Bumblebee (Animated)
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The name or term "Bumblebee" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, see Bumblebee (disambiguation). |
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- Bumblebee is an Autobot from the Animated continuity family.
Bumblebee is the youngest, yellowest, and most energetic of the Autobots...as usual. A hyperactive wisecracker, Bumblebee is quite convinced he's the fastest—and coolest—thing on four wheels. He has a tendency to bite off more than he can chew, so it's a good thing he pals around with the massive Bulkhead. He does not take well to being called short, and his over-eager ways can get on Ratchet's nerves all too easily. Still, Bumblebee is good with people, as evidenced by his fast friendship with Sari Sumdac.
“ | I may be small, but I'm scrappy! And I can ride circles around your big, old, rusty chassis! | ” |
—Bumblebee to Bulkhead, "Total Meltdown" |
Contents |
Animated cartoon
- Voice actor: Bumper Robinson (English), Tom Kenny (English, "Where Is Thy Sting?"), Daisuke Kishio (Japanese), Arttu Ala-Jokimäki (Finnish), Santiago Ziesmer (German), Bruno Magne (French), Renato Novara (Italian), Yong-wu Sin (Korean), Krzysztof Korzeniowski (Polish), Márcio Araújo (Portuguese), Cristian Lizama (Latin American Spanish, seasons 1 and 2), Javier Rodríguez Castellanos (Latin American Spanish, season 3), Sergio Rodríguez-Guisán (Castilian Spanish)
Early in his career, Bumblebee dreamed of becoming a member of the Elite Guard. He joined the Autobot boot camp, but things didn't exactly go as planned—his drill sergeant was a jerk, most of his classmates bullied him and the only bot willing to befriend him was a complete mudflap. His luck seemed to change, however, when he accidentally overheard someone communicating with a Decepticon. He then saw classmate Wasp walk out, which aroused his suspicions. After taking the advice of Longarm, Bumblebee attempted to weed out the spy, but Sentinel Minor got in the way twice. Needless to say, this resulted in many transform-ups for his squadron. After Wasp and Ironhide tore off his legs and put him in a closet, he was saved by Longarm, who encouraged him not to give up. Later that day, the group was put through their first training exercise—combat in a simulated battlezone. When somebody switched the turret settings to fire actual lasers, it was Bulkhead who saved Bumblebee. However, they accidentally knocked over a building in the process, flattening Sentinel.
When Sentinel was conducting a surprise locker inspection, Sentinel discovered a Decepticon communicator in Wasp's trunk, ousting him as a traitor. Sentinel was prepared to put Bumblebee on an Elite Guard fast track program. Sadly, his new friendship with Bulkhead forced him to throw it all away in order to prevent his new buddy being kicked out, and they both wound up working on space bridges. Autoboot Camp

The two friends were assigned to Optimus Prime's space bridge repair vessel. During one mission, Bumblebee and Bulkhead stumbled across Prowl, a ninja-bot meditating near an isolated space bridge. Due to an energon cube accident on Ratchet's part, Prowl's spaceship was destroyed, and he was forced to join their crew. Endgame, Part I After this, Bumblebee's work continued as usual until the crew discovered the AllSpark itself on another asteroid, which unfortunately attracted the attention of Megatron. Even though he expressed significant fear of the Decepticon leader, Bumblebee still managed to crack wise at his appearance once they were face-to-face. The humor vanished when Megatron pulled out his sword. After Megatron was thrown off the ship, Bumblebee entered stasis with the rest of the crew just before the crew's ship crash-landed on Earth.
Fifty years later, Teletran-1 awoke the crew to alert them to the intrusion of a nanite-powered bug-slug. Sending out a probe to find local disguises, the probe scanned Captain Fanzone's car amongst other things. Bumblebee was given the car for his new bodyform. Lucky him.
Upon noticing "a little creature" struggling with her "owner", Bumblebee and Bulkhead showed their unfamiliarity with organic life by assuming the owner/pet relationship was reversed. Their speculation was interrupted by the attacks of the giant, nanite-fueled bug monster, and Bumblebee intervened to get Sari out of the way. Later in the battle, Bumblebee was called on to deliver the override command to the beast's nanites, as he was the fastest and most nimble of the crew.
His defeat of the monster seriously impressed Sari, who decided to befriend him. Sari's definition of befriending included cajoling him into sneaking her aboard the Autobots' ship. Of course, Sari wouldn't stay still as Bumblebee asked, compelling him to jettison her into a ventilation shaft. After introducing her to the group, Sari and Bumblebee became fast friends. When Starscream attacked Detroit, Bumblebee took a shot intended for Sari, allowing Starscream to capture Bumblebee, Isaac Sumdac, Captain Fanzone, and the Mayor. Sari, with Prowl's help, managed to rescue them. Transform and Roll Out Dispatches
The Autobots quickly became famous for their heroic deeds in Detroit, much to Bumblebee's delight. Prowl, on the other hand, was less enthusiastic about all the attention, however, and he and Bumblebee quickly had a clash of opinions on the values of peace and quiet versus the values of fun. When the Autobots' factory base was turned against them, however, Bumblebee was forced to listen to Prowl's "stillness and strike" attitude to get past the motion sensors preventing him from shutting the factory down. In the aftermath, he had a newfound respect for Prowl as the two played a relaxed game of Twister™. Home Is Where the Spark Is
At one point, Bumblebee took part in a match against Cyrus "Colossus" Rhodes, hosted by Prometheus Black to show off the effectiveness of biotechnology. Unfortunately, Cyrus hulked up, then proceeded to beat the slag out of Bumblebee. The other Autobots were forced to rescue him, using it as a chance to riff on his small stature. However, only Bumblebee was able to get into Sumdac Tower when Meltdown went to kill Isaac Sumdac. Bumblebee managed to get him to the ground floor, but Meltdown arrived. Bulkhead tried to stop him, but Meltdown threw a glob of acid at Bulkhead, which Bumblebee took instead. Bulkhead offered his apologies over his comments, saying he was only having a little fun—which sent Bumblebee into declaring his good moves and speed. He's going to be pretty impossible to live with for a while. Total Meltdown
Bumblebee and the Autobots accidentally upstaged a local Detroit hero named the Wraith, exposing his spook act for the holographic trickery it was. Bumblebee in particular continued to upstage the Wraith, and even got invited in his place to perform at the University of Michigan half-time show. Mad with envy, the Wraith staged an attack on the game, taking Bumblebee out of the picture with some well placed "boots" while using holograms to simulate the little yellow robot on a rampage. Bumblebee eventually broke free and the Autobots had Wraith arrested for his antics. Attention Surplus Disorder
After a break-in at Sumdac Systems, Bumblebee and the Autobots tracked the culprit, Stiletto, to the Ambassador Bridge. Although she managed to slice his tires, Bumblebee and the others succeeded in capturing Stiletto. Stiletto
Later on, Porter C. Powell attempted to cash in on Bulkhead's name without his permission, so Bumblebee and the others helped Bulky set Powell up to admit his products were "gas-guzzling deathtraps". The adventure inspired Bumblebee to get a garish paintjob, similar to the vehicles Powell was forced to recall. The Insincerest Form of Flattery
The troubles in Detroit were far from over, as the Autobots soon found themselves facing three rampaging robotic dinosaurs. During the battle, Bumblebee combined his stingers' electrical with Ratchet's magnets to create an electromagnetic pulse that would hopefully shut the prehistoric menaces down. Sari decided to pitch in by boosting Bumblebee's stingers with her AllSpark Key, which proved enough to defeat the "Dinobots"... but also provided them with sparks. Blast from the Past He later bought a neat car horn and tried to chase down a mysterious muscle car with little success. The car turned out to be the bounty hunter Lockdown, who kidnapped Optimus Prime and made short work of Bumblebee as well, threatening to take his stingers. In the end, Lockdown was defeated by Ratchet and Prime was saved. The Thrill of the Hunt
After Bumblebee showed a lack of ability (or inclination) to be subtle on Earth, Prime had Prowl try to teach Bumblebee how to blend in. This ruined some plans with Sari, as she wanted to attach some turbo boosters to him to make him go even faster. During the exercise, they encountered Nanosec, a crook that had gained Professor Sumdac's new speed suit via unknown patrons. Unable to keep up with Nanosec, Bumblebee was convinced by Sari attach the turbo boosters against Prime's orders. Unfortunately, he couldn't control them in vehicle mode, allowing Nanosec to escape from the Autobots twice. Worse, he was carrying enough Destronium to destroy all of Detroit. Overhearing Bulkhead and Prowl's comments on his change of appearance, Bumblebee realized that the suit was causing him to age the more he used it, so he purposefully ran him into old age (cold, Bee). With the Destronium about to go critical, Bumblebee, with help from Prowl and Bulkhead, managed to use his turbo boosters to head into the outer atmosphere and get the Destronium away from the city before detonating. The whole experience seems have given Bumblebee a bit more respect for subtlety. Nanosec
October soon came around, and Sari decided to teach the Autobots about Halloween. Bumblebee dressed up as "Count Dracubot", but his trick-and-treating session went sour when he and Bulkhead were attacked by the spider-bot Blackarachnia and knocked unconscious. They recovered in time to save Sari from falling off a skyscraper, although Bumblebee blew out his tires in the process. Along Came a Spider After participating in Sari's eighth birthday party, Bumblebee decided that he also wanted one of those cool Soundwave toys. He was less enthusiastic after Soundwave took control of all automatons in Detroit and faked Bumblebee's voice in order to confuse the Autobots. Sound and Fury While Soundwave was eventually defeated, the Decepticon attacks were far from over—Blitzwing and Lugnut soon arrived on Earth in their search for Megatron. Bumblebee and the others were knocked unconscious by Lugnut's mighty punch in their first battle, but the odds were in the Autobots' favour when they later fought in the muddy waters of Lake Erie. Bumblebee got to electrocute Blitzwing a bit before both Decepticons were blasted to pieces by Teletran-1's main cannon. Lost and Found
When Sari was later kidnapped by a pterosaur, Bumblebee participated in the police investigation. Survival of the Fittest Bulkhead later got into the fine arts, so Bumblebee helped out by modeling for him until his friend got his body hijacked by the human villain known as the Headmaster. As the other Autobots investigated, Bumblebee kept Bulkhead's head company and helped him create art pieces for his upcoming gallery (all while relentlessly cracking jokes about the situation, naturally). The Headmaster soon threatened to destroy Detroit using Bulkhead's body, so the Autobots approached him by pretending to be rescue vehicles, with Bumblebee being driven by Captain Fanzone. During the battle against the Headmaster, he got to play both bowling and football with Bulkhead's head before it was returned to its body. Headmaster
Some time during that winter, Bumblebee and Sari were playing video games and listening to music while ignoring Prowl's lectures on how spending so much time on "electronic devices" was unnecessary. All three of them were then sent out to investigate a Cybertronic energy signal in the woods; a prospect which filled Bumblebee with dread as nature was just so incredibly boring compared to his TV, games and music back home. He came along on what Sari described as a "camping trip" anyway, although he brought plenty of electronic devices with him. Prowl was not impressed, and even less so when Bumblebee decided to use his holographic projector as a TV screen. The lack of electricity proved to be the least of Bumblebee's problems, however, as the group was attacked by a space barnacle monster shortly after nightfall. After a drawn-out fight with the creature, Bumblebee eventually knocked it off a cliff with his stingers, only to find that Prowl had been infected by the barnacles himself. While Sari had the bright idea of trapping the crazed Prowl in a mine, Bumblebee ended up trapping both of them in it as well, and got himself infected. Ultimately, Sari saved the day by using hot water to remove the barnacles, and in the aftermath Bumblebee voiced his opinion that nature should just be paved over as soon as possible. Nature Calls
When Decepticon activity was detected in high levels, Bulkhead spilled the beans on what he and Prowl had done with the Dinobots, and Optimus Prime pretty much lost it. Ranting that all he had was a group of insubordinate malfunctions, he told Ratchet to take Sari's AllSpark Key from her, saying it wasn't safe in her hands. As she ran off crying, Bumblebee defended her, and Prime pointed out that Bumblebee wasn't a good character witness. Bumblebee mouthed off that their situation meant that Prime wasn't fit to command, and then went looking for Sari. Heading to Sumdac Tower, Bumblebee spotted Starscream, and disobeyed Prime's order to hold off. Heading up the elevator (which could not only fit him, but also carry his weight), Bumblebee charged, firing his stingers at Starscream. All it really did was interrupt his speech, which made Starscream seriously freak out. However, a crane pulled Starscream, who was holding Bumblebee, up to the roof, where the two fought it out...right until Megatron burst through the roof of the tower. Megatron Rising - Part 1
After Megatron's restoration, Starscream absentmindedly beat on Bumblebee for a while, then threw him aside when Megatron called the Decepticons to him. Once he'd been repaired with remaining AllSpark Key energy in Professor Sumdac's lab, Bumblebee called Prime on his previous statements, and Optimus apologized, saying he'd been out of line. When Ratchet brought the Autobots' ship to them, the Autobots and Sumdacs boarded the vessel in an attempt to lead Megatron and the Decepticons off-planet, but were shot down and crashed on Dinobot Island. As the Autobots rallied to defend the AllSpark, Bumblebee, Ratchet, and Prowl took on Blitzwing. Ratchet and Bumblebee teamed up again to create an electromagnetic pulse, causing him to crash. After shelling them in tank mode, Blitzwing again took to the air for some strafing runs. Prowl noticed a connection between Blitzwing's alternate modes and personalities, so they had Bumblebee use his greatest strength, his obnoxious personality, to cause Angry Blitzwing to emerge. Taunting the triple changer, Bumblebee got him to transform accidentally into tank mode and crash into the lake. Megatron Rising - Part 2

Following the defeat of Megatron and the disappearance of Professor Sumdac, Bumblebee helped Sari run Sumdac Systems until the arrival of the Cybertron Elite Guard. Among their numbers was Sentinel Prime, Bumblebee and Bulkhead's old sergeant from boot camp, but thankfully he didn't seem to remember them. Bumblebee and the rest of the crew were subsequently contained within the Elite Guard flagship while the Sentinel and Ultra Magnus went with Optimus Prime to investigate the supposed defeat of Megatron and dispersion of the AllSpark, but soon had to leave to deal with an out-of-control police drone factory. The Elite Guard Shortly afterwards, Bumblebee greeted Sari when she was thrown out of Sumdac Tower by Porter C. Powell and forced to live with the Autobots. He and Bulkhead tried to cheer her up by saying that living together would be like a non-stop party, making her food and teaching her about "stuff and how it works", but were met with limited success. Prowl intervened, and advised the pair to simply listen to their friend. Sari then let out her frustration over recent events, while Bumblebee and Bulkhead comforted her. The Return of the Headmaster
Bumblebee and Sari later helped stop a runaway train powered by an AllSpark fragment. When Starscream stopped by again, Bumblebee and Ratchet again combined their powers to attack him with an electromagnetic pulse, but the AllSpark-powered Decepticon shrugged it off like it was nothing. Mission Accomplished After noticing truly how bad Ratchet's people skills were, Optimus Prime assigned Bumblebee and Sari to help him improve on them, something neither party was very enthusiastic about. During their training, the three encountered the newly created Transformer Wreck-Gar, who proceeded to throw beef and motorcycles at Bumblebee. The Autobots chased Wreck-Gar across the city to retrieve the experimental nanobots he had in his backpack, but Bumblebee was not present during Ratchet's final confrontation with the confused 'bot. Garbage In, Garbage Out
Bumblebee became involved in the illegal street races organised by the criminal Master Disaster. Believing himself to be the fastest things on wheels, Bumblebee was unsurprisingly shocked after getting thrashed in a race by a Mysterious Blue Race Car. Following this, AllSpark traces, and the appearance of Blitzwing at the race track, Bumblebee became determined to get to the bottom of the mystery (although deep down he just wanted another chance to beat the Unknown Racer.) He made a deal with Master Disaster to appear in his races. Enlisting the help of Sari, Bumblebee returned to the track, and, to cut a long story short, ending up being pursued by the maniacal Blitzwing. After nearly being frozen one minute and melted to slag the next, Bumblebee was eventually rescued by the Mysterious Racer driving into Blitzwing. The excitement wasn't over for Bumblebee yet, as when returning to Master Disaster's trailer for answers, he and his pal Bulkhead (who had angrily followed Bumblebee there for defying him) had to face off against Blitzwing (he was desperate for that AllSpark fragment...), and had to be rescued once again... although this time it was Sari using Master Disaster's controlling device. Velocity
The Autobots' ongoing efforts to fix up Detroit continued, and Bumblebee found the task as boring as ever. As the Autobots repaired an overpass, Bumblebee spotted Blitzwing and Lugnut trying to sneak off with some construction supplies. He attempted to stop them on his own, with his stingers being as ineffective as usual against the Decepticons. The pair got away, causing even more damage to the overpass on their way out, forcing the Autobots had to stay late to repair it. Again. Later, Bulkhead brought two new 'bots back to Autobot headquarters: Mixmaster and Scrapper. Though they were insufferable to begin with, the Constructibots became an actual threat when they allied themselves with Megatron. They attempted to snatch away the Autobots' AllSpark fragments for their new boss, and Bumblebee was taken hostage during the scuffle. The Autobots were ultimately able to drive off the Constructibots and retrieved their AllSpark fragments.Rise of the Constructicons
Later, he went on a trip to the Five Banners Roller Coaster Kingdom theme park with Sari. Optimus, fool that he is, believed him when he called it "an important fact-finding mission". A Fistful of Energon
On another occasion, Bumblebee was attempting to clear up the streets of Detroit by catching some of their small time criminals. However, in each case, whenever Bumblebee came close to the capture, he froze up completely, and allowed the baddies to escape. It later became apparent that this was due to the AllSpark-infused timepiece belonging to Slo-Mo. After revealing himself and snatching the timepiece, Swindle froze all of the Autobots and looked set for victory. However, after being lifted to Sumdac Tower by Sari and the members of the SUV and repaired, Bumblebee took on Swindle (even managing to floor him at one point with his stingers.) After getting the timepiece back from Swindle, Bumblebee was double-crossed by the SUV, but fortunately for the Autobot, the rest of his pals were back online by now, and managed to get the criminals arrested. SUV: Society of Ultimate Villainy
After learning of Wasp's escape, Bumblebee felt a stirring of his old dreams, and dragged Bulkhead off to trace a signal leaked to them, containing a conversation between Megatron and his spy. As they tracked it down, Bumblebee fell into old habits, and started putting Bulkhead down, just like in the old days. It took a nasty fall to remind him that Bulkhead was the best friend he'd ever have, and he didn't need to spend his time chasing big dreams. Together, the two headed home, never realizing they were just outside of the carbon mines where the Decepticons were hiding.
Later, Bumblebee relayed the information they'd gathered to his old friend, Longarm, now Longarm Prime, head of Cybertron Intel. Autoboot Camp
Due to his inability to stay quiet, Prowl placed a bet on Bumblebee—that he couldn't go 10 cycles without talking. Should he keep to this, a sweet can of axle grease would be his! However, the poor bot just couldn't do it. Prime took Bumblebee and Prowl with him to Dinobot Island to investigate Meltdown's prison break, and the plucky yellow bot vowed he would win the axle grease. However, the bet was put on hold after both he and Prowl were off-lined by Blackarachnia's cyber venom. After the day was saved, Prime used the antidote on the bots, and Bumblebee pointed out he'd been quiet for ages! Prowl dryly noted it took Bumblebee being comatose to achieve this, but the yellow bot didn't care—he just wanted his grease! Black Friday
Bumblebee began to neglect his chassis, allowing it to leak oil without taking notice. Bulkhead and Ratchet pointed this out to the little 'bot, but Bumblebee was in complete denial over the fact that he needed a tune-up. Then, the Autobots learned that Mixmaster and Scrapper had resurfaced, and headed out to look for them throughout Detroit. Bumblebee didn't realize that the trail of oil he let drip out as he drove along would lead the Constructobots back to Autobot headquarters, where Sari would have to take on the two of them by herself. He did eventually get patched up by Ratchet in the field though. By the time Bumblebee received a call from Sari informing him of her situation, Blitzwing had dropped in on the Autobots, and they were too busy dealing with the triple-changer to head back... until Blitzwing suddenly decided to ditch the battle. By the time the Autobots made it back home, Sari had already managed to get rid of the intruders by herself. Sari, No One's Home
After insulting Bulkhead's latest painting of Sari, Bumblebee realized that he was wrong and actually apologized for his comments. It didn't go over very well, and that was before Megatron showed up with Professor Sumdac. Though Bumblebee suspected that Sumdac was a willing accomplice, Sari refused to hear it. At that moment, the mysterious blue racer appeared. Thinking he was a Decepticon, Bumblebee rolled after the racer, running him off the road. It was only at this point that the racer revealed that he was Blurr, a member of the Elite Guard sent to keep tabs on Decepticons and Prime's crew. Worse, Bumblebee's actions allowed Bulkhead to be kidnapped by Megatron. Once Optimus Prime was informed that the Decepticons were building a space bridge to attack Cybertron, Bumblebee went with the Autobots to rescue Bulkhead and destroy the bridge. During a brief skirmish with Lugnut and Blitzwing, Bumblebee admitted that he'd lost his title as "fastest thing on wheels" to Blurr. Unfortunately, when they confronted Megatron himself, the Constructicons managed to incapacitate the pair...just in time for Starscream and his clones to attack. A Bridge Too Close, Part I
Managing to escape the Decepticons, the Autobots went for the clones, apparently deciding that they were the greater evil. The battle went poorly for them, as Blurr was lost in the space bridge and Bumblebee was cemented to a wall. When Isaac Sumdac decapitated Starscream and took his body with the Headmaster unit, Bumblebee was convinced that he was working for the Decepticons, though Sumdac revealed that it was to destroy Megatron. That didn't work out too well. After Megatron explained his plan to the captive Autobots, the Decepticon Shockwave revealed that he was Longarm Prime and that Bumblebee had sent an innocent Wasp to the stockade. Fortunately, Omega Supreme arrived, reactivated thanks to Sari and Ratchet, and sacrificed himself to save the Autobots and Sumdacs. With the threat passed, Sumdac revealed that he had been forced to help the Decepticons, and Bumblebee's mistrust of the professor presumably faded away—only to return when Sari saw that the skin of her right arm had torn...revealing robotic circuitry underneath! A Bridge Too Close, Part II
Despite the revelation that one of his best friends was a robot, Bumblebee actually remained focused on the larger picture: namely, Shockwave's presence on Cybertron. Optimus reasoned that since Bulkhead was a genius with regards to space bridges (something Bumblebee said he'd never get used to, revealing his high opinion of his other best friend), so the two headed out to the mine. Bumblebee managed to find a recall beacon generator, which was needed to locate the position in space, and the plasmadynamic thruster, which generated the transwarp field. Unfortunately, the thruster activated before Bumblebee could give it to Bulkhead, sending him across the galaxy. After catching another transwarp wave, he was again transported to another part of the galaxy—where he was swallowed by a Rock Lord.
Fortunately, Bulkhead was able to capture Bumblebee's signal, and reel him in. Sadly, it also brought the alien to Detroit. As the Autobots struggled to figure out how to defeat the monster and save Bumblebee, Sari used the AllSpark Key on herself to upgrade with new weapons and a teenage appearance. Sari quickly trounced the monster, freeing Bumblebee. Unfortunately, Sari didn't remove the Key after the upgrade, causing her to overload and lose control of her abilities. Bumblebee made a mad dash to try to remove the Key, but Sari's defenses systems registered him as a threat, and Sari horrifically watched as she stabbed Bumblebee through the chest and blasted him across the street. Ratchet immediately went to work, saying that he could repair Bumblebee without the Key. However, the damage was severe, and Bumblebee's spark was fading fast. Even when they got the Key, Ratchet was still hard pressed, as the Key had been burned out upgrading Sari. Fortunately, Ratchet managed to stabilize Bumblebee with his magnets, but Ratchet was forced to deactivate Sari with his EMP generator.
After Ratchet made what repairs he could, the Autobots allowed Professor Sumdac some time alone with Sari. Lamenting on how troubled their day had been, Bumblebee tempted fate by asking how much worse it could get. On cue, the plasmadynamic thruster began to power up, but Bulkhead managed to shut it down. Unfortunately, Omega Supreme soon arrived, under the control of Megatron. Bumblebee was given an illegal stinger upgrade to help against Omega Supreme, but it still did little good. Optimus and Prowl managed to sneak inside and remove Megatron's control while Bumblebee and Bulkhead served as bait a distraction. However, Starscream managed to gain control, and soon moved to conquer Cybertron. Bumblebee came up with the idea to throw the plasmadynamic thruster inside Omega to send the three randomly warping across the galaxy, managing to reach the altitude with his turbo boosters (why Optimus let him keep those is unknown). Later, Sari was awakened, and all was well with the Autobots...except for being out of contact with Cybertron, but still, it's the thought that counts. TransWarped
While Bulkhead and Professor Sumdac began constructing a space bridge, Bumblebee and the other Autobots focused on hunting down the remaining Decepticons on Earth. The first one they found was Lugnut, who was defeated and stasis cuffed after a drawn-out battle. Unfortunately, this left the Autobot force trying to pull the massive Decepticon out of the deep crater he had caused during the fight—a daunting task that they spent the rest of the night working on. Before any real progress could be made, Bumblebee and the others were called away to help Bulkhead, who had been dragged into an oil-stealing scheme by the Constructicons. Upon arriving at the Fossil Fuel oil refinery, Bumblebee fought against Scrapper, but was warned to watch his stingers so he wouldn't set fire to a nearby oil spill. Unfortunately, a collision between Scrapper and Mixmaster led to a spark setting fire to it anyway, so the Autobots were forced to transwarp an entire oil tank (with the Constructicons on it) out to Lake Erie, where it exploded. Three's a Crowd
Some time later, Bumblebee's old friend Wasp arrived on Earth, with a few screws loose and a vendetta against the 'bot who put him away. That night, Bumblebee was on monitor duty as the other Autobots were searching for Wasp, but spent his time playing Ninja Gladiator instead (after all, a TV is a monitor too!), which led to Wasp easily getting the drop on him. Bumblebee tried explaining how Longarm had set the whole thing up back in the day, but the deranged Wasp wouldn't listen, instead knocking Bumblebee out and saying it was his turn to lose everything he'd ever had. When Bumblebee woke up, he found himself equipped with Wasp's helmet, paintjob and voice synthesizer and all his friends staring down at him... including Wasp dressed up as himself. Unable to prove his own identity, Bumblebee was forced to escape from his own friends, only to be chased down by Elite Guard members Jetfire and Jetstorm. Luckily for the small 'bot, Jetstorm's wind blasts were too powerful for him, and he was blown away from danger. A desperate Bumblebee tried painting himself yellow with mustard from a hot dog stand, only to be confronted by Bulkhead and Prowl. Thinking of ideas to prove his innocence, Bumblebee reminded Bulkhead of their misadventures in boot camp—misadventures Wasp could never have known about. While his friends were finally convinced, the newly arrived Jetstorm and Jetfire were not, and a fight broke out until Optimus and Sentinel arrived and sorted it out. Returning to the Autobot base, they confronted Wasp, who had unfortunately spent the meantime researching Bumblebee's past and could easily list many of Bumblebee's past adventures like he was there in person. With no way to prove who was the real deal, Bulkhead suggested that they simply play Ninja Gladiator for the title of Bumblebee... after all, the real one would never lose at Ninja Gladiator. The plan worked, as Wasp cracked under the pressure before the match could even begin, grabbing Bumblebee and holding him at stinger-point. With the Autobots unable to attack, Wasp cancelled his and Bumblebee's electronic paint jobs and made a getaway, leaving Bumblebee to be pummelled by a confused Bulkhead. Where Is Thy Sting?
Chasing Wasp across Detroit, the Autobots eventually cornered him, and Bumblebee again tried explaining the "funny story" on how Longarm was the true Decepticon spy who caused Wasp's misfortune. However, Wasp didn't see the funny part of it, and Bumblebee nearly got himself blasted in the face for trying. Before the group could capture Wasp, he was suddenly abducted by Swoop, so Optimus Prime and Bumblebee had to follow him to Dinobot Island. Upon arrival, Prime suggested that Bumblebee stopped making excuses like blaming Longarm and tried apologizing to Wasp instead. Making their way into the tunnels of the island, the two soon found Wasp... mutated into a large, monstrous technorganic form by Blackarachnia. Face to face with the monster, Bumblebee followed Prime's advice and apologized for everything he did and didn't do to Wasp. His old nemesis responded that Wasp forgave him... but he was Waspinator now, and Waspinator would never forgive Bumblebee! However, before Waspinator could destroy Bumblebee once and for all, his new body started going out of control, and he went back to Blackarachnia. After being run down by both the spider and the wasp as the latter chased the former, Bumblebee helped carry the damaged Sentinel Prime out of the tunnels. Predacons Rising

Christmas eventually came around, and between shaking his presents and decorating the tree, Bumblebee didn't notice a Sound Wave toy poisoning the Autobots' oilnog. After having a taste, the 'bots all felt strangely tired and decided to take a stasis nap... only to wake up in human bodies. Bumblebee took it with a pinch of humor as he made fun of Bulkhead for being small, before the "Automen" headed out to see if Professor Sumdac could find out what was going on. However, during a brief break for food at Burger Bot, the city came under attack from a large force of Decepticons. The Autobots chose to fight back despite their small fleshy bodies, but Bumblebee grabbing onto Starscream's leg had no real effect on the marauding Decepticon, and the heroes were quickly forced to run. Eventually arriving at Sumdac Tower, Bumblebee was shocked when Cybertron itself appeared in the sky and blasted part of the tower to smithereens, followed by the arrival of Megatron himself. However, by this stage, Optimus Prime and Prowl had figured out that none of this was actually happening—they were trapped in some kind of simulated reality. Realizing that they could break through the illusion with their imagination, the Autobots fought back and defeated the simulated Decepticons, with the tiny human Bumblebee easily punching out Blitzwing before transforming back into a robot. But before the Autobots could figure out how to escape from the virtual reality, they were subdued by a giant Soundwave—the one who had trapped them to begin with in order to brainwash them into becoming his mind slaves. Human Error, Part I

As Soundwave increased his control over the simulation, Bumblebee and the others were transformed back into humans. Deciding that they had to find Soundwave's interface to the world, they grabbed some vehicles matching their alternate modes, leading to Bumblebee pushing a virtual Captain Fanzone out of his own car. The Autobots took to chasing after a black Soundwave van, only to fall into a trap that let Soundwave brainwash them completely. As Sari and her "Substitute Autobots" came to save the day, Soundwave used the Autobots' bodies to fight back, with Bumblebee and Prowl teaming up against Wreck-Gar. However, controlling five people at once proved too much for Soundwave, and as he lost focus, Bumblebee's mindless body found itself bound up in Christmas lights and defeated. Shortly afterward, Bumblebee's mind was returned to normal when Optimus Prime shattered Soundwave's body. Human Error, Part II
When the Autobots discovered Decepticon signals on the moon, Bumblebee found himself a volunteering (read: ordered) to transwarp there and plant a transmitter. However, the transmitter was inadvertently broken by Shockwave shortly after arrival, so Bumblebee changed his strategy into infiltrating Omega Supreme. Inside, he found Arcee babbling on and on about school. Deeming it impossible to take her back to Earth, Bumblebee chose to activate Arcee's transmitter before leaving, using her to spy on the Decepticons. Endgame, Part I When Megatron used the information inside Arcee to attack Detroit with a trio of "Lugnut Supremes", Bumblebee went back to the moon alongside Bulkhead, Ratchet and Sari to attempt a retrieval of Omega Supreme. They quickly located Arcee again, only to be attacked by Shockwave. While Bumblebee's stingers had no effect on his old platoonmate, he was eventually defeated by Bulkhead's brawns. Shockwave transformed back to his Longarm mode in an attempt to trick his "old pals", but failed and was captured. Bumblebee was aboard Omega Supreme when he battled against the oversized Lugnuts-turned-oversized Starscreams, and following their victory, was told that Prowl had died during the battle. When the Autobots returned to Cybertron, he helped carry his friend's coffin. Endgame, Part II
Bumblebee attended the Stunti-Con's show in Kaon, unaware that the entire affair was a Decepticon plot to break Megatron out of the nearby Trypticon Prison. Thankfully, Sideswipe and Cheetor interrupted the show, and with Optimus's help thwarted the Decepticons' plans.The Stunti-Con Job
Toy bios
At some point, Bumblebee began taking stealth lessons from Prowl, presenting him with a new battle tactic: sneaking up from behind instead of racing fender-first into danger. To further that end, Bumblebee apparently painted himself as a police patrol car. Patrol Bumblebee
After "getting up close to members of the AUTOBOT Elite Guard", Bumblebee decided more than ever that he wanted to join their ranks. He had Sari borrow some of her dad's auto-painting robots so that he could truly look the part of an Elite Guard team member. He also began doing combat training with Prowl, and may have gotten his energy stingers enhanced. Elite Guard Bumblebee
Be the Hero books
Prime Suspect
After Prime was framed for breaking and entering, Bumblebee and Sari tried to warn him in advance that the Detroit police were after him. Bumblebee helped Sari and another kid check out the police station for leads. Unsuccessful in their search, they went to the scene of the crime, HomeTech's laboratory where they rendezvoused with the other Autobots. As the Autobots were too big to fit inside, they sent the kids in, which resulted in Bumblebee and Prowl having to rescue them dramatically. Evidence was found, leading the Autobots to HomeTech's main warehouse. Breaking in, Bumblebee clumsily knocked over a stack of crates, but somehow managed to avoid bringing security down on them. The Autobots split up and eventually found and defeated Blitzwing, who'd been behind the whole thing. Prime Suspect
Quest for the AllSpark
When Megatron made an attempt to obtain the AllSpark by taking control of Detroit's robot workforce, the Autobots came up with a plan to hide useless copies of the AllSpark. Bumblebee concealed his at the Race Track, however when the other Autobots failed to show up back at base, he found Sari and another kid, and the three of them went looking for Bulkhead. When they found him, he fought Bumblebee while laboring under a misconception, which was quickly straightened out. They collected Prowl and finally caught up with Prime and Ratchet, joining in a battle to defeat Crush-A. Quest for the AllSpark
Web of Deception
Bumblebee saved Sari and her friend from a fiery death on Lake Erie before finding the Autobot ship lifeless. After getting everything working again, Ratchet found that Optimus was missing, and Lockdown's ship was parked on the lake bed nearby, sending Bumblebee, Bulkhead, Prowl and the two young humans on a mission to investigate. While fighting the bounty hunter, they discovered the involvement of Blackarachnia, who wanted revenge on Prime. They ended up tracking down and fighting Blackarachnia, only for her to absorb Bumblebee's stinger ability, and sprout a stinger on each of her spider legs. All three Autobots were incapacitated, but Sari and her friend were able to follow Blackarachnia, leading to her eventual defeat. Web of Deception
When Detroit was plagued by a series of strange time disturbances, the Autobots used scanning devices to scour the city. Bulkhead and Bumblebee both tracked the source of the temporal anomalies to the Lions Tower building downtown and broke in to find a time machine on the empty top floor. While Bulkhead and a human were sent back in time, Bumblebee encountered those responsible — Natasha Pyraniac and Blast-X. Bulkhead returned to the present in time to aid Bumblebee's fight against the Decepticon. Blast-X was defeated shortly after Pyraniac departed in the time machine. Time-Quake
Titan Magazines
In battle with new villain Quake-Maker, Bumblebee got to not only mock the villain but fight alongside the super-cool new Autobot Afterburn. Burnout
The two later went on a mission to Dinobot Island to stop a Rage virus infection, a mission that had Bumblebee nervous. During the mission, Bumblebee screwed up a landing that Afterburn aced, got thrown into a mud puddle by Swoop, was left with an incredibly dirty finish, and generally looked worse than Afterburn and on four separate occasions got put down by him. This made him sad. Ratchet & Grimlock Are DEAD?
When Swoop was in a huff, it was Bumblebee who convinced him to help them against the Wraith-X by appealing to that greatest of emotions, the ego! He didn't have time to gloat though, as he then found Afterburn reporting back to Megatron, who then stormed the base, Divebomb killed Afterburn, and started a massive battle. Bumblebee was shocked to find Afterburn had only been a sparkless drone infiltrator, but still viewed him as a real Autobot, taking on Megatron himself out of anger for what had happened.
Optimus later consoled Bumblebee that he'd been a hero and that Afterburn hadn't been real anyway. But he'd been real to Bumblebee...Megatron's Revenge
But then he got over that and started breaking traffic laws for fun to get pizzas to Sari quickly! This led to Prowl dissing him and claiming Bumblebee wouldn't be so fast if he had to obey some rules, which led to a race between the two at Crazy Coyote Canyon (plus Bulkhead joined in, which gave Bumblebee a good laugh). Autobots doing anything, of course, leads to Decepticon plots, and Bumblebee (who had a Decepticon tracer stuck on his butt) found they'd ambushed Prowl halfway through the race. Locating the tracer, he stuck it on Lugnut's butt and helped Prowl escape to win.
All that excitement had allowed Bulkhead to win the race unopposed though, making him the official fastest thing in Detroit. Bumblebee accepted it amiably enough. The Race
- Voice actor: Bumper Robinson (English)
Isaac Sumdac presented his newest creation to Optimus, Bumblebee, and Sari; the "Bi-directional Unified Transit Terminal". The professor explained that his B.U.T.T. could easily shoot them all off to Cybertron... in theory. Bumblebee agreed to be part of the device's test drive, but the B.U.T.T. malfunctioned, sending Optimus, Sari, and Bumblebee to Axiom Nexus instead of their intended destination. The trio soon encountered officer Flareup, who informed them that Optimus was breaking the law by virtue of simply being a "Prime" in Axiom Nexus. After being through 17 grueling hours of processing, Optimus and Sari were put in the care of Shockwave. Bumblebee was determined to be a non-threat without a "spunky kid sidekick" to help him out, and was set free. Flareup informed Bumblebee of the gravity of the situation his friends found themselves in, and agreed to help rescue them... though Bumblebee took the time to order some fast-food first. In the drive-through line-up, Bumblebee met with the "heroic Predacon Joe" who also agreed to help him out. Bumblebee then formulated a crazed plan that involved a marching band of trained chimps... which failed completely to accomplish anything. Joe then suggested a better plan; both he and Bumblebee posed as "illegal Primes" so that they could make their way to Axiom Nexus's detention center. "Beeimus Prime" and "Joe Convoy" thus managed to sneak into Shockwave's lab, despite the Narrator nearly blowing their cover. Bumblebee and Flareup then set upon distracting the morally-ambiguous scientist while Joe was tasked with freeing the hostages... only for the Predacon to reveal himself to be in truth a "Megatron" with plans of conquest!
Using Sari's Key, Megatron turned Shockwave's lab equipment into a miniature army. Unable to take on the newly awakened robots through force, Optimus, Sari, Bumblebee, Flareup, and Shockwave instead devised a means to turn them against their master; bureaucracy! They convinced Megatron's army that the amount of paperwork they'd need to go through for simply being born was a huge hassle, causing the robots to turn on their master.
Shockwave was so annoyed by Bumblebee and his friends that he decided to use his authority to quickly deport them from his dimension. Relieved to be back home, Optimus made everyone promise to never speak of their inter-dimensional adventure again. Bumblebee agreed. Bee in the City
The Cool comic
Witnessing the mysterious Allspark being uncovered, Bumblebee along with the rest of Optimus Prime's crew fled through a space bridge gate in order to keep the artifact out of Decepticon clutches. Unfortunately, Megatron was able to board their ship and left Bumblebee defeated on the floor, leaving Optimus to deal with the Decepticon leader by himself. The Cool Extra issue 3
Along with the rest of the Autobots, Bumblebee came to the Earth city of Detroit in order to protect the AllSpark from the Decepticons. During a battle in the streets with Starscream, Blackarachnia and Lockdown, Bumblebee came into contact with Sari Sumdac moments before nearly being blown to smithereens. He then squared off against, attempting to subdue the Decepticon with his stingers. The Cool Episode 1
When Optimus Prime died stopping Starscream from abusing the power of the AllSpark, and was subsequently revived, Bumblebee introduced him to Sari, who had brought him back with the power of her key. The Cool Episode 2
Bumblebee next participated in a battle against Lugnut and Soundwave on Dinobot Island. He performed poorly against Soundwave's sonic attacks and Lugnut's aerial bombardments, and was grateful when the Dinobots arrived to save the day, remarking how powerful they were. The Cool Episode 3
Back in Detroit, Bumblebee was present to dig Optimus Prime out of a pile of rubble dropped onto him by Blackout. Bumblebee did not recognize Blackout's Autobot opponent, Safeguard, leaving Prime to tell him that he was from the Elite Guard. The Cool Episode 4
Bumblebee next engaged Starscream all by himself, resulting in the Decepticon nearly blasting him off the roof of Sumdac Systems headquarters. Bumblebee was saved when Starscream was distracted by the reborn Megatron, only to be blasted by Megatron's fusion cannon a short while later. Bumblebee survived the altercation, at least long enough to greet Ultra Magnus and the Elite Guard. The Cool Episode 5
Bumblebee later joined the Autobots in a battle against Clone #2716057. With Prowl's help, they subdued the clone and took him to a warehouse where they encountered Megatron. The clone had been rigged to explode, but Prowl was able to send him rocketing into the sky before detonation, as Bumblebee stood around watching, doing nothing. The Cool Episode 6
At the battle for the Decepticon Space Bridge, Bumblebee joined his fellow speed warrior, Blurr, in taking down Blitzwing and Lugnut. They used their speed to first confuse their opponents, then slapped them with some stasis cuffs. As the Decepticons fell over, paralyzed, the pair of Autobots speedsters skipped off while merrily whistling. The Cool Episode 7
When the battle for the Decepticon Space Bridge had ended, Bumblebee joined the other Autobots in bidding farewell to the fallen Omega Supreme. Bumblebee then freaked out when he noticed that Sari had robotics sticking through her skin.The Cool Episode 8
Not long afterward, Starscream attacked Detroit in Omega Supreme's body. Bumblebee fought to keep the fiend busy until Optimus could return and join the fray. Bumblebee expressed excitement when Sari used her key to upgrade into a teenager, then expressed lament when her newfound powers proved utterly useless against Starscream/Omega Supreme. The Cool Episode 9
Prior to the final confrontation against the Decepticons, Bumblebee stood heroically alongside his fellow Autobots. The Cool Extra issue 1
Upon Megatron's defeat, Bumblebee accompanied the Autobots back to planet Cybertron, where they were all hailed as heroes by the citizenry and even Sentinel. The Cool Episode Final
Legends World
An actor dressed as Bumblebee appeared at Tokyo Toy Show 2014, to the joy of Animated fans Optimus Minor and Rattrap. Tokyo Toy Show 2014 Report
Rescue Bots Academy cartoon
A figurine of Animated Bumblebee can be seen in Wedge's collection. Bee Prepared
Precursor World
A Warrior of the Seven Lights resembling a white Bumblebee was a member of the White Order of the Primus Vanguard. He stood at attention in their base on the White Planet as Prowl and their commander White Gallant Convoy discussed what to do about the conflict broiling between extradimensional warriors Star Convoy and Super Megatron on the Blue Planet. God Neptune comic 2
Transformers Animated: The Game
- Voice actor: Bumper Robinson (English)
When Optimus announced he was stepping up Bumblebee and Bulkhead's training, Bumblebee protested he already had plenty of training and was up to level 12. After it was established that video games didn't count, he, Bulkhead and Optimus worked their way through an obstacle course set up by Prowl. They got the opportunity to put their skills to a real test a short time later when drones went haywire at a Sumdac Systems factory, the trio blasting their way through the rogue robots until they found the problem — an AllSpark fragment lodged in a control console. When they intercepted a transmission indicating that Megatron was planning to attack Cybertron, Optimus, Bumblebee and Bulkhead searched the factory for more fragments so they could power up Megatron's Space Bridge and follow him.
By following a Decepticon Transmitter Drone, they discovered the location of Megatron's mine base and explored it until they found Megatron and his Space Bridge. A battle ensued, during which Bumblebee powered an electromagnet that they used to defeat the Decepticon leader, but even as they were victorious, Megatron transwarped out. The trio repowered the space bridge with their own AllSpark fragments, but after Optimus and Bulkhead went through, the bridge closed, leaving Bumblebee on Earth. With Sari's help, Bumblebee tracked down more fragments at the factory... only for them to be taken from him by Lockdown. With the help of his turbo boosters, Bumblebee hunted down Lockdown and managed to get the fragments back.
Bumblebee and Sari returned to the mine, only for the computer to announce that the self-destruct had been activated. Bumblebee fought his way through the mine in record time to disable it, and used the fragments to repower the space bridge. He arrived on Cybertron to find Prime and Bulkhead searching for Megatron. After intercepting a Decepticon transmission, they headed for the Space Bridge Nexus, where they confronted Megatron again, using the defense systems against him. Megatron was again forced to flee. The Autobots returned to Earth, where Bumblebee announced he was beat, but perked up again when Sari revealed she had an advance copy of Mage Master Maze Knight. Transformers Animated: The Game
Transformers Animated: Action Packs
- Bumblebee's arm-mounted shock stingers are very likely inspired by an early weapon concept from the 2007 movie version of Bumblebee.
- The character who would become Bumblebee was originally conceived as Hot Shot, but changed to Bumblebee at the insistence of incoming supervising director Matt Youngberg and art director Derrick J. Wyatt.[1]
- Bumblebee appears to have a fake car roof on his chest in both his toy and on his character model. Not only does Bumblebee transform like his toy in his drawn-out animated transformation sequences, with his legs forming the top of the vehicle and the rest forming the underside, but his "real" windshield is drawn on the back of his legs, just like the toy. Plus the headlights on Bumblebee's feet are upside-down, just like the toy's. However, Bumblebee's vehicle mode stripe doesn't change sides like on the toy. Cheatsy!
- In addition to the above, in "The Thrill of the Hunt", Bumblebee reaches under his fake car roof kibble to get out his air freshener and fuzzy dice. This would mean that he had kept them in his back seat or trunk. Interestingly enough, on the Deluxe toy, you can actually store small items in his chest thanks to his opening 'trunk'.
- Bumblebee likes to swear a lot. Slag yeah!
- Bumblebee's apparently got his name for being a bumbler in Autobot boot camp. Autoboot Camp
- On the Transformers Animated Season One DVD set, the "Season Two Sneak Peek" special feature shows Bumblebee's character model colored in the Elite Guard Bumblebee toy's deco. Bumblebee did not actually use that color scheme in Season 2, so its inclusion in a Season Two gallery is puzzling at best. It also matches the Japanese toy rather than the finalized color scheme of Hasbro's version, compounding the puzzlement.
- In the unproduced Season 4 premiere, "Trial of Megatron", Bumblebee would have temporarily joined the Elite Guard before eventually resigning and rejoining Optimus' crew.
- With the airing of the two-part episode "Human Error", an interesting and probably unintentional question has been brought up. Bumblebee's human form seems to be much younger than the others, even Prowl and Bulkhead, putting him somewhere in his early to mid-teens. Everything else about the Automen reflect their bot counterparts spot on, down to a scar on Ratchet's face to represent his broken chevron. So, seeing as human Bumblebee appears so young, does that make him a child soldier? Or is he just really, really short?
- Bumblebee's original 65356-9292-346 body-type is apparently quite common on Cybertron — he shares it with many, many others.
- In the Transformers Animated profile shorts, Bumblebee is introduced to the audience by Sari in "Meet Bumblebee" and he likewise introduces Ratchet in "Meet Ratchet".
- A revised paint job with an additional black stripe was proposed for the cancelled fourth season.
Foreign names
- Japanese: Bumblebee (バンブルビー Banburubī)
- Arabic: Bumbly (cartoon, بامبلي Bāmblī), Bumble Bee (commercial, بامبل بي Bāmbil Bī)
- Mandarin: Dà-huáng-fēng (大黃蜂, "Bumblebee")