicate it with the construction of Omega Supreme. However, Omega was composed of only three components, unlike the six Constructicons that made up Devastator. The Autobots, needing additional data on combiner technology, conducted a raid on the Decepticon base, luring out Devastator so that they could study him further. Command Performances! This led to the construction of the new combiner team, the Aerialbots, capable of forming Superion. Aerialbots over America! The Constructicons were later charged with hunting down Buster Witwicky, Devastation Derby!
The Constructicons were sent into frigid Yukon territory to work on a secret project. They were discovered by Jazz and Hoist, only for the two Autobots to accidentally betray their presence with an accidental weapons discharge. The Constructicons chased down the interlopers, blasting at them through a nearby forest. During the chase, they merged into Devastator in an attempt to overtake the pair. While in this form, they were duped into blasting a hydro-electric dam. Realizing what was coming, the Constructicons only had time enough to separate before the concrete structure collapsed, unleashing a torrent of water. The Constructicons were submerged in the flood, allowing the Autobots to escape. The MissionThey were called upon once more when the time-travelling Galvatron co-opted their services to build a gigantic laser cannon. Target: 2006
Devastator battled Superion during the Transformers' adventure alongside G.I. Joe. ...All Fall Down!
The team's special talents were not required again until they and the Predacons stole large amounts of rocket fuel and raw materials, with which the Constructicons rebuilt the Decepticons' mobile island headquarters as a spaceship. Toy Soldiers! With the entire Earth-based Decepticon army aboard the ship, under the command of Ratbat, they attacked an Autobot congregation on the moon. While the battle raged, the Constructicons penetrated the Ark and recovered the deactivated bodies of several Decepticons defeated in an earlier clash with Omega Supreme. Totaled!
Marvel UK future timelines
In an alternate 2008, Mixmaster was briefly indicated to have ascended to leadership of the Constructicons. Space Pirates!
At one point the team had lost the ability to combine, and attempted to rebuild Devastator as a singular, separate entity. The Autobots Ironhide and Bumblebee arrived on the island to investigate, and Ironhide was able to bypass the security grid and plant explosives to destroy the site, and Devastator with it. Desert Island Risks!
The main Constructicon team worked for Megatron during the Decepticon Civil War, and Mixmaster happily dealt Syk to everyone - happily until Soundwave happily blackmailed him over it... Secrets
Marvel Generation 2 comic
The Constructicons resurfaced among the Decepticons after Megatron reclaimed the army from Bludgeon. Bonecrusher appeared with the Cons who confronted Optimus Prime when he arrived on Earth. The Gathering Darkness
Scavenger and Hook stood with the assembled Decepticons as Megatron rallied them for war with the Cybertronian Empire. New Dawn
In preparation for the final battle with the Swarm, Scrapper, Bonecrusher, and Long Haul helped establish fortifications at the combined Autobot and Decepticon base. A Rage in Heaven!
The Constructicons were among the troops that Megatron covertly rebuilt on Earth after Bludgeon's defeat and exile. Both Hook and Mixmaster were curiously absent from the team, with the enigmatic Hightower in their place. It's unclear why this was, but Hightower himself joked about stripping enough spare parts off of Grimlock to "build a new Hook." Crossing Over: Part 6
Generation 1 cartoon continuity
The Transformers cartoon
The Constructicons' origins are clouded. They were reportedly on Cybertron millions of years ago, though the accounts gel poorly. When Rodimus Prime took a near-death trip into the Matrix of Leadership, he saw a vision of Megatron's creation - by eight(!) apparent Constructicons. Five Faces of Darkness, Part 4 But according to Omega Supreme, at the time that Megatron was building up his Decepticon army, the Constructicons were not Decepticons at all (though they were seen bearing the Decepticon symbol). They were the peaceful creators of the beautiful Crystal City on Cybertron, and Omega was both its guardian and their friend. However, Megatron secretly used the Robosmasher to reprogram the Constructicons into Decepticons, then he had them send Omega away on a fool's errand so they could demolish Crystal City.
The enraged Omega tracked the Constructicons down and reprogrammed them again, intending to return them to their previous state. But as the group returned to rebuild Crystal City, they attacked Omega while his back was turned. Megatron's programming was not to be undone, and he had also given them the ability to merge into Devastator. As they wrestled with Omega in their combined form, the Robosmasher latched onto Omega Supreme's head. Omega was able to fend off both his attackers, but his mental brush with the Robosmasher left him filled only with hate for the Constructicons, whom he pursued across the galaxy for millions of years. While this tale was only conveyed second-hand, some details would be corroborated in conversation between Omega and the Constructicons in the modern day. The Secret of Omega Supreme
In 1984, the Constructicons bolstered Megatron's forces on Earth (and Megatron referred to "the time we spent building them in these caverns," adding to the origin ambiguities). Scrapper designed a machine to transfer the other Decepticons' offensive powers to Megatron. While Megatron battled Optimus Prime, holding the attention of the Autobots, the Constructicons invaded the Ark to destroy Teletraan I. Unfortunately for them, the Ark was protected by the Dinobots, but by merging into Devastator, they became more than a match for their prehistoric foes. The return of the other Autobots and the discovery of Megatron's deception spelled the end of the battle, however. Hound distracted Devastator with a gigantic hologram, and Optimus Prime blasted the giant at just the right spot to force the Constructicons to disengage. They and the other Decepticons were then forced into a river of lava. Heavy Metal War
The Constructicons all managed to survive their magma bath mostly unscathed, except possibly for Mixmaster, who developed a manic personality and a fondness for repeating his words, which he had not displayed before. Regardless, the team was soon back at work again, performing such varied tasks as assisting in Megatron's reconstruction of New York City (which also involved turning Optimus Prime's scrapped remains into a robotic alligator) City of Steel and building a device to paralyze Transformers in their vehicular modes, as well as another to crush them. The Autobot Run
The Constructicons' history of mental manipulation continued when the Autobots planted dominator disks on them, which the Autobots activated when the Constructicons merged into Devastator. He instantly began fighting against the Decepticons, and Autobots took him back to their base. However, Megatron was secretly aware of the whole plot, even spying on the Autobots through the Constructicons' own eyes. Meanwhile, the Constructicons contentedly helped fix the battle-damaged Autobots and then accompanied them on a raid against the Decepticons, who were trying to drill into the Earth's core. During the battle, Megatron used a "control switch" to deactivate the disks, and as Devastator turned back against the Autobots, Wheeljack boosted the disks' power. This drove Devastator mad, and he began attacking everyone indiscriminately. The only thing that brought him back to sanity was the threat of the Decepticons' drill, which was seconds away from destroying the planet. He dove into the drilled hole and wrenched the bit to a standstill, saving the world. The Core
Afterwards, the Constructicons returned to their Decepticon roles, but treachery remained a running theme. Upon learning of the Autobot Grapple's solar power tower design, Scrapper and the Constructicons pretended to have defected from the Decepticons in order to help him and Hoist construct it. But upon its completion, they turned it and the two Autobots over to Megatron. In a demonstration of Scrapper's motto, Grapple and Hoist were imprisoned in the very structure of their tower. The Master Builders
Later, when the other Decepticons began to suffer from Cybertonium degeneration, the Constructicons, apparently working fine, took delivery of a shipment of the mineral via the space bridge, and as Devastator, failed to stop Spike and Carly from getting by them and traveling to Cybertron. Desertion of the Dinobots, Part 1
When Omega Supreme learned that the Constructicons were active on Earth, he arrived on the planet and joined Optimus Prime's forces, biding his time until he could face his former friends again. That chance arose when the Constructicons were discovered mining an asteroid, and Omega was dispatched to investigate. Ignoring Optimus Prime's orders, Omega Supreme engaged the Constructicons, and in the battle, split the asteroid in two, revealing that it was an egg of sorts, incubating a monstrous alien creature, which promptly attacked San Francisco while Omega, ignoring the plight of the city, continued to battle the Constructicons. Optimus Prime then entered the fray, convincing Omega that saving the city was more important than revenge, and forcing the Constructicons to retreat. The Secret of Omega Supreme
The building skills of the Constructicons remained in demand; other creations around this time included an army of drone Transformers created from common Earth cars; Make Tracks various constructs for Blitzwing, including a throne constructed from deactivated Autobots and a massive maze; Triple Takeover and a giant ruby-powered laser cannon. Masquerade It's unclear how unique their combining ability actually was (especially if Devastator had been around since the Golden Age), but their gestalt-monopoly on Earth was undone with the creation of the Stunticons and their Autobot counterparts, the Aerialbots. These were soon followed by the Protectobots and Combaticons, the latter even defeating Devastator in battle as their merged form, Bruticus. Starscream's Brigade
Still, twenty years later in the Earth year 2005, Devastator was the Decepticons' primary weapon in the great Battle of Autobot City, tearing through the defenses and walls of the city and battling the Dinobots once more. On the return trip to Cybertron, it was Bonecrusher who advocated the "survival of the fittest" policy that saw many wounded Decepticons ejected from the shuttle, among them Megatron, prompting Scrapper to vote for the Constructicons as the new leaders of the Decepticons, arguing that Devastator was the most powerful robot. Hook took great offense to the notion that Soundwave would make a better leader than them. In the end, Starscream became the new leader of the Decepticons, and the Constructicons, as a sign of no hard feelings, provided the music by playing horns at his coronation. Starscream, desperate to get on with the ceremony, eventually shot their horns, showing that he still had hard feelings. How they were able to play the horns, as a number of them don't have mouths, is unknown. The Transformers: The Movie

In the remainder of this year and throughout 2006, the Constructicons maintained a smaller, but still present, role in the Decepticon army, lending their talents to the Decepticon/Quintesson alliance by constructing Trypticon out of a populated human city in only one night. FFOD, Part 4 Later, they built a planetary engine on an asteroid and battled on the planet Eurythma, Carnage in C-Minor aided in the overthrow of Paradron Fight or Flee and took part in an attack on Japan. The Burden Hardest to Bear Although brief, the Constructicons even played a part in the battle for the Plasma Energy Chamber in 2007, seen firing on Autobots with the Terrorcons. The Rebirth, Part 1
Origin inconsistency
As seen above, the cartoon presented several conflicting origins for the Constructicons. The series bible described the Constructicons as having "no explained origin",[2] but this only seemed to promote variant portrayals.
A straight reading of the "facts" appears to go: the Constructicons started out Decepticons, built Megatron, left the Decepticons, built the Crystal City, were Robosmashed back into Decepticons, ran around the galaxy for umpteen million years, ended up on Earth, and were (re)built by Megatron. However, there are issues with that narrative:
- There was no hint in Omega's flashback that they had ever been Decepticons before; their treachery was entirely unexpected. On the other hand, they did have Decepticon symbols throughout. Another possibility is that the Constructicons had built Megatron without realizing how evil he would be, which allows their early insignia to be chalked up as the animation error they most likely are.
- Even if Megatron's claim of "building" them just means "rebuilding", their Crystal City flashback showed them anachronistically already in their Terran vehicle forms, so what would he have rebuilt them into? On the other hand, that's just one more reason to doubt the veracity of Omega's flashback.
Making the issue either simpler or more complicated, depending on your view, the unreliable narrator rationale could negate much of the Constructicons' supposed history, between the vengeance-driven Omega's tale and the tripping Rodimus' near-death mystical vision. But the real-world truth of the matter is that different writers and haphazard animators gave us a mix of possibilities with no clear canon answer.
Japanese Generation 1 cartoon continuity
eHobby RoadHauler bio
Hauler was originally one of the Constructicons during their days on Cybertron. He eventually defected from his comrades and joined the Autobots, taking on a new color scheme in the process.
Fight! Super Robot Lifeform Transformers manga
The Constructicons helped Megatron secure an island paradise as the staging ground for their new fortress, Trypticon. When Superion and the Autobots arrived to kick them off the island, the Constructicons formed Devastator to fight back, but were swatted aside by Trypticon who wanted the kill for himself. After the Autobots tricked Trypticon into defeating himself, they forced the Constructicons to rebuild the forest they destroyed. Fight! Super Robot Lifeform Transformers #6
Fight! Super Robot Lifeform Transformers story pages
The Constructicons formed Devastator and confronted the Autobots in the skies over Cybertron. F!SRL Transformers Part 6 Later, the Constructicons teamed up with the Stunticons in the form of Devastator and Menasor to make trouble for the Autobots. Unfortunately for the Decepticons, the Autobots unleashed their new combiner warrior: Defensor! Defensor quickly sent the bad robots packing. F!SRL Transformers Part 12
Scramble City cartoon
The Constructicons were among the first Decepticons dispatched to destroy an Autobot factory building Metroplex. In the form of Devastator, they were also among the first Decepticons defeated. Scramble City: Mobilization
The Story of the Super Robot Lifeforms: The Transformers manga
In 2010, on the planet Feminia, Devastator joined with all the other Decepticon Combiner warriors in an assault on the Prime Energy Tower. Their victory seemed assured until the Omnibots showed up and caused all the Combiners to trip into one another and disassemble. The Story of Super Robot Lifeforms: The Transformers #5
The Headmasters cartoon
In 2011, the Constructicons were among those assembled by Galvatron for an all-out assault on Cybertron. After arriving individually through the space bridge, they joined the fight as Devastator. The once mighty Combiner would appear to have fallen on hard times, however, as he was defeated by Optimus Prime, who dispatched him with a single jump-kick. Four Warriors Come out of the Sky
The Constructicons would have many more embarrassing skirmishes as Devastator, until their intellect would finally be exploited to oversee the production of crysmagnetal in Lemuria, a component needed to blow up the Earth. They would be thwarted and driven off into space alongside the other Decepticons. The Final Showdown on Earth (Part 2)
Unite Warriors
In 2021, the Constructicons tricked Grapple into helping them rebuild Crystal City on Earth. Crystal City Reconstruction Project!
Zone catalog storypage
Along with other Combiners, Devastator joined the newly revived "Dark Emperor" Deathsaurus for an attack on the Autobots. This time, it was a full-on assault on planet Zone in an attempt to seize the Micro Zone's Energon Z. The Micromasters repelled his attack and sent the Decepticons into retreat.Zone Project Story
Zone cartoon, manga, and story pages
Seeking to create a Decepticon Zone to counter the Autobot Zone, Decepticon Emperor Violengiguar gathered together the Nine Great Demon Generals, upgrading them with powerful new armor and weaponry, then sent them forth to conquer planets. The Constructicons were among those summoned, but only in the form of Devastator. Zone Part 1
While in some accounts of their fateful battle with Dai Atlas for the power of Energon Z, the Constructicons survived the altercation,Zone other accounts were less generous, having Devastator killed in a flood of lava. Enter the New Supreme Commander, Dai Atlas!
United EX storyline
Seeking to restore his older brother Bonecrusher to life, long-forgotten Constructicon Gravedigger gained control of Power Core Combination technology and combined with several Constructicon drones to become Buildmaster. During one encounter with the Autobot Power Core Combiners, he defended a Decepticon base alongside Combatmaster and discovered a strange relic from the future left buried in the past. Unearthed Future
eHobby post-G-2 storyline
The Constructicons were eventually revived, by the looks of things. Hook and Bonecrusher were stationed on an undersea research facility being commanded by Megatron (who himself was being commanded by Galvatron II). Things went sour when strange monsters attacked the facility, shortly before the Autobots and an Eldedroid arrived to clean up their mess. MP-1B Cybertron Commander / Convoy Black Ver.
Wings Universe
Nine million years before the Transformers came to Earth, the Cybertronian "race" known as the Constructicons decided to side with the Decepticons. Flames of Yesterday
Hook, leader of the Constructicons, had a seat at the council table of Decepticon Warlords. The Warlords had an acrimonious relationship with each other at best, but agreed to meet for War Councils to discuss the Decepticon movement and, particularly, the rising threat of the Autobot Elite Guard to all of them. He and Reflector, leader of the Photons, carried a motion for the assembled Warlords to share their plans and information with each other, for the greater glory of the Decepticons.
Or, rather, for the greater glory of Megatron. By the next council meeting, Hook, Reflector and Megatron's representative Shockwave were no longer present, having united under Megatron's banner after claiming the Warlords' secrets. A Team Effort
A group of Constructicons worked for Deathsaurus on the repairs of the Combaticons. Battle Lines, Part 2 Following Megatron's conquering of Deathsaurus's territory, Deathsaurus's Combiner technology was applied to Hook and his team to create Devastator, who joined in an attack on Iacon. Battle Lines, Part 5 The Autobots were able to take down Devastator using a combination of live cables and shooting him in the knees. Battle Lines, Part 6
Millennia later, during the Battle of Autobot City, Devastator breached a wall and faced Ultra Magnus with a small group of Autobots. The Autobots used a barrage of rockets to separate the Constructicons, who began fighting back, taking out Red Alert as the Autobots retreated. A Flash Forward
During the third Cybertronian war, the Constructicons were ambushed at Elevation Recostalus by a group of Autobots including Hauler and Erector, who disabled them before they could form Devastator. The group remained offline until 1984, when Megatron rebuilt them on Earth and appointed Scrapper as leader in Hook's place. Transformers I.Q. last issue review
When Cloud World's Megatron interrupted Megatron's battle with Optimus Prime, he was annoyed and unleashed Devastator on the intruder, only for the combiner to be blasted back into his components by the raging, SARA-powered Megatron's tank mode. The Constructicons subsequently fled out of fear. Rampage
Ask Vector Prime
In Primax 1185.04 Alpha, the Constructicons entered the war Megatron waged against Cobra on Earth. Ask Vector Prime, 2015/06/13
In a different universe manipulated by Gong and Sideways, the Constructicons participated in the siege of Guardian City by forming Devastator. Later after history blipped again, the Constructicons were replaced by the Puzzler team. Echoes and Fragments
G.I. Joe vs. the Transformers
The Constructicons were among the Transformers aboard the Ark when it crashed on Earth at some point in the past. In the present, it was discovered by the terrorist organization Cobra, who reprogrammed the Transformers for their own needs. Naturally, the Constructicons were used for construction on Cobra Island, until Wheeljack hacked Cobra's computers and freed everyone. G.I. Joe vs. the Transformers #3 After enacting some revenge on their former captors, the Constructicons were ordered to defend the SPS Satellite controls from the Autobot and G.I. Joe troops attacking the island. G.I. Joe vs. the Transformers #4 However, not even Devastator's strength was enough to stop the attackers, and the combiner was defeated. G.I. Joe vs. the Transformers #5
Dreamwave Generation One continuity
Eight million years before the modern era, the Constructicons were tasked by Megatron to activate Cybertron's planetary engines. The War Within #2 When Megatron disappeared into the depths of the planet fighting Optimus Prime, Starscream temporarily took command and had Scrapper prepare a process for the resurfacing of Cybertron, which would transform it into a mobile war-world. Scrapper cautioned against such an action, but Starscream ignored him, and prevented him from stopping it when the process was underway. The War Within #5 After this, the Constructicons worked on the theory of mass intellect, and succeeded in stabilizing the neural-meshing, creating Devastator. However, the process was not as efficient as the Constructicons believed, as the technical geniuses of the Constructicons did not translate into Devastator, causing him to suffer from a serious "dumbing down" problem. Despite the drawbacks, Megatron was impressed with Devastator's destructive potential. Besides, being intelligent and powerful was overrated in Megatron's opinion. More than Meets the Eye #8 When Megatron and Optimus Prime were thought to have died in an early test of the space bridge transport system, and the Autobots and Decepticons splintered into several smaller factions, the Constructicons broke the treaty that had downgraded the combining teams to non-combat status by siding with Ratbat's Ultracons and battling Defensor. Escalation
It is apparent that the Constructicons were not aboard the Ark when it crashed on Earth four million years before the modern era, but they did eventually find their way to Earth and joined Megatron's forces there after they awoke in 1984. All the Transformers were rendered inactive in the explosion of the Ark II in 1999, but when they reactivated in 2001, Devastator was the main weapon in Megatron's attack on San Francisco. Rampaging through the city, he battled and defeated Superion, Prime Directive #4 but was defeated by Optimus Prime who blasted the titan point-blank in the face, sending him plunging into the ocean. Prime Directive #5
Over the following months, Starscream had the Insecticons secretly rebuild Devastator and the Constructicons without Megatron's knowledge. When Megatron vanished off the face of the Earth, Starscream took the opportunity to bring his secret weapon back into the light. Devastator made his return debut in the canyons of Nevada, where Starscream led the unwitting Autobot named Sideswipe right into a blast from Devastator's solar energy rifle. He was a major force in Starscream's control of Las Vegas as well, and battled Grimlock when the Dinobot commander attempted to free the city from Decepticon domination. Hardwired
When Megatron returned from deep space, Devastator unhesitatingly remained at Starscream's side, and was prepared to tear his former leader limb from limb at Starscream's command. When the Decepticons split into two factions between Megatron and Starscream, the Constructicons were steadfastly loyal to Starscream. They were captured, along with the rest of Starscream's men, when the Keepers settled in Las Vegas. Trapped inside an energy net, Devastator tried to bludgeon his way out at first, until Skywarp convinced the Constructicons to separate so they could dig their way out from underneath the field. Once they were freed, the Constructicons reformed Devastator as the Autobots and Decepticons united in an attempt to destroy the Keepers before the American government carried out the final solution and nuked Las Vegas off the map. Didn't work—the xenophobic President jumped the gun and fired off the nuclear missile early in the hopes of eliminating the Transformers as well as the Keepers. Still, the impending nuclear holocaust wasn't enough to deter Devastator's one-track mind, and he continued to hunt down the Keeper-possessed Bluestreak (since that was the one Autobot mommy and daddy would let him destroy at the moment). During the fight, the Keepers managed to trap Devastator and his massive comrade Omega Sentinel outside a protective field, while they engaged the smaller Transformers inside. This eventually meant that Devastator was too far away to be protected by Optimus Prime's Matrix-constructed shields when the nuclear missiles finally struck. The combined Constructicons suffered massive damage as a result. Annihilation
In the aftermath of the nuclear assault on Las Vegas, the Constructicons were trapped permanently in their Devastator form as a result of their injuries. Devastator was present in the Nevada desert when the American military forces ambushed the Autobots and Decepticons. After that, Megatron sent him and Omega Sentinel to keep watch on the Void gateway being built on Allister Greaves' property to allow the Keepers back into normal space. Optimus Prime and Megatron soon joined them there, and began the final battle against the Keepers' pawn, Franklin Townsend, and his puppets Bluestreak and Starscream. Devastator attempted to swat Starscream out of the sky, but eventually stopped when the Keepers' power faded and Starscream returned to his ever-so-likeable self. Instead, he was forced to contend with the far more formidable Omega Sentinel, who had broken free from Megatron's control and returned to his original Guardian programming. Ultimately, the Omega Sentinel sacrificed himself to stop the Keepers by plunging into the Void, and pulled Devastator with him. When the Keepers' control crystal was shattered, the Void was destroyed and Devastator fell back out into real space. He floated in the vacuum between Mars and Jupiter, in deep stasis lock. A secret American space venture, the starship Bounty, happened across the gigantic Decepticon on their mission, and made plans to bring him back to Earth. Fusion
Devastator eventually came to be possessed by the Earth Defense Command, and he was dissected and studied in their underground base. Generation 1 #0
2005 IDW continuity
The Constructicons started out as the builders of the Forge, the arena for the illegal gladiatorial combat that Clench ran, and continued in that role when Megatron took over. They did not move the parts for the arena between venues, but rather built them on site, using any materials available—and that included Empties. Megatron Origin #2 After Megatron began his preparations for the Decepticon insurrection, the Constructicons turned their talents to modifying the gladiators into warriors. Megatron Origin #3 Once the rebellion began in full, the Constructicons helped conquer Kaon. Megatron Origin #4
The Constructicons participated in an attack on Zeta Prime's Citadel during a temporary alliance between the Decepticons and Orion Pax's Autobots. Overthrown They were later stationed in the industrial slagwerks of Galaxxon, where they watched a broadcast in which Orion Pax, now Optimus Prime, asked all Cybertronians to unite and fight against the new Decepticon rule. Broadcast
As the war began in earnest between the Autobots and Decepticons, the Constructicons remained loyal followers of Megatron. At one point they were stationed on Varas Centralus alongside Swindle and Sky-Byte, where they committed some atrocity that was enough to cause Sky-Byte to abandon the Decepticon cause. A Better Tomorrow Four million years ago, several Constructicons were part of a convoy bringing energon to the war effort, but the shipment was intercepted and captured by Optimus Prime and Ironhide. The Iron Age
Millions of years later, the Constructicons were granted the ability to combine into Devastator by Bombshell, who had completed Shockwave's combiner research. Before the Dawn They joined Megatron on Earth, where they used their new combined form to defeat the local Autobot troops. All Hail Megatron #7 The Decepticons subsequently attacked New York City, where the Constructicons briefly pretended to "come in peace" before they started killing everybody. All Hail Megatron #1 As Devastator, they made sure to destroy all the tunnels leading in and out of the city. All Hail Megatron #2 Starscream subsequently convinced the Constructicons to join him in his rebellion against Megatron, and they attacked their former leader in the form of Devastator. All Hail Megatron #10 The battle was interrupted by incoming human jets and the returning Autobots, and Devastator was faced with the mighty Omega Supreme. All Hail Megatron #11 The Constructicons were defeated when Omega blasted a hole in Devastator's torso. All Hail Megatron #12
As the battered Decepticons fled Earth, the Constructicons seemed to have been left behind. Two years later, Scrapper joined a few other Decepticons trying to get off the planet New Arrivals, Old Encounters, while Scavenger was targeted for capture by Skywatch and the Autobots. The Hanging Sword He managed to stay hidden and think of a plan to get out of the country. The Impossible Knot Unlike Scavenger, Hook and Mixmaster ended up captured by Skywatch, but were rescued by Scrapper's group who had allied themselves with some rogue Autobots. A Rude Awakening The three reunited Constructicons then started building a starship for everyone to leave Earth with. Swindle wanted to speed things up by collecting some more of the construction experts, but Rodimus Prime refused as his Autobots feared that they might form Devastator again. Seasons in Flight The Decepticons eventually betrayed the Autobots and tried to take the ship for themselves (with help from Menasor instead of Devastator), but were defeated. Skywatch captured most of them, but several Constructicons got away. Earthworks Among them was Scrapper, but he was soon hunted down and executed by Spike Witwicky, who was intent on ending the threat of Devastator forever. Scrapper
As the Decepticon army returned to Earth in full force under Megatron's command, one of their first acts was to lay siege to Skywatch and recover all the imprisoned 'Cons on the premises, including Scrapper's deactivated body. The Demolished Man Hook and Mixmaster were later seen among Megatron's assembled troops before he faced off against Optimus Prime. Enemy Mine After Megatron and the Autobots traveled to Cybertron for war against Galvatron's army, the Decepticons eventually followed via space bridge. The Constructicons traveled with Scrapper's deactivated form and, despite his current state, were still able to combine and form Devastator, albeit with a dead limb. Devastator was still a force to be reckoned with, and so Sunstreaker armed his hoverchair with a copious amount of explosives, tricking Devastator into stepping on it. After a titanic blast, Devastator prepared to take revenge on the little Autobot when D-Void pulled him and the other Decepticons present into the mass of its "Deceptigod" construct. Chaos Part Three: Kings
The monster was defeated by Megatron, but the Decepticons were left weakened from the experience, and the Autobots soon captured and contained them. Fitted with inhibitor/deterrence chips to keep them under control, they were used to reinforce the Autobots during a NAIL riot. The Death of Optimus Prime The Constructicons later helped look for survivors in a blast crater after a mysterious explosion happened there. Stick Together They were then put to work building things for the Autobots and working in the reclamation tunnels, but eventually turned on them to aid Bombshell, who was on the run. After beating up his pursuer, Blurr, the Constructicons fought with Arcee until Prowl showed up and threatened to detonate their I/D chips. They just taunted him since Ratbat had made sure their chips didn't work down in the tunnels, only for Prowl to use a secret passcode to reactivate them, seemingly blowing the Constructicons' heads off. Devisive
However, Prowl was in fact under the control of Bombshell, who had merely faked the Constructicons' death and hidden them away for the purpose of improving Devastator. He fixed the problem of Scrapper's death by modifying their combination into a modular design that moved Hook to Scrapper's old position as right leg and would allow others built with compatible forms to serve as the combiner's head. After Megatron returned to conquer Cybertron, he had the Constructicons combine with the mind-controlled Prowl, using him as the new head for Devastator. Before the Dawn Devastator was initially under Bombshell's direct control, but after the Insecticon's death, Prowl's mind was freed and happened to stray to thoughts of Spike Witwicky. Since the Constructicons shared his hatred of Witwicky for his murder of Scrapper, this caused Devastator's mind to unify under his own control, and he went on a rampage. Plan for Everything Prowl was eventually able to separate from the Constructicons, only for Megatron to reveal his ultimate plan: turning himself into Devastator's head. Fortunately he was prevented from doing so, and in the aftermath the Constructicons were banished from Iacon alongside most other Autobots and Decepticons. Heavy Is the Head
Outside the city, the Constructicons approached the exiled Autobots and, after a brawl with the Dinobots, explained that they wanted to be on Prowl's side, having seen into his mind during their time as Devastator and having been very impressed by what they saw. They were allowed to stay at the Autobot camp, where they had a rematch with Arcee before it was broken up by the Dinobots, who made peace with the Constructicons after realizing they had a lot in common (namely violence and chugging energon). Second Exodus
The team fell victim to the Necrotitan's corrosive "death wave", but were cured from its effects when the Titan was brought down by Metroplex. Finis Temporis After that they continued to follow their new idol Prowl around, praising him at every opportunity and cheering him on during a fight with Chromedome. The Becoming When Cybertron was invaded by Shockwave's army of Ammonites, the Constructicons talked Prowl into willingly forming Devastator and fighting Monstructor. Black Planet They were victorious and went on to witness Megatron defect to the Autobots. ...And the Damage Done
The Constructicons were subsequently fashioned by Prowl into his own private unit, the Autobot having realized how useful Devastator could be. He brought the team with him on a mission to Earth, where they saved the Ark-7 from burrowing human missiles and formed Devastator to fight the Decepticons under Galvatron's command. Detonation Boulevard After the battle they returned to the Ark-7 alongside the Autobots, though Scavenger sneaked off to leak information to the Decepticons The Mind Bomb on Prowl's orders, who wanted to lure the Decepticons to the Marshall Islands. Prowl then had the Constructicons coated in stealth paint, allowing them to show up out of nowhere at the battle's climax and form Devastator, who destroyed the Earth Defense Command base on the island. I Dream of Wires When the Autobots began hunting for the Enigma of Combination, Prowl was all too eager to mobilize the Constructicons so that they could hunt down Spike Witwicky. Signals, Calls, and Marches Their search took them to Tokyo, where they secured their asset but ran afoul of Galvatron. Vs. Prowl and Spike entered into a temporary truce, and with the help of Sky Lynx the team stormed the Onyx facility by forming Devastator. Devastator revealed that the alliance was a lie, and that Prowl still hated the human. Devastator ultimately went berserk and ruined the mission, allowing Scoop to abscond with the Enigma. Defeated and angry with each other, Prowl ordered his team to retreat back to the Ark-7. The Obliterati
After Prowl learned that Optimus Prime had helped Starscream form a permanent alliance with Caminus, the team hijacked the ship's new spacebridge to travel to Cybertron The Possible Light, where they formed Devastator. Prowl threatened to destroy the space bridge to keep Cybertron and its warlike inhabitants isolated from the rest of the galaxy; he was ultimately challenged by Superion. Devastator managed to best the combiner, but was defeated after Starscream created Defensor from a group of bystanders. Mistakes and Mayhem Seeking a new edge, Starscream drafted Scoop into the team, knowing that Scoop's fanaticism would force Devastator to obey his orders. You, Me, and the Universe Ultimately, however, Devastator wound up losing control in a fight with Optimus Maximus; the Constructicons and Scoop were defeated and quickly re-imprisoned. All That Remains
The Constructicons were later released and allowed to recombine so that they could be safely extricated off Cybertron, with Optimus Prime noting that the group had to regularly combine. Now and On Earth They were later called on to deal with a violent riot at the spacebridge but Devastator's violent solution only exacerbated the problem. Once Upon a Time on Earth
Some months later, the Constructicons formed Devastator to act as a distraction during an attempt to seize control of Carcer. Desperate Times
After Starscream had been arrested and Windblade became ruler of Cybertron, Onyx Prime returned to Cybertron. Scoop eagerly informed his teammates of Starscream somehow becoming aware of this but they were less than impressed and frankly they agreed with Onyx's anti-human attitude. The world was ending so they were off to get drunk. Another Mine When Onyx proved to be another elitist Prime, the Constructicons rallied around Scoop and formed Devastator to break Starscream out of prison. The Ground At Starscream's command, Devastator then engaged Victorion in combat, The Hallowing only to wind up ripped to atoms by her gravikinesis, ending the Constructicons. Unforgivable
Hall of Fame bios
Erector was kicked out of the Constructicons for not being green. Transformers Hall of Fame
Beast Wars: Uprising
The Constructicons took heavy losses during the Great War; in the era of the Pax Cybertronia and the Builder Assembly, the surviving members joined Hot Rod in his quest to reform the corrupt and stagnant Builder society from within. Hot Rod rebuilt the team, instituting a one-third Autobot roster, appointing Hightower as team leader, and convincing the group to downsize into fuel-efficient Micromaster bodies. Micro-Aggressions Cultural Appropriation
By the time of the Grand Uprising, the Constructicons found themselves embroiled in a new war as Buckethead joined with Overshoot's motley team on a mission to defend Cybertron from the Antares Eight. The other Constructicons came to her aid as the fighting spilled over into Proximax, forming Devastator and battling Monsterous. In the aftermath, the Constructicons abandoned the Builders and decided to join Stiletto's new team of "Ex-Bots". Cultural Appropriation Buckethead took command of the team from Hightower; when the Vehicon Apocalypse threatened Cybertron, they headed to Nova Cronum, where they joined the forces of Cybertron as they marched on the Grand Mal. As Devastator, they battled Lord Imperious Delirious until their combined form suffered critical damage, killing half of the team and knocking the gestalt unconscious from the backlash. Derailment
As soon as peace had been declared, Buckethead set about recruiting new Constructicons to fill their losses. Though Bone Crusher, Long Haul, and Hightower had perished, Buckethead found fresh talent in Steam Hammer, Wideload, and Road Hauler, who underwent the combination process to become the newest incarnation of Devastator. The Inexorable March
10,000 years after the Grand Uprising, they were misremembered as a Resistance combiner group under Lio Convoy's command. Lio Convoy: Unity Through Tyranny
Prime Wars Trilogy cartoons
After the Great War had ended, the exiled Megatron tossed the Constructicons around in a gladiator pit on an alien planet. Unforgotten
In the aftermath of the Combiner Wars, the Constructicons helped clean up the rubble. Aftermath and Rebirth
They presumably died when Devastator was killed by Rodimus Cron. Volcanicus
Win If You Dare
Starscream press-ganged the Constructicons into excavating a fallen cybertonium meteorite. After taking a beating from Grimlock, the Constructicons formed Devastator in order to grab a fragment of the meteor before the substance went critical, but the explosion knocked the combiner apart and the team made an embarrassing retreat aboard Astrotrain, bickering with Starscream all the while. Transformers: Bumblebee - Go For the Gold
Mazinger Z versus Transformers
Transported to the Japan of an alternate universe, the Constructicons rolled out to take part in Megatron and Doctor Hell's combined attack on the Photon Power Laboratory where they were first pummeled by Grimlock and Boss Borot. The team then formed Devastator to take on Kōji Kabuto inside the Mazinger Z, and although Devastator's raw strength nearly overpowered the heroic super robot at first, the Mazinger's rocket punch ultimately knocked Devastator back into his components. Mazinger Z versus Transformers
As Devastator, the Constructicons joined the rest of the Decepticon army in their desperate battle to stop Gozer from destroying their homeworld, but quickly fell to the extradimensional deity. Ghosts of Cybertron Part 2
2019 IDW continuity
The Constructicons were a team of architectural prodigies who left their mentors just after the end of the War of the Threefold Spark to help with the rebuilding of Iacon under the supervision of Termagax. An accomplished philosopher, engineer, and architect in her own right, Termagax saw that this new generation of fresh minds shared a goal—not just to rebuild the ravaged city as it had been, but to create something new and better in its place, even though this new approach alienated Termagax's own second-in-command Wheeljack.
While digging for resources in what remained of Rivets Field, the team came across the mythical Enigma of Combination, their sense of purpose resonating with the artifact. At Termagax's urging, the six 'bots allowed the Enigma to change their bodies, merging them into a new combiner; united in their common goal of creation, Termagax hoped that her new students would, despite their struggles, pool their minds and bodies together to create the ultimate building tool. Constructicons Rising, Part 1 The team took time to master this new form, however, and struggled with the combiner's own urges to indiscriminately destroy—a struggle that eventually led Wheeljack to bring the problem to the Cybertronian Senate. Although Termagax's coaching eventually helped the team embrace this indiscriminate anger and use it to fuel the power of the combiner, Nominus Prime worried that Termagax's pet experiment might pose a threat to a still-recovering Cybertron and decided that the Senate would arrange a means by which the Constructicons could safely contribute to the planet's well-being. Not long after the Constructicons had rebuilt Iacon into a beautiful metropolis, Nominus Prime arranged a half-hearted ceremony to honor their contributions and told them that their next assignment would be on the barren world of Mayalx to work on the colony's energon refinery. Constructicons Rising, Part 3
The Constructicons tried to make the best of their bad situation, even reconstructing the colonial refinery into an effigy of old Iacon, but the menial work and heavily rationed energon supplies quickly took a toll on their morale, and the group spent most of their time off-hours pining for their glory days while grousing about their current working conditions. Constructicons Rising, Part 1 After eventually coming to the realization that Cybertron might have forgotten them entirely, Scrapper—worrying that the future might not include a stable Cybertron to return to—began training his team for combat while Hook devised a foul but functional energon recycler. It was at this point that the team encountered Bombshell and his Insecticons, who had been similarly exiled from Cybertron by Nominus Prime. Unbeknownst to Scrapper and his team, the Insecticons had been sent to Mayalx deliberately by Shockwave in the hopes that the Constructicons could be turned to the side of The Rise and contribute to Megatron's burgeoning Ascenticon faction. Constructicons Rising, Part 2
Encouraged to recapture their past glory by striking back at the Autobots responsible for their banishment, the Constructicons overcharged themselves on the Insecticon's energon, combined for the first time since their banishment, and tapped into their shared resenment to become an unstoppable engine of destruction. The newly christened "Devastator" razed the colony to the ground, while the Insecticons feasted on the ruins and converted it all into usable energon to be shipped back to The Rise. Constructicons Rising, Part 4
The Constructicons left Mayalx at some point afterwards and spent time aimlessly wandering the galaxy on a drifting asteroid. Sea of Rust I Eventually, however, Shockwave summoned the Constructicons back to Cybertron and sent Astrotrain to tow their asteroid back into low Cybertronian orbit. War's End Part Two Although Shockwave had brought the Constructicons back to the fold with the intent of serving their new ally Exarchon, the treacherous conqueror decided to use his parasitic spark to usurp the mighty combiner. War's End Part Three However, Devastator's unique physiology allowed his individual components to fight back and reject the infection, but the strain knocked them unconscious. By the time they had recovered, Exarchon was dead, and Sixshot brought the team back to Megatron in Iacon. War's End Part Four
As the Decepticon convoy drove to Iacon, they were redirected to Darkmount to take part in the final push against the Autobots. Confident that they'd finally receive the adoration and recognition they'd been denied for so long, the Constructicons formed Devastator and easily trounced both Leviathan and the Autobot combiner Computron. However, Scattershot used his innate connection to the Combination Core to instantly reform Computron as a ten-bot combiner, and through this power boost Computron overpowered Devastator and forced the Constructicons to decombine before the Autobot could destroy them. Fate of Cybertron
My Little Pony/Transformers
While most of the Autobots and Decepticons were stranded in Equestria, the Constructicons launched a sneak attack on the crashed Ark on Earth. Although Grimlock easily trounced the individual Decepticons, he couldn't stand up to their combined form. Fortunately, Spike the baby dragon found a way to trigger the starship's engines and blast Devastator back into his components. Inspiring
During King Sombra's invasion of Cybertron, Soundwave, unaware that Megatron had already been captured and brainwashed, requested he send the Constructicons to rescue him from a pile of collapsed girders. Sick Beats
Transformers/Back to the Future
After the Decepticons had conquered Earth, the Constructicons were assigned to patrol Hill Valley. Transformers/Back to the Future #1 In 2015, Scrapper was chastising Lorraine and George McFly before he was knocked out by Doc Brown's alpha-wave ionic nullifier. Transformers/Back to the Future #2
Pointing fingers, the Constructicons decided to blame Biff Tannen. When Bonecrusher attempted to inflict punishment, he too was disabled by Doc Brown before Biff turned on his fellow humans and brought them to the four remaining Constructicons and Starscream. When the Autobots arrived to stop the execution, the Constructicons attempted to swat Marty McFly and Skilz out of the sky but fell victim to either Marty's expert aim with the nullifier or Bumblebee. Transformers/Back to the Future #3
Energon Universe

The Constructicons were among the numerous Decepticons lying in the Ark after it crashed on Earth. Eventually both Autobots and Decepticons would revive, but it would be some time before Starscream obtained the energy and raw material to get around to the Constructicons.
Once he did though, the Constructicons were lying in wait for the Autobots when they tried to retake the Ark. After they menaced the Autobots some, Starscream ordered them to form Devastator. Transformers #5
Though Devastator initially held the edge against the Autobots, he was ultimately sent falling over a cliff by Optimus Prime, collapsing back into the individual Constructicons in the process. When they awoke on the ground, the Constructicons found that Devastator had clipped Starscream. Damaged and with their leader unresponsive, the Constructicons made the executive decision to retreat. Transformers #6
The Decepticons retreated to a volcano where Soundwave challenged Starscream for leadership. With the communications chief emerging as the victor, the Constructicons joined the rest in bowing to their new leader. Transformers #7
With Soundwave's first order being that the Decepticons obtain a new base, he sent the Constructicons ahead to find the crash site of the Nemesis. Finding the craft at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean, the Constructicons raised it to a flat surface before harvesting the nuclear reactor the recently sunk U.S.S. Henry Harrison to reenergize the ship. Transformers #8
After Soundwave had made contact with Shockwave on Cybertron, the Construticons operated the space bridge to allow reinforcements through. Though the Autobots attempted to stop this, the Decepticons' numerical superiority proved too much, Elita One destroying the space bridge's terminal to cover their escape. Transformers #9
After the Constructicons repaired the space bridge, Shockwave ordered them to construct a feeder to quickly metabolize a large amount of energon, Scrapper using the machine to harvest a large bounty out of the local sea life. With enough fuel, Shockwave opened the space bridge once again, bringing Cybertron into Earth's orbit so that the Decepticons could efficiently harvest Earth's resources. Transformers #10
Transformers: Devastation
The Constructicons joined the other Decepticons in investigating the reactivation of the Proudstar in New York City. Upon their arrival, Megatron ordered them to construct a perimeter around the area using kinetic shields. When the Autobots arrived, the Constructicons were waiting for them as Devastator. The combiner briefly brawled with the Autobots before they were contacted by Megatron, who ordered them to assist elsewhere. Soon after, Megatron escaped into the ship's interior, the security system to which was powered by three sub-generators around the city. Each generator was guarded by two Constructicons, though the Autobots defeated them all in short order. Refusing to accept the loss, the Constructicons beat the Autobots back to the primary generator and formed Devastator once more, but the Autobots once again emerged victorious.
When the Proudstar's Plasma Core began leaking and became unstable, the Decepticons took it back to Cybertron to be repaired at a Plamsma Energy Interface. The Constructicons succeeded in patching the leak and escaped just before the Autobots arrived, returning to Earth and reinstalling the core. However, due to rushing their work, the patch ruptured and the core was once again on the verge of detonation. The Autobots raced through the Proudstar in pursuit of Megatron and the Ferrotaxis computer to shut the core down, catching up to him in Teletraan Alpha's chamber, only for him to order the Constructicons to attack before escaping. The Constructicons battled the Autobots all together before reforming Devastator, with Menasor joined the fight soon after, but the two combiners were ultimately knocked from the platform, falling to their destruction. Transformers: Devastation
Transformers Roleplaying Game
Long ago, Termagax mentored the original six Constructicons. The Enigma of Combination Over time, the team grew to incorporate a large roster of stand-in members, Decepticon Directive which included Gravedigger, Hightower, Buckethead, and Sledge. According to various unconfirmed reports, several Autobots have worked with the Constructicons to form Devastator in the past; despite this switching roster, Devastator himself remained more-or-less the same being, regardless of who might be forming him at the time. The Enigma of Combination
During the war on Earth, the Constructicons collaborated with Shockwave to build the Victory I, which incorporated a mixture of cannibalized components from the Nemesis and locally fabricated materials. Decepticon Directive
Commercial appearances
The Constructicons were contentedly allowing gullible humans to operate them on a construction site in the desert, until they abruptly decided to transform and merge into Devastator, sending the humans fleeing. Constructicons commercial
Years later, the Constructicons barreled into a power plant facility and started smashing stuff. Unfortunately, when they merged into Devastator and smashed open the ground, they prompted the Dinobots to come out of the earth's depths and attack. Grimlock grabbed Devastator in his jaws and tossed him aside. G2 Constructicons commercial
The Transformers
- Known designers: Kōjin Ōno (TakaraTomy)
- The Constructicons are the first ever Combiner team in the history of the Transformers toyline. The Constructicons were originally from Takara's Pre-Transformers Diaclone toyline, specifically the Construction Vehicle Robot subset. In the The Transformers toyline, they were sold individually as carded figures at the $6 price point, and also as a six-figure giftset. Each carded figure came with one or two pieces of combiner kibble for Devastator, which could also attach to the figure's vehicle mode to form an attack mode.
- The individual figures feature limited articulation, typical of smaller G1 figures; most can only swivel their arms at the shoulder, and cannot move their legs at all. Each came with a small laser pistol for the individual robot to use in addition to various Devastator pieces.
- In the United States, Canada and Japan, the Constructicon toys were originally available both individually on blister cards (with the additional Devastator parts split up between them) and as a boxed Devastator gift set that contained all six Constructicons and their accessories. On the European continent, the individual Constructicons were initially released individually by Hasbro's subsidiary Milton Bradley (MB) in 1985. Rumors are that an MB-branded Devastator giftset was also released in continental Europe, but thus far no packaged sample has surfaced.[3][4] In 1986, the Constructicons were re-released in Europe, albeit this time in "Hasbro"-branded packaging (but manufactured by Joustra). The main difference with all other releases thus far was that the Constructicons' main color was now yellow instead of green.[5][6][7] These are not to be confused with the later, non-combining yellow European Constructicons, nor with the yellow Generation 2 Constructicons (see below).
- The original Constructicons have the dubious honor of being the most heavily bootlegged Transformers toys in existence. Individually carded and packaged sets have persisted at Walgreens and other market six stores for years, both in the original green and purple and in entirely new decos, often without the kibble required for their combined form. Occasionally they receive delightfully creative new names like "Building", "Feeding", "Picking", "Sanitation", "Disguise", and "Ravage". Sometimes, they are bootlegged at a different scale, oversized or downscaled for whatever inscrutable reason.
- Devastator with Scorpulator (Action Master, 1990)
- A non-transforming action figure of the Constructicons' combined form was released in the second wave of carded Action Master figures. Devastator came with his small animal partner, Scorpulator, who transformed into an acid spray gun that Devastator could wield and a "Gripper Backpack" that plugged into Devastator's back.
- Constructicons (1992)
- Another yellow set of European exclusive versions of the Constructicons, in colors very similar to the previous yellow European releases. The main differences were that these versions came with no Devastator parts, Hook and Scavenger were retooled so they could neither connect to each other nor to Bonecrusher, and several of them featured gray plastic parts exclusive to these versions (although there were variants for some of them that changed those gray parts back to yellow).[8] These toys were also not individually named, as they came on standardized cards used for all six team members.
Generation 2
- Constructicons (1993)
- Redecos of all six Constructicons were released individually as part of the first assortments of Generation 2 products. The first—and seemingly more common—versions were yellow like the European version from 1986, but featured a lighter purple plastic, had all spring-loaded accessories (such as Devastator's forearms and fists) retooled to remove the firing gimmick, Mixmaster didn't include the single-tabbed missile, and all six Constructicons featured a Generation 2-style Decepticon logo and the word "DECEPTICON" tampographed on them. Aside from that, the Generation 2 Constructicons were functionally identical to their Generation 1 predecessors.
- A later and seemingly less common run changed the yellow plastics to rich orange. It has been rumored that this release was only available in KB Toys stores, but this is supposedly incorrect, and KB Toys might have just been the chain that stocked them in larger quantities than everyone else.
- Neither color version was available as a gift set.
Universe (2003)
- Constructicons (Micromasters, 2004)
- A redeco of Sixbuilder in Generation 1 Constructicon-inspired colors. While similar to the Destron Sixbuilder redeco, this version is molded in distinctly different colors with far more purple and black paint applications. When separated into his component robots, the leftover combiner kibble can combine to form a single-pilot jet.
- The six component Constructicons were packaged separately, available originally as K•B Toys exclusives, but later appearing in Sears stores during the Christmas season. (K•B partnered with Sears, a chain that usually doesn't have a toy department.) They were also sold on K-Mart's web site.
- Constructicon Devastator (Micromasters, 2004)
- Devastator was also released under the Energon line in Europe, albeit with modified packaging and instructions to reflect the different line.
- Constructicon Devastator (2007)
- Redecos of the Energon Construction Team released as a Walmart exclusive gift set, with the individual components named Scrapper, Bonecrusher, Long Haul, Scavenger, and Hightower. The combined form is named "Constructicon Devastator" for trademark reasons.
United EX
- Buildmaster Prime Mode (2012)
- Buildmaster is a redeco of Power Core Combiners Steamhammer.
- He comes with four construction vehicle drone-limbs:
- Decimator Drone (drill)
- Dominator Drone (front end loader)
- Eradicator Drone (plow)
- Annihilator Drone (steamroller)
Combiner Wars
- Known designers: John Warden (Hasbro), Shogo Hasui (TakaraTomy), Mark Maher (deco artist)
- Combiner Wars Devastator is an all-new mold combiner formed from six Voyager sized Constructicons. All his components are sold together in a massive box. He holds the record of being the tallest combiner toy.
- As a part of a promotion in Hasbro's Asian markets, a free sticker sheet for the Constructicons was given out when purchasing the set. As such, Devastator was given Generation 1 toy-esque stickers for the owner to apply if they wanted.
- Devastator was reissued and sold exclusively through Amazon in 2021.
Unite Warriors
- Devastor (giftset, December 12, 2015)
- ID number: UW-04
- English name: Devastator
- Known designers: Hisashi Yuki (TakaraTomy)
- Unite Warriors Devastor is a redeco and slight retool of Hasbro's version, the most notable differences being the inclusion of individual handguns for the Constructicons and a new combiner head that can switch between visored and non-visored faces. Every member has been retooled in some manner from the Hasbro versions: Hook, Mixmaster, Long Haul, and Scrapper have been remolded to sport better elbows, and Bonecrusher and Scavenger have been remolded to sport better knees. In addition to this, Devastator utilizes ratchet joints in his shoulders. Each Constructicon features a G1 style gun that pegs into an existing slot or hole.
Vintage G1
- Devastator (Walmart exclusive reissue, 2018)
- The original Devastator toy was once again available, this time in the Walmart exclusive Vintage G1 series. The set features numerous small changes in molding, assembly, and deco; see the individual toys' articles for details.
Studio Series
- Hasbro ID number: 86-??
- TakaraTomy ID number: SS-??
- Hasbro ID number: 86-??
- TakaraTomy ID number: SS-??
- Hasbro ID number: 86-??
- TakaraTomy ID number: SS-??
- Hasbro ID number: 86-??
- TakaraTomy ID number: SS-??
- Hasbro ID number: 86-??
- TakaraTomy ID number: SS-??
- Hasbro ID number: 86-??
- TakaraTomy ID number: SS-??
- Movie: The Transformers: The Movie
- Known designers: Evan Brooks (Hasbro), Shogo Hasui (TakaraTomy)[9]
- Announced at San-Diego Comic-Con 2024, the Constructicons are slated for single-packed releases in the The Transformers: The Movie themed arm of the screen accuracy focused Studio Series toyline throughout 2025.
Kids Nations
- Constructicons (2015)
- ID Number: TF04
- Accessories: Batteries.
- The Kids Nations Constructicons is a set of approximately 3" tall super deformed figures including all six classic Constructicons: Scavenger, Scrapper, Mixmaster, Long Haul, Hook and Bonecrusher. While they are largely static figures with limited articulation and neither transform nor combine, they include LED light up eyes.
Mecha Nations
- Devastator (2016)
- ID Number: MN07
- Accessories: Alternate hands, gun, 6 x magnetic infrared LED modules, display stand.
- Created by Kids Logic, this super deformed, non-transforming and non-separating G1 Devastator stands approximately 8" tall and is articulated, featuring a shiny metallic color scheme, articulated hands, LED light up eyes, Decepticon insignia on his chest, and windows in his component vehicle modes. He includes a flip-down visor for if you prefer this look over separate eyes. Pressing the button on Devastator's gun causes all his LEDs to light up simultaneously (achieved via infrared receivers), accompanied by the classic transformation sound.
- While he was released as part of the Mecha Nations line of larger sized figures, he is intended to tower over the smaller Kids Nations 3" figures, and can be regarded as the combined form of the contemporaneously released Kids Nations TF04 Constructicons mini-figures set (above).
Transformers Character Card
- Released as part of the eighth wave of the e-HOBBY exclusive Transformers Character Card series, this pair of holographic trading cards depict super-deformed art of Omega Supreme and "Devastor" (with his components Bonecrusher, Hook, Scavenger, Long Haul, Scrapper and Mixmaster) along with character profiles and tech specs.
Galaxy Version
- Long Haul (Galaxy Version, 2024)
- Mixmaster (Galaxy Version, 2024)
- Series: Galaxy Version 02 - S.O.S.
- Scavenger (Galaxy Version, 2024)
- Bonecrusher (Galaxy Version, 2024)
- Series: Galaxy Version 03 - The Autobot Run
- Scrapper (Galaxy Version, 2024)
- Hook ((Galaxy Version, 2024))
- Series: Galaxy Version 04 - Fractured Space Time
- All 6 Constructions were released in three of Blokees' "Galaxy Version" series of blind-box kits, with 2 characters split on each of the three waves.
Defender Version
- Scavenger (Defender Version, 2024)
- Scavenger (Vehicle) (Defender Version, 2024)
- Series: Galaxy Version Defender 01 - Shattered Alliance
- Bonecrusher (Defender Version, 2025)
- Bonecrusher (Vehicle) (Defender Version, 2025)
- Hook (Vehicle) (Defender Version, 2025)
- Series: Galaxy Version Defender 02 - The Overthrow
- Mixmaster (Vehicle) (Defender Version, 202?)
- Scrapper (Vehicle) (Defender Version, 202?)
- Long Haul (Vehicle) (Defender Version, 202?)
- Series: Galaxy Version Defender 03
- The Constructicons is also sold as a smaller but similarly articulated Defender Series subline. So far, at least each wave includes one robot mode kit and a few of their vehicle modes. The Constructicon vehicles also include a few peg holes and ball joint sockets, which allows them to combine into Devastator if certain parts were also used.
- About a billion freaking other toys have been redecoed in the Constructicons' familiar green-and-purple livery. Pretty much every construction vehicle mold to come down the pike has at some point been given a Constructicon-themed color scheme, been turned into some alternate universe version of a Constructicon, or has been subject to regular clamoring by the fandom for a Constructicon-themed rerelease. "Constructicon colors" is up there with "black repaint" as popular choices for redecoes go.
- The Constructicons are the only Decepticons to appear in all four seasons of the American G1 cartoon.
- The character profiles written for the Constructicons do not identify any of them as the team leader, which has led to the role being filled by different characters in different pieces of media.
- Scrapper was, by all appearances, always intended to be the leader. His Tech Specs give him the highest "Rank" of the team, and he is unambiguously depicted as their leader in the Generation 1 cartoon, the influence of which has resulted in him filling the role in most modern media.
- However, because Hook forms the head and much of the torso of Devastator, a trait shared by other combiner leaders, there's been a tendency among fans to believe he "should" be the leader, just because. This resulted in the Wings Universe identifying him as the group's former leader, replaced by Scrapper on Megatron's orders.
- In the issue #10 of the Marvel comic, Shockwave gives the Constructicons' orders to Scavenger as if he were the leader. However, in issue #38, Hook is shown giving the orders, then in issue #41, it is Bonecrusher who leads the team on their mission to recover fallen Decepticons from the Ark. Then, in the UK-exclusive story "Space Pirates!", the Constructicons are represented by Mixmaster at a gathering of combiner-team leaders; he was also seen giving the orders in "Five Faces of Darkness, Part 5" as well.
- Sorry, Long Haul, you lose again...
- In Transformers: Devastation, Scrapper and Long Haul are the only two Constructicons whose voice actors from the original cartoon, Michael Bell and Gregg Berger respectively, reprised their roles. Despite the fact Frank Welker returned to voice Megatron and Soundwave, he did not reprise his role as Mixmaster.
- Many box set releases of the original Constructicon toys, including the original G1 release of the Devastator set feature reversed art of the team save for Hook. This was fixed for Encore but still present on later releases of the team bundled together. This seems to originate from someone flipping the original carded release art of the team to arrange them on Devastator's box. Hook's chest sticker has always been backwards though.
Foreign names
- Japanese: Buildron (ビルドロン Birudoron)
- French: Constructican (France, TV series dub), Constructitor (France, The Movie dub)
- Hungarian: Szerkesztettek (Marvel Comics), Konsztruktorok (second The Movie dub)
- Italian: Excavators (toys), Escavator (cartoon)
- Mandarin: Wā Dì Hǔ (挖地虎, "Earth-digging Tiger")
- Portuguese: Constructors (Brazil comic)
- Russian: Конструктиконы (Constructicons)
- ↑ Erector's Hall of Fame bio
- ↑ Cartoon series bible page on the Constructicons
- ↑ "Milton Bradley and the red TF Tracks" at
- ↑ "MB Transformers Collection" at 20th Century Toy Collector.
- ↑ "French Connection" at the TF Source blog.
- ↑ "Europe's Strangest Attractions" at the TF Scource blog.
- ↑ "French TFs: G1 Yellow Constructicons" at Fred's Workshop.
- ↑ "1992 European Yellow Constructicons Variant" at TFW2005.
- ↑ The Hasbro Transformers Panel at San Diego Comic-Con 2024 with Mario Carreiro, John Warden, Evan Brooks and Nate Purswell, recorded at the "Memo's Collection" YouTube channel.
- Toy stub
- Upcoming toy releases
- Beast Wars: Uprising subgroups
- Classics subgroups
- Combiner teams
- Constructicons
- Decepticon subgroups
- Engineers
- Generation 1 Constructicons
- Generation 1 subgroups
- Generation 2 subgroups
- IDW (2005) subgroups
- Transformers Character Card Decepticons
- Transformers Roleplaying Game subgroups
- Ultracons
- Unite Warriors subgroups
- Wings Universe subgroups