Elita One (G1)
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The name or term "Elita One" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, see Elita One (disambiguation). |
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- Elita One is an Autobot from the Generation 1 continuity family.
Elita One (also Elita-One or Elita-1) is a devoted Autobot and powerful warrior, fearless in the face of the enemy, but compassionate to those who need her help.
Before she was Elita One, she was the simple manual laborer Ariel, who became a renowned Autobot resistance leader, a female counterpart to Optimus Prime. Elita One leads the Female Autobots in a desperate gamble to keep Cybertron out of the hands of the Decepticons. She is sometimes the wielder of a great special power: the ability to stop time through the creation of a field with a fifty-foot radius around her. Sadly, this ability drains all of her life force and is thus almost assuredly fatal, leaving her to only use it in the most dire of situations.[1]
Her chassis is the color of Energon, which is pretty intimidating!
Generation 1 cartoon continuity
The Transformers cartoon
- Voice actor: Marlene Aragon (English), Samantha Newark (Ariel, English), Kazue Komiya (Japanese), Eiko Yamada (Ariel, Japanese), Yu Hong (Chinese), Anne Kerylen (European French), Denise Metmer (Ariel, European French), Nuria Cepero (Spain-Spanish), Gloria García (Ariel, Spain-Spanish), Maria Helena Pader (Brazilian Portuguese)
Nine million years ago, Cybertron was a peaceful, prospering world, and within this era lived a young dockworker called Ariel. She had a boyfriend named Orion Pax and shared a good friend with him in their colleague Dion. Among the many developments brought forth during their lifetime was the invention of flight, which fascinated Orion and Dion to no end. However, as mere dockworkers, they didn't have much expectation of seeing the results in action themselves anytime soon.
One day, Orion brought a group of five visitors he just met into the energy storage facility they were working at. Ariel was introduced to them, after which Orion was called outside by Dion and she and the visitors followed. It turned out that Dion had spotted "flying robots" travelling overhead, the sight of which prompting him and Orion to voice their wish to meet them. The visitor Silverbolt gave his doubt that an impressive ability necessarily made for a person they would want to know, to which Ariel added she had heard that the flying robots had put together an army and attacked one of Cybertron's outer cities. Dion laughingly dismissed her as gullible, and Orion remarked that even if true, they had Guardian robots to protect them, so it wasn't any of their concern. With that, the three left the Aerialbots and resumed work.
A short time later, Orion again brought a visitor along, this time no one less than one of the flying robots, Megatron. Chaos followed soon after, when Megatron suddenly ordered for his warriors to attack and aimed the first shot at Orion. In the midst of the assault, Ariel ignored Dion's plea to not interfere and tried to stop Megatron from further harming Orion, only to be gunned down herself by the Decepticon.
Fortunately for her, the Aerialbots returned to help them. They picked up the deactivated Orion and brought him to Alpha Trion, who recreated the young robot as the first of Cybertron's new defenders—Optimus Prime. Optimus and the Aerialbots then asked Alpha Trion to try reconstructing Ariel too. Agreeing to send some droids for her, Alpha Trion mused to himself that "Elita One" would be a good name for a female warrior. War Dawn
Elita One combatted her way through the next five million years of warfare, until the launch of an Autobot starship that would go in search for energy for the starving planet. It would be captained by Optimus Prime himself. As Iacon came under Decepticon attack during the launch, Elita tried to board the ship, wishing to be with her partner. While she and Optimus discussed the matter, the bombardment got a good hit near the ship, to all present seemingly destroying Elita One and several other soldiers.
In truth, she dodged death once more. In the next four million years, Elita One held command of a team of six Autobots that continued the fight on Cybertron, utilizing their exaggerated deaths to work under cover of secrecy. Moonracer's carelessness eventually revealed their continued existence, a piece of knowledge Megatron appreciatively used to set up a trap for Optimus Prime. He sent a unit consisting of Starscream, Ramjet, Astrotrain and Rumble to Cybertron to capture Elita One as soon as Shockwave would succeed in locating their base. Though Elita was already taking preparations to relocate after first winning advice from her mentor, Alpha Trion, the Decepticons arrived too soon. Elita subsequently fought three of them, forced into battle by Rumble's actions that endangered her team still within the base and as a bonus to the Decepticons prevented them from coming to their leader's aid.
Elita One was taken captive and used as bait to lure Optimus Prime to Cybertron, where he easily was captured too. Upon seeing him, Elita attempted an escape, but was shot down by Starscream. The enemy Air Commander prepared to execute her on the spot, but Shockwave had "a better idea". Optimus was hung over a vat of acid while Elita would be spared only long enough to see her beloved perish. Desperate, Elita triggered her time-stopping power, which allowed her to save Optimus... but expended nearly all her life force doing so.
Following Elita's directions to bring her to Alpha Trion, Optimus begged the ancient Autobot to save her. Alpha Trion then revealed to Optimus that only he could save Elita by interfacing to her with his power filter. An astonished Optimus Prime stated that only his creator could know that, which Alpha Trion deemed an educated guess.
After Elita One was re-energized, she and Optimus Prime arrived in time to save both a group of Earth-stationed Autobots who had followed Optimus to Cybertron plus Elita's own troops from certain death at the hands of the Decepticons. Elita shot down Shockwave, while Optimus scared off the Earth-stationed Decepticons. The two leaders were thanked with much jubilation by their troops.
Though sharing his regrets that they'd be apart again so soon, Elita elected to continue her duties in the war fought on Cybertron while Optimus and his troops returned to the battle on Earth. With their original secret base discovered and in ruins, Alpha Trion quickly set Elita's team up with a new, better one. Goodbyes were exchanged not much later, the situation not preventing Elita from telling her partner not to stay away TOO long... The Search for Alpha Trion
Japanese cartoon continuity
MC Axis comics
Elita One and her team toppled a colossal Decepticon warrior. Though her team was jubilant at their victory, Elita knew that this one victory was far from enough to win the war, and longed for Optimus to return so they could re-take their homeworld. The Transformers: Elita One
Legends comic
Elita One was among the heroic female Transformers who appeared in one of Tigatron's dreams to protect him from the evil female Transformers, assuring him she'd keep him safe by using her secret power. (Elita, no! It'll kill you!) Bonus Edition Vol. 11
Unite Warriors
When Megaempress tried to use her secret power to seduce Optimus Prime in 2021, the Autobot leader resisted it by shouting the name of his true love, Elita. Megatronia Chapter
Legacy VS500 Collection Special Comic
Elita-1 was one of many spectators for the Speedia 500 race on Velocitron. Velocitron Speedia 500 Part 2 She stuck around for the race's second week, this time serving as a race queen. Velocitron Speedia 500 Part 3
Legends comic
In 2039, Elita One was at the ceremony for the reunification of the Cybertron Alliance. Epiloge
Generations Selects Special Comic
Eleven years later, Elita One and her team of Female Autobots charged into battle with the rest of the Cybertron Alliance in the war for Selector independence. They later combined into Orthia, when Optimus gave the command for his troops to prepare their defenses against the corrosive gas bombs. Volcanicus comic 2
After Orthia's components were separated by Blot's slime gun, Elita One realized that this was due to the Decepticon now being able to produce an oil that contained anti-electrons. Abominus comic 1
Wings Universe
Nine million years ago, Ariel, along with her friends Orion Pax and Dion, worked at storage yard 67. This idyllic period in her life was cut short when she and her friends were murdered by Megatron and his growing Decepticon army. Battle Lines, Part 1 She was present when Optimus's team prepared to go track down Megatron. Battle Lines, Part 2 A week later, she was part of the Autobot forces at Iacon's city walls as the Decepticons broke through with Devastator. Battle Lines, Part 5 The battle was won, but several Autobots died in the process, including Dion.
Five million years later, to gather energy for the sapped Autobots, a crew was formed to pilot the Ark. Elita-One was to be part of the crew, but a Decepticon attack blocked her and others from reaching the ship before it departed. Soon after, as their current reserve of energies was dangerously low, Elita joined her comrades still on the planet in stasis hibernation pods to await the return of energy resources to their planet. Battle Lines, Part 6
Dreamwave Generation One continuity
Elita One was the leader of an elite squad of five warriors under the command of the Quintessons. The team was waiting for intel from their Autobot sleeper agent, Arcee, in preparation for a mission on Cybertron. When Arcee reported on the awaited situation, the rest of the team was called in to prepare for departure. As the Quintessons were gloating about how smooth matters were proceeding, Elita One entered and aggressively threw her lance through the screen then displaying Hot Rod, one of the mission's objectives. The Quintessons found this amusing. The Route of All Evil
Elita One used a space bridge to get to the Autobase on Cybertron, where she was discovered by Hot Rod. Hot Rod attempted to shoot the intruder down, but Elita knocked the guns out of his hands and challenged him to hand-to-hand combat. Hot Rod confidently accepted, but was taken out with ease. Gnaw and Wheelie witnessed this, and Gnaw urged Wheelie to run. Elita contacted her team on Quintessa and the remaining three followed after their leader to Cybertron. Seeing this, Gnaw opened attack, but was taken out by Moonracer and Elita One. Elita One ordered Chromia to take an unconscious Hot Rod with her to Quintessa, whereas Moonracer and Firestar were to join her into the Autobot facility. Soon after, the trio found Optimus Prime's badly damaged body in a repair chamber. Generation 1 #11
Marvel Comics continuity
Elita-1's existence was a surprise to everyone but Grimlock, who quietly added the female Autobot to the crew aboard the Graviton. Everyone had an idea about where she came from, but Grimlock kept her origin a secret. Since the others knew so little about her, Elita felt she had to work harder to gain their respect, and so she took unnecessary risks. In battle, she carried a hyper-concussive missile launcher that converted into an EMP scrambler. She could blend into her surroundings due to her camouflaging skin made of mimetic alloy armor, which could also refract laser fire into blinding bursts of light. She was also a skilled practitioner of Circuit-Su. BotCon 2009 Elita-1 profile card
Elita-One [sic] was one of the Graviton's crewmembers who manned the controls as the team chased Bug Bite's Decepticons to Earth. Reminding the others of Optimus Prime's orders to stay incognito on populated worlds, she and Swoop were sent out to spy on Bug Bite's crew up close while the rest remained on a safe distance. For a moment, her team was slightly worried she had been spotted when it seemed the Decepticons were looking for something, but it turned out to be Mirage who had been found. As the Decepticons left with Mirage as their prisoner, Grimlock ordered Swoop and Elita to track them. Through this, the two stumbled upon Megatron's hideout.
Elita-One fought the sentry, Ravage, to gain passage for the team. She was sent ahead again to the command center to check on the situation and the odds of saving Mirage. Upon her findings, the team burst in, saved Mirage and completely wrecked the place. Games of Deception
Later, Acid Storm, Drag Strip, and Overkill were waiting on a dusty planet when Elita-1 and the rest of Springer's rogue team of Autobots attempted to hunt them down. At Fight's End Elita and the rest of her team managed to survive the destruction of their universe and ended up in Axiom Nexus. Epilogue
2005 IDW continuity
- First appearance: Windblade vol. 2 #3
An erroneous account placed Elita One as a Cybertronian, among those attending Bumper and Fastback's funeral. Megatron Origin #3
In actuality, Elita One was a descendant of Liege Maximo's tribe. This group of Transformers had turned against their evil master following Megatronus's murder of Solus Prime Heavy and sworn an oath to keep their former leader detained aboard his own Titan Vigilem: repurposed into "Carcer", a nomadic living prison. Rubicon Elita One became the captain of this prison ship and the "First One", ruling from a throne made of her people's greatest heroes, all of whom had sacrificed their lives and bodies to maintain their ship. All That Remains The Will of the Few Under Elita's command, the straitened Carcerians valued three core tenets that defined their existence: security, efficiency, and truth. The Will of the Few Another law she upheld was that Carcer would never again transform, for fear of releasing Liege Maximo. Desperate Measures
When Elita's second-in-command Obsidian reported to her that combiners from Cybertron had briefly touched their Titan, Elita One took the news with amusement, All That Remains concluding that Cybertron had devolved into a civilization of conquerors looking to enslave her people. The Will of the Few
When representatives from Cybertron arrived a few weeks later, Elita One posted an armed detachment around her Titan's space bridge, which intercepted Windblade and Starscream as they appeared on her ship. Claiming that her ship was in fact the lost Titan Tempo, Elita led them through her home while explaining her people's straitened lifestyle. Starscream offered Elita an idea of a perfect Cybertron, and tempted her with the ideas of rich resources and land for the Carcer's leader. Like any normal bot, she called Starscream out on his lying by ordering a gun be put to his head to execute him. Windblade salvaged the situation by persuading her that Carcer needed Cybertron; Starscream was a scumbag and that killing him would bring war. Elita One believed Windblade and let Starscream go free, but she gave them a warning about lying on her ship, unaware that Windblade knew that she was lying about the heritage of her vessel. Regardless, Elita One sent representatives to Cybertron to the Council of Worlds signing with Obsidian and Strika as the delegates. The Will of the Few
When Starscream declared Chosen One Day day to be a thing, Elita One's troops celebrated by throwing a parade in her honor. Choose Me
With Carcer now a member of the Council, the Titan's crew began ordering new parts from Cybertron to repair their home. One shipment, however, was delayed by a mnemosurgical attack on a Decepticon supplier. Elita One ordered Obsidian to mention the attack at the next meeting of the Council. 07:00:00
When a horde of undead Titans attacked Cybertron, Elita coordinated the space battle from atop her throne. Starscream contacted her to request that Carcer be transformed to robot mode and brought down to the surface of Cybertron to aid Metroplex. Elita politely but bluntly refused before hanging up. Ping Starscream called back and she refused again, stating that the whole galaxy could be destroyed but that Carcer would never access his robot mode. She later contacted Starscream to ask him if the ships off the port bow were attacking Carcer. They were. As Devastator began attacking the ship, Elita ordered Obsidian to attack, before shooting down his idea to inform the Cybertronians of the Titan's true nature. Desperate Times Elita remained on her throne until Obsidian informed her of Windblade leading a team to the armoury. Enraged, Elita went to confront the group herself, easily defeating, them only to learn that "Windblade" was actually Lightbright under a holographic cloak, much to her anger. Desperate Measures
Unaware of the danger she was unleashing, Windblade established a Cityspeaker link with "Carcer"... only to discover that she had awakened a very angry Vigilem, who immediately began transforming into his robot mode. Ordering her crew to hold off Liege Maximo for as long as possible, Elita made her way to the Titan's brain chamber, where she found that Vigilem had regained full control of his body and wormed his way into Windblade's consciousness. The sight was enough to prompt Elita into action, opening fire on Vigilem's brain module and killing him. Rubicon
Elita received great praise from the people of Cybertron for her releasing of "Carcer" to save Cybertron, and his subsequent "sacrifice". She was soon called to a meeting by Starscream where he demanded to know why she'd kept Maximo a secret. She responded by telling them the tale of Liege Maximo's rise to power and his subsequent fall, ending with the justification that knowledge of him was too dangerous to spread, in the fear that an idiot would try to free him in the hopes of gaining power. She then brushed off the Council's concerns and simply said that all Cybertronians would need to begin preparing for Maximo's return, before she went off to turn Vigilem's corpse into something useful. At some point after these events, Elita replaced Strika as a delegate on the Council. Heavy
When reforging Starscream's spark into a mental copy of his true form, Elita was of the many spectres that Windblade called on to fight Vigilem, as Elita had had a significant impact on Starscream's life. Your First Mistake
Elita was present as a Carcerian delegate when Earth had appointed Marissa Faireborn as their representative to the Council of Worlds. When Baron Ironblood launched an attack on Iacon, Elita was in the Spire with Starscream, where they exchanged accusations of treachery back and forth before Elita decided to kill all humans, starting with Marissa, to restore order to Cybertron. Though Optimus insisted the problem was his fault (something which Elita agreed with), the femme had made up her mind before Marissa gave Elita the scolding of a lifetime, prompting the Carcerian to contact her ship for reinforcements. Much to her rage, the Space Knights of the Solstar Order had arrived in orbit, detecting unusual Dire Wraith energy signatures emanating from Cybertron's surface and broadcasted a message saying Cybertron was under quarantine. Unwilling to challenge the Solstar Order, Elita glumly informed a not entirely convinced Starscream that they were on their own. First Strike #2 After Strika and Ironhide brought members of M.A.S.K. and G.I. Joe before the Council, Elita ordered them executed. First Strike #3 The decision was quickly overruled, prompting Elita to suggest mass deportation instead, which was again overruled before she and Optimus traded words. Though Knock Out supported Elita, Starscream declared his authority over Cybertron, and voiced that if the humans had Soundwave vouching for them, they were likely telling the truth, before declaring all suspicious humans to be locked up. When Scarlett protested, Elita asked what Colton's plan was, only for the human to reveal she did not know, save that it involved getting to the core. When Optimus tried again to make his voice heard, Elita scoffed at him for starting the whole debacle with his annexing Earth. First Strike #4
After Optimus had gone rogue and broken the humans out of jail, Elita brought the information to Starscream, who sent Ironhide after him with orders that there be no casualties. Though Elita agreed on the surface with Starscream's decision and offered herself and Obsidian as additional support, she revealed to her subordinate that she planned to see all humans dead. First Strike #5
The Council taskforce caught up with the terrorists near Cybertron's core, breaking up the fight between Scarlett and Colton. Before she could kill them, Arcee and Shazraella rammed into Elita, allowing Optimus to seize her. At Scarlett's order, Matt Trakker then infected Elita with a techno-virus that placed her systems under Gloria Baker's control, forcing her to attack her allies. Nonetheless Elita's mind was still her own, and she ordered Obsidian to kill all invaders. Elita was then forced into combat against Shazraella, before Storm Shadow stabbed Baker, freeing the Carcerian, who joined Starscream in beating down Optimus. After Garrison Kreiger revealed himself to be an alien wizard known as Merklynn and created New Prysmos within Cybertron, he teleported all combatants back to Iacon, where Elita stood behind Starscream when Colton "confessed" his crimes, before she aimed her weapon at Miles Mayhem to shut him up. She then joined Ironhide in escorting the Iron Ring to their cells. First Strike #6
When discussing the unpalatability of Cybertron's energon in the wake of the crisis, Elita proposed repaying the humans' kindness and invading Earth for its resources before Marissa shut her up. The Dead Come Home, Part 1
After Windblade revealed Liege Maximo's freedom to the people, Elita pushed Starscream for elections, garnering enough signatures to secure herself as a candidate. The night before the debates, Obsidian reported the polls suggested a victory for Elita, before she ordered him to prepare battle plans for Maximo's return, while she prepared her speech. After Windblade's speech however, Starscream confessed to all his crimes, with Windblade emerging victorious in a landslide victory as a result. The Chosen One
The Council later assembled to oversee Optimus delivering a shipment of Ore-13 before Liege Maximo finally returned to Cybertron, as a prisoner of Onyx Prime. Surfeit of Primes When the Council granted Onyx an audience, Elita raged that she'd had her fill of Primes, before the Mistress of Flame silenced her. A mysterious explosion then ripped through the Spire, killing Alpha Trion. Another Mine
After Optimus Prime had been thrown from the Titan Nemesis, fliers began searching for him. When Windblade reported her lack of luck in finding him, Elita proposed abandoning the search and simply attacking Nemesis directly only to be overruled. Endless Forever Once Shockwave had been captured and the Maximals fled, Elita grumbled that she still felt that Nemesis should have been destroyed. Unforgivable
When Unicron began attacking the Council of Worlds, Elita vocally protested granting Starscream an audience. Stranger Eons Soon enough, the Chaos Bringer arrived in Cybertronian orbit. As the Autobot fleet moved to attack, Elita drafted the Torchbearers into her service while having Carcer assume the role of flagship so that they could deploy Victorion into Unicron's innards and have her destroy him. The Decepticon Vengeance Division had been warped into Unicron's service however with Carcer coming under heavy fire from Bludgeon's flagship Worldsweeper. As the ship began to fall apart, Elita ordered the craft rammed into Unicron only for the Chaos Bringer to casually incinerate the Titan with an optic blast, leaving Elita's inert form floating in the void. Our Finest
Considering Carcer destroyed, Unicron turned his attention to the rest of the Cybertronian fleet. However, both Elita and Carcer had in fact survived Unicron's blast, albeit with severe injuries. As the magic of the Talisman began teleporting away the Cybertronian citizenry, Unicron attempted to destroy the remainder of the Cybertronian fleet only for Elita, having made her way back to her ship's ruined bridge and assumed the helm, to defiantly ram Carcer directly into his face, killing herself but providing the fleet with a precious half-second that allowed the magical wave to reach the fleet and teleport them to safety. Road's End When Soundwave sacrificed his life to help defeat Unicron, he glimpsed Elita One's spirit among the many dead welcoming him into the Afterspark. Ceremony
Prime Wars Trilogy marketing material
The Autobot warrior Elita-1 could wield powers of the Primes by linking with Prime Masters. Power of the Primes Elita-1 packaging bio
2019 IDW continuity
- First appearance: Transformers #1
Critical of the Nominus Edict and its stymieing effect on Cybertronian society, Elita-1 joined the Ascenticons, confident that Megatron and his growing movement would affect change in Cybertronian society through peaceful means. The Cracks Beneath Your Feet Part Four Along with prominent Ascenticons Megatron and Soundwave, Elita attended Bumblebee's forging in Iacon during Nominus Prime's era. Wannabee, Part 2
Late into Sentinel Prime's reign, Elita joined a public Ascenticon march on Tarn to attend Megatron's latest speech; The World In Your Eyes Part One after a botched "assassination" attempt, The World In Your Eyes Part Two Megatron used the opportunity to induct Elita, Refraktor, Quake, and Skytread into the newly-formed Ascenticon Guard, a private Ascenticon militia. The World In Your Eyes Part Three As the Ascenticon cause continued to spread across Cybertron, Orion Pax instructed Bumblebee to apply for membership in the Ascenticon Guard to keep an eye on the organization from within; although Bumblebee opened a channel with Elita to discuss membership, she sent Soundwave in her place. The World In Your Eyes Part Five
During this meeting, rogue Ascenticon agent Quake killed Bumblebee's mentee Rubble, then abruptly disappeared; when Elita met Bumblebee for herself, the yellow 'bot expressed an earnest desire to join the Guard in the hopes of avenging the fallen 'bot. Though Elita was sympathetic to his plight and reasoning, she was forced to contend with Refraktor and Skytread's thuggish attitudes, having to separate them from Bumblebee when they provoked the minibot into attacking them. As Elita helped Bumblebee up, he casually wondered where Quake was. The Cracks Beneath Your Feet Part One After inducting Bumblebee, Elita showed him around the armory before revealing that he was due to act as security for Megatron in an upcoming Senate meeting. Though Bumblebee recognized that such a move was a petty political one, something Elita apologized for, he was willing to go through with it. The Cracks Beneath Your Feet Part Two When more recruits tried to join the Guard, Elita had to screen them all. The Cracks Beneath Your Feet Part Three
When the time for the Senate meeting came, Elita and Bumblebee accompanied Megatron, stopping only so Elita could explain the silent marches to her comrades. When they arrived at the Senate building, Elita discussed politics with Bumblebee, reaffirming her belief that the Ascenticons were a peaceful movement above everything else. When Megatron exited the meeting, his presence threw the crowd into a frenzy, Elita being forced to conduct crowd control. As Bumblebee watched a protester convulse from Elita's weapons, he commented that such an act felt wrong, something that Elita could not properly answer to. The Cracks Beneath Your Feet Part Four
After Barricade had been given political asylum at Ascenticon Headquarters, Soundwave ordered the Ascenticon Guard to their posts in preparation for an attack by Security Operations. The attack did come that evening but it had been carried out by the the Rise, who abducted Barricade. When Megatron rebranded the Ascenticons with a new insignia, Elita was part of the group shot. The Cracks Beneath Your Feet Part Five
Elita had to break up another fight between Bumblebee and Skytread after the rebranding ceremonies. Bumblebee was suspicious that Skytread helped stop him from preventing Barricade's abduction, and told Elita to question what Soundwave and the Guard were really up to. She later found him trying to hack into Ascenticon records. Elita chided Bumblebee for thinking he could break into Soundwave's files without him knowing about it. Still, Bumblebee's doubts about Quake, Barricade, and other recent goings-on rang true to Elita. She used her own access to confirm every record of Barricade and Quake in the Ascenticons was deleted after they disappeared. Senator Soundwave found them snooping and Elita-1 covered for Bumblebee. After an uncomfortable pause, Soundwave requisitioned them as an honor guard along with Refraktor and Acid Storm for a mission. The Change In Your Nature Part One
A group of Rise terrorists were in a stand-off with Security Operations after holing up inside an immersant Titan. Soundwave presented himself as a negotiator to reason with the terrorists. He told Elita and Bumblebee to wait outside the Titan while he conversed with the Rise. Bumblebee disobeyed orders, though, and shadowed Soundwave inside. Moments after Soundwave returned, an explosion rocked the Titan as the Risers supposedly detonated explosives in a suicide tactic. The Change In Your Nature Part Two However, Bumblebee informed Elita that what he saw indicated Soundwave was actually responsible for killing the Risers. When Megatron called Elita-1 to his chambers to report on Bumblebee's reliability, she defended him. Unaware that Soundwave (and indeed, the Rise itself) were acting on Megatron's orders, Elita sincerely reported her doubts about Soundwave's recent actions, and that they weren't in the best interest of the Ascenticons. The Change In Your Nature Part Four That would be Elita-1's undoing. Megatron and Soundwave soon expanded the Ascenticon Guard with even more thugs and undeclared Risers. Elita was removed from her duties and confined to quarters, with Skytread replacing her as head of the Guard. All Fall Down
Following Megatron's hostile takeover of the Senate and making Sixshot the new head of the Guard, he scapegoated Elita by claiming that the Decepticons were holding her on suspicion of treachery. Hunt Elita remained in custody for many cycles, until the Decepticons prepared to deliver her to the old Senate, now a prisoner for "dissidents" of the new regime. Bumblebee had started working for Swindle, and learned of Elita's fate from him. In exchange for further debt, Swindle hired Charger and Fire Beast to help Bumblebee break Elita out of custody. They attacked during Elita's transfer and took her guards by surprise. Even shackled, Elita-1 helped defeat Ravage and Barricade and departed with Bumblebee. Swindle's II
When an Autobot commando unit paraded through Swindle's with their escapee, Ultra Magnus, they picked up Bumblebee and Elita-1 for good measure. After a battle with Sixshot's now-Decepticon Guard, they escaped and returned to Crystal City, with Elita joining the Autobots. Darkness, Once Gazed Upon: Part Three A Decepticon siege soon followed, and Elita was among those weathering the artillery when Lodestar, the last Titan, returned. A Dust of Crystals A truce was negotiated, and Elita was part of the Autobot procession making its way to Darkmount in order to leave Cybertron to the Decepticons. Radical Time
War for Cybertron Trilogy continuity
War for Cybertron Trilogy marketing material
During the war for Cybertron, Elita-1 was a Ground Command Infantry Major. War for Cybertron Trilogy toy packaging
Elita-1 was among those destined few chosen by Solus Prime to combine into Orthia. Siege Teletraan-1 Data Files
War for Cybertron Trilogy cartoon
- Voice actor: Linsay Rousseau (English), Kikuko Inoue (Japanese), Antonella Baldini (Italian), Natália Alves (Portuguese), Laura Blanc (French), Flavia Vinzens (German), María Del Mar Jorcano (Castilian Spanish), Jocelyn Robles (Latin-American Spanish), Arannya Kaur (Hindi)
Long ago, Ariel admired Megatron, and looked up to him as a champion. Earthrise episode 2 However, war broke out between the Autobots and Decepticons; upon becoming Elita-1, she ultimately sided with her romantic partner Optimus Prime and became a member of the Autobot resistance.
Centuries of civil war gradually reduced Cybertron to ruins and, eventually, pushed the faltering Autobot resistance to the brink of defeat. From their headquarters in the grounded Ark, Optimus and Elita hatched a plan to leave Cybertron entirely, and began searching for whatever energon they could find to fuel their vessel. When one supply run went wrong, Elita-1 wound up saving Optimus, Wheeljack, and a neutral scrounger named Bumblebee from Megatron and his Seekers, and detonated a bridge to aid in their escape. Elita scolded Optimus for his recklessness; despite her misgivings, Optimus convinced her to let Bumblebee go free. Siege episode 1
When the Decepticons took Ultra Magnus hostage, Elita-1 received an impromptu promotion and took his spot as military commander. The captive Magnus successfully broadcast a transmission from the Decepticon base and informed his allies of the Decepticons' plan to seize and subvert the Allspark; while Optimus was willing to trust his friend, Elita pointed out that the coordinates he'd transmitted could very well lead their forces into a trap. When the Autobot patrol blundered into the trap Elita had suspected, she raced to the battlefield and helped turn the tide before ordering a retreat. As the Autobots attempted to recover from this setback, Elita's worries were compounded when she realized that the Autobot leader had chosen to sink a considerable amount of energon into searching for the Allspark, potentially jeopardizing their ship's ability to stay cloaked. Siege episode 2
To keep the Allspark out of Megatron's hands, Prime hatched a new plan, to find the artifact and take it with them when they left Cybertron. To do so, however, they'd need a working spacebridge, and so Elita-1 joined the other Autobots as they travelled to Ratchet's impromptu clinic and eventually convinced him to aid their cause. Joined by the repentant Decepticon Impactor, the group returned to Autobot headquarters, and despite Elita's suspicions Impactor agreed to willingly deactivate his comms, although this action drew the attention of Jetfire and Skywarp. Siege episode 3 When Ultra Magnus perished in Decepticon captivity, Prime informed Elita that the Alpha Trion Protocols had been activated. As the Autobots prepared for departure, Elita, who'd been placed in charge of readying the ship for launch, worried that Prime's plan to take the Allspark off-world could have unforeseen consequences. Siege episode 4
When Jetfire approached the Ark and announced his intentions to change sides, Elita was part of the group that questioned the captive Decepticon over whether or not his change of heart was genuine. When Wheeljack finally located the Allspark in the Sea of Rust, Elita-1 criticized Prime's decision to trust Jetfire and risk his own life by sending a team to retrieve it, but ultimately relented when Jetfire allowed himself to undergo the core override procedure. While some of the Autobots travelled to the Sea of Rust, Elita was left to organize a way to obtain raw energon from Soundblaster, though she'd grown tired of having to cooperate with Decepticons. Elita-1 tried to contact Optimus when a computer virus created by Shockwave attacked the Autobot network and disabled Autobot outposts across the planet; unable to reach him, she instead ordered Wheeljack to ready the Ark for launch. Before she could do so, however, the virus reached the Ark, took down Teletraan I and shorted out the vessel's cloaking systems. Siege episode 5
As Decepticon forces began to surround the Ark, Elita managed to contact Optimus and realized that Megatron had figured out their plan. Elita-1 and Ironhide repelled the invaders within the ship's hangar while Wheeljack brought the ship's systems back online, until they could successfully launch the Ark and travel to the newly repaired space bridge. However, in the battle, Prime had no choice but to hurl the Allspark through the space bridge; when he and his followers announced their intention to leave Cybertron and retrieve the artifact, Elita and some of her allies--Chromia, Jetfire, and Red Alert—announced that they would stay on Cybertron and continue to fight back against Megatron's tyranny. Siege episode 6
Without the presence of the life-giving Allspark, Cybertron itself began to die. Earthrise episode 1 As the Decepticons began establishing a series of work camps manned by conscripted prisoners, Elita's resistance cell relocated to Ratchet's old theater, Earthrise episode 3, where they conducted a series of hit-and-run attacks wherever they could. After one such raid, which ended with them liberating the Decepticon Scrapface, Jetfire questioned her decision to free prisoners, although Elita remained adamant that they should fight for the freedom of all Cybertronians. The group received a tip from Steeljaw, who'd seemingly infiltrated a Decepticon prison in Kaon; although Elita suspected a trap, she and her team went anyways, only to be outmaneuvered and captured by Starscream's Seekers. Brought before Megatron, the Decepticon leader introduced her to "Project Nemesis", an effort to extract the sparks and energon of unwilling prisoners in the service of some larger scheme. A horrified Elita-1 expressed her surprise that Megatron would commit such atrocities, but Megatron deflected all fault by blaming it on Prime. Earthrise episode 1
Later, Megatron met with Elita-1 and tried to convince her to help lead the project; despite Megatron's intentions, however, Elita had no inclination to join with the Decepticon leader, citing their irreconcilable ideologies. Having learned nothing about why Megatron had begun harvesting his own men for resources, Megatron had Elita and her allies placed in the extraction tubes, to be fatally harvested... moments before Scrapface returned the favor he owed them by shutting down the power and helping them escape Megatron's citadel. The Decepticon guard Skytread, who'd developed a distaste for Megatron's ruthless actions, helped cover their escape. Earthrise episode 2 The Autobot-Decepticon alliance returned to Elita's base of operations, dodging Seeker patrols as they went and shooting down the fliers they couldn't avoid; when they returned to the theater, however, Scrapface received a Decepticon-wide transmission from Shockwave, who'd ordered all personnel to gather in Kaon Arena. Suspecting a trap, Elita announced that they would destroy the arena. Earthrise episode 3
The group arrived in the seemingly abandoned arena and began setting demolition charges; in doing so, however, Elita stumbled across a transmission from Doubledealer, revealing that the Mercenaries had stumbled across the Ark in deep space. When she realized that Shockwave had been spying on her using newly-developed cloaking technology, she bluffed him into attacking prematurely by lying that she'd prepped the Guardians for a full-scale assault. In the ensuing battle, Shockwave, who'd boosted his strength by sapping the energon of his comrades, successfully overpowered the Autobot leader and strapped her to a table, ready to take her spark as well. When Shockwave left the room, Elita attempted to free herself; however, at that moment, the massed explosives finally detonated, destroying the entire arena and killing everyone inside. Earthrise episode 6
After catching up with Optimus's ship over Nebulon Station, Megatron casually admitted that Elita had probably died after refusing to join forces with him. Earthrise episode 4 While traversing the Dead Universe with Sky Lynx, Optimus had a vision of Elita dying; Earthrise episode 5 later, while he and the Maximals searched for the Allspark on prehistoric Earth, the artifact interacted with Optimus by taking Elita's form. Kingdom episode 4
Upon returning to Cybertron many years later, Optimus discovered Elita's dead body in a snowdrift. Briefly overwhelmed by grief, Bumblebee reminded Optimus that the only way they could honor her sacrifice was by returning the Allspark to its rightful place within the Temple of the Allspark. When Bumblebee placed the Allspark atop its plinth, its activation summoned the spirits of many Cybertronians who had perished in the war, including Elita-1. Elita materialized in time to rescue Optimus, striking down both Nemesis Prime and Galvatron and banishing them back to the void from whence they'd come. As Cybertron returned to life and the various spirits departed, Elita took a moment to assure Prime that he'd made the best choice, and that she would always love him. Kingdom episode 6
My Little Pony/Transformers
Elita-1 was one of the Autobots fighting against King Sombra's mind-controlled army to stop them from digging out Scorponok. Finale
Transformers Go! Go!
A tough and level-headed warrior, Elita-1 joined Optimus Prime and the other Autobots in their search for energon on a Planet of Games, although she was unimpressed by Wheeljack and Jazz's eccentricities and reminded them that they needed to have a plan. They were interrupted by Megatron and Starscream, who wanted to steal the energon for themselves. Great Adventure on the Planet of Games!
On Christmas, Elita-1 and several other Autobots filled in for Santa Claus and delivered presents to children all over the world. The Big Operation to Help Santa! Later, Elita-1 helped teach Optimus Prime and Bumblebee how to get in shape by working out and eating vegetables, and the three newly-christened "Muscle Autobots" successfully intimidated Starscream into fleeing. Muscle Revolution! Ya! For another Christmas, Elita-1 assisted in preparation by making the dough for cookies. After the Decepticons tried to crash the party, Elita-1 and the other Autobots joined their enemies in an enjoyable Christmas feast. Go! Go! #32
Energon Universe
Elita One led Kup, Huffer, and Warpath on a rescue mission to a Decepticon fortress when they were caught in an ambush. By the time Elita made it into the fortress, she was the only one of the team alive. Making her way through, she was horrified to find the target of the operation reduced to a still-living metal skeleton. Transformers #7 Despite Magnus being much bigger than her, Elita carried his skeletal remains, frantically searching for a way out. Magnus, having been tortured for the past one hundred and fifty years, begged Elita to kill him, which Elita vowed to do (along with herself) only if the Decepticons captured them. Transformers #8 Eventually though, they found themselves cornered by the Combaticons. Elita managed to gun down Vortex before seeing a strange corridor that led to Primus-knew-where, not realizing it was a Space bridge. Taking a chance, Elita carried Magnus through the corridor...
…only to literally bump into Shockwave, preventing him from terminating a prostrate Optimus Prime as they battled on the distant planet Earth. Elita was confused by her new surroundings, but before she could do anything more, the Combaticons tried following her through the Space bridge and prepared to form Bruticus. Thinking quickly, Elita grabbed Optimus's ion blaster and shot out the space bridge terminal, bisecting an in-transit Brawl and cutting Onslaught off from the rest of his team. Even with Elita added to their numbers, the wounded Earthbound Autobots were at a major disadvantage, and Elita advised Optimus to call for a retreat. Prime was reluctant to abandon Jazz and Cliffjumper, but Elita dragged him away, saying there was no helping them, and a reluctant Optimus carried her and Magnus away. Transformers #9 Returning to the Ark, Elita reunited with Arcee and Wheeljack and eventually had a proper catch-up with Optimus, telling him of how bad the war on Cybertron had gotten and how the Autobots could have used his help. Transformers #10 As Ultra Magnus' repairs began, Elita watched as Arcee apologized to him for abandoning him and how her intentions for leaving Cybertron were good. Elita stated that it didn't matter; Arcee had made a choice to abandon the cause and the Autobots. This earned her a swift slug to the face from Arcee.
Elita eventually began to formulate a plan with Optimus and Wheeljack to storm the Nemesis to rescue Cliffjumper and Jazz. However, she was much more focused on procuring Shockwave's harvested Energon to fuel the Autobots' efforts on Cybertron, as Shockwave's own lack of Energon was what had prevented him from fully conquering the planet. She eventually lost her patience with Optimus, chastising him for prioritizing his men and Earth over all the Autobots who had struggled on the brink of extinction on Cybertron. Though Optimus mourned the recently-offlined Ratchet, Elita stated he was merely another added to the pile of dead Autobots.
Wheeljack eventually devised a plan to tap into the teleportation powers of the Skywarp-repaired Teletraan-1, allowing them to avoid a bull run on the Nemesis. Optimus, Arcee, and Elita were transported directly into the brig of the ship, with Elita running to place charges while Optimus and Arcee cornered Shockwave. However, the cyclopean commander managed to escape with Cliffjumper still hostage, ordering the Constructicons to merge into Devastator. The titanic warrior swatted at the Autobots and all seemed lost until Wheeljack and the newly repaired Ultra Magnus arrived. However, Magnus froze up, unable to bring himself to fight Shockwave and fled the battle. Transformers #11
As the fight went on, Cliffjumper was kicked through the open space bridge to Cybertron by Devastator. Optimus ordered the remaining Autobots to bombard the combiner, with Elita managing to trip him, causing him to fall into Shockwave's energy feeder, destroying it. Optimus chased a retreating Shockwave through the space bridge and violently crushed his head with his bare hands. Elita complimated the Autobot leader for finally returning to his old self and welcomed him back to the war, shooting the space bridge and trapping them on the planet. As Cybertron began to return to its proper place in the galaxy, Elita told a devastated Optimus that they needed him and that Shockwave's newly accuired Energon would be instrumental to the Autobot cause. However, Optimus refused to fuel Cybertron with the blood of another planet and aimed his fusion cannon at the stockpile and, despite Elita's pleas, destroyed it, blowing off a huge chunk of the planet and falling with it back to Earth. Elita was left to lament about how he had chosen Earth over their home. Transformers #12
Before retreating to the Autobot hideout, Cliffjumper led Elita and Bluestreak to where his clan had been slaughtered, retrieving a spark canister that held traces of Cliffjumper's late friends that could potentially be used to generate a new Autobot. After returning to the base, Cliffjumper quickly announced he was going to the Well of Sparks to try and create said new Autobot, being supported by Bluestreak and Warpath, though he also made clear his intent to return to Earth as soon as he could. Transformers #16
Spoiler warning: Plot details for Transformers (2023) issue 17 follow. |
As Bluestreak led a diversionary attack, Cliffjumper and Elita made their way to the Well of Sparks, using the spark canister and the remains of Carly's van to birth Shredhead. Transformers #17
The Transformers (PS2)
During the mission on Zel Samine in 2003, Optimus Prime was reminded of Elita One by Arcee's exasperation over Wheeljack and Kup's behaviour. He lamented he hadn't seen her in a long time and wondered what she was doing.
Also, apparently Optimus likes to be scolded by Elita. The Transformers
Transformers Legends
Long ago, Ariel was an archivist in the Iacon Archives working alongside Orion Pax. They and their dock worker friend Dion encountered a group of time-traveling Aerialbots, following which the Archives fell under attack by Decepticons. Gravely wounded, Pax and Ariel were taken to Alpha Trion by the Aerialbots, and the old bot rebuilt them into Optimus Prime and Elita One respectively. Golden Age
Elita 1 and her team attacked Decepticon bases but were thwarted by Decepticon hunting parties led by Slipstream and Flamewar. Fatal Furies
Following the return of the Aerialbots from a trip to Cybertron, they told Optimus and Elita One about how they'd encountered Orion Pax and Ariel. Golden Age
In response to Flamewar's squad's retaliatory attacks on a number of Autobot bases, Elita dispatched Moonracer and Chromia to deal with the female Decepticons. Fatal Furies: Flamewar's Revenge
Angry Birds Transformers
Elita One appears as a character unlockable in Challenge Events. She is portrayed by Silver. Angry Birds Transformers
Transformers: Earth Wars
After Ratchet had a therapy talk with Seaspray, he told Nurse Elita One to prepare the screens. Seaspray Research
- Class: Special
- Lowest Star Rating: 2 star
- Ability: Death from Above: Fly to your target and strike the ground, dealing damage to nearby enemies and disabling them
Elita-1 at Transformers: Earth Wars Wiki
Transformers Roleplaying Game
Elita-1 was the leader of the Cybertronian resistance and shared a long history with Optimus Prime, dating back to the years before the war. A courageous, good-natured warrior with the ability to stop time, the Autobots viewed her as a powerful force to be reckoned with. Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook
- Elita-1 (BotCon attendee figure, 2009)
- Accessories: Missile launcher, 2 missiles , Earth Cyber Planet Key
- A redeco of Cybertron Deluxe Class Thunderblast, Timelines Elita-1 transforms into a speedboat of undetermined model via shellforming. She has a small, rotating (non-firing) machine gun and a large missile rack on a rotating and elevating base in this mode. Inserting a Cyber Planet Key into the back of the missile rack opens it up to reveal a spring-loaded missile launcher, which uses the torpedoes mounted under her hydrofoils as ammunition. The rack becomes a hand-held weapon for her robot mode. In an undocumented feature, her machine gun can be removed from the front of the boat and pegged into the holes where the missile rack goes in robot mode, giving her a smaller choice of weapon. She comes with a pink-bordered Cybertron-style key. Limited to 2000 sets, Elita-1 came bagged with Razorclaw. In contrast to the previous few years' worth of attendee sets, Elita and Razorclaw did not sell out at BotCon, and were available on the Transformers Collectors' Club online store for several months after the convention.
- This mold was also used to make Chromia White Version (itself later repurposed as the separate character Chromia). It also served as the model for the non-toy Beast Wars: Uprising incarnation of Scylla.
Power of the Primes
- Elita-1 (Voyager Class, 2018)
- TakaraTomy ID number: PP-26
- TakaraTomy release date: August 25, 2018
- Accessories: Two blasters, 2 Prime Armor/combiner feet, Autobot Enigma
- Known designers: John Warden (Hasbro), Emiliano Santalucia and Ken Christiansen (concept art)
- Part of the second wave of Power of the Primes Voyager Class toys, Elita-1 is a heavy retool of Starscream, transforming into a Cybertronian jet. She can also form the torso of Elita-Infin1te using any selection of Combiner Wars-style Deluxe Class figures as limbs, or Orthia with four of her Female Autobots.
- Elita-1 includes Prime Armor that can hold a Prime Master (and by extension, a Titan Master, Enigma, or Matrix core) or turn into feet for her combined mode. Like all the other Voyager Class figures, Elita-1 includes an Enigma of Combination (dubbed the "Autobot Enigma"), based on a Prime Master, which can attach to her via the previously mentioned Prime Armor or the combined mode chest, which can also facilitate the other previously mentioned objects. Stock photos show the Prime Armor being in unpainted peach-colored plastic, but the final toy has it painted in black.
- Her stickers include the phrase "Ariel Evolved", a reference to her past history, and the number "700-58", which was the Marvel Productions internal code for her origin episode "War Dawn". Other stickers spell her name as "Elita One" (see below). These stickers are infamous for being misaligned during factory application, often leaving tags trailing off the plastic surface.
- Some units had her feet swapped in robot mode. While they can be switched by unscrewing, the panels that hold the spring-loaded combiner ports can be dismantled along with it, so care must be taken during disassembly.
War for Cybertron Trilogy
- Autobot Elita-1 (Deluxe Class, 2020)
- TakaraTomy ID number: WFC-10
- TakaraTomy release date: January 20, 2021
- Accessories: Blaster, hoverboard/vehicle rear
- War for Cybertron Trilogy Elita-1 is a retool of Earthrise Arcee, transforming into a Cybertronian car, sporting a new head, torso, shoulders, and car front. Like Arcee, she is a true shellformer, as the entire humanoid body folds up underneath a vehicle mode shell, which becomes a backpack for her robot mode. Part of the backpack (the rear half of her car shell) can detach to act like a hoverboard that robot-mode Elita-1 can ride, by pegging her feet onto the 3 mm posts on the board designed to accommodate the War for Cybertron Fire Blast effect parts. Elita-1 has notably few such posts for her size, and has a similarly small number of 5 mm C.O.M.B.A.T. System ports, with none on her backpack in either configuration.
- In vehicle mode, Elita-1's blaster can be attached to either of her front fenders or stored out of sight beneath her hood. In robot mode, it can be stored on a port on her rear, or plug into the fender ports on her back once the hoverboard is removed. Though the figure has standard 5 mm fist holes, the blaster's handle is molded in the same flattened shape compatible with the hands of the Thrilling 30 Arcee mold. Much like Arcee, fans have taken it upon themselves to knock out the pin holding the backpack joint together in order to have a complete vehicle mode separate from the robot mode.
- The figure's final deco greatly differs from the CG render initially shown. Rather than the render's red, pink, cream and white deco, which visually resembles her depiction in the G1 cartoon, the released figure uses an orange-red and salmon deco, with her face, biceps, waist, hands and shins colored khaki-tan with her thighs being prominently white. To add further confusion, the renders showcased on the back of her packaging showcase the figure's actual colors, but uses the deco pattern featured on the original CG render. TakaraTomy's stock photos also feature Arcee/Lifeline's shoulders instead of the new ones. Additionally, unlike most of her line-related compatriots, Elita-1 lacks any battle damage.
- Strangely, a number of Elita-1s have been reported to be shipped without the wheels for their vehicle mode. Some figures also have their shoulders swapped due to misassembly, with the flathead of the pin facing forwards rather than backwards. Due to Elita's torso being glued together in addition to secured with two screws (one of which is covered by the pinned backpack assembly), this error is almost impossible to fix without breaking the figure in the process. Elita also features no white plastic, meaning her thighs are completely coated in white paint, which leads to overly-tight swivel joints which can crack over time.
- Attaching the blaster from Red Cog that allows her to combine with the weaponizer may scrape the paint off her torso, and the additional paint on the peg makes this connection uncomfortably tight.
- This contained a portion of a cardstock background of Teletraan I. Elita-1's part has tabs A and I, and slot B.
- Like most of the War for Cybertron Trilogy toyline, promoting the Netflix-original series of the same name, Elita-1 is exclusive to Walmart in Canada and the US. Elita's wave promotes the Earthrise season of the cartoon.
- Elita-1 (Deluxe Class, 2022)
- TakaraTomy ID number: TL-12
- TakaraTomy release date: November 26, 2022
- Accessories: 2 Energon blasters, lightbar
- Known designers: Mark Maher (Hasbro), Ittoku Kuwazu (TakaraTomy)
- Part of the second wave of Legacy Deluxe Class toys, Elita-1 is a cartoon-accurate version of the character (albeit with some elements taken from her War for Cybertron Trilogy cartoon appearance, such as her arms), transforming from a Cybertronian buggy into a robot. Her instructions suggest leaving her backpack kibble extended as shoulder pauldrons—planned into the mold for Elita-1's retool as Minerva—but were designed with the option to be left bundled together to hide behind her torso. Elita-1's feet are attached by friction hinges rather than pins, which unfortunately means that her ankles can be very loose and may not stay in place in her car mode.
- Elita-1 comes with a piece of kibble resembling the top of her own helmet, which can plug into the top of her vehicle form as a cartoon-accurate detail or be stowed elsewhere. For weapons, she has two Energon blasters: one incorporating elements from her cartoon pistol into a generic rifle drawn during Legacy preproduction,[2] and another based on Minerva's rifle.
- The cover of her instructions erroneously omits the front of her waistpiece. Unlike most Generations figures produced since 2014, she does not have a flight stand port.
- Elita-1 was retooled into Minerva and further retooled to make Strongarm. Redecos of her guns were also included with Legacy Medix and the Generations Selects "Autobots Stand United" set ("her" rifle assigned to Wheeljack, the Minerva-style one assigned to Sunstreaker).
- War Dawn 2-Pack (Deluxe Class, 2023)
- Accessories: Front tire/weapon, Energon blaster, ponytail
- Known designers: Evan Brooks (Hasbro), Koki Yamada (TakaraTomy),[3] Mark Maher and Hisashi Yuki (original tooling), John Warden (initial concept), Marcelo Matere and Emiliano Santalucia (concept artists)
- Released as part of the "War Dawn 2-Pack" in the Legacy toyline, "Cybertronian Erial" is a retool of Prime Universe Arcee, based on Ariel, Elita-1's previous identity in the episode "War Dawn". While the name change is a pretty transparent case of trademark issues, Hasbro marketer Ben MacCrae offered the tongue-in-cheek explanation that the new spelling aligns "Erial" more closely with Elita One a la Orion Pax and Optimus Prime.[3]
- Erial comes in a 2-Pack with Dion. The figure includes a removable ponytail (presumably to hedge bets on transformation clearances with the new head sculpt) as well as an all-new energon blaster, which designer Evan Brooks intimated was based on a blaster Elita One wielded in a later episode of the cartoon and could be passed on to a grown-up Elita for improved cartoon accuracy.[3]
- This figure was also used to make Velocitron Speedia 500 Collection Road Rocket, Toxitron Collection Laser Cycle and Shattered Glass Collection Decepticon Flamewar.
Legacy mold: Prime Universe Arcee | ||
Version 1:
Version 2:
- Elita-1 (Bravo Class, 2025)
- Part of the 8th wave of Authentics Bravo Class figures, Elita-1 is a Scout-sized figure that transforms into a Cybertronian car. Unlike most Authentics figures, her fists are completely closed and cannot accommodate any weapons or accessories.
MC Axis Kit
- Elita One (1996)
- This Japanese "garage kit", an unpainted resin model, was made by MC Axis, and was also the first official product made of Elita One. The packaging gave her Tech Spec numbers as well as an official spelling of her name. (The spelling/pronunciation was a point of contention in the early online fandom. See Notes below.) It also included among the paperwork a single-page comic strip starring Elita One and the rest of her squad. It is not known for its exceptional quality control—numerous unsightly air bubbles in the plastic are not an uncommon thing to encounter.
- The resin parts need to be washed first to prevent the paint from smearing off.
Diamond Select Transformers
- Elita-One (2009)
- Released by Diamond Select Toys in 2009, Elita-One was sculpted by Mark Wong of Art Asylum and limited to 600 pieces. It was exclusive to BigBadToyStore. The sculpt is based upon her cartoon appearance, though some creative liberties have been taken, such as the fact she carries a large rifle that is similar in design to Optimus Prime's instead of the small pistol she was most commonly seen with. The schematic of her altmode on the back of the base of the bust is the first time the vehicle has been seen in full, though it is equally not an accurate depiction of the cartoon version. The bust gives Elita-One a second tech spec, with numbers that drastically differ from the first set of numbers. Her attributes are as follows: Strength 8.5 Intelligence 9.0 Speed 8.0 Endurance 7.0 Rank 9.5 Courage 8.0 Firepower 9.0 Skill 9.0
EX Gōkin
- Elita One (TBA)
- Accessories: Gun, alternate head, display stand
- A non-transforming Elita One action figure produced by Art Storm as part of their EX Gōkin Transformers Series line. It was first revealed at the Japanese 2014 Transformers Expo alongside Arcee but has not been shown again since Wonder Festival 2015, leaving its release uncertain.
Transformers Trading Card Game
- Captain Elita-1, Special Ops-Ranger (2019)
- Wave 3: War for Cybertron: Siege I
- Rarity: RT
- Card Number: T02/T48
- Stars: 12
- Captain Elita-1, Special Ops-Ranger is one of forty-eight double-sided character cards available in Wave 3 of the Transformers Trading Card Game, War for Cybertron: Siege I.
- The card features line-art drawn by Dan Khanna with Bot Mode colors by Gunship Rev and Alt Mode colors by Kyxarie Peralta.
- Transformers Gen-1 Chess Set (
- In the planned Transformers Chess Set by Eaglemoss, a relatively large and very well detailed statue of Elita One was slated to be the Queen piece on the Autobot side.
- A Kickstarter campaign to raise the necessary funds for this project was launched, but failed to meet its goal by September 24, 2021 and the whole thing was canceled.
Transformers: Kindergarten Series
- Elita One (2023)
- A childlike nontransformable figurine of Elita One was available as part of Transformers: Kindergarten Series, a crowdfunded blindpackaged toyline available exclusively in China. Elita One's figure was one of the commonly-occurring characters, and depicted her holding up an Optimus Prime made of cake on a plate. The figurine included a translucent plastic stand and a small character card.
- Elita One's name is one of the most troubled in all of Transformers history. As it is intended, her name mirrors her male counterpart's in both spelling and root meaning as "Best First". Furthermore, "Elita" is derived from "elite", which comes from the Latin electa, meaning "chosen". So her name also translates as Chosen One. It seems simple enough, but after her debut in 1985, the actual spelling and thus meaning of Elita One's name was the subject of much fandom debate for several years. The MC Axis kit was the first product to reveal an official spelling for the name, which was later confirmed by the episode scripts[4] and the production bible.[5] Despite this, younger canon continues to feature the name in alternative forms, most commonly as either "Elita-One" or "Elita-1", names by which her "namesakes" from other franchises are known. In addition, more contrived varieties such as "Eleta-1"[6] and "Aleta-1"[7] have also occasionally shown up.
- Writer David Wise did not intend for Ariel to be rebuilt as Elita One when writing "War Dawn".[8] In fact, he did not even know who Elita One was at that time! Ariel was originally supposed to die as a way of adding weight to the episode, her eventual survival being the result of other writers noticing the similarity between her and Elita One.[9]
- Elita One's alternate mode is never depicted in its entirety during the original cartoon. As shown above, only the front end is seen, with the rest hidden by Optimus Prime's truck mode. Her bust by Diamond Select Toys does display the entire vehicle, but it is an appearance the artist created himself. Many, many fan art hypotheticals of her vehicle mode float around on the Internet, often passed around as the real deal. The model shown here is the pre-final model, which uses the same overall shape as the final model, but several details were tweaked to match that of the final robot mode model that appeared in "The Search for Alpha Trion". Neither the final robot mode or vehicle mode models used in the episode have surfaced.
- In "Five Faces of Darkness, Part 4", the dancers shown in the post-Quintesson peace era share Elita's model.
- In the The War Within #4, Elita One's silhouette is depicted on Optimus Prime's mudflap in vehicle mode, similar to the "Trucker Lady" silhouette decal seen on modern vehicles. Optimus Prime also has a bobble-head of her inside his cab. The War Within takes place long before he'd meet her in the Dreamwave continuity, so these images are Easter eggs.
- Elita One's character artwork in Transformers Legends caused some controversy due to its overly sexualized "boobs and butt" pose. A game update changed the art to cover up some of the more outrageous aspects.
- Elita One never transformed in the 2005 IDW comics, but artist Sara Pitre-Durocher tweeted a sketch of the car mode she envisioned for Elita.[10]
Foreign names
- Japanese: Elita One (エリータ・ワン Erīta Wan), Ariel (エリアル Eriaru), Elita-1 (エリータ-1 Erīta Wan)
- Italian: Elita Uno
- Mandarin: Elita (艾莉塔 Aìlìtǎ), Jīngyīng Yīhào (Taiwan Generation 2 cartoon, 精英一號, "Elite One")
- Portuguese: Elita Um (Brazil cartoon)
- Russian: Elita (Элита)
- Ukrainian: Elita Persha (Еліта Перша, "Elita The First")
- ↑ Elita One's Diamond Select profile
- ↑ "Then you will actually see the concept art Emiliano Santalucia drew up even before we had the rollout of characters planned for the year. I think this will provide great insight for all yall as alot of the planning for weapon combinations was to obviously utilize our 5mm peg across all scales but this was all sold in before character selects were figured out. As I worked with Takara on some of the characters I ended up redesigning a lot of the weapons in order to maintain the design aesthetic of their own iconic weaponry. I wanted to concentrate heavily on the character and let that guidance provide an opportunity for the style and color of the Energon weaponry."—Mark Maher, Instagram, 2022/06/21
- ↑ 3.0 3.1 3.2 April 4, 2023's Hasbro Pulse Transformers Fanstream on YouTube, with Ben MacCrae, Evan Brooks, Mark Maher, Sam Smith and Shogo Hasui.
- ↑ Secrets of the Original Scripts, Part Five
- ↑ The original G1 cartoon bible, page 85.
- ↑ Transformers: The Not-So-Ultimate Guide
- ↑ The episode description booklet of Shout! Factory's The Transformers — Season Two, Volume Two: 25th Anniversary Edition
- ↑ Interview with David Wise
- ↑ Moonbase2 interview with David Wise
- ↑ "I have a vaaague memory of drawing her in alt mode in TAAO but I couldn't tell you which issue, haha, but I did draw it in a design sheet :D https://t.co/ONV9xgo64l"—Sara Pitre-Durocher, Twitter, 2021/02/04
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