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Devastator (G1)/toys

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Emperor of Construction

Having built up his reputation as the first combiner, Devastator has a lot of toys.



The Transformers

Devastator was here first, Scramble-boys!
  • Hook (Constructicon, 1985/1986)
  • Long Haul (Constructicon, 1985/1986)
  • Mixmaster (Constructicon, 1985/1986)
  • Scavenger (Constructicon, 1985/1986)
  • Scrapper (Constructicon, 1985/1986)
The first combiner in the Transformers toyline, Devastator is a redeco of the Takara Diaclone "Construction Vehicle Robo" team. He is created by assembling all six Constructicons (Bonecrusher, Hook, Long Haul, Mixmaster, Scavenger, and Scrapper), who, unlike the later Scramble City-style combiners, cannot be rearranged into other configurations. The large pieces of vehicle mode weaponry the Constructicons came with form important connector pieces for the giant robot. The forearm-launchers can be equipped with silver-chrome drill attachments instead of his fists, but their spring-loaded firing mechanism was severely weakened by Hasbro for safety reasons. He is armed with Mixmaster's magna laser, though his own bio identifies his weapon as a solar energy beam rifle.
The combined form suffers from several issues in the toy's design, mainly down to pegs and holes not made in the correct places and leaving some component parts on an almost hair trigger-like connection. The most notable of these is the chest plate which has the friction clip barely reaching its correct spot on Hook, causing it to sit twisted towards the right side of the combined form. There is also a tab on the chest plate clearly made to go into Long Haul's grill, but due to how far his chest sticks out, it can't reach it at all. With hardly anything holding the chest plate on, it is likely to fall off if bumped. The connector that houses Devastator's head also has its posts and holes misaligned with the respective connectors on Long Haul, leaving the combined form torso/waist stuck at a very slight permanent twist to the right as well. It's no wonder the Scramble City combiner design became the "standard" in later years.
On the European continent, the individual Constructicons were first released by Hasbro subsidiary Milton Bradley in 1985, then re-released in 1986 by Hasbro proper, this time in a yellow coloration manufactured by Joustra.[1][2][3] These figures are not to be confused with the yellow European Constructicons released in 1992, who featured grey parts and could not combine into Devastator, nor with the yellow Generation 2 Constructicons (see below), who lacked the rubsigns and forearm-launcher tabs that this version featured.
The Transformers combiner team mold: Constructicons
  • Hasbro:
  • The Transformers Devastator (GS & In)
  • Devastator (yellow) (In)
  • Takara/TakaraTomy:
  • Fight! Super Robot Lifeform Transformers 37 Devastor (GS & In)
  • IGA:
GS = Gift set release
In = Individually released

Scrapper (leader)
  • Hasbro:
  • Takara/TakaraTomy:

  • Hasbro:
  • Takara/TakaraTomy:

  • Hasbro:
  • Vintage G1 4 Hook
  • Takara/TakaraTomy:

Long Haul
  • Hasbro:
  • Takara/TakaraTomy:

  • Hasbro:
  • Takara/TakaraTomy:

  • Hasbro:
  • Takara/TakaraTomy:

Kōjin Ōno

  • Devastator (Giftset, 1985/1986)
  • Takara ID number: 37
  • Accessories: Robot head, head laser, 2 forearms/launchers, 2 fists, 2 drills, super wing/chest plate, missile mount/hip connector, wing/pelvis armor, magna laser/solar energy beam rifle, individual robot guns, Mixmaster's 2 missiles
  • Known designers: Kōjin Ōno (TakaraTomy)
In the United States, Canada, and Japan, the Constructicons were originally available both sold separately on individual blister cards (with the additional Devastator parts split up between them) and as a boxed gift set of all six. All of the toys in this set are identical to their individual releases.
Rumors are that an MB-branded Devastator giftset was also released in continental Europe, but thus far no packaged sample has surfaced.[4]

Scorpulator, alligator.
  • Devastator with Scorpulator (Action Master, 1990)
Part of the second assortment of individually-carded Action Masters released in the seventh and final year of the original US line (sixth and not-final in Europe), Devastator is a non-transforming 3¾-inch action figure. His sculpt is based largely on his original animation model, but with a great many toy-based elements added for extra detail; most notably, his head is based on the toy instead of the very different animation model. His construction is broadly similar to that used by the G.I. Joe figures of the time, having a swivel neck, shoulders and knees, plus ball-jointed hips attached via a steel rod internally secured by a rubber "o-ring". His hands have standard 3 mm holes which allow him to hold any other accessory in the Action Master line, plus his feet have holes in the bottom to secure him to larger vehicles. On top of that, the hole in his back is compatible with 5 mm posts.
Devastator came with his small animal partner, Scorpulator, who transforms into an acid spray gun that Devastator can wield, with his detachable leg assembly forming a "Gripper Backpack" plugged into Devastator's back. Gun-mode Scorpulator can be augmented by attaching Devastator's magnifier blaster into his gunbarrel.
As an Action Master, Devastator received a set of Power Plans, viewable here. Not surprisingly, none of his listed parts line up with those found in the STARS manual (see notes). Additionally, the Devastator in the Power Plans is missassembled: Mixmaster and Scrapper are on the wrong legs. A prototype of Action Master Devastator features a different head coloration.1990protoactionmasters.jpg

Generation 2

So neon and Playskoolish, even though real construction vehicles are yellow.
  • Bonecrusher (Constructicon, 1993)
  • Hook (Constructicon, 1993)
  • Long Haul (Constructicon, 1993)
  • Mixmaster (Constructicon, 1993)
  • Scavenger (Constructicon, 1993)
  • Scrapper (Constructicon, 1993)
Redecos of all six Constructicons were released individually as part of the first assortments of Generation 2 products, now colored yellow like the European version from 1986. They were not identical to that earlier version, however: they featured a lighter purple plastic, lacked rubsigns, had all their spring-loaded accessories (such as Devastator's forearms) retooled to remove the firing gimmick completely, and a Generation 2-style Decepticon logo and the word "DECEPTICON" tampographed on them.
Famously, a later—and seemingly less common—run of the figures changed the yellow plastics to bright, saturated orange. Anecdotal claims are that this version of the team was exclusive to KB Toys stores. Whatever the case, neither color version was available as a gift set.
The Transformers combiner team mold: Constructicons
  • Hasbro:
  • The Transformers Devastator (GS & In)
  • Devastator (yellow) (In)
  • Takara/TakaraTomy:
  • Fight! Super Robot Lifeform Transformers 37 Devastor (GS & In)
  • IGA:
GS = Gift set release
In = Individually released

Scrapper (leader)
  • Hasbro:
  • Takara/TakaraTomy:

  • Hasbro:
  • Takara/TakaraTomy:

  • Hasbro:
  • Vintage G1 4 Hook
  • Takara/TakaraTomy:

Long Haul
  • Hasbro:
  • Takara/TakaraTomy:

  • Hasbro:
  • Takara/TakaraTomy:

  • Hasbro:
  • Takara/TakaraTomy:

Kōjin Ōno

Universe (2003)

50% Devastator.
  • Bonecrusher (Micromaster, 2004)
  • Buckethead (Micromaster, 2004)
  • Hightower (Micromaster, 2004)
  • Long Haul (Micromaster, 2004)
  • Quickmix (Micromaster, 2004)
  • Scavenger (Micromaster, 2004)
The Universe Devastator toy was utilized as the Beast Wars: Uprising version of Generation 1 Devastator.
A redeco of Sixbuilder in Generation 1 Constructicon-inspired colors, the six component robots of Constructicon Devastator (Bonecrusher, Buckethead, Hightower, Long Haul, Quickmix, and Scavenger) were only available on individual cards. While similar to the Destron Sixbuilder redeco, this version is molded in distinctly different colors with far more purple and black paint applications. When separated into his component robots, the leftover combiner kibble can combine to form a single-pilot jet.
A KB Toys exclusive, the Micromaster Constructicons were also ultimately available from Sears during Christmastime and Kmart's online store.


And then there were five.
  • Constructicon Devastator (Multi-pack, 2007)
Classics Devastator is a redeco of the Energon combiner Constructicon Maximus. As this mold is a five-bot combiner in the "Scramble City" style, rather than Devastator's traditional six, the team now consists only of Scavenger (redecoed from Steamhammer), Scrapper, Bonecrusher (both redecoed from the Sledge/Bonecrusher mold), Long Haul, and enigmatic new member Hightower (redecoed from the Duststorm/Wideload mold). Hightower replaces Mixmaster and Hook, but his bio combines elements of both the missing members', leading to some interesting speculation.
Scavenger forms Devastator's main body, while the other four robots attach via universal connectors to form any of his limbs, using their energon weapon accessories to form clawed hands and feet for their combined form. Being a redeco, this of course means Devastator's components can also connect with any of the other combiner robots from the Energon series. Devastator was only available in a full five-pack, exclusive to Wal-Mart stores.


After decades of war, the constructicons were imprisoned in cute plastic casings.
  • Devastor (Gift Set, 2011)
    • ID number: 20
    • Accessories: Robot head, head laser, 2 forearms/launchers, 2 fists, 2 drills, "super wing" chest plate, "missile mount" hip connector, "wing" pelvis armor, "magna laser"/"solar energy rifle", individual robot guns, Mixmaster's 2 missiles, 6 biocards for the component Constructrons, 1 biocard of Devastor, collector coin
The Devastor Gift Set was made available once more as part of TakaraTomy's Transformers Encore series of reissues. Apparently cast from a newly created set of molds (given the presence of a Tomy copyright stamp rather than the original Hasbro/Takara one), the team features numerous small differences from the original toys, though none that serve to change Devastator's appearance in any significant way.
The Transformers combiner team mold: Constructicons
  • Hasbro:
  • The Transformers Devastator (GS & In)
  • Devastator (yellow) (In)
  • Takara/TakaraTomy:
  • Fight! Super Robot Lifeform Transformers 37 Devastor (GS & In)
  • IGA:
GS = Gift set release
In = Individually released

Scrapper (leader)
  • Hasbro:
  • Takara/TakaraTomy:

  • Hasbro:
  • Takara/TakaraTomy:

  • Hasbro:
  • Vintage G1 4 Hook
  • Takara/TakaraTomy:

Long Haul
  • Hasbro:
  • Takara/TakaraTomy:

  • Hasbro:
  • Takara/TakaraTomy:

  • Hasbro:
  • Takara/TakaraTomy:

Kōjin Ōno

Shown here without consumer-applied stickers, for maximum cartoon-accurate effect!
  • Devastor (Anime Color Ver.) (Gift Set, 2013)
    • ID number: 20A
    • Accessories: Robot head, head laser, 2 forearms/launchers, 2 fists, 2 drills, "super wing" chest plate, "missile mount" hip connector, "wing" pelvis armor, "magna laser"/"solar energy rifle", individual robot guns, Mixmaster's 2 missiles,1 biocard for Devastor reflecting the changes of his appearance
Initially solicited as a "yellow version", this second Encore release of Devastator instead proved to be a redeco and retool based upon the character's appearance in the original Generation 1 cartoon. All six figures are notably a brighter, more yellowish-green plastic color with a purple mixing drum for Mixmaster, and feature assorted different paint details such as painted torsos (for Gren and Mixmaster) and painted red optics (for everyone). Devastor now comes with black forearms, and most significantly, a new headsculpt based on the cartoon's visored look. His package art is modified to reflect these changes, and an additional window is added to the box to showcase his new noggin in-package.
Depending on the individual copy of the toy, this release is prone to some quality control issues: Scavenger, Long Haul, Hook and Scrapper are plagued with transformation-related problems due to mold degradation, some of the Mixmasters were missing their robot heads, and the optional stickers seemed to become less adhesive.


Could probably be rebuilt into a monster with large wrecking balls with some creative use of bricks.
A "9 in 1" set that includes Scrapper, Drill Bit, Scavenger, and Hightower, each of whom can be rebuilt from construction vehicles into robots, or combined into the super robot Devastator. Devastator takes cues from both his Generation 1 and Revenge of the Fallen incarnations, as well as plenty of details unique to this incarnation. The set also contains a buildable "construction site" play environment.
The Devastator Kreon is based on the original Generation 1 Devastator, using Starscream's helmet and carrying a black pistol based on Generation 1 Megatron's alternate mode. Like most of the 2012 sets, the Devastator Kreon comes with his own extra clear "Energon" torso piece. This piece was apparently intended to feature the Devastator tampographs at some point, but like all of the extra torsos in this year's assortment, it's been left unimpressively blank.

  • Autobot Assault Devastator (2012)
    • Set number: A1266
    • Pieces: 781
    • Kreons: Devastator, Ironhide, Foreman, 3x Construction Worker, Gunner
    • Accessories: Megatron pistol
A Toys"R"Us exclusive, this set includes everything that Destruction Site Devastator with additional pieces to build Ironhide in either truck or robot mode, an additional human "Gunner" Kreon, pieces to build a "brick house" (aka port-a-potty), and a little hook for Hightower if you don't like the wrecking ball. The Kreon of Devastator included with the set comes in Generation 2-inspired yellow, rather than the orignal green, and bizarrely sports translucent purple hands.

What will they homage next?
  • Constructicon Devastator (Kreon, 2012)
    • Set number: A1265
    • Accessories: Megatron pistol
A Devastator Kreon sporting an orange Generation 2 deco and including a translucent purple version of the original Megatron's pistol mode. Devastator came packaged in an individual window box and was handed out as a freebie with Kre-O purchases at Toys"R"Us stores in October 2012, as well as at BotCon 2013.

KreO MicroChanger Devastator.jpg
  • Constructicon Devastator (Micro-Changer Combiner, 2013)
    • Set number: A2224
    • Pieces: 76
Part of the first wave Kreon Micro-Changer combiner sets, this iteration of Devastator is made up of only four Kreons: Bonecrusher, Mixmaster, Scavenger and Scrapper. Each Kreon can be rebuilt into individual vehicle modes, as well as their combined Devastator form.
(The missing two members of the team, Hook and Long Haul, were part of the blind-bagged Micro-Changer assortments. You can try and integrate them into Devastator if you want; after all, they are interchangeable building block toys.)
Like the entire Micro Changer combiner sets, Devastator comes with only one Kre-O display brick, and a sticker sheet composed of his leg detailing & a Kre-O logo. Due to the leg stickers being slightly transparent, applying them into the black-colored leg parts can render the details being semi-transparent. The instructions also did not mention on where you should put the Kre-O logo sticker. Also, Devastator's combined mode's waist part is somehow prone to falling off from the assembly while posing, and he has a problem standing straight due to how the legs are constructed.

  • Kreon Class of 1985 (Kreon figure set, 2015)
    • Accessories: Sniper rifle
    • Set number: B5152
    • Voted: 1-Bot Entourage
    • Accessories: Small pistol
Kreon Class of '85 Devastator's deco is much more heavily based on the original toy. Like the rest of the set, he uses the almost-totally-retooled 2015 style of Kreon body.
This box set of thirty Kreons was a San Diego Comic-Con 2015 exclusive, with leftovers being sold on Hasbro Toy Shop online after the show.

Combiner Wars

  • Devastator (Gift Set, 2015/2021)
    • Accessories: Missile launchers/hands, two-piece gun, chest plate/gun, 2 swords
Combiner Wars Devastator is a combiner formed from six Voyager-class Constructicons. All his components are sold together in a massive box. When separated into the individual Constructicons, Devastator's forearms, chest shield, and gun all transform into smaller weapons that they can hold: his forearms become (non-firing) missile launchers, the fins of his chestplate disconnect to become (rather awkward) swords, leaving the central crest to become a double-barrelled gun, and his gun splits into two smaller guns. The robot modes of the individual Constructicons have less articulation than other Voyager Class figures in the Combiner Wars subline, though when fully assembled Devastator himself is extremely articulated (He even has ankle articulation!). We dare you to find another huge toy that can do high kicks without support.
The thin tabs situated on Long Haul's shoulders can be put through serious strain when connected for Devastator. Sometimes, their smaller portions can break off within Hook; thankfully, there are many other connection points across the combiner's torso, to ensure everything remains secure.
The stock photo at right features Hook's crane arm assembled upside down and erroneously pointing forward.
As a part of a promotion in Hasbro's Asian markets, a free sticker sheet for the Constructicons was given out when purchasing the set. As such, Devastator was given Generation 1 toy-esque stickers for the owner to apply if they wanted.
Devastator also comes with a Collector Card based on his packaging art. Devastator was reissued and sold exclusively through Amazon in 2021.

Now with 40% Chrome!
  • Devastator (Gift Set, 2015)
    • Accessories: Missile launchers/hands, two-piece gun, chest plate/gun, 2 swords
This version of Titan Class Devastator, also referred to as "Devastator Special Edition" in a Hasbro press release, features extensive paint operations, vacuum metallized purple parts, and a new visor-less head sculpt. His packaging is designed to evoke both Bonecrusher's shovel and Devastator's head, and its interior is designed to resemble the title image of Devastator of his main wiki article.
In the U.S., this set was exclusive to the Hasbro Toy Shop website and the Hasbro Toy Shop booth at San Diego Comic-Con 2015. In Asia, it was also available at Animation-Comic-Game Hong Kong 2015 and subsequently stocked by Toys"R"Us Hong Kong. Later, it was also available at The Falcon's Hangar booth at the Singapore Toy, Game & Comic Convention 2015 and at the Hasbro booth at Brazil Comic Con Experience 2015.

Unite Warriors

Bought the Generations toy already? Too bad. I have functional elbows for my components.
  • Devastor (giftset, December 12, 2015)
    • ID number: UW-04
    • English name: Devastator
    • Accessories: Missile launchers/hands, two-piece gun, chest plate/gun, 2 swords, 6 rifles
Unite Warriors "Devastor" is a redeco and slight retool of Hasbro's version, the most notable differences being the inclusion of individual handguns for the Buildrons and a new combiner head that can switch between visored and non-visored faces. Every member has been retooled in some manner from the Hasbro versions: Hook, Mixmaster, Long Haul, and Scrapper have been remolded to sport better elbows, and Bonecrusher and Scavenger have been remolded to sport better knees. In addition to this, Devastator utilizes ratchet joints in his shoulders. Each Buildron features a G1 style gun that pegs into an existing slot or hole and can be stored in Devastator's back (which is Long Haul's truck bed).
Devastor and each Buildron's deco is heavily based on the original G1 animation. This includes adding many painted details. The most notable changes to Devastor himself are a metallic gray face (instead of silver), matching purple on the treads that compose his chest, purple hands, and a left foot that is painted to resemble the cab portion of G1 Mixmaster's alt mode.
While a similar green and purple to Hasbro's release, the colors vary slightly from the Combiner Wars version.

Vintage G1

And back to square one. Brilliant.
  • Devastator (Walmart exclusive reissue, 2018)
    • Accessories: Robot head, head laser, 2 forearms/launchers, 2 fists, 2 drills, "super wing" chest plate, "missile mount" hip connector, "wing" pelvis armor, "magna laser"/"solar energy rifle", individual robot guns, Mixmaster's 2 missiles
The original Devastator toy was once again available, this time in the Walmart exclusive Vintage G1 series. Unlike Bumblebee, Devastator does not use the cartoon-accurate head from the Encore release.
Aside from the changes like the tightened joints, the removal of the forearms' springs and molding the green plastic with a yellowish tone, this Devastator featured many changes compared to previous molds, but it's best to redirect to their individual components' pages for more details. Their rubsigns are an all-new type used on all of the Vintage G1 toys; the insignia only turns red rather than the mood-ring multicolor of older rubsigns, plus the silver border is mirror-level reflective.
The Transformers combiner team mold: Constructicons
  • Hasbro:
  • The Transformers Devastator (GS & In)
  • Devastator (yellow) (In)
  • Takara/TakaraTomy:
  • Fight! Super Robot Lifeform Transformers 37 Devastor (GS & In)
  • IGA:
GS = Gift set release
In = Individually released

Scrapper (leader)
  • Hasbro:
  • Takara/TakaraTomy:

  • Hasbro:
  • Takara/TakaraTomy:

  • Hasbro:
  • Vintage G1 4 Hook
  • Takara/TakaraTomy:

Long Haul
  • Hasbro:
  • Takara/TakaraTomy:

  • Hasbro:
  • Takara/TakaraTomy:

  • Hasbro:
  • Takara/TakaraTomy:

Kōjin Ōno

Studio Series

Tonkanator redeco when?
Announced at San-Diego Comic-Con 2024 and revealed in full at the Hasbro Pulse Premium 1027 Event, Devastator is slated for release via his single-packed components in the The Transformers: The Movie themed arm of the screen accuracy-focused Studio Series toyline throughout 2025. In the name of scale with Legacy Menasor, the combined form is shorter than the Combiner Wars version. The four limb bots are roughly Deluxe-sized in robot mode, though Scrapper and Mixmaster were upgraded to Voyager to allow for ratcheted combiner ankles. The two torso bots are also roughly Voyager Class, but sold together as a single Commander Class release with the majority of the kibble needed to form the combined mode.
When asked about why the legs were positioned a little off-center from the thighs, Evan Brooks said that it was to prevent them from grinding together; had they centered them, they would have had to make the waist wider in a way that would mess up the proportions of the figure.[6]

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If you build it, they will play.

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Or you could pick... WHAT'S IN THE BOX.

This item is currently scheduled for release, but is not yet available at mass retail.



Relax, I'm not the first Devastator to be the same size as my comrades...
  • Destron Hero Collection 22 (multi-pack, 1986)
Devastator was among the many characters rendered by Takara as part of their series of 1.5" soft rubber keshigomu figurines. Like all the figures in the series, Devastator featured a number sculpted into his back that was the sum total of his Tech Specs, for use in the various games that could be played with the figurines. He was available in purple as part of a 22-piece box set of Decepticon figures, in peach as part of various other randomly-packed box sets released by Takara subsidiary Seven, and in a wide variety of different colors in "gachapon" capsule machines.
  • Devastator (1987)
    • Decoy number: 48
The Devastator figurine was later brought over to Hasbro markets as part of the Decoy promotion, largely identical to the Japanese release except for the fact that the number on his back was replaced with a simple "checklist" number. Like all Decepticon Decoys, he was cast in purple and available as a randomly-chosen pack-in available with the carded Throttlebots, Stunticons, Combaticons, and Terrorcons. Very early in the promotion, a red version of Devastator was also available, which was packaged only with the Throttlebots; unsurprisingly, this version is much rarer.

Hard Hero

"Duh, gee Devastator, how you gonna get through these bars? I dunno, moron, suppose I devastate them? Duh, ok!"
  • Devastator (Bust, 2003)
This bust of Devastator was released by Hard Hero, and was based on his G1 cartoon appearance. The eighth release in their main bust series, Devastator was limited to 3500 pieces, with an additional 100 specially signed by the sculptor.

Super Collection Figure

SCF Devastator.jpg
  • Devastor (Super Collection Figure, 2001)
    • Act: 5
    • Accessories: Stand
A three-inch tall PVC figure based on the cartoon rendition of Devastator was part of the fifth "Act" of Takara's Super Collection Figure line. Like the other figures in the wave, Devastator was available in both full-color and metallic silver "pewter" versions, at a ratio of one each per case of twelve blindpacked figures.
Care should be taken when moving the joints of the pewter version, as is not uncommon for the connector pegs to have gotten painted as well, resulting in stuck limbs and tearing joints. Shaving the interior of the socket slightly with a hobby knife is usually sufficient to relieve the issue.
In eight out of every ten cases, the pewter version of the figure came packed with the waist and tail for the wave's collectible BlackZarak "build-a-figure". These parts could be in either full-color or clear-plastic, packed at an equal ratio of 4:4.

Heroes of Cybertron

HOC Devastator.jpg
  • Constructicon Devastator (2003)
Released in the fifth wave of Heroes of Cybertron, this Hasbro-released version of the SCF Devastator figure uses the same sculpt, but is molded in red translucent plastic and painted over to allow for a light-piping gimmick in its eyes.
The figure was sold on an individual blister card rather than blindpacked, and came with a collector card and the left arm for the Metroplex build-a-figure.

Generation 1 Figure-Collection

Mixmaster needs to stop leaking cement.
  • Devastor (2003)
    • ID number: D-4
    • Accessories: Display base
At only one inch in height, this Devastator "bottlecap" figurine (so named because its display base is the size of a bottlecap) was one of fourteen blindpacked figures available in Kabaya's Transformers Generation 1 Figure-Collection. The figure was rendered in a "retro" black and white color scheme, and came with a leaflet, personalized with cartoon screen captures.

KT Figure Collection

He looks so happy!
  • Devastator (KT Figure Collection, 2004)
Devastator features as part of Kaiyodo and Takara's KT Figure Collection, appearing in a small diorama figure that recreates the scene from The Transformers: The Movie of him ripping through the walls of Autobot City, with Hot Rod and Arcee added into the mix. Designed by Yuki Ohshima, the figure was available in an individually-sold blindpacked box, or as part of a complete box set of all five figures from the series and came with a card featuring some artwork of Devastator from Dreamwave's Prime Directive #5.


Brother, won't you spare a dime?
  • Devastator (Statue, 2006)
Standing at over a foot tall, Palisades Toys' statue of Devastator was one of the final products released by the company before it folded. It was limited to only 421 pieces, and in a cute touch, came disassembled in box, requiring the buyer to "combine" the legs and arms with the torso to ready Devastator for display on his large Decepticon insignia base.

Mecha Nations

  • Devastator (2015)
    • ID Number: MN08
    • Accessories: Alternate hands, gun, 6 x magnetic infrared LED modules, display stand.
Created by Kids Logic, this super deformed, non-transforming and non-separating G1 Devastator stands approximately 8" tall and is articulated, featuring a shiny metallic color scheme, articulated hands, LED light up eyes, Decepticon insignia on his chest, and windows in his component vehicle modes. He includes a flip-down visor for if you prefer this look over separate eyes. Pressing the button on Devastator's gun causes all his LEDs to light up simultaneously (achieved via infrared receivers), accompanied by the classic transformation sound.
While he was released as part of the Mecha Nations line of larger sized figures, he is intended to tower over the smaller Kids Nations 3" figures, and can be regarded as the combined form of the contemporaneously released Kids Nations TF04 Constructicons mini-figures set.

Tiny Titans

TinyTitans Devastator.jpg
  • Devastator (Tiny Titans, 2015)
    • Series: 4
    • Number: 5/12
Part of the fourth assortment of Tiny Titans blindpacks, this version of Devastator is a very small, soft-plastic figure of him in robot mode.
He includes a collectible card that renders him in the 2015 Robots in Disguise styling. The card includes a scan-badge for the Robots in Disguise mobile game, which unlocks a random amount of Energon "currency" and a randomized bonus power-up item.
This wave saw fairly minimal release at "big box" retailers, but unlike other waves, was not picked up by drug stores and the like later, making them particularly hard to find.

Transformers Trading Card Game

Devastator, devastate!
The Transformers Trading Card Game's Devastator Deck box set includes folding character cards for all six Constructicons, which can be combined to form Devastator, Towering Warrior, along with a 40 card ready-to-play battle deck, and a unique Tower card.
Devastator, Towering Colossus can be formed by playing the Battle Card Constructicon Enigma (included in the pre-constructed battle deck) while all six Constructicons are in Bot Mode on the battlefield and/or KO area.
Devastator, Towering Colossus' line-art was drawn by Guido Guidi, and is reused from the Transformers Legends mobile game.


  • Devastator (2020)
    • Accessories: Solar energy rifle
Released in the third wave of Super7's line of multi-property 3.75-inch "retro" action figures, ReAction Devastator is a non-converting 3 3/4-inch-scale action figure based on his appearance in the original cartoon, with 5 points of articulation (swivel neck, shoulders, hips) and holes in his feet for use with some variety of stand. As the first combiner to get the ReAction treatment, Devastator is a "giant-sized" 6 inch figure instead of just being slightly larger than normal like some of the others in the line.
As with all releases in the ReAction toyline, Devastator comes packaged on an oversized version of the normal cardback that emulates the nostalgic packaging style of Kenner's Star Wars action figures from the late 1970s to early '80s.

  • Wrecking Crew Devastator (2024)
    • Accessories: Magna Laser
"Wrecking Crew Devastator" is a yellow, orange, and blue redeco of the standard ReAction figure, meant to resemble its Diaclone appearance. This version had window box packaging instead of a card.

Flame Toys

We're detecting unusually high levels of sass, sir
  • Devastator (January, 2020)
    • Number: 11
    • Accessories: Additional Open-palm hands, visor
Released as part of the Furai Model line by Flame Toys, this Devastator is an articulated, non-transforming/combining, roughly-Voyager Class-sized Gunpla-style model kit. He is molded in green, purple, white, and gray plastic, and translucent red for the eyes and visor.
Unlike most of the Furai Model kits, Devastator features no foil stickers for detailing. For beginners, the kit can be panel-lined and touched-up with several panel-lining and paint markers (water/acrylic-based markers are recommended, as alcohol-based markers like Gundam Markers can potentially damage the ABS plastic). If one desires; the kit's pieces, aside from the translucent parts, can be fully coated with spray paints to recreate the finished sample seen in the stock photos.

Imaginarium Art

Buying a used car and putting a Transformers sticker on it would cost less.
  • Devastator (2021)
Already known for producing very large expensive Transformers statues, Imaginarium Art went even further than usual with their Devastator statue. It stands over 41 inches tall, weighs 150 pounds, with an MSRP of $3,000. Only 100 were produced. The set includes two different heads with alternate facial expressions. The gigantic solar energy beam rifle has 4 LEDs in its barrel.
This statue forms the centerpiece for the "Legacy of Cybertron" statue subline, each of which has a base that can be linked up so they are all surrounding, fighting, looking at, or in some way interacting with Devastator.
Early reviewers noted that the piece came intensely disassembled but lacking any instruction manual, with only a promotional photo as a guide, and that it was easily broken during assembly.
Its design seems to have been based off the unlicensed "Green Giant" figure... oops!


  • Devastator (Digital Pop!, 2022)
    • Rarity:
      • Monochrome: Common
      • Static: Common
      • Glowing: Uncommon
      • Chrome: Rare
      • Original: Legendary
NFTs depicting Devastator in the Funko style. The Legendary variant could be redeemed for a chance to get a physical version of the depicted figure. Said variant was limited to 1,550 pieces.

Funko Pop Digital Devastator.jpg
  • Devastator (2022)
    • ID number: 45
Part of the Pop! Digital segment, Devastator is a super deformed vinyl figure based on his original Generation 1 toy. It could only be acquired by redeeming the Legendary NFT above.

Transformers Character Card

Transformers Character Card Devastator and Omega Supreme.jpg
  • Omega Supreme & Devastor Set (August 14, 2023)
    • ID number: 55 & 56
Released as part of the eighth wave of the e-HOBBY exclusive Transformers Character Card series, this pair of holographic trading cards depict super-deformed art of Omega Supreme and "Devastor" (with his components Bonecrusher, Hook, Scavenger, Long Haul, Scrapper and Mixmaster) along with character profiles and tech specs.


  • Scavenger (Vehicle) (Defender Version, 2024)
  • Series: Galaxy Version Defender 01 - Shattered Alliance
  • Bonecrusher (Vehicle) (Defender Version, 2025)
  • Hook (Vehicle) (Defender Version, 2025)
  • Series: Galaxy Version Defender 02 - The Overthrow
  • Mixmaster (Vehicle) (Defender Version, 202?)
  • Scrapper (Vehicle) (Defender Version, 202?)
  • Long Haul (Vehicle) (Defender Version, 202?)
  • Series: Galaxy Version Defender 03
The Constructicon vehicles released for the first three Blokees Galaxy Version Defender line of blind boxes feature peg holes and ball joint sockets underneath, which allows them to serve as components for a Devastator combiner.
Devastator's chestplate piece was first issued in red and white for the "100% Firepower" version of the Defender Version Optimus Prime kit, where it serves as his wing pack.

Or you could pick... WHAT'S IN THE BOX.

This item is currently scheduled for release, but is not yet available at mass retail.

Defender 02 and 03


  1. "French Connection" at the TF Source blog.
  2. "Europe's Strangest Attractions" at the TF Scource blog.
  3. "French TFs: G1 Yellow Constructicons" at Fred's Workshop.
  4. "MB Transformers Collection" at 20th Century Toy Collector.
  5. The Hasbro Transformers Panel at San Diego Comic-Con 2024 with Mario Carreiro, John Warden, Evan Brooks and Nate Purswell, recorded at the "Memo's Collection" YouTube channel.
  6. "The reason they're off center like that is so they don't grind into each other when standing straight up. We wanted to capture the animation proportions and we would have needed to widen the waist to an unnatural level for the legs to slot into the center. It just threw off all the proportions"—Evan Brooks, Instagram, 2024/12/27
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