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Beam Box

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IslandOfMisfitTech Beam Box.jpg

The Beam Box, as it has been dubbed by Doc Greene, is a teleportation device with very specific destination—it can only be used to transport objects to the Island of Misfit Tech. According to Graham Burns, it uses entanglement-based delivery, though the specifics of who built it or how it works are lost to time. Objects can be sent through with special recall tags, allowing them to be brought back to Griffin Rock should a use be found for them.

Oh yeah, sounds totally safe.Kade Burns



Rescue Bots cartoon

The Beam Box was built some time before Doc Greene came to the island. It was concealed in a building hidden behind a hologram near the laboratory. When the rescue team captured an out-of-control mechanical bull, Doc Greene realized that it was too big to go in the Best Left Forgotten room and would need to be sent to the Island of Misfit Tech. Unfortunately a mishap in getting the bull into the Beam Box resulted in Cody Burns being sent as well. Heatwave was sent through to find him, but when Doc Greene tried to retrieve the Rescue Bot, a prototype Scrapmaster came back through, having obtained Heatwave's recall tag. With the looming danger that the Scrapmaster might damage some of the Beam Box's components, Kade Burns was sent via Beam Box to the island, and eventually returned with the bull, which promptly destroyed the Scrapmaster. The Island of Misfit Tech

Vigil was later sent to the island via Beam Box. The Vigilant Town


Rescue Bots

Rescue Bots Beam Box Game System.jpg
  • Beam Box Game System (Expandable Starter Pack, 2013)
    • Accessories: Game controller
The Beam Box is a game system which allows the user to cause characters to become playable within the game by inserting special Rescue Bots figures into the Beam Box.
A figure of Optimus Prime is included with the Beam Box, while other characters must be bought separately.
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