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In Griffin Rock's hi-tech junkyard, the Scrapmaster is the preferred method of garbage disposal. Once pieces of junk are tagged by a human, the Scrapmaster goes to work, using its claws to pop items into its mouth where a pair of spinning blades make short work of them.



Rescue Bots cartoon

Aw, not again!

A prototype Scrapmaster proved to be dangerous to humans, so it was sent to the Island of Misfit Tech. The Island of Misfit Tech

Graham Burns and Boulder helped out operating the Scrapmaster. When Cody later crashed his go-kart, Rolling Thunder in the junkyard, nanites from his engine swarmed into the Scrapmaster, sending it out of control. Though it cornered the boy, Blades distracted it by throwing a car at it, and Cody was able to get clear. Heatwave threw a gas tank at it, but the explosion merely singed it a bit, and it took teamwork to stop the machine. After Boulder severed its tank, the Scrapmaster came to a halt. Cody on Patrol

When Heatwave was sent to the Island of Misfit Tech to find Cody Burns, he encountered the prototype Scrapmaster, which swiped his recall tag and was subsequently transported back to Griffin Rock via Beam Box. It set about trying to destroy everything it saw, with the remaining three Rescue Bots struggling to contain it. When Heatwave, Kade and Cody returned from the island, they brought back a mechanical bull which stomped the Scrapmaster to scrap. The Island of Misfit Tech

Graham and Jerry were using the Scrapmaster to get rid of junk at the junkyard when Chief Burns contacted them to verify that they were sure all the nanites had been purged from it. The Vigilant Town

Vigil temporarily took over the Scrapmaster, using it to push a pile of cars onto Heatwave and Boulder before heading to the laboratory. No Place Like Dome

Rescue Bots Academy cartoon


The anti-tech defenses on Natura Island teleported the Rescue Bots to a junkyard where they were menaced by a Scrapmaster. Whirl was successful in disabling it by yanking out the battery, though Hot Shot insisted on plugging the battery back in before they left. Five Little Rescue Bots

A Scrapmaster was also part of Dig Fest's Bot Battle event, taking part under the name The Eviscerator. It was defeated by Tough Luck Chuck during the event final. Bot Battle


Rescue Bots

Now you can have fun menacing your other toys with destruction!
  • Bumblebee and Scrapmaster (two-pack, 2014)
This two-pack includes a non-articulated figure of the Scrapmaster. It's packaged with a redeco of Bumblebee, who features a color scheme reminiscent of his season 3 Prime look.
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