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Scorponok (Energon)

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This subject of this article goes by multiple names that apply to other articles as well. See Scorponok (disambiguation), Megazarak (disambiguation).
Scorponok is a Terrorcon Triple Changer from the Unicron Trilogy continuity family.
He's sick sick sick with a bicycle kick.

Commander of the Terrorcons and at the beck and call of the mysterious Alpha Quintesson, Scorponok is a warrior filled with pride. A vicious soldier deft in the art of brutal combat, Scorponok knows very well the scope of the power that he holds in his chassis, and he isn’t afraid to brag of it. He prefers to wade directly into the battlefield instead of sitting on the sidelines, boasting impressive firepower and a nasty Energon stinger to put down any combatant who challenges him. Indeed, those who are lucky enough to survive an encounter with Scorponok will swiftly learn that this Decepticon has the bite to back up his bark.

His arrogant nature sometimes belies a more nuanced personality, though. Scorponok undoubtedly believes in his own hype, but he’s also willing to take those who are willing to learn under his wing. Also, as the figurehead of the Terrorcons, his troops follow his every word with undying loyalty.

Hahaha! Would anyone else care to take on the great Scorponok?!

—Scorponok, "Scorpinok"



Toy pack-in comics

After Hot Shot and Strongarm found a pool of energon, they were quickly beset by a pack of Battle Ravages. They easily defeated the drones, only to realize that the ambush was a distraction while other Battle Ravages absorbed the energon. When the two tried to shoo off the Ravages, Scorponok appeared and blocked their path. One Battle Ravage created an energon mace, which Scorponok gleefully used. Strongarm was able to produce a counter-weapon, which Hot Shot used to attack Scorponok. Once the Battle Ravages had absorbed all of the energon, Scorponok ordered a retreat. Energon Volume 1

Scorponok later fought alongside a Battle Ravage and Starscream against Optimus Prime, Hot Shot, and Skyblast. Energon Volume 2 In another battle, Scorponok confronted Hot Shot while Constructicon Maximus and Omega Supreme fought nearby. Energon Volume 4

Energon comic

When Starscream thinks you're a troublemaker, you're probably a Big Deal.

Scorponok was a powerful Decepticon warrior who aided Megatron in his war of conquest on Cybertron. Counter to Megatron's personal style of guile and subterfuge, Scorponok chose to conduct himself in a more direct manner, leading from the frontlines and being at the forefront of many battles. Starscream warned Megatron that Scorponok might be a possible threat to his leadership one day in the future. No Exit

During the massive battle with Unicron, Starscream saw Scorponok "get his undercarriage toasted" by the giant planet-eater and assumed him deceased. After Unicron's subsequent defeat, Scorponok sought out (or was recovered by) Alpha Quintesson, who granted him a newly enhanced "Hyper-Mode" laden with energon-powered weaponry. He gathered a small group of loyal followers, dubbed the Terrorcons, to undertake Alpha Quintesson's will. On a return trip to Cybertron where he recruited Tidal Wave, Scorponok killed Starscream in a fit of pique. This Evil Reborn

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Subsequently, he led the Terrorcons to Earth to attack Alterenergy installations and drain the planet of its natural energon sources. Though the humans tried to retaliate with jets, Scorponok and the Terrorcons made short work of these machines. What Lies Beneath This distraction ended in due course, and Scorponok made it clear that he intended to gather energon for himself first and foremost, leaving Unicron with his table scraps. Later, Battle Ravage brought to him the humans Alexis and Kicker. Though the former was of little interest to Scorponok, he detected an anomaly within the boy's anatomy. What Lies Beneath, Part Two Scorponok learned that Kicker's physiology granted him the ability to detect Energon from afar. He demanded the boy show him this power, but before Kicker could comply, Optimus Prime and his Autobots arrived on Earth to oppose the Terrorcons. Scorponok and his soldiers energized themselves before engaging their enemies, giving them the advantage. But while Scorponok was distracted, Alterenergy employee Rad White rescued Alexis, while Carlos Lopez destroyed several of Scorponok's energon siphons. The Terrorcons disengaged to secure what Energon they could. What Lies Beneath, Part Three Scorponok coerced Kicker into finding the Terrorcons a new vein of Energon, and this time around left Tidal Wave behind to guard their stockpile while he engaged the Autobots. During this confrontation, the Autobots fared much better against Scorponok and his soldiers, as they were provided with Energon weaponry by their Omnicon allies. After the Energon the Terrorcons had collected detonated (Kicker had led them to an "impure" repository of the stuff) the Terrorcons were forcefully pulled from the battlefield by Alpha Quintesson, and disciplined for their failure. What Lies Beneath, Part Four

Scorponok sent Tidal Wave out on a mission to secure a Seismic-shock warhead from Cybertron, hoping to use it to destroy the Earth, but his underling returned to Terrorcon headquarters unsuccessful. Aftershock something Scorponok didn't take too well, violently beating Tidal Wave for his failure. Multiplicity, Pt. 2. Deciding to forego his usual brute force approach, Scorponok next tasked Snow Cat in siphoning energon from the Autobots' planetary shield. That plan also fell through when Snow Cat's headquarters was discovered by the Omnicons, who took Snow Cat out before he could take action. Omni-Potent

Won't be the only time a Scorponok gets stabbed in the back by a Bigger Bad.

The Terrorcons' next attempt at invading Earth came as Alpha Quintesson sicced clone armies of Divebomb, Cruellock, Battle Ravage, and Insecticon on the planet. Multiplicity Meanwhile, Scorponok was ordered by Alpha Quintesson to destroy the Autobot's shield towers. No Exit He sneaked onto the base unit being delivered to Base Site One, which would allow him to get past the Autobot's many security measures and destroy it. Multiplicity, Pt. 3 On its arrival in the Yukon, he made his presence known, easily defeating the Autobots guarding it, but before he could get to work on his main goal, he was interrupted by the newly revived Megatron. Multiplicity, Pt. 4

Recognizing Scorponok as an obstacle to regaining his power, Megatron engaged the Terrorcon leader in a brief but intense battle. The two argued their respective strategies of subtlety and brute force as they clashed. While Scorponok temporarily gained the upper hand when he buried Megatron under a collapsing mountain, he reckoned without Megatron's new personal teleportation system. As Scorponok stood gloating, Megatron teleported behind him and ran him through with an Energon sword. Scorponok's frame bled out a massive amount of Energon, then expired still on its feet, his body now nothing more than a standing monument to Megatron's triumph. No Exit

Energon ceased publication before the story could conclude. The following would have taken place in unpublished issues.

By plugging himself into Cybertron's very core, the Mini-Con Over-Run became able to see through time and space. He did so to witness Starscream's death at Scorponok's hand, in order to make sense of who his attacker was: a now ghostly Starscream, remade into a being of pure Energon after his demise. Armageddon Part 1

Cartoon continuity

Energon cartoon

Voice actor: Colin Murdoch (English), Yasunori Masutani (Japanese), Stefan Berglund (Swedish), Jari Viitanen (Finnish), Teo Bellia (Italian), Luis Vicente Ivars (Castilian Spanish), Luis Lugo (Latin-American Spanish), Olivier Destrez (French), Tomasz Marzecki (Polish)
Plot points derived exclusively from the Super Link version of the Energon cartoon are in italics.
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Scorponok was formerly the Grand Chamberlain of the world known as "Planet Q", guardian of the planet's ruler, the being who would later come to be known as Alpha Q. When Unicron attacked Planet Q at some undetermined point in the past, the ruler was too frozen with fear to act, and the chamberlain sacrificed his life to detonate the planet's core, blowing it up in Unicron's face. Alpha Q: Identity

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Within Unicron's body, however, the spark of Planet Q's ruler continued to exist, and when Unicron was deactivated in 2010, he was able to access the chaos-bringer's powers and create a new body for himself, becoming "Alpha Q". By the year 2020, seeking energon in order to recreate the planets consumed by Unicron, including his own, Alpha Q had recreated the armies of Planet Q as Terrorcons and resurrected the chamberlain as Scorponok to be their leader Energon Stars using the spark of a dead Decepticon. Return! Our Scorponok Alpha Q provided Scorponok with an image of Megatron's deactivated form within Unicron, which he used to coax Tidal Wave into joining the Terrorcons, promising to revive the fallen Decepticon leader. Scorponok then accompanied Tidal Wave on a raid on Desert City.

He intercepted a rescue party evacuating the facility, but after introducing himself to the Autobots, pulled his forces away; they had already collected the Energon they needed at this location. Scorpinok To turn more Decepticons to their side, Scorponok was armed with a sword forged from their deceased leader Megatron's spark, which he used in the Terrorcons' next attack on Plains City. Megatron's Sword Though the sword was enough to convince the Decepticons to join his side at first, they were dejected to find their leader's body in shambles, and began to question whether it was true Megatron could be brought back from such a sorry state. Scorponok used threats to keep his underlings on-task gathering Energon. His next outing ended in failure when the Autobots managed to warp in an entire pre-built complex atop an Energon cache, fortifying it instantly and securing the Energon under Autobot control. The New Cybertron City

Jedi lightsaber skills in action!

When a fit of rage led Scorponok to stab his sword into Megatron's corpse, the Decepticon leader was reborn. Despite Scorponok's best efforts, Megatron proceeded to beat Scorponok half to death with his bare hands, branded him with the Decepticon symbol, and ousted Alpha Q from Unicron's body. Having taken control of the rest of the Terrorcons, Megatron then led an attack on the Autobots' Plains City, using Scorponok as a shield during his assault. Megatron Resurrected Megatron emerged victorious from this raid, though he allowed the Autobots to safely retreat. Afterwards, Scorponok was allowed to repair himself, though the Decepticons had the process be deliberately rough, additional punishment for his previous defiance.

As he healed, Scorponok questioned Tidal Wave over why Megatron had allowed Optimus to live when he had the chance to destroy him in their last encounter. Tidal Wave informed Scorponok that he would have to learn why Megatron operated the way he did by continuing to serve under the Decepticon leader. Megatron Raid Both Scorponok and Demolishor were left behind to guard their base while Megatron led a raid on Lunar City. Scorponok taunted Demolishor, saying Megatron didn't trust him to join the battlefront. Starscream the Mysterious Mercenary

Laser tickle!

Scorponok continued to serve Alpha Q in secret while operating under Megatron's command. With intel from his true master, Scorponok organized a scenario where Megatron and the bulk of his forces would attack Lunar City in the Autobots' absence, while he made an attempt on Prime's life. Megatron was suspicious of Scorponok, but was unwilling to pass up the chance to pilfer the unguarded outpost. With Megatron away, Scorponok met with Starscream, and together they attacked Optimus's squad. Though he held off most of the Autobots while Starscream dealt with Optimus, Scorponok was eventually overpowered, and questioned at sword-point by his enemies. Megatron's timely return allowed him to escape after the Decepticon leader detonated an energon-rich asteroid. Battle of the Asteroid Belt

After the Terrorcons scrounged up the last remaining morsels of Energon from Mars, Megatron tasked his troops with distracting the Autobot riff-raff during their next attack, while he dealt with Optimus personally. In their assault on Ocean city, Scorponok made short work of both Inferno and Jetfire as he forced his way towards the city complex's center. As he turned to fight Kicker next, the Autobots activated their newest defense system, an energon tower, which forced back all invading units. Energon Tower Returning to base, Scorponok tried to trick Megatron into pouring more Energon into Unicron's body by suggesting the carcass might be deteriorating due to lack of sustenance. Megatron wasn't fooled, though he did allow Scorponok to go off to Mars on his own in search of more Energon. On his way out, Scorponok blasted some holes into Unicron's hull, allowing Starscream passage into Megatron's throne room. On Mars, Scorponok used a small squad of Terrorcons to find a hidden mine entrance, and begun amassing Energon for Alpha Q. Their search was interrupted by the arrival of the Autobot hero, Rodimus. The Legend of Rodimus

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Scorponok then returned to the Decepticons' base, and watched as Starscream was reprogrammed and inducted into Megatron's forces. The Decepticons then attacked Jungle City while the Autobots were already distracted by an army of Terrorcons sent there by Alpha Q. When the Autobots abandonned Jungle City altogether, Scorponok suggested the Decepticons might be walking into a trap. He turned out to be right, as the Autobots detonated the entirety of Jungle City to prevent their enemies from getting the Energon reserves within. Crisis in Jungle City

Scorponok walked in on Megatron’s throne room as the Decepticon leader was questioning Demolishor and Cyclonus about Kicker's energon-sensing abilities. He brought news that one of their captured Terrorcon units had been transferred to the remains of the Autobots' moon base. Intrigued, Megatron staged his attempt to kidnap Kicker in the ruins of Lunar City. Scorponok remained in contact with Alpha Q during the operation, who told him not to let the boy fall into Megatron's hands. Scorponok turned the mobile fortress's weapons on both Kicker and the Decepticons. After they were forced to retreat, Scorponok managed to bluff his way out of being punished by claiming his only intention was crushing the Autobots, who had been nearby at the time. Kicker Beware!

Scorponok helped push artificially constructed "meteors" through space in Megatron's next plot. He griped that the Decepticons should have used their warp gate to materialize the constructs over the Earth directly, disallowing the Autobots a chance to fight back. Tidal Wave informed him that by having the meteors encroach upon the Earth slowly, Megatron hoped to instill fear in the Autobots. As the comets were about to strike down onto the Earth, the Autobots activated their energon grid, a protective shield around the planet. Scorponok and the others were once again forced to fall back as their plan fell apart. Energon Grid

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Scorponok continued to amass what energon he could from Mars. Hot Shot came across him, but before he could attack, Rodimus intervened. While the Autobots fought, Scorponok returned to Unicron's body. In his absence, Megatron had discovered Scorponok's deception and attempted to use him as bait to draw out Alpha Q. Chained to an asteroid, Scorponok was cast into Earth's energon grid and almost destroyed, Rodimus Friend or Foe? but Rodimus rescued him. Go for Unicron! Scorponok found his way back to Alpha Q, and bore witness to the creation of a new breed of Terrorcons: the Cruellocks. The Return of Demolishor When Rodimus returned to Unicron's head to meet with Alpha Q and Scorponok, they found that he had brought along with him a stowaway: Ironhide. Rodimus told them the Autobot could be trusted, but to judge whether Ironhide was strong enough to be their ally, Scorponok set up a small gauntlet for their guest. He first pitted Ironhide against a horde of Cruellocks before taking him on in combat personally. Though Scorponok beat down Ironhide with ease, he still judged him worthy, and brought him before his master. A Tale of Two Heros Scorponok tended to Ironhide's wounds after he awoke, and informed him that Alpha Q had been meaning to meet him for some time. Battle Stations Scorponok was still present when Kicker, Rodimus, and Misha joined them in Alpha Q's throne room. When Kicker violently began to demand that Alpha Q show him his true face, so they could speak earnestly, Scorponok tried to break up their squabble. Both Rodimus and Kicker told him not to interfere in the debate, and Scorponok reluctantly allowed it to play out. Kicker eventually managed to convince Alpha Q to not fight only to restore his own planet, but for the good of the entire cosmos. Unicron's head was then mobilized to join up with the Autobots' armies. Alpha Q: Identity Scorponok was at his master's side when Alpha Q met with Optimus, Rodimus, and Kicker to discuss their tenuous alliance. Shockblast: Rampage

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As negotiations began, though, Unicron began to go wild. Starved for Energon, the titan lashed out towards all those housed within him, and restrained both Alpha Q and Scorponok with tentacle-like cables. The Autobots managed to reach Unicron's core and fed Energon Stars directly into it, sating Unicron's hunger and returning him to his inert state. Survival Instincts Alpha Q became unresponsive in the aftermath, much to Kicker's annoyance. When the boy began to kick Alpha Q, Scorponok shooed him away under the pretense that Alpha Q needed time to rest. When Kicker later returned with Misha, Scorponok tried to dissuade his master from scaring the girl as a prank. Misha made her way to Alpha Q’s chamber despite his bit of "fun," only for Scorponok to try to keep her away as well. The tiny human easily slipped past him and opened a dialogue with Alpha Q while Scorponok was kept busy by Kicker. Misha reached Alpha Q emotionally, and he begun interacting freely with his allies once more. Each One Fights... Alpha Q was still reluctant to act when Megatron managed to energize Unicron into an active threat towards Cybertron, however. Both Kicker and Scorponok were eventually able to goad him into action, and Scorponok cleared the way for Alpha Q to ram Unicron's head into the Chaos-bringer's body. Unicron Unleashed

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Scorponok then joined the fight against the Decepticons atop of Unicron, taking on both Snow Cat and Demolishor on his own. When Megatron opened up panels to allow his goons an easy escape route, Scorponok tried to follow, only for the panels to close in and start crushing him. Alpha Q intervened and used what control he still possessed over Unicron to reopen the panels, allowing Scorponok to continue his pursuit. Catching up to the pair, Scorponok rescued Inferno from one of their ambushes. They fled from him again, but Scorponok caught up to the pair once as they took potshots at a dismembered and defenseless Optimus Prime. The Decepticons took off once more, and Scorponok was sure to inform Optimus that everything he was doing was for Alpha Q, and not the Autobot cause, before taking off after his prey a third time. Open Fire!


During his team-up with the Autobots, Scorponok gained an admirer in the young Autobot Ironhide, who followed him as he tracked down Megatron's hideout within Unicron. The two warriors confronted Megatron, but were horribly outmatched; Megatron took out Ironhide with a single shot, and dismembered Scorponok before skewering him through the chest. As the conflicting energon charges being tossed around during the battle ripped open a hole in space, Megatron and the Decepticons fled through it, taking Unicron with them. Scorponok was presumed destroyed during the explosive energon reaction. Ripped Up Space

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This reaction allowed Alpha Q to achieve his goal to recreate the planets Unicron had destroyed, which were immediately targeted by the Decepticons as sources of energon. It was during the attacks on these planets that Scorponok resurfaced, having been restored by Megatron and now totally loyal to him. Protection Megatron called Scorponok to serve as back-up while he forcibly reprogrammed Inferno on Iron Planet, but when Scorponok faced Ironhide, he found himself doing little more than staring blankly at his former friend... Until Megatron sounded the call to pull out, at which point Scorponok returned to his senses and took off with the Decepticons. Imprisoned Inferno When Scorponok met against Kicker and Ironhide on Jungle Planet, he no longer displayed any hesitation in attacking the two of them. While beating them back, he tried to prod Inferno, then fighting off Decepticon programming forcibly put into him by Megatron, into revealing the location of the Autobots' stockpile of energon. But Inferno's conviction was strong, and with the arrival of new Autobot reinforcements, Scorponok departed empty-handed. Jungle Planet Having been repelled on Jungle Planet, Scorponok returned to Iron Planet to ransack it of its energon while the Autobots were away. Alpha Quintesson telepathically communicated with Scorponok, begging him to spare the newly recreated world, only for Scorponok to make it clear he only obeyed Megatron, and no longer had any sentiment for his past loyalties. Scorponok mined Iron Planet dry, leading to its destruction. He then headed off Bulkhead's shuttle as it was trying to breach the spatial tear back to Cybertron. Once Megatron joined the assault, he dispatched Scorponok off to Jungle Planet to continue his pillaging. Though Scorponok gathered a little energon there, he was forced to retreat when the Autobots brought down an energon tower from Cybertron and activated it. Bulkhead


Scorponok failed to prevent another tower from being activated on the Rock Planet. Thereafter, he accompanied Megatron as he investigated a Decepticon signal emanating from Inferno, who was struggling to overcome mind-altering reprogramming the Decepticon leader had inflicted upon him. When Megatron was called away to Ocean Planet, Demolishor, Starscream, and Scorponok were left to help Inferno through his "transition." But Inferno elected to kill himself rather than become a Decepticon, dragging Starscream with him towards the energon sun. Scorponok intervened, but as he drew closer to the sun, Alpha Q resumed telepathic contact with him. Scorponok hesitated for a moment, but his Decepticon programming held fast. He broke Inferno's grip on Starscream, and the Decepticons fled from the sun's dangerous heat, leaving the Autobot to his fate. Farewell Inferno

Ironhide has come himself! Heh heh huh!
What a sicko.

Scorponok then personally led a force of Terrorcons to obtain the energon of the restored Planet Q. Alpha Q hoped the sight of his old home planet would help Scorponok to shake off Megatron's programming, but it failed. Scorponok was fought off by the joint efforts of Ironhide and Alpha Q, and from then on, Scorponok's old friends came to consider him an enemy to be destroyed. Return! Our Scorponok Afterwards, Scorponok helped direct the Terrorcons into pouring massive amounts of energon into Unicron's body once more. Crash Course

The Decepticons managed to blow up a planet containing enough energon to finally revive Unicron. Their raid was interrupted by the Autobots, but Starscream helped coordinate the Decepticons into covering Scorponok's retreat, enabling them to return to their headquarters with the power needed. The Autobots followed them back to Unicron's body, but were woefully outgunned on the Decepticons' home turf. The balance of power shifted when the legendary Omega Supreme involved himself in the conflict. Starscream and Scorponok tried taking on the ancient Autobot, but didn't even get off a single shot before he used his powers to seal them in energy bubbles and crash them into each other. Omega Supreme

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Scorponok and the other 'Con grunts then battled the Autobots on Unicron's surface, preventing them from interfering with Megatron's successful reintegration of Unicron's body and head. During the battle, Scorponok tried once more to battle Omega Supreme, only to be again soundly defeated by the ancient warrior. A Heroic Battle

As the Autobots continued their efforts to reach Megatron's throne room, Scorponok discovered Arcee, Ironhide, and Kicker as they made their way inside Unicron. Megatron told him to let them be and fetch him more Energon instead. Scorponok opted to multi-task, sending the Terrorcons out for Energon while he pursued the trespassers. He caught up to them once they had huddled around Alpha Q’s lifeless form, and tried to update Megatron on the situation, only to discover that his leader was no longer responding; Megatron's mind had been overtaken by Unicron's will. With no one to give him orders, and confronted by the corpse of his former master, Scorponok lashed out violently and aimlessly, allowing his prey to escape. He was then ejected out of Unicron's body, and jettisoned into space. The Power of Unicron Scorponok found his way to the Grass Planet, and came upon Ironhide mourning over Alpha Q’s grave. Though at first Scorponok had no memory of who his enemy was, his Decepticon programming quickly reasserted itself. Scorponok lunged forward at the Autobot, but after hearing Megatron's call, he departed without finishing the job. Optimus Supreme

Scorponok came to witness Unicron clashing with a super-sized Optimus Supreme in space, and readied to fire at the Autobots while they were busy assisting their commander in this fateful duel. Starscream stopped him, rationalizing the by calling attention to themselves, they’d just wind up getting beaten down by the more numerous, and newly-enhanced, Autobots. Unicron Perishes After Unicron's defeat, a number Decepticons wound up incarcerated by the Autobots. Scorponok, Starscream, and Megatron attacked Cybertron, both to liberate their comrades and to catch the Autobots' defenses unawares; their enemies believed them dead. Megatron ordered Scorponok to handle the Cybertron Guard while Starscream broke into the Autobots' penitentiary, and he sought out a power source hidden deep in Cybertron's underground. During his mission, Scorponok also took the opportunity to destroy numerous Energon towers. Ambition

During the Decepticons' takeover of Cybertron, Scorponok overlooked Battle Ravage patrols across the globe to sniff out any Autobot stragglers. Galvatron! His Terrorcons found a small group of Autobot resistance soldiers led by Wing Saber. While Battle Ravages pressed them into their trenches, Scorponok shot down all enemy reinforcements as they flew in. Break Through

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At some point in time, Scorponok was among the Decepticons who hacked into an Autobot virtual training program that took the form of a tag-team fighting tournament. He and a digital duplicate of Alpha Q were teamed up against Ironhide and Jetfire. After an extended battle, Ironhide managed to pin down Scorponok with the Energon Saber, signaling an Autobot victory. Distribution


Alongside Bruticus Maximus and Constructicon Maximus, Scorponok tried to locate the Autobot resistance's hidden bunker underground. The Autobots eventually came to them instead; Optimus Prime, Wing Saber, and Superion Maximus led the Decepticons on a merry chase through Cybertron's underground before losing them by breaching the surface. The Omega Train After Optimus disappeared in an explosion while fighting Galvatron, Constructicon Maximus and Scorponok were summoned to dig out the debris Prime had fallen under, so Galvatron could be sure of his enemy's death. Optimus hadn't expired quite yet, and with the help of several reinforcements, drove back the Decepticons once more. Decepticon Army Though Optimus had gained a brief respite, Scorponok continued to pursue him as he approached Cybertron's space port. He was forced to break off his chase when Starscream informed him that Terrorcons were running wild after being exposed to Super Energon, and that he was the only one who could get them back in line.

Scorponok came upon the giant-sized Insecticon drones, and though they begun following him about, he was incapable of getting the swarm to obey his orders. He put his effort on standby when he heard Ironhide and his team of Autobots approaching. Three Omnicons under Ironhide's command charged Scorponok when he revealed himself to the group, but he slaughtered these amateurs with extreme ease. Scorponok then proceeded to mock Ironhide for failing his subordinates. Given strength by his fallen allies, Ironhide used an energized punch to crack open Scorponok's armor, crippling the Decepticon with pain before slipping away. Scorponok's injury was healed when, under their own volition, the Insecticons infused him with their energon. Ironhide Team


While patrolling near the super energon pool, Scorponok caught sight of Six Shot trying to snipe Galvatron. He tackled the Decepticon leader out of Six Shot's cross-hairs, then went after the would-be assassin. Six Shot managed to shoot Scorponok out of the air, but dealing with him still forestalled Six Shot long enough for Galvatron to beat the rebellious Decepticon to the super energon. As Six Shot overpowered Scorponok, he mocked him for being a prisoner under Galvatron's power structure, unable to do anything else but blindly follow orders. Galvatron's second exposure to the miracle fuel caused him to grow to enormous proportions, and Six Shot was ground beneath Galvatron's heel. Before he died, Six Shot proclaimed that he was now finally free. Scorponok solemnly responded that the price he had paid for his freedom was too steep. Galvatron Terror

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Scorponok blocked off Kicker, Ironhide, Arcee and their allies as they attempted to reach the pool of super energon themselves. But Ironhide had grown as a warrior, and was now able to stand his ground against the opponent who had bested him so many times before. Scorponok was made to focus all his attention on the Autobot while Kicker and the Omnicons dealt with the Insecticons backing him up. Ironhide tried to convince Scorponok that his loyalty for Galvatron was misplaced, especially now that Unicron's consciousness was taking over the Decepticon's mind. But Scorponok's programming wouldn't allow him to see reason. The battle was hard fought on both sides, but eventually Scorponok was struck down, prompting his Insecticon swarm to surround and protect him from his attacker. Ironhide told Scorponok to look at his own subordinates, and reflect on how, unlike Galvatron, he actually respected those who served him. Understanding finally dawning on him, Scorponok decided to walk away. Destructive Power

But Ironhide found Scorponok again, and announced he would no longer allow Scorponok to get away from him. Scorponok's annoyance at Ironhide's constant interference reached its peak, and the two 'bots went at one another with unsurpassed ferocity. Spark Both combatants were severely wounded and eventually collapsed, but when Ironhide's Spark of Combination activated in response to a summons from Optimus Prime on the Jungle Planet, Scorponok awoke and dragged his former ally to his destination. Scorponok told Ironhide that he had only saved him so that he might in turn save Galvatron from Unicron... but something suddenly stirred his memory of Alpha Q's beloved planets. Scorponok then collapsed and perished. The Sun

Cybertron comic

Will this be Sentinel Maximus's only victory? Maybe!

Despite Unicron's apparent death inside the Unicron Singularity, his essence's will was still strong enough to use the reality-altering black hole to bring Scorponok to Cybertron. Now Dark Scorponok, this undead creature stalked the evacuated planet surface, screaming in hunger and pain, crying out for sparks upon which to feast. At first, Dark Scorponok assaulted Skyfall, Balancing Act, Part 2, who survived due to his powerful force field ability, but the monster was drawn away by Ramjet's evil Mini-Con minions towards the Kalis Primary Energon Reserves Control, where Vector Prime and Sentinel Maximus were located. Balancing Act, Part 3 After a prolonged fight, Dark Scorponok nearly emerged victorious, only to be felled by the facilitiy's auto-guns. Afterwards, Vector Prime realized Dark Scorponok's attack had just a diversion. They abandoned what was left of Dark Scorponok, unable to solve his affliction, as their attentions were needed elsewhere, below the planet's surface. Balancing Act, Part 4

Cyber Key Code content

Dark Scorponok located the Jungle Planet and served Scourge as a bodyguard. Dark Scorponok Cyber Key Code content


Transformers Energon: Battle for Megatron

Scorponok led the Terrorcons on a mission to retrieve Megatron, held deep within Unicron's defenses. Using his three modes to great affect, and using several battle techniques, such as his "Scorp Punch," his "Barrage" attack, and his "Scorpion Sting," Scorponok and his underlings fought destroyed many of the drone units that stood in their way. Scorponok could also boost his fellow Terrorcons' moral and repair them when the need arose. The Terrorcons were eventually successful in liberating Megatron from Unicron's clutches. Transformers Energon: Battle for Megatron

Transformers: Battle Tactics


Energon Scorponok participated in battles against a variety of opponents, both Autobots and Decepticons. Sometimes there were many of him! He was an Epic character who was available as a reward to 30 leagues in the "Energon: Episode 1" event.



Color scheme courtesy of a vat of assorted M&Ms.
(Hasbro version pictured)
Mega-mintier and super-improved!
(Takara version pictured)
  • Scorponok (Command Class, 2004)
Energon Command Class (Ultra) Scorponok transforms into a scorpion-shaped construction vehicle-thing. He has two articulated, scorpion pincer-shaped bucket scoops on two articulated arms along with a scorpion stinger-shaped crane hook on the end of a scorpion tail-shaped crane arm. The tail also has a really sensitive sound effects button that is set off whenever somebody breathes near the toy, filling the room with the sound of metal clanking. The vehicle is also armed with decidedly non-scorpion-like double laser cannons behind each tread, two translucent yellow laser cannons on either side of his cockpit (which can be removed, and are semi-compatible with 5 mm ports), and two flip-out laser cannons on the end of his crane arm, which are activated by pushing the small cockpit-shaped device (which also has a Mini-Con Powerlinx port) forwards. Inside his bucket scoops are two spring-loaded missile launchers in translucent housings, which can also slide forward when the claws are fully opened. The right pincer houses his Energon Chip port, while the left has another Mini-Con Powerlinx port.
Scorponok can also transform into a non-aerodynamic space fighter mode, with his crane arm serving as the nose; the tiny, flip-out, translucent spikes on his pincer-shaped bucket scoops acting as the wing tips; and the turbines on his ankles becoming the engines. While not corroborated by the instructions, any of his fictional appearances, or any of the other uses of the molds' official configurations, it appears that the turbine parts on his feet are intended to be rotated around, having the center pointy-part of the molded turbine facing forwards, and the screw hole facing towards the back (much like the images of the Hasbro figure displayed to the right). The reason this seems intended, is the fact that these swivel joints serve no other purpose in any other mode—plus, there are natural stopping points for the foot shovels to angle up symmetrically when the pieces are rotated this way, making them look more like plane tail fins. Additionally, the molded points in this side of the turbines are also a pretty dead giveaway, since real plane turbines tend to look like this. Either way, this doesn't make it look any more aerodynamic than it does in the officially documented configuration.
In robot mode, Scorponok bears a significant resemblance to his Generation 1 namesake, though pretty much all Scorponoks who transform into robot mode end up with a similar arrangement of beast mode parts in robot form. While his legs have articulation typical of toys in that size class of the time, Scorponok has extremely restricted arm articulation due to the fact he has no up-and-down shoulder movement. This could be rectified by leaving his shoulder pads transformed as they would be in space fighter mode, but of course, this is not his proper appearance. On Scorponok's pincers are 5 mm ports to accommodate all forms of Terrorcon and Omnicon energon weaponry, as well as most other accessories featuring a similar peg system.
The pale gold shoulder fronts/panels are prone to breaking due to the friction on the joints. This causes the panels to snap apart between the connection points; particularly if one attempts to transform Scorponok into his jet mode. Initial versions of the figure and the original prototypes (which the show and comic models were based on) featured the shoulder panels assembled in a way that creates more friction than is needed due to the "sharper" corners at the bottom joint being placed against the torso, preventing the movement needed. An easier way to recognize which version is which, is by looking at the center molded triangle detail: if the triangle is pointed inwards, it's the first release; if the triangle is pointed outwards, it is the second. Ultimately, this running change didn't end up preventing the breakage, but it did help alleviate the stress on the joint. To prevent breakages, a video by uploaded to their YouTube channel provides a solution to this problem.
Takara's Super Link Megazarak has a similar but considerably different deco, removing the black and red, replacing them with metallic dark green and gold. The Takara version of the mold also uses the second Hasbro release's shoulder panel assembly. Megazarak was also part of two different promotional campaigns in late December/early January. Buying him at JUSCO stores netted you the Energy Spear Corona Flame Edition energon weapon, while buying him at Hello Mac got you the Energy Spear Royal Clear Edition.
This mold was also used to make Timelines Double Punch, and was retooled and recolored to make both the Cybertron release of Dark Scorponok listed below as well as BotCon 2014 Scorponok.

Built to Rule!

CONstruction is better than DEstruction, if you catch mah drift?
  • Scorponok (Built to Rule!, 2004)
  • Accessories: Missile
Part of the Built to Rule! Energon assortment, Scorponok is based around a larger, more solid "Trans-Skeleton" than the prior Armada kits. He can be built into a robotic scorpion-tank-thing with a gear-driven stinger attack. He can be "transformed" by disassembling him completely, converting the core Trans-Skeleton to robot mode, then putting some of the parts back on. (The stock imagery of Scorponok shows more parts on his robot mode than the actual pack-in instructions tell you to add.) In both modes, the stinger contains a spring-loaded missile launcher activated by a sliding mechanism, which also swings smaller blasters forward, just like the original Energon toy has.
Unfortunately, due to the aggressively poor performance of the Built to Rule! line overall, the Energon versions only had a limited, test-market release initially in and around Cincinnati, Ohio. The sets later filtered out into many clearance chains —including Tuesday Morning, TJ Maxx, and Ollie's— at drastically reduced prices.
Scorponok's long fang/claw pieces and 1x4 gear-tooth plate would later pop up in some Kre-O sets.


I'm back.......... in black!
  • Dark Scorponok (Ultra Class, 2005)
  • Accessories: 2 missiles, Jungle Planet Cyber Key
  • Cyber Key Code: u812
Sold in the second wave of Cybertron Ultras, Dark Scorponok is an extensive redeco and slight retool of Energon Scorponok, based heavily upon Generation 1's BlackZarak. Naturally, his predominant colour scheme is black with gold and translucent dark red, but it also carries over blue from the Energon release of this toy. As part of the Cybertron line, the crane arm "stinger" laser cannons and housing have been retooled to accommodate a spring-loaded Cyber Key gimmick, for which inserting the key will cause the lasers to flip out into position.
A slight retool underneath the panels of his shoulder joints (which can only be seen by disassembling the shoulder hinges) allows the hinges to move securely via the addition of two small tabs. This appears to be a deliberate change by Hasbro to prevent the panels holding the shoulders together from snapping, which was a relatively common breakage on previous versions of the Energon Scorponok mold. This change was not carried onto the subsequent BotCon/Timelines releases of the mold, however, meaning Dark Scorponok will likely preserve longer than all other iterations. Though, we wouldn't recommend tempting fate, on the off-chance the flaw is still present.
This is also the only toy in the entire Unicron Trilogy that can accept a Mini-Con, an Energon Chip, and a Cyber Key (the three series' respective power-up gimmicks) all at once.



Now cough.
  • Scorponok (Booster, 2006)
ID number: TF15
Faction: Decepticon
Class: Captain
Special: Recruit - 10/26 (38%) success ratio
Point Cost: 30
Base Speed: 10
Attack Type: Striker (Scoop Arm)

Attacktix Scorponok's scoop attack was designed to tip over other figures by scooping up their bases. It uses a free-swinging joint controlled by the player, rather than a spring-loaded attack like most other strikers. If one turns Scorponok at his waist, it's possible to get a nearly 360-degree swing into the attack, delivering more power than any other striker besides the Mega figure Omega Supreme.
This unexpected power level allows Scorponok to knock down any other figure, any defensive formation, and even any Mega figure easily. If Scorponok gets into range, you don't stand a chance. This seemingly unbalanced level of power has led some players to suggest Scorponok should be banned from tournament play. In practice, though, it just makes him your opponent's most immediate target.
When Scorponok dies, he has the potential to summon up to two Insecticons from your back-ups. Bringing in multiple Troopers makes him an excellent support figure for the Crumplezone/Ransack combo.

Now die.
  • Dark Scorponok (Booster, 2007)
ID number: TF17
Faction: Decepticon
Class: Captain
Special: Vanquish
Point Cost: 30
Base Speed: 10
Attack Type: Striker (Scoop Arm)

A redeco of the Scorponok figure slated for the second series of Attacktix figures, retaining all his lethality. His Vanquish Special Power would allow him to regenerate by devouring figures from your opponent's graveyard. Mmmm. Zombielicious. He was pictured in a Series 1 "Quick Start Guide", presumably in error as his regular counterpart appeared elsewhere in that same booklet.


Game over.
This Attacktix item has been canceled, with no current plans for release.

Titanium Series

Did I do...good?
  • Scorponok (Robot Master, 2006)
Titanium Series Scorponok is a small, 3-inch die-cast metal-and-plastic figurine of Scorponok based upon his Energon appearance. He can't transform, but has some articulation at the shoulders, neck and waist. He comes with a Decepticon display stand.
Scorponok is the only Energon-series character in the Titaniums line, and one of only two Unicron Trilogy characters made for the line.


MY GOD! With those gone, he's only 1/1200 of the way to being completely unarmed!
  • Scorponok's visor was a late addition to his design, at the insistence of the toy's "mech designer" Hirofumi Ichikawa.
  • Some other late changes were made to Scorponok's design, including but not limited to Scorponok's articulated shovel "thumbs" being de-articulated for the final version, Scorponok's hip cannons being severely shortened and losing their joints (also lessening the Generation 1 Scorponok cannon nod a tiny bit), and also entirely losing large cannons that presumably pegged into the now-vacant holes on the sides of Scorponok's knees. The first two changes can be readily seen on the pre-release toy shown in Energon Scorponok's box pictures, while the third can only be seen on Scorponok and Dark Scorponok's control art. Scorponok's first animated appearances in Energon display all of these features, as particularly evident in the episode "Megatron's Sword", but the model was changed for later episodes.
  • Scorponok and his Japanese counterpart Megazarak seemingly have "swapped" card art: The deco patterns on each Tech Spec card more closely resemble the other country's release. Megazarak's artwork even has the U.S. toy's color scheme. Despite the seemingly swapped color of the Dreamwave art/CG render, both Scorponoks have purple thighs—a stronger G1 homage, but notably absent from either deco.
  • There are several significant differences in the story of Scorponok between Super Link and its English dub as Energon. Primarily, the episode "Return! Our Scorponok" revealed that Scorponok was not the same entity as the Grand Chamberlain of Planet Q, but merely a being that Alpha Q had created in his image out of an emotional connection, using the spark of a "wandering Decepticon" (often speculated by fans to be Thrust, who died on Unicron during Armada, as well as sharing the same voice actor) and programming him to behave as the chamberlain had done. For unknown reasons, this episode was never dubbed into English, and the following episode is even redubbed to remove any references to it. Furthermore, while the Energon series only ever presents Scorponok as having been mind-wiped/reprogrammed by Megatron (in the same manner as he did to Starscream, Demolishor, and Inferno), Scorponok and Ironhide's final exchange in Super Link makes the matter a bit ambiguous. Up until this point, Scorponok has rejected all claims that Alpha Q was ever his master, and restates constantly that Galvatron is the only master he knows. However, his final line—a near-whispered "Our planets…"—followed by a shocked reaction from Ironhide ("Scorponok? So… you do…"), indicates that he does remember after all (Scorponok's line survives into the Energon dub, but Ironhide's does not, thus depriving the whole thing of the punctuation that makes it clear what the exchange is suggesting). It is not clear from the scene, however, whether Scorponok has always had his memories and has simply been lying to himself and others throughout the series, or if he is merely only remembering now, reminded of the energon sun by Ironhide's glowing Combination Spark.
  • Designer Aaron Archer described Scorponok's third mode as a "sand hoverjet".[1]

Foreign names

  • Japanese: Megazarak (メガザラック Megazarakku)
  • French: Scorpinok
  • Hungarian: Skorpió ("Scorpion", 1st dub), Szkorponok (2nd dub)
  • Italian: Scorpinok
  • Mandarin: Sàkè Jùrén (萨克巨人, "Giant Zarak")
  • Polish: Skorpinok
  • Russian: Scorpinok (Скорпинок Skorpinok)


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