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Grindor (Armada)

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The name or term "Grindor" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, see Grindor (disambiguation).
Grindor is a Mini-Con from the Unicron Trilogy continuity family.
Skate Or Die III: Board's Revenge

Grindor is a very creative Mini-Con, which is probably what led him to choose his skateboard alternate mode. He lets his friends like Carlos Lopez, and Kicker Jones use his skateboard mode to pull off wicked tricks, which he usually enjoys. His true goal, though, is to help the people that he cares about to harness their creative energies, and to make their ideals come true. Some don't take Grindor seriously, but there's just something about him that makes people listen regardless. He definitely isn't the strongest Mini-Con, but his sense of creativity and idealism is something that not many possess.

Although he isn't the most powerful individually, he can combine with his fellow Street Action Mini-Con Team members to form the powerful Perceptor.

If you're not trying something new, you aren't trying.

—Grindor's bio quote.



Cartoon continuity

Armada cartoon

Voice actor: Terry Klassen (English, "Uprising"), Brian Dobson (English, "Union"), Masataka Nakai (Japanese), Jyrki Kovaleff (Finnish), Johan Wilhelmsson (Swedish)
Hey, look at me; I’m a grinder! No… I’m GRINDOR!

Grindor was among the earliest Mini-Cons created from Unicron's cells. He was present in the distant past when the time-traveling Earth children made contact with High Wire, and awakened the Mini-Cons' capacity for independent thought. Drift

Millions of years later, Grindor, along with Sureshock, was discovered inside the crashed Mini-Con ship on Earth by High Wire and his human friends. He was activated when Carlos Lopez made contact with his storage panel, apparently creating a link between the two. Despite this, he was initially rather unresponsive to Carlos, but they soon formed a friendship after Grindor scanned Carlos's skateboard as his new alt mode. The kids and Street Action Team were having a wild time playing together when Megatron and the Decepticons appeared to capture them. Luckily, Optimus Prime and the Autobots stepped in to protect the smaller robots. Metamorphosis

Metamorphosis megatron and kids.jpg

At school, Carlos pretended Grindor was an old school thrash board from the 80s when Billy and Fred questioned them about their new vehicles. Back at the Autobot base inside the Mini-Con ship, Grindor and the other Mini-Cons agreed to help the Autobots find the Mini-Cons and keep them out of Decepticon slavery and control. Base

On their first Mini-Con hunt, Grindor and the Street Action Team worked with Optimus Prime in Big Canyon, surveying the area for any signs of storage panels. When the Decepticons arrived to intervene, the Street Action Team displayed their ability to combine for the first time, forming Perceptor. The agile Mini-Con gestalt miraculously overwhelmed both Megatron and Starscream until Optimus Prime could powerlinx with his new partner, Sparkplug, and unleash a Maximum Blast. Comrade

Grindor and the Street Action Team joined the kids in teaching Hot Shot how to play the game of "Tag" inside the Autobot base. Hot Shot was worn out trying to chase them down until he thought to use Jolt to "tag" the kids for him. Grindor and the other Mini-Cons later accompanied the Autobots to Antarctica to search for a new Mini-Con. They used Prime's trailer as a mobile headquarters from which they coordinated the search. Soldier Later, Grindor helped Rad and the kids bring supplies up to the Autobot base. He and the other Mini-Cons then joined the Autobots on a mission to the forest, where a firefight with the Decepticons led to a forest fire. Working with Red Alert, the Mini-Cons converted Optimus Prime's trailer into a fire engine, pumping water from a nearby lake to put out the fires. Jungle


One day, High Wire and Grindor went out to a carnival with Rad and Carlos. Hijinx ensued. Carnival Out on a desert mission, Grindor was trying to get the drop on Demolishor when he and the rest of the kids and Street Action Team were caught in a sandtrap. They fell into a deep series of catacombs, built by denizens of the Sahara long ago after they discovered a Mini-Con storage panel in the sand. Grindor and the others were nearly killed by the various traps and guards protecting the panel underground, and the Mini-Con team had to form Perceptor to protect the kids from harm. Palace

When Billy and Fred were kidnapped by Cyclonus, Grindor and his friends attempted to rescue them, only to be captured themselves by Megatron. They were saved once Fred used Laserbeak to zap Megatron and distract him long enough for the Autobots to save the day. Confrontation As the search for more Mini-Cons continued, Grindor and the Street Action Team participated in a mission deep underground in a city's subway tunnels. Underground They also confronted Megatron in a sunken underwater city, but the Decepticons succeeded in capturing the dormant Mini-Cons on both occasions. Ruin

As Rad began to learn more about the Mini-Cons, he started to question whether they should be forced to fight in a war not of their making. Almost as if in answer to his concerns, Grindor and the other Mini-Cons took up arms in the next conflict, showing valor and courage on the battlefield that made it clear they were fighting for what they believed in, just like the Autobots and the kids. Prehistory

Grindor and the Street Action Team were present for the Autobots' first encounter with Sideways. Gale Sometime later, Grindor and High Wire went camping with Red Alert, Smokescreen and the boys. Vacation When Blurr rescued Incinerator from the Decepticons' clutches, Grindor and the Street Action Team were the first Mini-Cons to welcome him to the Autobot base. Reinforcement Later, Grindor's team and Jolt helped create a miniature obstacle course from Hot Shot and Blurr to train on. Decisive Battle

Soon after, Grindor and the Street Action Team received a transmission from the Land Military Team on the moon. It seemed that some of the Decepticon-allied Mini-Cons wanted peace, and were seeking an opportunity to come over to the Autobots. With the help of Rad and Fred, they convinced Optimus Prime to give the "enemy" Mini-Cons a chance, and soon the Autobots had a number of new allies. Vow

When a computer virus manifestation of Sideways infiltrated the Autobot mainframe, High Wire, Grindor and Sureshock helped the kids fight back against the infection. Sideways still had a few tricks up his sleeve, however, and he converted the minds of the Street Action Team and the kids into computerized avatars, sucking them into his digital world. In this unreal landscape, they passed by representations of Cybertron and other figures, before being chased by a shadowy planetoid back into the real world along a path Red Alert made for them. Chase

After the Autobots rescued Prowl's Mini-Con panel, Grindor and the Street Action Team were the first to welcome him to the Autobot headquarters. Tactician On monitor duty, the Street Action Team ID'ed Thrust flying in circles over the Autobot base, and reported it to Vice-Commander Jetfire while Optimus was in repairs. The kids had to translate for Jetfire, though, and he'd never bothered to learn his Mini-Con bleeps from his bloops. Linkup

Grindor and Sureshock joined the kids in the cheering section as Jetfire beat Smokescreen in arm-wrestling three out of three times. Detection When a Mini-Con signal went off linking the three Space Mini-Con Team panels, Grindor and the others reacted when the signal pointed to a panel hidden right inside their own base. They joined the kids in searching out the panel in the damaged sections of the ship. The search party came across Sky Blast's panel, activating the Mini-Con. To everyone's surprise, however, Sky Blast appeared openly hostile. Awakening It soon became apparent, though, that Sky Blast was merely frightened. He cowered behind Rad when Grindor and the others formed Perceptor to protect the kids. They eventually coaxed him back out into the main part of the base, and convinced the new Mini-Con to assist the Autobots. Desperate

Grindor was present when Starscream first switched sides to join the Autobots. Regeneration During the subsequent raid on the Decepticon base, Grindor and the Street Action Team accompanied the Autobots as Perceptor, and focused on freeing the Mini-Cons while the Autobots engaged the enemy. Perceptor briefly split into his three components when avoiding an attack by Tidal Wave. Rescue

After Starscream and Jetfire rescued Firebot from Mars, Grindor was among the Mini-Cons who welcomed the new arrival to the Autobots. Mars

As the Decepticons threatened the safety of Earth with their Hydra Cannon, Grindor and the Street Action Team watched helplessly with the kids as the Autobots tried to counter the threat. Crisis


Grindor and the Mini-Cons all chose to willingly follow the Autobots into space aboard the Axalon, fighting alongside them against the Decepticons. When Hot Shot attempted to leave the kids behind, however, the Street Action Team formed Perceptor and organized a mutiny of the Mini-Con troops. They passively took over the bridge and made it clear by speaking in English for the first time that the humans were coming along...or else. Depart

The Axalon made its way into space, and soon joined by other Mini-Cons empowered by the Linkage. Grindor and the Street Action Team telepathically explained to the kids that the Mini-Cons were all coming together to fight the great enemy...Unicron. As they encountered the Decepticon ship, Grindor helped organized the Mini-Cons on board to man the armaments and fight back against Megatron's troops. Miracle

Once they arrived in orbit around Cybertron, Grindor immediately sensed Unicron's presence. The Mini-Cons all quickly gathered together in space, forming a shield against a deadly black hole Sideways had formed as a "surprise" for the Autobots. As the power of the black hole grew stronger, the Mini-Cons unified in a green ball of energy, neutralizing the threat with a rain of light. Grindor and the Mini-Cons implored Galvatron and the others to stop fighting, but only succeeded in getting a temporary cessation of hostilities. Uprising Grindor, alongside many other Mini-Cons helped defend the Axalon from Decepticon fire in an attempt for the ship to land on Cybertron's surface. Dash

After Thrust stole the Skyboom Shield and Requiem Blaster for Unicron, High Wire recognized the place where Hot Shot was searching for the traitor. The kids and the Street Action Team made their way underground to join the search party. They got caught in a stand-off between Thrust and Starscream, and the kids were somehow warped through time. When the timeline reset itself, the Street Action Team had a few extra moments to form Perceptor and distract Thrust, saving Starscream. Drift This led to a fight with Thrust and Sideways inside the core of Unicron, who stood revealed as Cybertron's moon. Portent Later, Grindor and the others watched on helplessly as Unicron grew more powerful, and Starscream sacrificed himself to bring an alliance between the Autobots and Decepticons. Cramp As the truce was forged between the two factions, Grindor and the Street Action Team attended as representatives of the Mini-Cons. They formed Perceptor and joined hands with Optimus Prime and Galvatron to commemorate the occasion. Alliance

Street Action Team.jpg

With the united Transformer armada bringing the fight to Unicron, the war council reached the conclusion that Unicron needed the three super-weapons to power himself. Their best course of action therefore was to penetrate Unicron's defenses and awaken the nine individual Mini-Cons that composed the weapons, separating their will from Unicron. Although Prime and Galvatron infiltrated Unicron to achieve that purpose, High Wire, Grindor and Sureshock determined they would need to be present in order to push the Mini-Cons back to consciousness. The Street Action Team and the kids made their way into Unicron using the hidden warp tunnel below Cybertron's surface. Union

In Unicron's heart, Grindor and the others found Optimus and Galvatron facing off against Sideways. Shockingly, Unicron was able to reassert control over the Mini-Cons, placing them back under his personal domination. Their enslavement was only temporary, however, as the kids were able to reach out to Grindor and the others, awakening them so that they could awaken the Mini-Cons of the Star Saber, Skyboom Shield and Requiem Blaster in turn, causing Unicron to grind to a halt. Origin As Optimus Prime and Galvatron remained inside Unicron to settle the final score between them, Grindor and the assorted kids and Mini-Cons escaped aboard Jetfire. After the final destruction of Unicron and Galvatron, the Street Action Team accompanied Hot Shot and Jetfire back to Earth, where they said their final goodbyes to the children. Mortal Combat

Energon cartoon

Forget what we said in the movie. Hoverboards will be a common thing in 2020, not 2005!

Grindor and his team were among the very few Mini-Cons still around on Earth and Cybertron ten years after the Unicron Battles. They primarily stayed at Ocean City and were close to Kicker Jones. Kicker was seen riding Grindor's hoverboard mode, eager to jump into battle, but he quickly left Grindor behind when the chance to ride in a real spaceship like Jetfire presented itself. Energon Stars

Grindor made an extremely rare appearance in his individual robot mode when other Mini-Cons visited Ocean City from Mars. He then allowed Kicker to ride atop of him during a mission to Plains City, and helped the boy and Ironhide check the facility for any civilian stragglers. Megatron's Sword

Grindor-The New Cybertron City2.jpg

Grindor accompanied Kicker on a search for new energon sources in the frozen north. An icey wind storm kicked up while doing a sweep, and the two fell into a ravine. They were unable to boost out of it on their own, which became increasingly worrisome when the Terrorcons arrived to snatch the energon. Eventually, Strongarm managed to lower a pipe to lift both of them to safety. The New Cybertron City Grindor continued to serve as Kicker's personal hoverboard as the Autobots defended various mining installations from Terrorcon attacks. Megatron Resurrected

After Ironhide went missing on a search for Alpha Q, Grindor deployed to assist Kicker in tracking him down. Battle Stations He showed up again inside Unicron after the Autobots and Alpha Q joined forces, and helped Kicker fly past several Insecticons on his way to talk with their new ally. Each One Fights...

Cybertron comic

Following the Powerlinx battles, the Street Action Team came to be regarded as celebrities among the Mini-Con community. Seeking respite from all of the fame that they had cultivated after the Transformers' conflicts on Earth, Grindor, High Wire, and Sureshock answered Anti-Blaze's call to fight back against insurgents attacking his colony. As Perceptor, the trio hunted down the last few rebels that remained after the breaking of the Sky Terror Team, and the disappearance of Soundwave and Unicron. Street Action Team's profile in Club magazine #12

Cybertron cartoon

As Alexis, Carlos, and Rad were waving at the Autobots' launch site when they left on their mission to build a galaxy-wide space bridge network, they thought of their old Street Action Mini-Con Team friends. Beginning

Grindor does not appear in the Galaxy Force version of the show.

Dreamwave Armada continuity

Dreamwave Armada comic

Alongside High Wire, Sureshock and Sparkplug, Grindor lay dormant near present-day Lincoln for a million years after the crash of the Mini-Con escape vessel. One day, Rad White stumbled upon their wrecked piece of the ship and reactivated them along with all other Mini-Cons on Earth. After repairing themselves, Grindor and the others quickly befriended Rad and his buddies, Carlos and Alexis, and even built them a hovercraft. Armada #3 Unfortunately, not even a day passed before the Decepticons tracked the Mini-Cons to Earth, and they had to explain to their human friends that they were involved in a war. The Street Action Team scanned new alternate modes and escaped to a canyon, where they ran into a team of Autobots. Armada #4 Grindor and his friends were briefly captured by Demolishor, but eventually the Mini-Cons and Autobots joined forces and chased the Decepticons off. Armada #5

Later, the Street Action Team was present when Sparkplug tried to convince Optimus Prime to let him infiltrate the Decepticon base. Armada #6 After rescuing Rad from a bully, Grindor and the others were driving around with their friends when the Mini-Con Ark's beacon struck. The Street Action Team stopped responding and started driving mindlessly towards the Ark with their passengers still on them. After all the Mini-Cons on Earth were gathered around the Ark, they entered it, and it took off into space. Armada #8 Grindor and the other Mini-Cons were taken to the Moon, where another group of Mini-Cons led by Dualor had constructed a fortress where they could live in peace forever. This saddened Grindor, High Wire and Sureshock, who would rather live on Earth with their human friends. Armada #9 Fortunately for them, the moonbase had to be evacuated following a Decepticon attack. Armada #11

After returning to Earth, Grindor listened to one of Rook's pro-Mini-Con independence speeches. Fire & Ice He wasn't seen again until the Autobots learned that Unicron was targeting Cybertron, at which point all Mini-Cons gathered in order to fight him. After saying their goodbyes to Rad, Carlos and Alexis, the Street Action Team returned to their home planet and joined the other Mini-Cons in pouring their energies into the Mini-Con Matrix. This allowed Over-Run to fire a massive energy blast at Unicron, crippling him. The End

Energon comic

Ten years later, Grindor, High Wire and Sureshock learned that the Terrorcons were attacking Earth cities. Worried about their old human friends, they volunteered to travel to Earth and fight this new threat in the form of Perceptor. Multiplicity, Pt. 2 They were assigned to Jetfire's team in Los Angeles, which they defended against a huge swarm of Insecticons. Multiplicity, Pt. 3 Overwhelmed by the number of Terrorcons, Perceptor and the rest of the team quickly began to run low on energy, but they were saved when Rad showed up in the E.V.A. and sprayed them with Energon gas. Multiplicity, Pt. 4

Panini Armada comic

Back when Cybertron was peaceful, Grindor enjoyed entertaining his friends with extraordinary feats, such as lifting heavy metal boxes. Just a Memory!

After escaping from Cybertron, Grindor and several other Mini-Cons crashed on Earth, where they woke up four million years later. First Encounter! While they initially refused to get involved with the Autobot-Decepticon war again, the Mini-Cons changed their minds after witnessing Rad White's displaying great amounts of courage in order to save Optimus Prime. Grindor raced into battle and fired on Megatron to little effect, but the distraction allowed Optimus Prime to summon Autobot reinforcements. Friends and Foes! After spending some time as Carlos's racing vehicle, Grindor and his friends on the Street Action Team were sent to recover a locator log from the wrecked Mini-Con ship. When they found it, they were suddenly attacked by Demolishor, who trapped Grindor under some debris. He offered his blaster to Rad, urging him to destroy the locator log before the Decepticon got it, but Rad thought of a plan to take out both the log and Demolishor. Deep Trouble!

The Street Action Team subsequently began watching their human friends from the shadows in order to learn how to fit in on Earth. As he witnessed Carlos trying to impress his friends with skating tricks, Grindor helped out by using his rocket-powered skateboard mode to let Carlos loop, grind and even fly. Unfortunately, Carlos was not pleased with his "help", as he now had to explain those crazy moves to his friends. Just a Memory! Some time later, the Autobots tried to send Grindor and the other the Mini-Cons back to Cybertron to keep them safe. The plans fell through as Megatron destroyed their means to reach their homeworld. No Way Back! The Street Action Team went back to playing around with their human friends, but were suddenly targeted for capture by Starscream. While the humans went to get help, Grindor combined with his teammates into Perceptor and did battle with the Decepticon. They were nearly defeated by their enemy, who was wielding Star Saber, but Optimus Prime arrived to save the day. The Two-Edged Blade

When the Decepticons planned to wipe the Autobots out with missiles fired from the Moon, the Mini-Cons offered to surrender themselves in order to buy their friends some time. The Decepticons happily accepted, and Grindor and the others were stuffed aboard a solar barge. Earthshaker! As Cyclonus pulled the barge towards the Moon, the Mini-Cons promptly broke out, beat him up, and returned to Earth. Lost in Space!

Reader's Digest Armada novels

After fleeing the Cybertronian civil war, Grindor found himself slumbering on Earth for eons. He was awakened by Carlos and his friends within a cave, where the children and the Mini-Cons quickly became friends. However, a mechanism within the remains of the Mini-Cons' ship teleported both Autobot and Decepticon combattants on-planet, bringing the Transformers' war to Earth. Grindor, High Wire and Sureshock teamed up with Optimus to thwart Megatron's attempts at capturing the Mini-Cons. Megatron was driven away when Grindor combined with his friends into Perceptor, and raised an impenetrable shield, making any further attempts to capture them on Megatron's part futile. Having reformatted himself into a high-tech skateboard, Grindor then gave Carlos a ride home back into town, having decided to stay with his new human friend rather than stay behind with Optimus and his Autobots. The Battle Begins

Carlos took to riding Grindor around all the time, since he was way cooler than his old skateboard. After school, the kids and their Mini-Cons readied themselves to visit the Autobots when Fred and Billy intercepted them, and questioned their schoolmates as to where they had gotten their new vehicles. Rad was able to quickly cobble together a story that his dad had gotten the next year's models through his "connections." Coming upon the mountainside concealing the Mini-Cons' ship, they found the cave leading within sealed shut by a stone door. Thanks to the wireless connection the Mini-Cons maintained with their vessel, they were able to nonetheless grant themselves access to the Autobots' base. However, they found the base deserted. Using one of the computers, Sureshock tracked Optimus's energy signature to a nearby highway. The group found him with Hot Shot and Red Alert, and the two young Autobots scrutinized the Mini-Cons, having only heard of them in old war stories. After brief introductions, the group heard explosions going off nearby; the Decepticons were attacking the Autobots' base! The children and their Mini-Cons hid in the nearby brush while the Autobots dealt with their enemies. During the battle, a stray shot from Megatron caused an rock slide to tumble down towards the kids and their Mini-Cons. Thankfully, Hot Shot left the battlefront to rescue them, and zipped them away to a safer location, with the Mini-Cons fastening themselves to Hot Shot's vehicle mode. En route, more Mini-Con panels were discovered, and Hot Shot linked up with his new partner, "Jolt," before heading back into the fray. Sureshock and the others stayed behind, finding a new hiding spot to view the battle safely. The Decepticons were eventually driven back, though they unfortunately managed to snatch away a couple of dormant Mini-Cons for themselves before warping off-planet. Race for the Mini-Con Robots

Transformers Legends anthology

The three Mini-Cons were unable to grasp the explanation which Alexis, Carlos and Rad gave them about Halloween, so the three kids invited them along Trick-or-Treating with them. Grindor was confused when Rad said something about soaping the windows on a house if they didn't give out candy. Something Robotic This Way Comes

Bendon Armada books

Grindor was with the kids when they talked Optimus into letting them explore some nearby caves for Mini-Con crystals... and seemingly didn't actually go along with them. Cave Catastrophe

Grindor did, however, participate in a mini-con race the kids had that also involved Sureshock and High Wire. Unsurprisingly, Megatron used the situation as an excuse to attack them. Race to Disaster

Legends World

Grindor appeared as an example of a Mini-Con during an explanation on what the little robots were. After the Mini-Con-stealing Megatron was chased off, Grindor cheered alongside High Wire and Sureshock. Legends Comic: Bonus Edition Vol. EX (Armada Megatron)



  • Street Action Mini-Con Team (Mini-Con 3-pack, 2002)
Released in the first wave of Armada toys, Grindor transforms into a rocket-powered skateboard. He can also combine with his teammates to form the upper body and arms of Perceptor.
As a Mini-Con, he has a "Powerlinx" socket on the underside of his vehicle mode that allows him to attach to larger toys with compatible Powerlinx plugs, activating special gimmicks on the larger toys when attached to a "live" plug. He also has a Powerlinx-style peg on the top of his board mode, which is used in the Perceptor combination, making him a rare instance of a Mini-Con that can Powerlinx with another Mini-Con.
He was only available in a Mini-Con three-pack with his teammates High Wire and Sureshock.

LOTM Bank.jpg
  • CD Limited Edition Street Action Micron (CD pack-in, 2003)
These redecos of the Street Action Microns have been tweaked to make the three more cartoon-accurate; in Bank's case, he is colored a much lighter shade of blue, and has more detailed paint operations on his face (though his visor/eyes are definitely not show-colored).
This set was only available with the CD single of the first Legends of the Microns theme song, "Transformer: Dream Again" by Psychic Lover.
The Team's official name has bounced a bit: the name listed above is what it's called on the packaging. Magazine solicitations called it the "Super Anime Color Edition Street Action Micron", while the "Micron Museum" portion of Takara's website called it the "Street Action Micron Anime Color (CD version)".

  • Bank (Change Micron, 2003)
  • Change Micron ID number: 2
  • Release date: April ??, 2003
Part of the first Kabaya candy toy Change Micron assortment, each of the Street Action Microns were sold in individual boxes, packed with a small bag of sugar-pellet candy.
The most immediately-noticeable change to "Bank" is that he lacks the yellow paint on the front of his board. But these toys are also actually a completely new mold-set, with various tiny detail differences from the Hasbro/Takara releases.

  • Magna Convoy DX Set (Multi-pack, 2003)
The Exdimensions redecos of the Street Action Microns were part of the "Magna Convoy DX" set, which also included "Convoy Final Battle Coloration" (Powerlinx Optimus Prime) and "Ultra Magnus Special Clear Version". This set was only available at Japanese Toys"R"Us stores. Bank was given a mainly dark teal, black, and red color scheme.
This toy also doubles as the separate character Bank.


  • Perceptor (Energon Class, 2004)
  • Takara name: Cliffjumper
  • Takara ID number: SC-09
  • Takara release date: February 26, 2004
  • Known designers: Takio Ejima (Takara)
Released in the second wave of Energon "Energon Class" toys, Grindor transforms from a Cybertronic hovercraft into a stubby, funny looking robot. He can still combine with his pack-in partners High Wire and Sureshock to form Perceptor, except this time he forms the legs.
Takara's "Runway" uses a much darker red paint instead of Hasbro's orange.
This mold was also used to make Filter and Screw.

Universe (2003)

Toy Grindor Universe 2003.jpg
  • Sunstorm with Inferno and Street Action Mini-Con Team (Multi-pack, 2004)
An evil redeco of the original Armada Street Action Mini-Con Team was included in a Walmart-exclusive Universe multi-pack. In this set, Grindor was changed to a dark, desaturated green. The team was packed in with Sunstorm and Inferno.
Oddly, all photos on the card show the set in their respective molds' original Armada color schemes, seemingly due to an incredibly rushed production.
This toy was repurposed as the Shattered Glass incarnation of Grindor.

  • Perceptor (Basic Class, 2005)
The Energon Street Action Mini-Con Team got repackaged in the 2003 Universe toyline, with no changes to the contents within.
This set was largely sold at drug stores and "discount" chains like Big Lots!, part of the first wave/year of "Basic Class" repacks sold though these outlets.


Caters to a more specific crowd than Tindor.
  • Scrap Iron VS. Grindor (Mini-Con 2-pack, 2006)
Released in the fourth and final wave of Cybertron Mini-Con 2-packs, Cybertron Grindor is a redeco of Energon Grindor in a primarily-teal paint job. He can, of course, still combine with Cybertron High Wire and Sureshock to form Perceptor.
This time, however, he came packaged with the Decepticon-allied Scrap Iron. This wave did not ship widely or for very long, making the two teams in this wave particularly hard to find.


  • A CGI-rendered Grindor was one of several Mini-Cons who could be seen emerging from storage panels at the beginning of Armada toy commercials.
  • In the English dub of Armada, script errors often caused Grindor and Sureshock to be referred to by the other's name.
  • In Japan, "Bank" is the only member of the Street Action Microns not named after a Generation 1 character.

Foreign names

  • Japanese: Bank (バンク Banku), Runway (Super Link, ランウェイ Ranwei)
  • Hungarian: Daráló ("Grinder")
  • Korean: Bank (뱅크 Baengkeu)
  • Russian: Zhernov (Жернов)
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