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Requiem Blaster (Armada)

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"Requiem Blaster" redirects here. For the weapon wielded by the Thirteen, see Requiem Blaster (Megatronus).
Not to be confused with Dirgegun.

The Requiem Blaster is quite simply the most powerful energy weapon in the known galaxy. It is the combined form of the Space Mini-Con Team, comprising Astroscope, Payload, and Sky Blast. It utilizes Astroscope's transdimensional research to draw on the power of a super nova's energy, a quasar's sonic output, or a black hole's gravity. This makes it EXTREMELY powerful. Only the Skyboom Shield is able to diffuse an attack from the blaster.



Armada cartoon

The existence of the Requiem Blaster was first hinted at by Sideways to Alexis and Red Alert. Awakening When it was first created, a blast from it almost destroyed Megatron. Later it allowed Optimus Prime to slow his fall and boil away the ocean below him without harming the ground underneath it while the recoil slowed him down. Desperate

While in possession of the Requiem Blaster the Autobots argued on how it should be used. Blurr, Hot Shot, and Jetfire wanted to use it to storm the Decepticon base. Runaway Megatron infiltrated the Autobot base and stole it from Smokescreen. It blasted a hole clear through Smokescreen and the wall behind him. With his prize in hand, Megatron retreated. Sacrifice

During the raid on the Decepticon base to save the Mini-Cons, Smokescreen (rebuilt as Hoist) blocked a shot from the Requiem Blaster with the Skyboom Shield. He probably wished he had it earlier. Rescue

While attempting to get a Mini-Con on Mars, Megatron blasted some mountains with the blaster. After coming within close proximity of the Skyboom Shield and Star Saber, it started to glow with light before the energy created by all three exploded. Mars

With all three Mini-Con weapons in hand, Thrust combined them into an ultimate weapon, the Hydra Cannon. Threaten

En route to Cybertron, Megatron fired the Requiem Blaster at Scavenger and Demolishor. The wake caused by the blast severely damaged Scavenger. Another shot at Side Swipe knocked him into an asteroid. It was then used to take aim at a newly revived Optimus Prime, but was never fired. Miracle

During the attack by Nemesis Prime, Megatron shot the attacker and blew it to pieces. Nemesis later revived and knocked the Requiem Blaster from Megatron's grasp. After Megatron transformed into Galvatron, he fired once again on Nemesis Prime before turning the weapon's destructive power upon the Axalon. Puppet

Uprising galvatron weapons.jpg

Galvatron led the attack on Cybertron initially with just the Star Saber and Skyboom Shield, but eventually had Demolishor hand him the Requiem Blaster to continue the attack. Uprising Later while pretending to rebuild the Hydra Cannon, Thrust stole the Requiem Blaster along with the Skyboom Shield. Dash When Starscream pursued, he was blasted to the pieces by the Requiem Blaster. Then, with some fancy time travel, he wasn't. Thrust instead shot the ceiling of the corridor, causing an avalanche. Drift Thrust then took the weapons through a portal to Cybertron's moon. There the kids attempted to wake up the component Mini-Cons, but to no avail. Portent

The Requiem Blaster was now considered part of Unicron's body. It was said they would not wake up. Union Unicron had covered it entirely with tentacles, but when the Mini-Cons began to sing, it broke escaped and broke up into the component Mini-Cons. They combined once again for Optimus Prime to shoot and destroy Sideways. Origin The blaster later flew in gun form out of Unicron. Mortal Combat


The Requiem Blaster, Star Saber and Skyboom were the "three keys" needed to awaken Unicron. Linkage Part 10

Dreamwave Armada comic

More Than Meets The Eye

I want to tell you about the Transformers!

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Ego, a collector of multiversal artifacts, had a Requiem Blaster in his collection. Bulletbike stole it and used it to kill the security guard Aurik. I, Lowtech

Legends World

Megatron wielded the Requiem Blaster, Star Saber, and Skyboom shield during his foray into the Legends Universe. Bonus Edition Vol. EX


Transformers: Earth Wars

In a multiversal foray, Barricade and Hun-Gurrr witnessed Megatron wielding the Requiem Blaster. Worlds Collide



Nobody can deny that, measured solely by its ability to blow 'bots into clouds of disproportionate atoms, the Requiem Blaster is an incredible force for good in the universe.
  • Space Mini-Con Team (Mini-Con 3-pack, 2003)
The Requiem Blaster is the combined form of the three Armada Space Mini-Con Team members: Payload forms the main base and handle, Sky Blast the main chamber, and Astroscope the firing barrel.
In the Hasbro line, the Space Team were released in the third assortment of Mini-Con teams; the complete Team was also included "bonus buy" packs in several different store chains, clamshelled together with the Adventure Team, Night Attack Team, and Road Assault Team. In Japan, it was part of the fifth wave of Legend of the Microns product, released in July 2003. Aside from packaging, there are no noteworthy differences between the two companies' releases.
The Requiem Blaster mold-set was redecoed into the Deep Space Mini-Con Team's Umbral Blaster.

But with its wide radius, it is not a particularly terrific weapon for showing off your sharpshooting skills.
  • Space Micron Exdimensions (Mini-Con 3-pack, 2003)
  • ID number: MM-14
  • Release date: August 14, 2003
A limited-edition (but still regular-retail) redeco of the Space Team was made available in Japan as part of the Exdimensions series, in the sixth wave of Legends of the Microns product. The entire Team was redecoed in shades of green and brown... an oddly terrestrial color scheme for a space-based group.
This mold set also doubles as the Cosmic Exploration Team and the Astro Blaster.

  • Apollo (Candy toy, 2003)
  • Change Micron ID number: 5
  • Mir (Candy toy, 2003)
  • Change Micron ID number: 4
  • Accessories: Missile
  • Move (Candy toy, 2003)
  • Change Micron ID number: 6
  • Release date: August ?? 2003
The entire Space Team was sold as individuals in the second series of Kabaya "Change Micron" candy toys in Japan. These molds are based on the originals, but are in fact entirely new molds with numerous minor sculpting differences. It's likely this toy is also not gang-molded with his teammates like the original. The most notable difference between the Hasbro/Takara Space Team and the Kabaya version is the latter has darker-blue plastic than the usual lighter-blue plastic, plus each member has a number of small paint differences/omissions.

  • Jetfire w/ Comettor (Giga-Con Class, 2003)
The Space Team was placed in a bubble attached to the top of normal Armada Jetfire packages as a bonus-buy in Target stores for a limited time in the US.

Unreleased Space Team.jpg
  • Space Mini-Con Team (Mini-Con 3-pack, 2004)
Test-shots of a slightly-altered Space Team have popped up from various sources. It's possible this was intended to be a mid-series deco-change for the team, though it looks unfinished at best. The team has exactly the same paint application layouts in exactly the same colors as the original. Astroscope's main body changed to off-white, while his lighter-blue legs and head turned black.
Your bargaining posture is highly dubious.

Proceed on your way to oblivion.
This item has been canceled, with no current plans for release.

Universe (2003)

  • Spacewarp (Ultra Class, 2004?)
Universe Spacewarp was an unproduced redeco of Armada Ultra-sized Jetfire, slated to come with a redeco of Comettor and the Space Mini-Con Team. Judging from Universe Ramjet and Sunstorm each being packaged with four redecoed Mini-Cons whose names were unchanged, Astroscope would presumably have retained his name.
This set was initially intended as a Toys"R"Us exclusive but was shelved because no retail chain ultimately ended up wanting to carry it. Spacewarp was among several proposed exclusives that were ultimately put into retail limbo during the waning of the Universe line.
In 2007, the Spacewarp concept was modified and revived as Timelines Astrotrain, one of the first exclusives available for purchase from the Transformers Collectors' Club. By this point, however, the Space Team molds were too worn out and were thusly replaced by a redeco of the Giant Planet Team as the Sabotage Team.
In 2015, this unproduced deco became the basis of the separate Interstellar Marauders Mini-Con Team and their combined mode the Transwarp Blaster.
Your bargaining posture is highly dubious.

Proceed on your way to oblivion.
This item has been canceled, with no current plans for release.


  • Ultra Magnus (Command Class, 2004)
The Space Team was redecoed and packaged in with Energon Ultra-sized Ultra Magnus. Magnus was originally going to be packed with a new-characters redeco of the Street Speed Mini-Con Team (Brakedown, Clocker and Override, no team name given), but this was changed at the last minute. Exactly why the change to the Space Team was made has yet to be determined.
The toy was a last-minute redeco, along with Rapid Run and Treadbolt. As such, their packaging photography had to be completed before properly painted samples could be obtained, so the box-back photos use the original decos; Magnus's box also shows the original Street Speed Team rather than the Space Team.
Magnus, Rapid Run, and Treadbolt were produced in smaller numbers than the rest of the normal retail Energon line (reportedly only about 10,000 units each) and were only available in the initial shipments of the line. However, Magnus's shipment saw a very limited release, quickly replaced with the second assortment in the US, making him hard to come by. Magnus later showed up in much larger numbers in Australia, Canada, and some European markets, and was made available in Japan through e-HOBBY with the box altered via a black and white sticker, reflecting the Space Team's addition. The European release showed the correct Mini-Cons, in addition to the standard multi-language changes.

  • Race Mini-Con Team / Space Mini-Con Team (Multi-pack, 2004)
An unaltered version of the Space Team was released as part of an Energon-series "Mini-Con 6-pack" with the Road Assault Mini-Con Team (yet named the "Race Team" again).
This set was exclusive to both Toys"R"Us and Walmart stores.


  • Unlike the Star Saber and Skyboom Shield, the Requiem Blaster does not transform into a different shape upon completing its combination.
  • Aaron Archer claims credit for naming the Requiem Blaster, and thinks it is both his greatest and his dumbest name for a kids toy ever.[1]
  • Sometimes in the Armada cartoon, the Requiem Blaster would be referred to by its Japanese name, the Astro Blaster, due to the rushed nature of the Armada cartoon's dubbing scripts.


  1. "If you know, you know.... This weird weapon is both my greatest and dumbest Name for an kids toy ever... "Requiem-Blaster"... what was I thinking??"—Aaron Archer, Instagram, "Instruction Sheet Art", 2023/08/23

Foreign names

  • Japanese: Astro Blaster (アストロブラスター Asutoro Burasutā)
  • Finnish: Tuomipäivän Tykki ("Doomsday Blaster")
  • Hungarian: Rekviem Romboló ("Requiem Destroyer")
  • Korean: Astro Blaster (아스트로 블래스터 Aseuteulo Beullaeseuteo)
  • Polish: Rozpylacz ("Dustbringer")
  • Swedish: Rekviemkanonen ("Requiem Cannon")
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