From Transformers Wiki
This article is about fictional films. For real-life Transformers films, see Movies. |
A film (more commonly known as a movie) is a series of pictures that appear to be moving but are not. Both humans and Transformers enjoy making and watching films.
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Generation 1 continuity family
The Transformers cartoon
The Transformers: The Movie was given a headline marquee billing at a New York City movie theater when Tracks was there. Make Tracks
Hoist was out taking a drive with Spike and Carly when they witnessed a couple of cars crashing. Little did they know that it was a movie stunt, and Hoist's daring rescue landed him a role in the film. Unfortunately, a number of the other Autobots decided this was a great idea and joined in too. Hoist was mortified by his fellow Autobots and the fact that the director kept referring to him as "Moist", but took part in filming anyway. Before long, the director decided to rethink the script and instead make Attack of the Alien Robots. Hoist and his friends found themselves wearing silly masks and being blown up. As it turned out, the Decepticons were searching Major Pictures studio for a reel of film, and Hoist helped Spike and Carly fake its destruction, prompting the Decepticons to leave. Hoist subsequently swore off the movie business. Hoist Goes Hollywood
Marvel Comics continuity
Marvel The Transformers comics
Buster Witwicky, "O", and Jesse went to a screening of the film A Kiss for Us at the Community Drive-In. At the same time, the Autobots, new to Earth, were seeking out the planet's dominant lifeform and found a mass of cars stationed before the screen showing the film. The Autobots were bemused at the situation, speculating that it was a religious ritual for the Earthly machines involving "moving pictures of strange objects". Curious, they went into the drive-in to meet the machines, ignoring the confused cashier.
Buster and Jesse were making out during the movie in the front seat, annoying "O", who was unable to see the movie through their heads. At this moment, Bumblebee hit the back of Buster's car in an attempt to communicate with the vehicle. After Buster questioned the nonexistent driver of the yellow beetle, the Decepticons attacked the cars, seeking out the Autobots. The Autobots were outraged at the Decepticons' attack on the defenseless vehicles, who were apparently so entranced by the "ritual" that they could not defend themselves. Once the humans watching the film ran out of the cars and fled the battle, the Autobots finally concluded that "non-machine life" was dominant on Earth. The Transformers
After adopting Skids as her car, Charlene showed him the movie High Noon on video, causing him to have a dream where he faced off against Megatron in a Western setting. Later, it inspired him to stand up to Ravage, defeating him by dropping him down a mine shaft. Showdown!
Skullgrin was sent to Earth alone by Scorponok to construct a fuel depot in secret for his Decepticon comrades, but after Bigfoot-style sightings of him appeared in the gutter press, the Pretender caught the attention of film director Rollie Friendly, who offered him a role in Monster from Mars. Skullgrin agreed as long as he could be paid in fuel and the public and press went wild over him, making him a real movie star. However, the embittered Circuit Breaker suspected that he was really a robot and when he revealed his true form to his co-star Carissa Carr, Circuit Breaker attacked and destroyed both the film and his movie career. Monstercon from Mars!
The Big Broadcast of 2006
The film Crambo featured the titular character facing off against purple aliens, who looked pretty harmless and terrified, to be honest. The film was captured from Earth transmissions by the Quintessons, and used as a cover for hypnotic signals which enthralled the Junkions. The Big Broadcast of 2006
Grimlock put Jazz's plan to permanently defeat the Decepticons on hold while he lived the life of a movie star thanks to his role in Transformers: The Movie. Robo-Capers issue 91
The reporter Irwin Spoon compared Superion's cerebro-shell induced rampage upper New York State to a Japanese monster movie, like King Kong or Godzilla. Inside Story!
Fleetway Generation 2 comic
A film called Jurassic Park was showing at a cinema in London when Bludgeon's army of Decepticons attacked the city. War Without End
Dreamwave Generation One continuity
Unit Bravo, sent to San Desto to investigate on the disappearance of the town's nine thousand citizens, came across the Aztec Theatres, playing the films Enter the Nightbird and Demon Swamp and secretly a front for an Insecticon hideout. Taking a look inside, the unit found Enter the Nightbird running, showing Nightbird kicking off a robot's head and distracting one of the unit by virtue of it being one of his favorite movies. As he sat down with a bowl of popcorn to watch his heroine in action, his colleague played a prank on him with the shadows of a Tako Tank toy's tentacles. Bombshell chose that moment to cerebro-shell the angered soldier, and when his partner came to investigate the sudden silence, did the same to him, though not before a warning could be sent out. Infestation
2005 IDW continuity
The oldest known film on Cybertron is the historical drama The Birth of Cybertron, a presumably inaccurate tale depicting the rise of the Thirteen Primes and their unification of Cybertron; in the present day, this film is regarded as "racist" Starscream: The Movie and generally dismissed as "Nominist propaganda." Dance among the Shadows Other pre-war films include Proteus's Promise. Who's Afraid of the DJD?
The end of the Great War saw Rewind organize a movie night aboard the Lost Light with himself as the projector, with Tailgate, Pipes, Swerve and First Aid attending a showing of Proteus's Promise. Who's Afraid of the DJD? Rewind went on to make a film about life on board the ship titled Little Victories, which Skids showed to some members of the Circle of Light on Luna 1 in an entirely unsuccessful attempt to recruit them. Little Victories
On board the alternate Lost Light, Rewind was similarly making a travelogue but after the death of Rodimus, Ultra Magnus took command and shut the film down. More gruesomely, the Decepticon Justice Division made Rewind film them slaughtering his crewmates so that they would have a souvenir of the massacre. The Road Not Taken
Following the "Combiner Wars" that precipitated the formation of the Council of Worlds, Optimus Prime commissioned a series of documentaries to help teach the inhabitants of Cybertron's colonies about the history of the war. One such documentary was produced by Rewind, detailing the death of Sentinel Prime. When the documentary alleged that the nascent Decepticons had desecrated Sentinel's corpse by taking his head, Megatron complained that it was biased. The Last Autobot
Other popular films on Earth, meanwhile, include J.J. Hackensack's Space Battle film series, which starred Karen Fishook, Starscream: The Movie while Richard "Bulletman" Ruby worked as a stuntman. Bulletman profile As entertainments officer aboard the Lost Light, Bluestreak brought along a collection of Earth films to show in Swerve's, including Aguirre, the Wrath of God, The Muppets Take Manhattan, À bout de soufflé, Predestination: A Beginner's Guide Back to the Future Part II, Predestination: An Expert's Guide and Zulu, his personal favourite. Predestination: A Beginner's Guide
After the conclusion of the Surge, the ex-Decepticon Thundercracker developed an infatuation with human culture; in his case, this manifested as a desire to write scripts and screenplays of his own in the hopes of directing his own film.Hello Cruel World Following a brief existential crisis, Thundercracker decided to shelve his current screenplay in favor of a road trip, Thundercracker & Buster Save the World where he learned about the exploits of the late G.I. Joe operative Chuckles. The story proved so inspirational that the Seeker decided to write a biopic about the heroic agent's adventures. Behind My Bleeding Back
Starscream eventually commissioned Thundercracker to write a biopic about himself to win the adulation of Cybertron. Though the movie ultimately wound up a fiasco, culminating in a hastily rewritten ending to fit the real Starscream's subsequent impeachment and arrest, it won the attention of J.J. Hackensack, who invited Thundercracker to produce a new picture with his studio. A different Cybertronian film released on Earth, Frenzy and Rumble's Dark Invasion, went up against the latest Space Battle installment and quickly became a box office flop. Starscream: The Movie Some time later, Thundercracker had turned his Chuckles screenplay into a full motion picture, though his editing of the film was cut short by Unicron's attack on Earth. A Sunrise Dark Still, it saw release after Unicron's defeat and was even nominated for an award for "Best Original Screenplay." Post
Live-action Transformers movie continuity
Transformers film
Sam Witwicky mentioned a movie called 40-Year-Old Virgin.
The café kid, in assessing the explosive impact of Ratchet, called it easily a hundred times cooler than the film Armageddon.
Later, a cinema could be seen in Mission City, showing films named A Place in the Sun and The Rose Tattoo. Transformers
Revenge of the Fallen film
Leo Spitz and Seymour Simmons discussed the film Gunfight at the O.K. Corral. Revenge of the Fallen
Age of Extinction film
Cade Yeager and Lucas Flannery were in a movie theater and for some reason found a football. Age of Extinction
Ask Vector Prime
When asked whether "Dion" was rebuilt into another body, Vector Prime was confused and asked which "Dion" the questioner was referring to. When he brought up Celine Dion as a possible answer, Vector Prime mentioned his love for the film Titanic. Transformers Animated: The AllSpark Almanac II
Aligned continuity family
Prime cartoon
After Bulkhead refused to go on a mission to rescue Breakdown, he suggested to Miko Nakadai that they watch the Creature film instead. Agent Fowler also participated, but fell asleep during Dinolizard vs. Five-Headed Ape. Miko couldn't enjoy herself because she thought Bulkhead should go on the mission, since Breakdown was his rival. Bulkhead agreed to go, leaving the remainder of the film unwatched. Operation: Breakdown
Titan Prime comic
When Bumblebee and Raf returned to base following the former's injury during battle, Raf suggested cartoons as a remedy. The pair sat down to watch Mummies Have Feelings II, which happened to be playing on television. The Evil Shred
Rescue Bots cartoon
Cody's attempt to endear the Rescue Bots to humanity with a screening of The Natives of Tatooie did not go over well. Certain electronic interlopers thought that the movie's dialogue was a signal of an alien invasion. The Alien Invasion of Griffin Rock Later, Blades saw all fourteen films and the DVD extras of the Haunted Halls film series. They did not endear him towards ghosts, so when Griffin Rock had an outbreak of spectral forms, he was even less keen than the other Rescue Bots to meet one. The Haunting of Griffin Rock The Rescue Bots later fought Humungado and Rayvenous, movie characters who were inadvertently extracted from their films by projector technology created by Doc Greene. The Attack of Humungado
Cyberverse cartoon
Bumblebee and Windblade hid behind a billboard advertising a film called Return of Sharknator. Teletraan-X