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Megatron (G1)/merchandise

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Peace through merchandising!


Wireless Microphone

Die kids construction — it's a lost art.
  • Megatron (Nasta, 1984)
One of the earliest pieces of Megatron merchandise is also one of the strangest. Taking the form of Megatron's Walther P-38 gun mode — itself quite controversial and anachronistic due to recent safety regulations — the microphone allows children to broadcast their voices to a nearby AM radio by pointing the gun at their mouth (at the rear sight, not the barrel muzzle at least) and speaking into it.

Collegeville Costumes

<insert questionable joke about package description here>
  • Megatron (1984)
Although Collegeville Costumes only released a small number of Transformers costumes, and made some odd choices for characters to depict in the process, Megatron was an obvious choice as one of their first releases. The costume consists of a thin plastic facemask based directly on the original Megatron toy's head, and in time-worn, super-crappy tradition, a red and white plastic smock decorated not with the details of Megatron's body, but with his package art and the Transformers logo.

Spindex Corporation

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  • Megatron (eraser set, 1985)
This two-pack of erasers from Spindex Corporation depicted Megatron in his robot and gun modes.
  • Megatron (Character eraser, 1985)
One of three different "character erasers" produced by Spindex, this small Megatron figurine came on either a red or purple blister card.
  • Optimus Prime and Megatron (Pencil Toppers and Pencil, 1985)
Small rubber figurines of Megatron and Optimus Prime came packaged with a pencil they could perch on the end of.

Transformers Milk Caramel

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  • Megatron (1985)
A soft rubber figurine—known in Japan as a keshigomu— of Megatron was released as part of the second wave of Kabaya's Transformers Milk Caramel candy toy range. He came packaged with chocolate-covered caramel candies, and was available in red, blue and yellow.

Transformers Gum

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  • Megatron (1985)
    • Accessories: High-density infra-red laser cannon
A snap-together transformable model kit of Megatron was available as part of the second wave of Kabaya's Transformers Gum line. Essentially a downsized version of his original toy, the kit was made out of grey and black plastic, featuring stickers for detail, and came with a stick of gum. Like the original Japanese release of his toy, Megatron lacks his fusion cannon, armed merely with his infra-red laser cannon accessory.

Hero Set

HeroSet megatron keshi.jpg
  • Megatron (1985)
    • ID number: 16
    • Accessories: Sword, high-density infra-red laser cannon
A large keshigomu of Megatron was produced by TakaraTomy licensee Maruka Toys. Packaged on a blister card, the static, unposeable Megatron figure came with removable laser cannon and sword accessories, and featured a few small stickers for colour and detail. Maruka also produced an Optimus Prime figure in the same scale, and both Megatron and he were available in red, yellow or green.


  • Defeat Dinosaurer Strategy Game (board game, 1986)
  • Destron Hero Collection 22 (multi-pack, 1986)
    Decoy megatron.jpg
Megatron was among the many characters rendered by Takara as part of their series of 1.5" keshigomu figurines. Like all the Decepticons in the series, Megatron was molded in soft purple rubber, and featured a number sculpted into his back that was the sum total of his Tech Specs, for use in the various games that could be played with the figurines. As the figure is a Japanese creation, it's particularly notable for the fact that it lacks Megatron's signature fusion cannon, just as his original Japanese toy release did, instead sculpting him with his hand-held laser cannon and Japanese-exclusive sword.
Megatron was available as part of a 22-piece box set of Decepticon figures, as well as being included as one of several possible random Decepticon figures included as playing tokens with the "Defeat Dinosaurer Strategy Game", and in a variety of different colours via "gachapon" capsule machines. Later, Seven made him available in a peach coloration, randomly included in a variety of multi-packs.
  • Megatron (1987)
    • Decoy number: 32
The figurine was later brought over to Hasbro markets as part of the Decoy promotion, largely identical to the Japanese release except for the fact that the number on his back was replaced with a simple "checklist" number (32, in Megatron's case). Like all Decepticon Decoys, he was a randomly-chosen pack-in available with the carded Throttlebots, Aerialbots, Protectobots and Technobots, and was, very early on in the promotion, available in an alternate red coloration that was only packed in with the Throttlebots. Unsurprisingly, this red figurine is much rarer.

Parody Deformed

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  • Megatron (1990)
A small non-transforming super deformed model kit of Megatron was available as part of Kabaya's "Parody Deformed" line of candy toys. The third figure in the series, Megatron was part of the larger class of kits, and as such is made from three colors of plastic (white, grey and blue) with eye and Decepticon symbol stickers for detail. He came with a "PDTF Comic" comic about himself—"Don't Cry! Megatron!!"—and a stick of chewing gum.

Generation 2

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  • Megatron Watch (Watch, 1995)
A non-transforming digital wristwatch of Megatron's tank mode manufactured by Ostrum International was released during Generation 2, in the same green and purple coloration as his first Generation 2 toy.


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  • Megatron (2000)
Choro-Q Megatron is a Generation 2-themed redeco of the Camouflage Tank toy from Takara's Choro-Q toyline of non-transforming super deformed vehicles. He was an exclusive at BotCon Japan 2000, and features a pull-back motor and a rear license plate that reads "BotCon Japan 2000".
Along with Choro-Q Optimus Prime and Ligier, Megatron was given out randomly to convention attendees. Each toy was limited to 1000 pieces.

Super Collection Figure

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  • Megatron (2000)
    • Act: 1
    • Accessories: Stand
A three-inch tall PVC figurine of Megatron was available as part of the first wave of Takara's Super Collection Figure line. Like all the figures in the wave, it was available as both a standard full color figure and a clear plastic version, one of each of which was available in a standard case of twelve blindpacked figures.

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  • Megatron with Chain Weight (2000)
    • Act: 1
    • Accessories: Stand
Also available in the first Super Collection Figure wave was a rare "chase" version of the Megatron (分銅付きメガトロン, fundō-tsuki megatoron), decorated in metallic paint and replacing his right hand with his energon flail.
It was presumably released at a ratio of one per every ten cases; while this has not been officially confirmed, later waves gave these odds for Secret Figures. It is also presumed to have replaced the regular Megatron in the lucky case (color or clear, well, that's less certain).

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  • Megatron & Convoy (2000)
    • Act: 2
    • Accessories: Stand
The second Super Collection Figure wave featured an Optimus Prime chase figure wielding Megatron in gun mode and wearing Sideswipe's rocket pack (the latter seen in the original The Transformers cartoon episode "More than Meets the Eye, Part 3").
It was presumably released at a ratio of one per every ten cases. It is unknown what figure it replaced in the lucky case.

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  • Reincarnation Megatron (2001)
    • Act: 3
    • Accessories: Stand
Megatron got another chase figure in the third Super Collection Figure Act. Based on the scene in The Transformers: The Movie where Megatron is reincarnated as Galvatron, "Reincarnation Megatron" (転生メガトロン tensei megatoron) is cast in transparent plastic with a light purple hue and gold sparkles inside, and given grid patterns on his lower body. It was presumably packed at a ratio of one per ten cases.
It needs to be noted that there are a significant number of bootlegs of this figure. Thankfully, most have a very obvious tell: the real figure has a white Decepticon symbol, while the knockoffs have a purple symbol.

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  • Megatron (B) (2001)
    • Act: 4
    • Accessories: Stand
For the fourth Super Collection Figure wave, Megatron's left arm was changed to feature Laserbeak perching on it. His feet have also been painted bright white rather than the body-matching light gray of the original. Like all the figures in the fourth wave, Megatron was available in both standard full color and metallic silver "pewter" versions, one of each of which was available in a standard case of twelve blindpacked figures.
The pewter version of the figure has a potential problem with connector peg breakage, due to said pegs often getting a layer of pewter paint before being forced into a socket, leading to sticking and tearing. Care should be used when moving or removing the arms; shaving down the socket interior with a thin hobby knife is usually sufficient to fix the issue. This holds true for pretty much every pewter figure in the entire line.
In eight out of every ten cases, the pewter version of Megatron came packaged with the right arm of the collectible Metroplex build-a-figure.

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  • Convoy (C) with Megatron Gun Mode (2002)
    • Act: 6
    • Accessories: Right fist, stand
The sixth Super Collection Figure wave featured a retooled version of Prime wielding Megatron's gun mode, now sold at mass-retail rather than being a chase figure. Unlike the chase one, Prime also came with an interchangeable empty fist, so he doesn't have to wield Megatron. His right arm has also been tooled to be straight-elbowed, and his left hand is now clenched. The figure was available in both full color and pewter versions in a 1:1 ratio per case.
In eight out of every ten cases, the pewter version came with the head for the wave's Grand Maximus build-a-figure.

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  • Special "The Earth Obliteration Plan": Exclusive Convoy Set (2002)
    • Accessories: Stand
Available exclusively at the Wonder Festival convention, this set includes two metallic-paint versions of Convoy figures from Act 2: the "Convoy w/ Megatron Gun" chase figure (minus the jetpack), and the truck-mode "figure".
The set was limited to only 1000 units.

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  • TF Confrontation Set 01: Convoy vs Megatron (2002)
    • Accessories: Energon mace
Exclusive to the Tokyo Game Show 2002, this special set includes a new version of the original first-Act Megatron figure, along with a new version of the first-Act Optimus. Both are cast in transparent plastic and completely painted over in a grimy, battle-damaged look. Both also come with the interchangeable energon-axe and mace weapons from their first-wave chase figures. Completing the theme of the set is the backdrop of the packaging interior, which depicts Sherman Dam.
As with the Wonder Festival set, this set was also limited to 1000 units.

Mega Super Collection Figure

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  • Megatron (2002)
    • ID number: 03
    • Accessories: Fusion cannon, energon mace, Laserbeak, two clenched fists, two open hands
A five-inch tall, non-transforming highly-articulated PVC figure of Megatron was the third entry in Takara's Mega Super Collection Figure series. He comes with a small PVC of Laserbeak that can perch on his arm, and his fists can be swapped out for alternate splayed-palm hands, or his energon mace, as seen in the Generation 1 cartoon.

  • Megatron Metallic Ver. (Exclusive, 2002)
    • ID number: 03-X1
    • Accessories: Fusion cannon, energon mace, Buzzsaw, two clenched fists, two open hands
A metallic redeco of Mega SCF Megatron was offered as an exclusive at the 2002 Japanese conventions, Hobby Expo and Wonderfest. He comes with all the same accessories as his standard release, except for this exclusive, Laserbeak has been redecoed into Buzzsaw.

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  • Convoy Metallic Ver. (2002)
    • ID number: 01
A gun mode Megatron came as an accessory with the metallic redeco of the Optimus Prime Mega SFC figurine, taking the place of the energon-axe weapon included with the original Prime figure. Prime's hand is permanently sculpted around Megatron's handle, and can be swapped out for Prime's other hands.

  • Starscream (2002)
    • ID number: 07
Optimus Prime's Megatron gun accessory was redecoed for inclusion with Mega SCF Starscream; while Megatron himself remained the same, the fist was repainted from Prime's metallic dark blue to Starscream's lighter shade.

Heroes of Cybertron

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  • Megatron (2002)
Part of the first wave of Heroes of Cybertron, this figure is functionally the same as the first Super Collection Figure Megatron. Like all the standard Heroes figures, he is cast in transparent plastic, then painted over, save for the eyes and a small patch on the back of his head, giving him a light-piping gimmick. However, there are a few other tiny deco differences, most importantly (and noticeable) being the addition of a black circle on the muzzle of his back-mounted gun barrel, and the back of his midsection is painted light gray rather than red like the SCF. He's also a cooler super-light-gray than the SCF figure.
There is a running change variant of this figure, which adds a bit of red paint to the raised bit on the back of Megatron's fusion cannon, a detail from the animation model missing from the SCF Megatrons.
Megatron was re-released in 2006 as part of a short-lived Heroes of Cybertron revival, celebrating the 2006 DVD release of the original The Transformers: The Movie. This version was cast in opaque off-white plastic and is virtually identical to the original SCF Megatron, with the unpainted back-barrel and red-painted mid-back. At best, in certain lights the 2006 Heroes version is an ever so slightly warmer light gray plastic than the SCF.

All flail Megatron
  • Megatron (2002)
Released in the second wave, this version of Megatron is a mass-release variation of the chase figure from the first SCF Act, replacing his right hand with a clear-plastic energy flail. His left hand is the clenched fist of the later "Laserbeak" version of Megatron, instead of the open-hand the chase figure had. This version also keeps the paint additions from the previous version of the figure, always having the red-dotted cannon.
Oddly, he comes with the same collector card as the first version, and the packaging does not call out the energy weapon in any way. The card-back cross-sell even shows only the original Megatron. (The same happened to this wave's energy-weapon-wielding Optimus Prime.)

Give us a kiss.
  • Megatron with Laserbeak (2003)
The fifth-wave Megatron figure is a release of the Megatron/Laserbeak figure from the fourth SCF Act. He keeps the paint alterations of the energy-mace Megatron, though his black paint is much glossier this time around. Laserbeak's grays are also much lighter than on the SCF, matching Megatron's main body coloring.
The collector card does not list Laserbeak on the front, but does mention him at the end of a severely truncated version of the first card's bio.
This release came with the right arm for the wave's collectible Metroplex build-a-figure.

Hard Hero

Englishmen, you're all so f@#$ing pompous. None of you have got any balls...wait a minute.
  • Megatron (2002)
The second of Hard Hero's series of Transformers products, Megatron is a six-inch tall bust sculpted from cold-cast porcelain.

People can pay retail for a Thrust now!?!
  • Megatron (2003)
A 12.5-inch tall Megatron statue sculpted aiming his fusion cannon while screaming in rage.


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  • Megatron (MyClone, 2003)
    • ID number: MTF002
    • Accessories: Grey display base
Released in the first wave of the MyClone line of Transformers PVC figures, this super deformed Megatron comes with a hexagonal grey display stand, which can link up with the identical stands included with other MyClone figures. His modular design allows his parts to be mixed and matched with those of any other MyClone figure.
  • Megatron (MyClone, 2003)
    • Accessories: Clear display base, energon mace
A chase variant of MyClone Megatron was also available in the same wave. Cast entirely in colorless clear plastic, this version of Megatron also came with an energon mace, which could be exchanged for his fist. Thanks to the modular MyClone design, the mace can easily attach to the standard Megatron figure as well.

Q-Robo Collection

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  • Megatron (2003)
A super-deformed PVC of Megatron was released as part of the Q-Robo Collection. Like all the figures in the series, Megatron was sold blindpacked in a plastic capsule, featured articulation in the neck and shoulders, and was also available in a translucent colored plastic: as a Decepticon, Megatron came in translucent purple.

Generation 1 Figure-Collection

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  • Megatron (2003)
    • Japanese ID number: D-1
    • Accessories: Display base
At only one inch in height, this Megatron "bottlecap" figurine (so named because its display base is the size of a bottlecap) was one of fourteen blindpacked figures available in Kabaya's Transformers Generation 1 Figure-Collection. The figure was available in both a "retro" black and white color scheme and a rare full-color chase version, and came with a leaflet, personalized with cartoon screen captures.

History Collection

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  • Megatron (2004)
    • Accessories: Display base
A second "bottlecap" figurine of Megatron was produced by Takara as part of their blindpacked History Collection line of PVCs. Despite its diminutive size, this two-piece full-color figure features articulated shoulders.

Palisades Toys

Megatron after getting pushed down a flight of stairs by Skywarp.
  • Megatron (statue, 2004)
A twelve-inch tall polystone statue of Megatron was produced by Palisades Toys as the logical second entry in their line of Transformers statues. Standing on a thick base formed from a silver Decepticon insignia, Megatron is decorated with dirt to simulate battle damage, and features articulation at and his neck and shoulders, allowing owners to position him with fusion cannon ready to fire. Megatron was limited to 1000 pieces worldwide.
  • Megatron (mini-statue, 2005)
A downscaled version of the Megatron statue, essentially identical to the larger one but for the fact that it's only six inches tall, was produced as an exclusive for San Diego Comic-Con 2005. With only 500 units produced, the statue sold out in two days, setting a new record for Palisades at the show.

First 4 Figures

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  • Optimus Prime vs Megatron (2006)
    • Accessories: extra head for Megatron (with detachable helmet), extra hand for Optimus Prime
The first entry in the Transformers Battlefield line by model company First 4 Figures, this 13-inch tall diorama depicts Optimus Prime slugging it out with Megatron. Megatron comes with a "REP" (Replaceable Exterior Part) of a battle damaged version of his head, which features a detachable "helmet" to show off his exposed robo-brain. Optimus is posed as though doing a shoulder shove while holding his ion blaster, but a provided REP hand allows buyers to instead recontexualise the pose as a spinning backhand slap.
The model was limited to 1,850 pieces worldwide, and came with a numbered certificate of authenticity, which allowed buyers to reserve the same number on their next purchase in the series. It also came with an A4 mini-poster depicting the same fight between Optimus and Megatron by artist Little IroN, which was also sold separately as a limited edition A2 poster.
As a Transformers Battlefield release, this model featured a detailed base designed to interlock with others in the same range to create a massive battle diorama. Unfortunately, a general discontinuation of First 4 Figures' Transformers-related output put the kibosh on any further Battlefield models.

Diamond Select

  • Decepticon Motion Globe (Snow globe, 2007)
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Megatron is featured in Diamond Select Toys' Decepticon-themed snow globe, sitting on a throne inside the globe whilst pointing with one hand and holding an energon cube in the other. The globe's base is based on Decepticon Headquarters from the original The Transformers cartoon. It was sculpted by Art Asylum, and limited to 1000 pieces.
  • Megatron Mini Head Replica (Bust, 2007)
This small statue of Megatron's head designed by Art Asylum stands at roughly five inches tall, and was limited to 2500 pieces.
  • Megatron Wall Statue (2007)
Standing at nine inches tall and limited to 1000 pieces, this statue of Megatron is a free-standing diorama that attaches to the owner's wall, complimenting Art Asylum's Optimus Prime wall statue.

Wonder if they used his legs to make another Alligaticon?
  • Megatron Bust (2008)
Released by Diamond Select Toys in 2008, this Megatron mini-bust was sculpted by Mark Wong of Art Asylum and limited to 1,500 pieces. The sculpt features a Megatron, looking regal in metallic silver, perched above a raised Decepticon symbol while the front of the bust showcases the Heart of Cybertron as seen in the Generation 1 episode "Microbots".
  • Megatron Reformatted Bust (Action Figure Xpress exclusive, 2008)
The Megatron bust was retooled for its second release as "Megatron Reformatted", exclusively availably through Action Figure Xpress, depicting the Decepticon leader in the beginning stages of his reformation into Galvatron as featured in The Transformers: The Movie. In addition to his new partially-translucent appearance and battle-damage paint detail, this version of the bust features a new head and a new base in the shape of Unicron.
  • G1 Animated Megatron Bust (San Diego Comic Con exclusive, 2009)
Mark Wong's Megatron bust was retooled a third time to create "G1 Animated Megatron", available exclusively at the 2009 San Diego Comic Con. In addition to his reinstated Heart of Cybertron base, Megatron features a new head and a more matte color scheme to better match the cartoon's palette.

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  • Megatron Bust Bank (Diamond Select, 2010)
This 6-inch hollow Megatron bust would have featured plenty of space for coins along with articulation in its shoulders and neck, but was sadly canceled.

Your bargaining posture is highly dubious.

Proceed on your way to oblivion.
This item has been canceled, with no current plans for release.


  • Megatron (Booster, 2007)
How am I supposed to aim with this thing in the way?
ID number: TF2-20
Faction: Decepticon
Class: Leader
Special: Recover - 16/26 (61%) success ratio
Point Cost: 40
Base Speed: 6
Attack Type: Shooter (Force Blast)

Based on his G1 cartoon appearance, this Megatron toy is a killer. He was available only in the Series 2 Starter Set along with Generation 1 Optimus Prime, Energon Landquake and Cybertron Skywarp.
Megatron has an incredibly powerful translucent missile (don't fire it at children or small dogs if you value their lives) and a Recover special power that allows the figure to stand back up if there's another Decepticon in play. Two Megatrons are a dangerous combination, feeding each other's recover powers and making them very hard to kill off. Plus you can pretend one of them is Straxus.
As an added bonus, because of the way it is worded, you can use the Cybertron Megatron vehicle mode figure's Transform power to bring Megatron into play from your back-ups.

Robot Heroes

Cuteness through tyranny!
  • Ultra Magnus & Megatron (Two-pack, 2007)
  • Known designers: Bill Rawley (Hasbro), Marcelo Matere]] (concept artist)
Robot Heroes Megatron is an adorably super-deformed figurine depicting the Decepticon leader aiming his fusion cannon with a great big smile on his mouth. Megatron has swivel articulation in his shoulders and was sold in a two-pack with Ultra Magnus.

  • Megatron (Single-pack, 2008)
In some countries outside of North America, Megatron was released individually in a blindpack with no notable changes.

  • Decepticon Sneak Attack (Multi-pack, 2007)
"Megatron with Supermetal Finish" is a redeco of the standard Robot Heroes Megatron, colored a shiny silver instead of off-white.
He was only available in a Walmart exclusive five-pack alongside Hologram Mirage, Cliffjumper, "Supermetal Finish" Optimus Prime, and Skywarp.

Sota Toys

  • Transformers Chess Set (2007)
A Megatron piece was to be the Decepticon-side King on a chess set based on Generation 1, but the set apparently never saw release.
Your bargaining posture is highly dubious.

Proceed on your way to oblivion.
This item has been canceled, with no current plans for release.

Titanium Series

Titanium cancelled figure checklist.jpg
  • War Within Megatron (unreleased)
  • Accessories: Decepticon stand?
The final Titanium Series catalogue listed a number of "Micro Figures" intended for release, though many of them never saw the light of day. Among those listed was "War Within Megatron", which was presumably supposed to be a new 3" Robot Masters mold based on the character's appearance in the War Within comics, probably including a stand in the shape of a Decepticon badge.
Your bargaining posture is highly dubious.

Proceed on your way to oblivion.
This item has been canceled, with no current plans for release.


Action Masters? Eat your Spark out!
  • Megatron (2007)
    • Yamaguchi Series number: 025
    • Accessories: Alternate head, 3 alternate hands (left & right open palms, right gun-holding hand)
A non-transforming but highly articulated Megatron action figure(ine), Revoltech Megatron uses the Revoltech "revolver joints" (appropriate, if you think about it...) for maximum poseability. Megatron includes a non-removable fusion cannon and a few alternate hands, as well as an alternate head with its mouth open in either a smirk, growl or sneer, depending on how you read it. His sculpting is explicitly in the style of Pat "serfdom" Lee's interpretation of Megatron.
This figure uses specialized gray revolver joints in order to better blend with the surrounding sculpted parts.
He includes a hand obviously meant for holding a gun... but has no gun to use it with. Though if you buy Revoltech Starscream as well, you can always make him wield himself.

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  • Starscream (2008)
    • Yamaguchi Series number: 046
The Revoltech Starscream toy included a Megatron accessory in his Walther P-38 altmode. While the silencer and scope are molded on, the stock is removable (necessary in order to plug it into a hand). The gun can be held by any Revoltech toy with a standardized gun-wielding hand, which includes all five Transformers characters in the line.

Boss Coffee

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  • Megatron (2008)
A non-transforming PVC figure of Megatron was released as part of a promotion by Boss Coffee. The small figure was randomly included with single cans of the company's "Rainbow Mountain Blend" coffee, contained in a plastic capsule affixed to the top of the can which then became a display base for the figurine once removed. Megatron features articulation at the shoulders and waist and came with a small catalog leaflet that could be folded up and attached to the lid/base to form a diorama background of Decepticon Headquarters for added display value.
Due to his size, Megatron hypothetically scales with Encore Metroplex.
  • Megatron (2008)
A larger, metallic gold version of Megatron was also part of the promotion. Nearly twice as tall as the smaller figure, it was not merely an upsized version, but an entirely different sculpt. This Megatron was randomly included with two-packs of Rainbow Mountain Blend coffee cans, which featured a double-wide plastic capsule to hold him.

Mighty Muggs

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  • Megatron (2009)
    • Accessories: Fusion cannon
This super-deformed, non-transformable Megatron figure uses the standard Mighty Muggs body template, with swivel joints in his neck and limbs. He comes with a similarly super-deformed version of his fusion cannon that fits into a hole on his right arm.

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  • Megatron (2018)
    • ID number: 02
Part of the first year of the Mighty Muggs relaunch, Megatron features the new line-wide face-changing gimmick. Pressing down on his bucket helmet will switch his face to one of three options: neutral, angry, and "I still function!" The toy is based on Megatron's evergreen design, and includes a matching fusion cannon molded onto his right arm.

Transformers Wacky Wobblers

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  • Megatron (2009)
This Megatron bobblehead is part of the popular Wacky Wobblers line produced by Funko. Aside from the standard-issue big wobbling head, he features a teeny-tiny fusion cannon and arms that swivel at the shoulders. Megatron is affixed to a base with his name on it.

Transformers x Mimobot

Peace through Storage!
  • Megatron Mimobot (Mimoco, 2011)
Produced by Mimoco as part of their multi-brand line of designer USB "Mimobot" flash drives, this Megatron memory stick comes in 2GB, 4GB, 8GB and 16GB sizes, and comes pre-loaded with "digital editions of classic comics, videos, and scripts", as well as a suite of screensavers, avatars, and more standard to all Mimobots.


Not for use with liquid, so you can't get get drunk on Energon.
  • Transformers Cuponk (2011)
A New York Comicon exclusive, this set includes two Cuponk cups and 6 ping pong balls. Megatron is featured on one cup and one ping pong ball. The same cup also features Starscream, Soundwave, Devastator, and the Autoscout.

Titan Warriors

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  • Titan Warrior 5-Pack (2013)
Available at San Diego Comic-Con 2013, this Megatron is a 6" PVC Titan Warriors figure (similar to Bandai's Ultra/Sentai/Rider Hero, Movie Monster Series) with articulated arms. He was packed with Optimus Prime, Grimlock, Starscream and Soundwave.
  • Megatron (Titan Warrior, 2014)
The Titan Warriors Megatron toy was released individually, under the Beast Hunters Titan Heroes subline.

The Loyal Subjects

  • Megatron (2013)

Collect them all!

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  • Cybertron Megatron (2013)

Collect them all!

This character article is a stub and is missing information on their toys & merchandise. You can help Transformers Wiki by expanding it.

  • Metallic Megatron (2013)

Collect them all!

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  • Midnight Cybertron Megatron (2013)

Collect them all!

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Mecha Nations

  • Black Convoy (2014)
    • ID Number: MN02
    • Accessories: Ion Blaster, Energon Axe, Removable Armor, Megatron gun, alternate hands.
A small gun mode version of Megatron, similar to those included with Masterpiece Soundwave and the original Masterpiece Optimus Prime/Convoy mold, was added to Kids Logic's Black Convoy redeco (and insignia-remold) of Mecha Nations Optimus Prime. It includes light up effects, gun barrel that can be replaced with a barrel extension, and removable stock. To hold the gun, Black Convoy includes an additional specifically molded right hand, however the stock must be removed to allow him to do so.
The Megatron gun was also included with Mecha Nations Starscream (below). Mecha Nations Ultra Magnus, like Optimus Prime before him, does not include the Megatron gun, keeping this a Decepticon-only accessory.

  • Megatron (2014)
    • ID Number: MN03
    • Accessories: Energy flail, alternate face, alternate hands, alternate right forearm, display stand.
Created by Kids Logic, this super deformed G1 Megatron stands 6" tall and is articulated, featuring a shiny metallic color scheme, removable armor and replacement hands. He also features LED light up eyes, Decepticon chest insignia, and fusion cannon. The set includes an alternate right forearm piece allowing the fusion cannon and the forearm to which it's attached to be removed.
This figure was redecoed into Mecha Nations Megatron 2014 Toy Soul Exclusive Edition (below).

  • Megatron (2014 Toy Soul Exclusive Edition) (2014)
    • ID Number: MN03G
    • Accessories: Energy flail, alternate face, alternate hands, alternate right forearm, display stand.
Created by Kids Logic, this super deformed G1 Megatron is a redeco of their previous Megatron figure (above), based on the color scheme of Masterpiece Megatron Gold Ver. He stands 6" tall and is articulated, featuring a shiny metallic color scheme, removable armor and replacement hands. He also features LED light up eyes, Decepticon chest insignia, and fusion cannon. The set includes an alternate right forearm piece allowing the fusion cannon and the forearm to which it's attached to be removed.
This figure was exclusive to 2014's Toy Soul expo, an event run annually in Hong Kong.

  • Starscream (2015)
    • ID Number: MN05
    • Accessories: Megatron gun, alternate hands, display stand.
Mecha Nations Starscream includes the same gun mode Megatron (above) as introduced with Black Convoy. A specially molded hand allows Starscream to hold Megatron for posing.
Starscream was subsequently redecoed with new faces into Mecha Nations Skywarp and Thundercracker, but neither of the later figures included the Megatron gun.

Thrilling 30

  • Megatron (Collectible Figurine, 2014)
    • Series / Number: 1 / #2
    • Accessories: Collector's base
A super-deformed Megatron was released among the blindpacked Thrilling 30 Collectible Figurines by Goldie Marketing. He comes with a base to help him stand, a collector's card that doubles as a puzzle piece, and a checklist.
  • Collectible Figurines (5-pack, 2014)
    • Series: 1
    • Accessories: 5 collector's bases
The same Megatron figurine was also available in a 5-pack alongside Optimus Prime, Ratchet, Starscream and Soundwave.


Multiple faces to convey the various forms of tyranny.
  • Megatron (2015)
    • ID number: 44
    • Accessories: Scowling face, smirking face, shouting face, energon mace, Megatron gun
A super deformed Megatron model kit was produced by Kotobukiya as part of their franchise-spanning D-Style line. His accessories include three interchangeable face plates, an energon mace and a representation of his gun mode that can be wielded by D-Style figures.
There are a fewer paint apps than Optimus Prime. The eyebrows, two of the mouths and the silencer on the gun all require painting in black. In a change from the promotional photos opposite, Megatron's feet come in metallic, with the box images showing the center section on the feet highlighted with black.


D-Collection Megatron.jpg
  • Megatron (2015)
    • Accessories: Fusion cannon, sword
Kabaya's D-Collection Megatron is a small super deformed figure that requires some assembly for his arms and features articulation limited to his shoulders. He comes with an attachable fusion cannon and a purple energy sword. Sold blindpacked, Megatron is available as both a standard full color figure and a rare clear plastic version. He comes with chewing gum.

D-Collection Starscream.jpg
  • Starscream (2015)
    • Accessories: 2 null-ray blasters, Megatron gun
A gun mode Megatron is included with the D-Collection Starscream figure as an accessory. The default Starscream comes with a fully painted Megatron, while the one included with the clear plastic version is completely black.

Metal Earth

Metal Earth Megatron.jpg
  • Megatron (2015)
    • ID number: MMS303
Metal Earth Megatron is a DIY 3D Metal Model kit. The kit's difficulty rating is given as "expert".

Metal Earth Legends Megatron.jpg
  • Megatron (Legends, 2019)
    • ID number: MEM054
Metal Earth Legends Megatron is a DIY 3D steel model kit in the shape of a super deformed version of the evergreen Megatron design. The kit's difficulty rating is given as "moderate".

Hallmark Keepsake Ornaments

It's toy accurate.
  • Megatron (July 11, 2015)
Produced by Hallmark for the 2015 Christmas season, this ornament is sculpted based on the original Megatron toy in robot mode.

Block Wars

  • Megatron (2016)
    • Number: 3
Part of Kabaya's Transformers Block Wars candy toy line, this Megatron kit is based on his Cyber Series Battalion toy. Molded in blue and grey plastic with detailing from stickers, he transforms into a tank when finished. He can also be taken apart and combined with Block Wars Optimus Prime, Bumblebee and Starscream in various configurations, the ones involving Megatron shown on the packaging being:
  • Giving Megatron's cannon and Starscream's wings to Optimus Prime.
  • Placing Megatron's turret on Prime's truck mode.
  • Giving Bumblebee Megatron's arms and Starscream's wings and arming him with Optimus Prime's spear.
  • Attaching Megatron's cannon and Starscream's wings to Bumblebee's vehicle mode, making him a flying death car.
  • Arming Megatron with Starscream's weapons and transforming him into a base/turret mode.
  • Attaching Prime and Starscream's legs to Megatron's vehicle mode to create a walking tank.
  • Combining Megatron and Starscream's vehicle modes into a jet-tank.
  • Combining all four into an unnamed combiner, with Megatron forming the right leg and providing his cannon as a handgun.


  • Megatron (12-2016)
Part of the first wave of Transformers Bitfig capsule toys by TakaraTomy A.R.T.S., Megatron's design is inspired by his appearance in the G1 cartoon, and is articulated at the neck and shoulders. Bitfig toys were packaged in capsules color coded to the toy they contained.

Prime 1 Studio

Premium Masterline

"As Prime said, this design would've shut you people up if they decided to use this design."
  • Megatron (2017)
    • ID Number: PMTF-02 / 02EX (exclusive)
    • Accessories: Base, Energon sword (exclusive), Energon mace (exclusive)
Prime 1 Studio Premium Masterline Megatron is a massive non-transforming statue based on his Generation 1 appearance with a blend of live-action film aesthetic, with LED light on his eyes and fusion cannon. The statue was also designed by Josh Nizzi himself. If customers had purchased the statue at Sideshow's website, they would receive exclusive sword and mace accessories, which can be attached to Megatron's left hand.
The standard version was limited to 1000 pieces, while the exclusive version was limited to 500 pieces.

  • Megatron Gold Version (2018)
    • ID Number: PMTF-02GL
    • Accessories: Base, sword
Limited to 350 pieces, Megatron Gold Version is a redeco of the statue above, evoking his Electrum-coated appearance in the Generation 1 episode "The Golden Lagoon". He also comes with a sword accessory.

Age of Time

  • Superior Megatron (201?)
Age of Time Superior Megatron was designed to be the "ultimate amalgamation" between G1 and movie Megatrons, specifically taking cues from Megatron's appearance in Revenge of the Fallen.
For reasons unknown, this figure was silently canceled.
Your bargaining posture is highly dubious.

Proceed on your way to oblivion.
This item has been canceled, with no current plans for release.


Cutie1 Megatron Figure.jpg
  • Megatron (2022)
    • ID Number: No:056
    • Accessories: Stand
A striking departure from previous Prime 1 Studio offerings, Cutie1 Megatron is a lovable (if not somewhat scary looking) soft vinyl figure stylized as a button-eyed doll with chibi proportions.

  • Megatron (Keychain, 2021)
    • Accessories: Stand, chain
Part of a marketing push following the announcement of the figure above, an acrylic keychain of Cutie1 Megatron was released, along with other products such as stickers, T-shirts, hand towels and totebags using the design. The keychain comes with a small stand so that you can display it when not carrying it around with your keys.

  • Nemesis Prime & TR Silver Megatron Set (2-pack, 2023)
    • Accessories: Stand
Cutie1 "TR Silver Megatron" is a metallic silver redeco of the regular figure with yellow eyes instead of red. He comes in a set with Nemesis Prime.

War for Cybertron Trilogy

  • Megatron (2022)
    • ID Number: PMTF-06 / 06UT (Ultimate Version)
    • Accessories: Base (standard), base with Omega Supreme (Utimate Version)
A statue based on Megatron's appearance in the War for Cybertron Trilogy cartoon. The exclusive version includes a defeated Omega Supreme as part of the statue's base.
This item was canceled due to the combination of rising production costs and insufficient preorders.
Your bargaining posture is highly dubious.

Proceed on your way to oblivion.
This item has been canceled, with no current plans for release.

My Busy Books

At least one of your nerd parents would complain that I'm not a gun upside down Submarine on this one.
  • Transformers: My Busy Book (2017)
Available with the 10-page board book and a box filled with 12 figurines & a playmat depicting a destructed city & Cybertron, this Megatron is a pair of small, PVC non-transforming figurines consists of his robot and his tank alternate mode, which was based on his evergreen design. Like most of the land-based vehicle figurines, his treads do not roll.
Since his tank turret is made out of softer plastic, it tends to droop down occasionally.


Kidrobot GIJoe Enamel Pin Series.jpg

Enamel Pin Series

  • Rarity: 1 in 20
Released by Kidrobot in their Enamel Pin Series, this is a flat, enamel pin badge of Megatron inspired by the art of Tom Scioli's Transformers vs. G.I. Joe, albeit with cutesy proportions. Megatron's design throughout Kidrobot's merchandise features his Energon mace coming out of the end of his fusion cannon. The pin series was blindboxed, with some pins being rarer than others.

Vinyl Mini Series

Kidrobot GI Joe Megatron mini.jpg
  • Rarity: 2 in 24
  • Accessories: Grimlock's head
The same character design was reused for the Vinyl Mini Series, with Megatron receiving a three-inch tall, blindboxed figurine retaining the vibrant colours and exaggerated proportions. Megatron featured articulation in each shoulder, and even included the macabre accessory that is Grimlock's severed beast mode head, as claimed by Megatron in "Everybody Hates Metroplex".

Medium Figure Series

Kidrobot GI Joe Megatron medium.jpg
  • Accessories: Grimlock's head
This "art figure" of Megatron, released in the Medium Figure Series, followed the same design, now blown up to seven inches; some painted-on details of its smaller incarnation were now rendered as part of the sculpt. In addition to articulated shoulders, Megatron now also featured a turning head. Grimlock's severed head was also included as an accessory, and his Energon mace, previously molded in a static position, was now made with a linked chain.
Unlike the rest of Kidrobot's Transformers vs. G.I. Joe line, the Medium Figure Series were sold in open-faced boxes.

Kidrobot GI Joe Megatron medium exclusive.jpg
  • Accessories: Grimlock's head
Released at the same time as the standard version, this variant of Megatron was limited to 200 pieces and exclusive to the Kidrobot online store. Megatron is now decoed in a lighter grey, replacing most of his charcoal paint with purple. It's not a particularly comic accurate colour scheme—it could match the banquet scene in "Earth: R.I.P." if you really squint—but then neither was Cobra Commander's exclusive variant, so it's probably fine.

Vinyl Keychain Series

Kidrobot GI Joe Megatron keychain.jpg
  • Rarity: 3 in 24
Megatron was also released as part of the once again blindboxed Vinyl Keychain Series, now standing at about one to two inches. He included a keychain molded into his head and, due to his small scale, did not feature any articulation. Like the enamel pin, there's no Grimlock head in sight.



  • Megatron - Classic Edition (2017)
A Premium Scale Collectible Figure of Megatron was revealed by 3A alongside their Optimus Prime, but never saw release.
Your bargaining posture is highly dubious.

Proceed on your way to oblivion.
This item has been canceled, with no current plans for release.


War for Cybertron Trilogy

  • Megatron (DLX Scale, 2021)
    • Accessories: TBA

Collect them all!

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  • Megatron (2023)
    • Known designers: Kelvin Sau
    • Accessories: one fusion cannon, one back-mounted cannon, three pairs of hands (closed, relaxed, pointing right & open left)
Threezero's third original MDLX figure, this version of Megatron is an original design taking inspiration from the original cartoon but with the aesthetics in the vein of the live-action movies. Megatron is a smaller scaled non-transforming action figure in the vein of contemporary collector-oriented lines like Figma and S.H. Figuarts. Like those lines, the figure is extremely well-articulated and detailed, features interchangeable hands and accessories, namely his fusion and back cannons. The three pairs of hands he comes with are closed fists, relaxed splayed-open hands, and a pointing right & open left hands. The fusion cannon barrel can either swap out for the back one or be combined together for maximum fusion.

  • Megatron (Comic Book Edition) (2023)
    • Known designers: Kelvin Sau
    • Accessories: one fusion cannon, one back-mounted cannon, three pairs of hands (closed, relaxed, pointing right & open left)
A redeco of the above MDLX figure in a deco inspired by his appearance in the old Marvel comics. Accessories, functionality and the like are all otherwise identical. Furthering the homage, his package art is loosely based off of the cover for Power Play!.

  • Megatron (2023)
    • Known designers: Kelvin Sau
    • Accessories: one fusion cannon, one back-mounted cannon, three pairs of hands (closed, relaxed, pointing right & open left)
Another redeco of Megatron in his Generation 2 attire, neon camouflage and all. As such, all the aforementioned accessories and features carry over to this release.
In a cute touch, his all of his product photos provided by Threezero are styled after the packaging of the G2 toyline.

  • Megatron (2024)
    • Known designers: Kelvin Sau
    • Accessories: one fusion cannon, one back-mounted cannon, three pairs of hands (closed, relaxed, pointing right & open left)
Yet another redeco of Megatron, this time in brighter colors to mimic the cel-shading of the original cartoon. All previous accessories and functionality carry over from before.
Vintage Animation Edition Megatron, Bumblebee and Optimus Prime were revealed in a press release from Hasbro about the brand's 40th anniversary marketing bonanza, with pictures of the trio being unveiled a few weeks after. Threezero also announced these figures would make a limited debut at TFCon LA the following month, with a wide release sometime later in the spring.
Or you could pick... WHAT'S IN THE BOX.

This item is currently scheduled for release, but is not yet available at mass retail.

Bouncing Ball Heads

BouncingBallHead Megatron.jpg
  • Megatron (2017)
"Bouncing Ball Head" Megatron is a small, super deformed figurine with a removable head that doubles as a bouncy ball. A Decepticon logo is tampographed on the back of his head and his name is written under his feet.
He is (apparently) available in both gacha-style machines and in an 8-pack with the whole collection, and comes inside a spherical capsule with a unique light gray color.
Despite clearly representing Generation 1 characters, the collection is advertised as a 2015 Robots in Disguise product.

Imaginarium Art

"When we slip this credit card charge for a $1300 statue into the Autobots' account, the Autobots will be overdrawn forever!" "NOOOOOOO--!"
  • Megatron (2018)
    • Accessories: Energy flail
Imaginarium Art's Megatron statue stands 25 inches tall atop a base of Ironhide's dead body. The eyes and fusion cannon can light up. Only 500 were produced.

  • Megatron (2019)
"Legacy of Cybertron" Megatron stands a mere 20 inches tall and is posed holding an energon cube above his head. The base of the statue can combine with others in the LoC series to produce a larger battle scene. 500 were produced.
  • Starscream (2022)
This 29-inch-tall statue is a BigBadToyStore exclusive, and features Starscream (with light-up eyes) standing on Megatron's deactivated head. Only 130 were produced.


  • Megatron (Happy Meal Toy, 2018)
Released as part of the McDonald's June 2018 Happy Meal Toys along with My Little Pony, this Megatron is a super deformed toy. He has a wind-up walking gimmick.
This toy was rereleased in the US as Megatron for the Bumblebee promotion.

Keshi Surprise

  • Decepticons (2018)
The Keshi Surprise series by Super7 consisted of 1.75" soft rubber figures in a style deliberately resembling the 1980s Decoys. These blind-packed figures were sold individually or in cases depicting only their faction. Megatron was available in red, orange, blue, and purple and included a foil trading sticker.

Transformers Trading Card Game

  • Megatron, Decepticon Leader (2018)
    • Wave 1
    • Rarity: CT
    • Card Number: T26/T40
    • Stars: 10
Megatron, Decepticon Leader is one of forty double-sided character cards available in Wave 1 of the Transformers Trading Card Game.

  • Megatron, Living Weapon (2018)
    • Wave 1
    • Rarity: RT
    • Card Number: T27/T40
    • Stars: 13
Megatron, Living Weapon is one of forty double-sided character cards available in Wave 1 of the Transformers Trading Card Game.
The artwork for the card is reused from the Transformers Legends mobile game.

  • Megatron, Arrogant Ruler (2019)
    • Wave 2: Rise of the Combiners
    • Rarity: CT
    • Card Number: T29/T46
    • Stars: 10
Megatron, Arrogant Ruler is one of forty-six character cards released in Wave 2 of the Transformers Trading Card Game, Rise of the Combiners.
Line-art for both Bot and Alt Mode was drawn by Dan Khanna. The Alt Mode artwork is based on the Combiner Wars Leader Class Megatron toy.

  • Megatron, Cybertronian Tyrant (2019)
    • Wave 2S: Bumblebee vs. Megatron Starter Set
    • Rarity: RT
    • Card Number: T02/T04
    • Stars: 7
Megatron, Cybertronian Tyrant was released as part of the Transformers Trading Card Game's Bumblebee vs. Megatron Starter Set. The card was packaged alongside Bumblebee, Least Likely, Most Dangerous, Starscream, Decepticon Lieutenant, Windblade, Defender of Truth, and a 40 card ready-to-play deck of Battle Cards.
The cards Alt Mode artwork is based on the Combiner Wars Leader-Class Megatron toy. Line-art for both Alt and Bot Mode was drawn by Dan Khanna.

  • General Megatron, Infantry-Leader (2019)
    • Wave 3: War for Cybertron: Siege I
    • Rarity: SRT
    • Card Number: T06/T48
    • Stars: 13
General Megatron, Infantry-Leader is one of forty-eight double-sided character cards available in Wave 3 of the Transformers Trading Card Game, War for Cybertron: Siege I.
The card's artwork is based on the Siege Voyager-class Megatron toy, with the Bot Mode artwork being reused from the toy's packaging art.

  • Lord Megatron, Conqueror of Cybertron (2019)
    • Wave 4: War for Cybertron: Siege II
    • Rarity: SRT
    • Card Number: T08/T52
    • Stars: 12
Lord Megatron, Conqueror of Cybertron is one of 52 character cards released in Wave 4 of the Transformers Trading Card Game, War for Cybertron: Siege II.
The card's artwork is based on the Siege Megatron toy. The Alt Mode artwork is was drawn by Marcelo Matere with colors by Volta

  • Megatron, Living Weapon (2019)
    • Wave 1: Energon Edition
    • Rarity: SRT
    • Card Number: T03/T06
    • Stars: 13
Released as part of the TCG's Wave 1: Energon Edition, this card is a reprint of Wave 1's Megatron, Living Weapon. Printed on semi-transparent plastic instead of a normal Character Card, this version features new art by Marcelo Matere.

  • Megatron, Fallen Hero (2020)
    • Wave 5: Titan Masters Attack
    • Rarity: UT
    • Card Number: T27/T46
    • Stars: 11
Megatron, Fallen Hero is one of forty-six double sided character cards released as part of Wave 5 of the Transformers Trading Card Game, Titans Masters Attack. As a character with a body mode, Megatron begins the game with a Titan Master attached in head mode. Once Megatron is KO'd, said Titan Master is deployed.
The card's artwork is based on the Titans Return Megatron toy, with the body mode artwork being reused from the toy's packaging art and original alt mode artwork based on the toy's tank mode (line art by Ken Christiansen).
This card's set was originally set for an April 2020 release, however due to the global COVID-19 pandemic the release was pushed back to May 29, 2020.

Super Cyborg

"Megatron has a clear chestplate? I, STARSCREAM, AM NOW THE LEADER!"
  • Megatron (2019)
    • Accessories: Torso plate
Produced by Super7, Super Cyborg Megatron is an 11-inch-tall non-transforming figure with 7 points of articulation. Its main distinguishing feature is that the entire front of the robot torso is removable, exposing sculpted mechanical details within his body.

  • Megatron (clear) (2019)
    • Accessories: Torso plate
The transparent plastic version of this figure was exclusive to San Diego Comic-Con 2019.

  • Megatron (Purple Grid) (2019)
    • Accessories: Torso plate
This New York Comic Con 2019 exclusive redeco features translucent purple to represent Megatron's reformatting in the animated movie.

  • Good Bye Megatron (2023)
    • Accessories: Torso plate
This San Diego Comic-Con 2023 exclusive is a particularly deep cut, though a slightly misguided one. Meant to evoke the uncommon "Good Bye" version of the original Megatron toy as released only in Japan, it now features darker grey base plastic with new interior blue highlights. However, those blue highlights were not on the original "Good Bye Megatron" toy at all - they were only on its box art, which had been left over from the earlier standard release of the Japanese Megatron toy.


  • Megatron (2020, 2024)
Released in the first wave of Super7's line of multi-property 3.75-inch "retro" action figures, ReAction Megatron is a non-converting 3 3/4-inch action figure based on his appearance in the original cartoon, with 5 points of articulation (swivel neck, shoulders, hips) and holes in his feet for use with some variety of stand. Where most ReAction figures come with a separate accessory, Megatron's fusion cannon is permanently affixed to his right arm.
As with all releases in the ReAction toyline, Megatron comes packaged on a small cardback that emulates the nostalgic packaging style of Kenner's Star Wars action figures from the late 1970s to early '80s.
In late 2024, this figure was reissued with no obvious changes, now in a blindpacked box assortment (see more on this below).

  • Cyberchrome Megatron (2020)
This version of Megatron features a shiny metallic paint job. Whee.
This figure was a Target exclusive in the US, released alongside the "Cyberchrome Optimus Prime" figure.

  • MC-12 GunRobo P-38 (2020)
As a special "Black Friday" exclusive, ReAction Megatron got a black repaint meant to represent his pre-Transformer "GunRobo" body... albeit with a standard Decepticon symbol.
This figure was only available through Super7's website.

  • Chrome Commander Megatron (2021)
The second Target-exclusive Megatron figure has a deco based on the original 1984 Megatron toy, featuring shiny metallic paint on the "chrome" parts, red inner boots and the "swirly" chestplate markings.
This figure was released alongside the first "Fallen Leader Optimus Prime" Target-exclusive figure. The gray one.

  • Megatron (Golden Lagoon) (2022)
The third Target-exclusive Megatron figure, this one has a head-to-toe golden deco, depicting his appearance in "The Golden Lagoon".
This figure was released alongside the similarly-decoed "Golden Lagoon" Optimus Prime figure.

  • Fallen Evolution Megatron (2022)
The fourth Target-exclusive version of Megatron, this version is done in translucent purple plastic to represent the beginning of his reformatting scan in the The Transformers: The Movie.
This figure was released alongside the thematically-similar full-color/open-chest "Fallen Leader" Optimus Prime figure.

  • Transformers (2024)
Several of the wave 1 ReAction figures were reissued in 2024 in blind box packaging. The only new figure in the assortment was a chase figure of Megatron now cast in translucent pink.

  • Ark Base (Playset, 2024)
The ReAction Ark Base playset included a Megatron figure seemingly identical to the very first release listed above.
Or you could pick... WHAT'S IN THE BOX.

This item is currently scheduled for release, but is not yet available at mass retail.

Flame Toys

Furai Model

  • Megatron (IDW Autobot ver.) (July 2019)
    • Number: 06
    • Accessories: 2 sets of alternative hands
Furai Model Megatron is a highly articulated snap-together model kit (no glue required!) by Flame Toys, based on the IDW Autobot design by Alex Milne, as seen in More than Meets the Eye. Molded in PS and ABS plastic with polycaps for the joints, Megatron features a number of stickers for detailing but doesn't require much in the way of paint for a complete look, being molded in all the appropriate colors straight out of the box. The finished kit is Voyager-sized in height.
If one chooses, the kit can be panel-lined and touched-up with several panel-lining and paint markers (water/acrylic-based markers are recommended, as alcohol-based markers like Gundam Markers can potentially damage the ABS plastic). If one desires; the kit's pieces, aside from the translucent parts, can be fully coated with spray paints to recreate the finished sample seen in the stock photos.

  • Megatron (IDW Decepticon ver.) (May 2020)
    • Number: 14
    • Accessories: 2 sets of alternative hands
A redeco/retool of Megatron (IDW Autobot ver.). The key differences are a Decepticon insignia sticker and a slightly more dour face sculpt. Well, that's about it.

  • Megatron (G1 ver.) (December 2024)
    • Accessories: 2 additional pairs of alternative hands, 1 pair of forearm covers
A third snap-together model kit by Flame Toys of Megatron, based on his appearance in the G1 cartoon. Aside from his hands, Megatron also comes with a pair of forearm cover panels that allow him to be displayed without the Fusion Cannon, or mount onto the left arm.

Or you could pick... WHAT'S IN THE BOX.

This item is currently scheduled for release, but is not yet available at mass retail.

Kuro Kara Kuri

  • Megatron (January, 2021)
    • Number: 05
    • Accessories: 2 faces, 3 rifles, weapon case (exclusive), roaring face (exclusive)
    • Sculptor: Yuki Onoda
    • Painting by: Decomas Lab (Hiroyuki Hirose)
Released by Flame Toys as part of their Kuro Kara Kuri line, A high-end non-transforming figure based on the IDW stealth bomber design by Don Figueroa featuring die-cast parts and 7 LEDs. He comes with two interchangeable faces and three different rifles which combine into one long rifle. If purchased via, SEN-TI-DEN Hong Kong, or events attended by Flame Toys, he also includes a weapons case and additional roaring face.

Daiki Kougyou

Raining Pain.
  • Megatron Water Gun (2021)
    • Accessories: Silencer, stock, telescopic sight
Manufactured by Daiki Kougyou, this Megatron water gun (yes, really) is based on his show-accurate pistol alt-mode, complete with silencer and stock. The prototype is sculpted by Model Works Grenade. The gun's size is slightly larger than the original G1 toy. Unlike the said toy, the gun's muzzle must be removed first to attach the silencer.
Megatron was available as a limited order item, where Japanese customers had until November 27, 2020 to reserve their copy. The item was shipped for buyers on February 2, 2021.

R.E.D. [Robot Enhanced Design]

  • Megatron (2020)
    • Accessories: Fusion Cannon, Energon Mace, 4 additional hands
Released as part of the first wave of the Transformers R.E.D. line, Megatron is a non-transforming 6-inch action figure akin to the ones from Hasbro's Marvel Legends and Star Wars The Black Series lines. He features 23 points of articulation and extensive paint operations for show-accuracy.
Megatron comes with a whopping five interchangeable left hands: a closed fist, a hand to hold weapons or accessories (not included), a pointing hand, an open hand for gesturing, and a hand permanently molded to an Energon cube. His right fist is also removable; both wrists are compatible with his Energon mace accessory. His Fusion Cannon however cannot be removed from his right forearm.
Unfortunately, Megatron's harder, unpaintable joints are prone to photodegradation.
As with all R.E.D. toys, Megatron was a Walmart exclusive in Canada and the United States, and was later made available on Hasbro Pulse in limited quantities.

The perfect companion to your "Behold, Galvatron!"
  • Reformatting Megatron (2021)
    • Accessories: Fusion Cannon, Energon Mace, 4 additional hands
The fourth wave of R.E.D. saw a redeco of Megatron, now cast mostly in translucent purple plastics and with a gridline deco to represent his reformatting into Galvatron by Unicron in The Transformers: The Movie. He retains all of his previous points of articulation and accessories.
Like his previous R.E.D. toy, Megatron was a Walmart exclusive, with limited quantities available on Hasbro Pulse.

  • Shockwave (2022)
The Shockwave figure included in the sixth wave of R.E.D. includes a handheld accessory of Megatron in pistol mode, complete with scope, silencer, and stock. Shockwave also comes with a pair of Fire Blast effects that are compatible with this Megatron.

Jada Toys


  • Diorama Scene (2 3/4" Die Cast Figure 4-pack, 2020)
    • Accessories: Display backdrop
Released by Jada Toys, a static die-cast figurine of Megatron measuring approximately 2 3/4 inches tall is available as part of a "Diorama Scene" 4-pack alongside Optimus Prime, Bumblebee and Starscream.
The packaging backdrop can be used as an additional display piece for the set.

  • Megatron (4" Die Cast Figure, 2021)
    • Accessories: Fusion cannon, Energon mace
Metalfigs Megatron is a 4 inches tall non-transforming super deformed die-cast figure with three points of articulation and light-up eyes. He comes with his signature fusion cannon and Energon mace weapons as accessories.
Originally scheduled for a July 2021 release, it ended up being silently canceled.
Your bargaining posture is highly dubious.

Proceed on your way to oblivion.
This item has been canceled, with no current plans for release.

  • Optimus Prime / Bumblebee / Optimus Primal / Megatron (2 3/4" Die Cast Figure 4-pack, 2022)
This static Megatron figurine is directly designed after the unreleased 4" figure above, but measures half the size and lacks the accessories. He is available in a 4-pack alongside Optimus Prime, Bumblebee and Optimus Primal.

  • Megatron (2 3/4" Die Cast Figure, 2023)
The same super deformed Megatron from the 4-pack above is also available in individual packaging.

Nano Metalfigs

  • Transformers Series 1 18-pack (4cm Die Cast Figure Multipack, 2022)
Nano Metalfigs Series 1 Megatron is an incredibly small die-cast figurine molded doing an action pose. He has a little base attached to his feet for balancing reasons.
He comes in an impressive multipack with seventeen other figurines.

  • Transformers Series 3 18-pack (4cm Die Cast Figure Multipack, 2023)
Nano Metalfigs Megatron was re-released with no noticeable changes in another impressive multipack with seventeen other figurines.

Figural Bag Clip

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  • Megatron (2020)
Released by Monogram, this 2.5" 3D foam bag clip takes the form of a chibi evergreen Megatron.
It was available only as part of a mystery blind bag collection.

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  • Megatron (2021)
A non-articulated, non-transforming 3" figure of Megatron with an attached clip, also released by Monogram.
Unlike the previous year's release it was sold on a standard cardback.


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  • Megatron (2021)
    • ID number: 24
Released as part of the Pop! Retro Toys segment, Funko's Pop! Megatron is a super deformed vinyl figure based on his original Generation 1 toy, though the head is much more cartoon-accurate.

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  • Funko Mystery Box: Transformers vs. G.I. Joe (Giftset, 2021)
    • ID number: 45
Available only as part of a GameStop exclusive giftset, this retooled Megatron comes with his Energon mace attached to his right arm instead of his fusion cannon and comes blindpacked inside a Transformers vs. G.I. Joe-themed lunch box alongside a Pop! Duke figure, a G.I. Joe logo decal, an Autobot logo keychain, and a set of four pins of Megatron, Duke, Optimus Prime and Cobra Commander.

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  • Megatron (Pocket Pop! Keychain, 2021)
A smaller version of the regular Pop! Megatron with a keychain attached to his head.

  • Megatron (Digital Pop!, 2022)
    • Rarity:
      • Monochrome: Common
      • Static: Common
      • Glowing: Uncommon
      • Chrome: Rare
      • Original: Epic
NFTs depicting Megatron in the Funko style. Megatron also appears in gun mode in all of Starscream's NFTs.

  • Megatron (Pop! Pin, 2022)
    • ID number: 15
    • Accessories: Display stand
A metallic enamel pin based on Megatron's vinyl figure measuring 4-inches tall, approximately the same as a regular vinyl.

  • Freddy Funko as Megatron (2023)
    • ID number: SE
Exclusive to a Funko-oriented event called Fundays 2023, this regular-sized vinyl figure portrays Freddy Funko cosplaying as Megatron. The body of this figure is the same as the regular Megatron, while the head has been modified to incorporate Freddy's face. This figure features a metallic finish and was limited to 500 pieces.

  • Megatron (2024)
    • ID number: 132
Released in celebration of the 40 years of the franchise, this regular sized Pop! Retro Toys Megatron is a similar mold to the original release, but is doing a different pose.

  • Optimus Prime & Megatron (2-pack, 2024)
A Hot Topic exclusive release of the 40th anniversary Optimus Prime and Megatron vinyls with a metallic finish to their paintings.

Modern Icons

We'll let this image speak for itself.
  • Megatron Modern Icons Replica Helmet (December 27, 2021)
A collaboration between Hasbro and statue and replica brand Modern Icons, this is a wearable helmet for adult collectors, based on Megatron's head. It features light-up eyes and authentic sounds and phrases.
Originally due for release on August 13, 2021, the Megatron helmet was delayed until December 27 (as was its Optimus Prime counterpart). The helmet is a GameStop exclusive in the United States.


  • Megatron (2021)
    • ID number: 025
A collaboration between Hasbro and statue/replica brand Jazware, The Transformers was added as a part of the Zōteki line alongside other iconic brands such as Marvel, to recreate some of the main "Generation 1" characters. The 25th figure of the Zōteki line; Megatron wields his iconic Fusion cannon.
Each statue of the line features a connection point for it to be connected to the others, in order to form a battle scene.


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  • Transformers Gen-1 Chess Set (2021)
In the planned Transformers Chess Set by Eaglemoss, a relatively large and very well detailed statue of Megatron was slated to be the standard King piece on the Decepticon side.
A Kickstarter campaign to raise the necessary funds for this project was launched, but failed to meet its goal by September 24, 2021 and the whole thing was canceled.
Your bargaining posture is highly dubious.

Proceed on your way to oblivion.
This item has been canceled, with no current plans for release.


Transformers Character Card

Transformers Character Card G1 Optimus and Megatron.jpg
Released as part of the first wave of the e-HOBBY exclusive Transformers Character Card series, this pair of holographic trading cards depict super-deformed art of Optimus Prime (with Roller) and Megatron (with Starscream, Thundercracker and Skywarp) along with character profiles and tech specs.

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  • Battle Convoy & Megatron Set (March 14, 2022)
    • ID number: 11 & 12
Released as part of the second wave of the e-HOBBY exclusive Transformers Character Card series, this pair of holographic trading cards depict super-deformed art of Optimus Prime and Megatron in their Generation 2 bodies along with character profiles and tech specs. Megatron is specifically depicted as the Hero Megatron toy.

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  • Transformers Card Binder (includes 2 special cards) (November 1, 2022)
    • ID number: EX
Released as something of a finale to the e-HOBBY exclusive Transformers Character Card series, this binder intended to contain the entire Transformers Character Card series is packed with a pair of holographic trading cards depicting super-deformed art of Optimus Prime and Megatron in the forms of their first e-HOBBY exclusive toys along with character profiles and tech specs. Megatron is specifically depicted as the first e-HOBBY exclusive toy, Collector's Edition "Megatron Black Version."

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  • Convoy (Action Master) & Megatron (Action Master) Set (December 28, 2024)
    • ID number: 93 & 94
Released as part of the thirteenth wave of the e-HOBBY exclusive Transformers Character Card series, this pair of holographic trading cards depict super-deformed art of Optimus Prime (with Armored Convoy) and Megatron (with Neutro-Fusion Tank) in their Action Master forms along with character profiles and tech specs.

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  • Destron Army and Unicron Set (December 28, 2024)
    • ID number: 99 & 100
Released as part of the thirteenth wave of the e-HOBBY exclusive Transformers Character Card series, this pair of holographic trading cards depict super-deformed art of the Generation 1 Decepticons (as represented by Megatron, Soundwave, Laserbeak, Starscream, Shockwave, Stranglehold, and Banzai-Tron) and Unicron along with character profiles and tech specs.

Acrylic keychain series

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Released as part of the first wave of an e-HOBBY exclusive series, this pair of keychains depicts character art and assets re-used from Megatron and Starscream's Masterpiece releases, namely MP-36 Megatron and MP-52 Starscream Ver. 2.0 respectively.


  • Megatron (2023)
    • Accessories: Regular head, control helmet head, Energon-drinking head, antimatter chest, laser sword, blaster, Kremzeek, 6 hands, hand with Energon cube, chemical flask, Pearl of Bahoudin, 2 energy maces
Part of the second wave of Transformers ULTIMATES! from Super7, Megatron is an 8-inch-tall non-transforming figure. Despite his retro look, he has way more articulation than the original, including multi-directional joints at the neck, shoulders, wrists, hips, and ankles; plus swivel biceps, elbows, knees, and a bit of ab crunch. He even has an opening chest with pictures of antimatter cubes behind it, as seen in the end of the original cartoon episode "Roll for It". His hands pop out at the wrists so they can be replaced with his additional spare hands or other accessories.
Among said accessories are some that have by now been included frequently with Megatron figures, such as his energy mace (here provided with both straight and curved chain versions), the blaster and laser sword from The Transformers: The Movie, as well as Kremzeek. More innovative accessories include an alternate head with the control helmet from "Prime Target", a half-empty energon cube and drunkenly-grinning alternate head meant to represent the drinking scene in "Microbots", the Pearl of Bahoudin from "Trans-Europe Express", and the chemical flask that Megatron is shown throwing at Gregory Swofford in "The Return of Optimus Prime, Part 1" (deep cut!).
Preorders for Megatron (and the rest of Wave 2) opened on July 29 2021, and closed on August 27, with the toys slated for shipping in summer 2022... a vague date Super7 missed by a full year.

Voice of Doom and Galvatron Action Figure not included.
  • Megatron (2023)
    • Accessories: Sword, fusion cannon (toy), fusion cannon (comic), gun (toy), 2 guns (comic), alternate head (toy), alternate head (comic), alternate head (G1 design), 2 fists, 2 sword-holding hands, 2 gun-holding hands, 2 trigger hands, bullet bandolier
The second ULTIMATES! Megatron figure, released in the line's third wave, depicts him in his Generation 2 tank body. Aside from the toy-accurate tank-cannon and handgun and standard suite of alternate hands, he comes with a number of accessories and alternate parts based on his appearances in the Generation 2 comic: a "G1"-styled alternate head and purple "G1" fusion cannon (as he was almost invariably drawn with those rather than a toy-accurate head and cannon), a screaming blue-faced version of the "G1" head to replicate the panel where he kills Override from G.I. Joe #142, the massive gun he holds on the cover of issue #2, his sword from the cover of issue #8, the pistol he used in the "Because I'm an idiot, that's why!" panel from issue #10, and a bullet bandolier because why not.
Preorders for G2 Megatron (and the rest of Wave 3) opened on December 1, 2021, with the toys projected to ship in fall 2022... and actually shipping in November 2023.

  • Starscream (2023)
    • Accessories: 2 arm cannons, 2 alternate heads, 2 fists, 2 gripping hands, open palm right hand, grasping left hand, claw, energon cube, Megatron gun, blaster rifle
The wave-4 non-ghost ULTIMATES! Starscream includes multiple accessories, among them a Megatron in classic gun mode.
Preorders opened on June 8 2022, with toys purportedly shipping the following May.

  • Reformatting Megatron (2023)
    • Accessories: Normal reformatting head, damaged reformatting head, 2 fists, 2 open hands, 2 trigger hands, 2 expressive hands
This version of ULTIMATES! Megatron depicts him during his reformatting scan in the animated movie, now in purple plastic with extensive wireframe deco. He has an alternate head depicting its battle-damaged appearance while still being in purple "scan" mode - an appearance Megatron never actually had in the film.
He comes with a lot fewer accessories than most other figures in the line. Granted, the sequence in question was not exactly one where he really had any, but still.
Preorders were open until January 13, 2023, with the toys purportedly shipping the following Fall, which turned out to mean March 2024.

  • Megatron (2024)
  • Accessories: Fusion cannon
The original ULTIMATES! Megatron was repackaged as a "Transformers Deluxe" figure, physically identical to the first release but now lacking all accessories except the fusion cannon. Its new packaging resembles a VHS clamshell box; specifically, the colors and trade dress strongly resemble the Video Gems tapes, while the character artwork and subtitle are taken directly from the Kid Rhino tapes.


  • Megatron (2022)
    • Nendoroid ID Number: 1793
    • Accessories: Angry face plate
The second G1-styled Nendoroid release after his arch-nemesis Optimus, Megatron is a super deformed fusion of cute and evil. Mostly the latter.
Megatron comes with an optional "angry face" accessory to replace his regular facial expression, can interchange body parts with compatible figures, and is well-articulated despite his small size.
Unusually for a Nendoroid figure, this sculpt is produced by Toyhouse with Nendoron's supervision.


  • Megatron (Series 2, 2022)
    • Accessories: Fusion cannon, energy mace, stand
Part of the second wave of Transformers Minimates from Diamond Select, this Megatron is a 2-inch-tall figurine featuring metallic paint, 12-14 points of articulation, and accessories and body parts interchangeable with other Minimates. Due to their small size, all 4 figures in each series are sold in the same blister card.

  • VHS Minimates Box Set (2022)
Minimates Megatron was rereleased as part of a San Diego Comic-Con 2022 exclusive 4-pack, featuring more cartoon-accurate matte painted deco. The packaging for this set resembles a Family Home Entertainment VHS tape. Only 2500 of this set were produced.

Icon Heroes

  • Megatron X Soundwave Retro Pin Set (2022)
A hard enamel pin based on Megatron's original G1 package art made by Icon Heroes. It comes carded with a Soundwave pin.
Or you could pick... WHAT'S IN THE BOX.

This item is currently scheduled for release, but is not yet available at mass retail.


Four million years later, it finally came out.
  • Megatron (2022)
    • ID number: UM-03
    • Accessories:
Ultimetal Megatron is a large non-transforming figure produced by Art Storm, standing at an impressive 17" and made from extensive die-cast metal. The figure is highly articulated and features LEDs on the eyes and fusion cannon. Its most conspicuous features are the numerous magnetically attached armor panels that, when removed, reveal Megatron's internal anatomy, including functional pistons. It is also the first Transformers-related item ever released to include voice clips from Frank Welker.
This piece was first solicited in 2014 but suffered multiple delays, only at last being released in June 2022.

Kotobukiya Bishoujo Series

Applications to join the Decepticons have since skyrocketed.
  • Bishoujo Series Transformers Megatron (February 2023)
Kotobukiya Bishoujo Series Megatron is a 1/7 scale PVC figure that reimagines the Decepticon leader as a cute anime girl (formally termed as a Bishōjo). This version of the character translates various elements of the robot design into fashion and style choices, such as her haircut being roughly shaped like Megatron's helmet, as well as converting the fusion cannon into an enormous handheld weapon. The figure is attached to a purple display base designed after the Decepticon insignia.
A Deluxe Edition release also included a B5 sized acrylic board for display, featuring Yamashita's original artwork of the character.

Transformers: Kindergarten Series

He can't transform until he turns 18.
  • Megatron (2023)
A childlike nontransformable figurine of Megatron was available as part of Transformers: Kindergarten Series, a crowdfunded blindpackaged toyline available exclusively in China. Megatron's figure was one of the commonly-occurring characters, and depicted him cradling a Kremzeek and holding an Energon drink. The figurine included a translucent plastic stand and a small character card.

Super Shogun

  • Megatron (2023)
    • Accessories:
Produced by Super7, this giant-sized representation of Megatron is supposed to harken back to the 1970s Shogun Warriors franchise. Megatron stands 24" tall and is made of hollow vinyl, with 3 points of articulation and wheels on his feet.

Magic: The Gathering

  • Megatron, Tyrant / Megatron, Destructive Force (2022)
    • ID number: 012/015
    • Set code: BOT
    • Color identity: Red/White/Black
    • Casting cost: {3}{R}{W}{B} (front), {1}{R}{W}{B} (back)
"Megatron, Tyrant" is part of the 2022 Magic: The Gathering Universes Beyond Transformers card set, found in Set Booster and Collector Booster packs of Magic's The Brothers' War set. It can be reversed to become "Megatron, Destructive Force", representing Megatron in vehicle mode.
A variant of this card was available solely in Collector Booster packs, depicting Shattered Glass Megatron.

But O, Phyrexia
With your blood still warm on the ground
  • Megatron (Blightsteel Colossus) (2022)
    • ID number: 1079
    • Set code: SLD
    • Color identity: Colorless
    • Casting cost: {12}
"Megatron" is part of the Magic: The Gathering card pack Transformers: Optimus Prime vs. Megatron, part of the Secret Lair Drop Series December Superdrop 2022 set. It was available exclusively from from December 5, 2022 through January 6, 2023.
Megatron is a reskin of the existing Magic card Blightsteel Colossus, using the same rules and counting as it for all gameplay purposes. Similar to his eternal rival, Megatron is both powerful and nigh-indestructible, with a very high casting cost—but at the cost of one extra mana compared to Optimus, Megatron has the incredibly potent infect mechanic, which combines with his power of 11 to let him kill a player in one hit if he isn't blocked. While the card has printing on both faces, depicting Megatron in robot mode and vehicle mode respectively, both have the same printed abilities and count as a single card for rules purposes—just choose which side you want to display when he enters the battlefield.
The Optimus Prime vs. Megatron set also includes Optimus Prime, The AllSpark, and the bonus card Cybertron.

XM Studios

  • Starscream (2022)
XM Studios' statue of Starscream is 32" tall, made of hand-painted porcelain. Starscream has different head and arm sculpts to allow owners to pose him in his "coronation" regalia and also holding a gun-mode Megatron. The set also includes a sculpted representation of Starscream's jet mode that can be displayed next to the robot.
350 pieces were produced, with a suggested price of about $1,500 US.
  • Soundwave (2022)
Gun-mode Megatron was also one of the alternate hand-weapon options for the XM Studios statue of Soundwave.

  • Megatron (2022)
This painted porcelain Megatron statue stands 26" tall, and features alternate heads to provide different facial expressions and multiple arms for choices in posing. His accessories include not just the expected spiked flail but also a cross-continuity visitor, the Dark Star Saber. The set also includes a sculpted representation of Megatron's gun mode to be displayed next to the robot.
258 pieces were produced, with a suggested price of about $1,600 US.

  • Megatron Bust (2023)
HasLab Unicron was for casuals!
Just look at it. LOOK at it. It's a 4-foot-tall bust of Megatron. 150 were made with a suggested retail of $4,000.
Or you could pick... WHAT'S IN THE BOX.

This item is currently scheduled for release, but is not yet available at mass retail.

Transformers × Mini World

  • Megatron (2023)
    • Accessories: Transforming base, gun, sword, machine part, crane arm, 2 connectors
Transformers × Mini World Megatron is a tie-in to the popular Chinese game Mini World. It comes with a display base with rolling wheels that can fold up into a cube-shaped thing that is a very rough interpretation of a tank. The figure can transform into a storage mode and store fully inside the cube, or you can remove the head and replace it with the folded up cube. The unfurled base mode has some machinery inside, as well as a weapons rack to store the included gun and sword accessories.
Each set includes Build a Figure-like machinery components which can be combined with parts from other sets to make new structures.
It is exclusively available at TMall, a subsidiary of Alibaba. This figure was released both individually and as part of a giftset with the rest of the "Mini World" Transformers.

Fools Paradise

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  • Megatron (2023)
    • Accessories: Football
Part of a collaboration between Hasbro and Hong Kong-based online store ZCWO, Megatron joins the "League of Steel" subline of Fools Paradise's LOWFOOL range, rendered as a hulking American football player alongside similar vinyl statues of Evangelions and Gundams. He is depicted as a human man wearing heavily Megatron-inspired body armour and sports equipment, including a colour coordinated football, and is designed with the characteristic LOWFOOL facial features of a strong brow, squinting eyes, and moustache.
Preorders for Megatron opened in September 2023, with a projected release date of December.
Or you could pick... WHAT'S IN THE BOX.

This item is currently scheduled for release, but is not yet available at mass retail.

McFarlane Toys

  • Optimus Prime and Megatron (2024)
Page Punchers Megatron is 3-inch non-transformable action figure based on his IDW Autobot design by Alex Milne, though sporting a Decepticon insignia rather than an Autobot one.
He comes in a two-pack with Optimus Prime, packaged with Optimus Prime #1 and Lost Light #6.



  • Megatron (2023)
Released as the first figure Yolopark's AMK Pro line, Megatron comes in pre-assembled modules as opposed to traditional model kit runners. This allows him to be assembled quickly and easily without tools. Unlike Yolopark's regular AMK line, the AMK Pro line features diecast parts and light-up features. In Megatron's case, his eyes will light up when tapping his head with a magnet and his Fusion cannon will light up with the press of a button. His eyes require 1 CR927 battery and his fusion cannon requires 3 AG1 batteries, neither of which are included.
The figure was originally part of a Kickstarter campaign before reaching full release later in the year. Curiously, the prototype pictured at the time and even early review copies sent out had a different head sculpt which was refined for the final product. An "angry" alternate face was also swapped out in favor of a more detailed "neutral" face.

  • Megatron (Hasbro Edition, 2024)
The AMK Pro Megatron kit is re-released under the "Hasbro Edition" branding. In this release, the diecast parts have been replaced with plastic, while the light-up feature, alternate faceplate, chest accessories, and Key to Vector Sigma are no longer included. In addition, Megatron's display stand also comes with an additional Ark backdrop for the arm unit. Unlike the similarly-released Optimus, Megatron features painted red eyes.

  • Megatron and Optimus Prime Combo Set (2024)
The "Hasbro Edition" of the AMK Pro Megatron kit is also sold as a two-pack with the same line's Optimus Prime. The 2-pack also comes with a unique pin.

AMK Mini Series

  • Megatron (2024)
  • Accessories: 2 additional pairs of hands (Splayed, Pointing)
The AMK Mini Series Megatron is a smaller version of the character and features swappable hand parts. While he already had his fusion cannon, Megatron's default fists/item-holding hands still can accommodate some of the weapons from the same line.
Note that the connection between the waist peg and the torso can feel slightly too tight, which gives the impression that it might potentially break when turned. If anyone is concerned, you can lightly sand the peg to alleviate the issue.
Megatron is sold as either an individually marked single, a 2-pack with the same line's Optimus Prime in a single box, or as a blind box figure.

Beyblade X

Beyblade X Transformers Megatron.jpg
  • Optimus Prime and Megatron Multipack Set (2024)
Megatron 4-80B consists of three pieces that can be interchanged with those of other Beyblade X tops; an attacking Blade primarily made of metal, a Ratchet that locks parts together and determines height, and a Bit that touches the ground and determines movement.
The "Megatron" Blade features a picture of Megatron on its central Gear Chip and is largely a retool of the mainline Beyblade X Blade "Scythe Incendio", sporting a largely similar metal section with Megatron-themed details and an unaltered plastic underframe. The "4-80" Ratchet and "B" ("Ball") Bit of this Beyblade are recolored parts from other Beyblade X tops.
While the completed Beyblade is labeled as Stamina Type, the "Megatron" Blade is individually labeled on the back of the packaging as Balance Type, due to being a retool of the Balance Type Blade "Scythe Incendio".
Megatron 4-80B was only available in a two-pack with Optimus Prime 4-60P as an Amazon exclusive. Like other Collab Beyblades, scanning the QR code on the underside of the Blade will award the player with 1500 Season Track points, but will not unlock the Beyblade for use in the game.

Hot Wheels

  • Megatron (Skate, 2024)
  • Accessories: Finger sneakers
Part of the Hot Wheels Skate subset made by Mattel, this is a Megatron-themed finger skateboard that comes with a pair of purple finger sneakers. The shape and packaging use Dreamwave-era artwork of Megatron.


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  • Cybertron Battlers Megatron (2022)
Released in the Cybertron Battlers subline of Authentics, this vinyl figure is a non-transforming, 5.5 inch rendition of Megatron in his evergreen design with limited points of articulation. In tradition, he has his trademark fusion cannon molded into his right arm.
He comes packaged either individually with a tag, or in twos in a box together with Bumblebee and Optimus Prime.


  • Megatron (Series 1, 2022)
Squeezelings Megatron is a super deformed, non-posable figure made of soft plastic, released by Forever Clever. He was released in blind bags and in boxed giftsets. One of these sets included a 'Blackout Color Mode' redeco.

  • Blackout Color Mode Megatron (2022)
A black redeco of the previous Megatron figure. It was exclusive to an 8-figure gift set, featuring Optimus Prime, Bumblebee, Starscream, Megatron, and Blackout Color Mode versions of the three other characters.

  • Megatron (Series 2, 2023)
A figure of Megatron in soft plastic, like the above. Unlike the above, this one is not in super deformed style. He was released in a gift set alongside Optimus Prime, Bumblebee and Optimus Primal, in blind bags, or on blister card individually.


Galaxy Version

  • Megatron (Galaxy Version, 2023)
  • Series: Galaxy Version 01 - Roll Out
  • Accessories: 2 pairs of hands (Weapon-holding/fists, open-palm), pointing left hand, Blast Effect, spare peg-and-ball piece, spare ball-and-ball piece, black stand, 1 pair of Autobot/Decepticon symbols
Released in the First Wave of Blokees' Galaxy Version line of blind boxes, this Megatron is a four-inch-tall, articulated, and non-transforming snap-on model kit of the Decepticon Leader. Like many other Blokees figures, Megatron uses a "Standard Body" as a skeleton, in which pieces are attached to make them look like different characters.
Like many other Blokees figures, Megatron includes a stand with four studs he can connect to for posing via four studs.

  • Megatron (Shining Version, 2024)
  • Series: Shining Version 01 - Shining Roll Out
  • Accessories: Spare balljoint piece, figure stand, 2 pairs of hands (Weapon-holding/fists, open-palm), pair of Autobot/Decepticon symbols, Energon Mace
Released in the first wave of Blokees' Shining Version line, this edition of the original Galaxy Version mold now features a new color-coded face parts with translucent eyes, and a torso frame that lights up upon shaking (or at least just lightly tap some areas on the torso), causing the eyes and the Matrix pattern tampographed on his chest window to glow for a limited time. In addition to his identical accessories from the Galaxy Version release, Megatron also comes with an Energon Mace, a single Energon Cube, and a new, larger figure stand.

  • Metallic Megatron (Shining Version, 2024)
  • Series: Shining Version 01 - Shining Roll Out
  • Accessories: Spare balljoint piece, figure stand, 2 pairs of hands (Weapon-holding/fists, open-palm), pair of Autobot/Decepticon symbols, Energon Mace
The chase figure of first Shining Version line with a much slimmer pull rate of 1 in every 36 boxes, i.e. once in four cases, this Megatron is redecoed in a metallic sheen save for the joint pieces along with some additional deco patterns such as the burnt Fusion Cannon barrel, and he comes with the same accessories as his regular Shining Version counterpart.

Action Edition

  • Megatron (Action Edition, 2024)

Child's Play Aron.jpg
If you build it, they will play.

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Defender Version

Every case comes with a random Commemorative Card, with 10 Common, 1 Gold, and 1 Silver for each out of every 12 cards.
  • Megatron (Defender Version, 2024)
  • Series: Defender Version 01 - Shattered Alliance
Released as part of the all-new Defender Version line of blind boxes, this Megatron is a 2.2-inch (5.5cm) figure, a few inches smaller than the Galaxy Version kits, but still articulated. Unlike his Galaxy Version kit, Megatron only comes with his signature Fusion Cannon.
As with all robot mode kits from this line, Megatron features color-coded eye parts, which double as the neck's socket joint.

  • Special Galaxy Type Megatron (Defender Version, 2024)
  • Series: Defender Version 01 - Shattered Alliance
One of the two chase figures of the line, the "Special Galaxy Type" Megatron is a metallic redeco of the figure above, and he also features thoroughly painted details to make him more accurate to the show. like Optimus, he has a much slimmer pull rate of 5 in every 144 boxes.

  • Megatron Fully Armed (Defender Version, 2024)
  • Series: Defender Version 01 - Shattered Alliance
  • Accessories: Left Fusion Cannon, Wing Pack
The "Fully Armed" version of the Megatron kit is an alternate version of the Special Galaxy Type chase figure, decked out in metallic paint, and comes with additional armaments such as the wing pack and the newly-tooled left forearm to accommodate the extra cannon. Unlike the chase variant above, this Megatron has an even slimmer pull rate of 1 in every 144 boxes.

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