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An autogun is a type of defensive weapon that automatically tracks and fires on targets. They can be mounted on a ship or base, or mounted independently in the area surrounding a fortified position. Smaller versions can be used within a base to neutralize intruders. They can be configured to track enemy energy signatures, heat sources, or even just movement.



Beast Wars cartoon continuity

Beast Wars cartoon

Standard procedure for peaceful negotiation.

Megatron unveiled the first autogun to his troops on a ridge near the Darksyde, using a target box programmed with a Maximal energy signature to demonstrate its effectiveness. The results were "excellent", and Megatron intended to cover the area with them so as to create a death trap for the Maximals. Power Surge The Axalon had a number of autoweapons built into it which tracked movement, as Tarantulas and Scorponok discovered to their misfortune. Fallen Comrades A number of the ship's autoguns were destroyed during a Predacon attack as a diversion while the Axalon's rectifier coil was stolen. Call of the Wild

The Maximals were fired on by an array of autoguns mounted on the Darksyde when they attempted to assault the ship under Starscream's orders, and they were forced to pull back. Possession A few banks of autoguns which were part of the perimeter defenses that fired on Airazor and Rattrap when they attempted to breach Predacon territory. As there was supposed to be a truce on at the time, Airazer contacted Megatron to shut them down. He did so, but requested that she take Rattrap with her when she left. Before the Storm

You now have 15 seconds to comply!

Dinobot managed to foil an autogun set to fire on Maximal heat signatures by covering himself in mud, and then sneaking up on it and administering some blunt force. Rattrap later activated the Maximal autoguns when a Predacon attack was imminent, but couldn't rouse Rhinox who was off extending his core consciousness. Coming of the Fuzors (Part 1) Rhinox activated the autoguns when Megatron turned up at the Axalon, including a large cluster of them on a flexible arm. Unfortunately Megatron was just a diversion while Inferno and Blackarachnia sneaked in to disable the ship's defenses. Other Visits (Part 1)

Both the Maximals and Predacons later deployed autoguns more widely around their bases. A number were used to defend the Axalon when Megatron made a last desperate attack after the transwarp wavefront reached Cybertron. When Ravage and the Maximals assaulted the Darksyde, they likewise found the whole area covered in autoguns. The Agenda (Part 1) The Axalon autoguns fired on Silverbolt after he clobbered Cheetor and fled the base, despite the fact he was a Maximal. Ravage's transwarp cruiser also had a couple of autoguns in the brig, which he had aimed at Megatron. The Agenda (Part 2) The Axalon autoguns got another workout when Ravage switched sides and aided the Predacons in an attack on the Maximal ship. The Agenda (Part III)

Pew Pew!

After the destruction of the Axalon, the Maximals salvaged some of the ship's autoguns and set them up inside the cavern containing the Ark, which they had moved into. They also set up some defenses outside. The guns were all taken out during a Predacon attack when the base was undermanned one day. Cutting Edge During another attack, the autoguns were stymied by the Predacons remaining under cover. Inferno flew into the field of fire of one set of guns while dodging a missile, and was blasted. Crossing the Rubicon When the Predacons took over the Ark by taking control of Optimus Primal, Blackarachnia tricked Inferno into going outside and then activated the external autoguns. Master Blaster The autogun array surrounding the Darksyde proved ineffective at stopping the incoming Tigerhawk, who destroyed both the ship and its attendant guns. Other Victories

"A Meeting of Minds"

Quickstrike used a sensor buffer to disguise himself from the Ark's autoguns. A Meeting of Minds

Dreamwave Generation One continuity

Ramjet was blasted by the Ark's autoguns when he attempted a direct frontal assault. Brothers' Burden

Cybertron comic

The defense systems at Kalis Primary Energon Reserves Control included a number of autoguns, which blasted Dark Scorponok once Over-Run managed to get them working. Balancing Act, Part 4

2005 IDW continuity

Garrus-9's defenses included autoguns which were activated when the facility was attacked by the Decepticon Secret Service. Spotlight: Arcee They were also used during Garrus-9's final stand against Overlord's forces. Last Stand of the Wreckers #1

Shattered Glass

The plains surrounding the Temple of Knowledge hid a large number of autoguns that remained in prime condition even if the building itself rotted away. When the Predacons and Whisper needed to get inside the temple to save Megatron, they suspected the plains weren't as innocent as they appeared to be. Whisper flew up into the clouds and produced a noise that made it seem like there was an entire fleet of aircraft. The defense system was triggered, autoguns rising from the field to shoot down the nonexistent invaders. The Predacons used the opportunity to reach an access vent unharmed, where they were joined again by Whisper. Do Over

Beast Wars: Uprising

Override's office in the Dodecahex Arena was armed with autoguns. When Blackarachnia's team broke in to hijack the broadcasting equipment, Override tried but was too late to deploy the autoguns against the rebels. Broken Windshields

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