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Dai Won Animation Co.

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Dai Won Animation Co. (大元 / 대원 Dae Won) is one of the three South Korean companies that were sub-subcontracted to work on the original Transformers animated series. Outside of the show, Dai Won has participated with Toei on multiple other occasions, such as Galaxy Express 999, Foofur, Dairugger XV, and the Ruby-Spears Superman cartoon; as well as animation for The Real Ghostbusters, The Mask cartoon, and the later seasons of the original Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

Like fellow studios Sam Young Studio, Sei Young Animation Co. Ltd., Studio Look, Ashi Productions, Studio No. 1, Nakamura Production, Anime R, and Trans Arts Co., the company was mainly used for photography, effects, finalization and additional animation services, while most of animation proper took place at Toei and AKOM.

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