Optimus Prime (Armada)/Cartoon continuity
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He's big, he's brave, he's a red and blue truck, and he's the star of three massively overlong Japanese cartoons, so you can bet Optimus Prime needs his own page for his escapades in the Unicron Trilogy cartoon continuity!
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Armada cartoon
- Voice actor: Garry Chalk (English), Tōru Ōkawa (Japanese), Lu Jianyi (Chinese), Luis Miguel Perez (Latin American-Spanish), Guilherme Briggs (Portuguese), Pierre-Peters Arnold (German), Niclas Ekholm (Swedish), Róbert Bolla (Hungarian), Dariusz Odija (Polish), Alfredo Martínez (Spain-Spanish), Sepuh Apikian (Armenian), Pekka Lehtosaari (Finnish), Massimo Lodolo (Italian), Michel Dodane (French), Leo Richardson (Dutch), Kim Il (Korean)
Millions of years ago, a young Optimus Prime fought with a great Decepticon warrior known as Scavenger. So frequent were their clashes, and so familiar were they to each other, the pair eventually became friends, and Scavenger signed up with the Autobots. Seeing great potential in the young Autobot, Scavenger taught Optimus Prime how to fight in hand-to-hand combat. Trust Ascending to the position of Autobot leadership, Optimus led his armies against the Decepticons in the war for the Mini-Cons, until the small robots expressed a desire to leave the planet, hoping they could take the war with them. Optimus and the Autobots helped the Mini-Cons escape Cybertron aboard a spaceship, but the war on Cybertron raged on even without them. Prehistory
A million years later, in the year 2010, a beacon from the planet Earth alerted the Transformers on Cybertron to the fact that the Mini-Cons had reawakened there. First Encounter Optimus Prime led a small Autobot unit consisting of Hot Shot (specifically chosen for the mission by Prime due to the recent loss of his friend Wheeljack Past II) and Red Alert to the planet, leaving his second-in-command Jetfire in charge of the Autobot forces on Cybertron. Prehistory Prime departed for Earth via space bridge, appearing on the planet only moments behind his arch-foe, Decepticon leader Megatron. First Encounter Optimus immediately engaged Megatron in battle, buying time for the villain's three human targets—Rad White, Carlos Lopez, and Alexis—and the Mini-Con they had befriended, High Wire, to escape. Megatron and Optimus's troops proceeded to warp in to join the battle, but the Decepticons soon retreated, and both sides were left to set up bases and scan alternate modes in order to begin their search for Mini-Cons. The three children, now having awakened the entire Street Action Mini-Con Team, were the Decepticons' first targets, but Optimus and the Autobots came to their rescue again. Metamorphosis Optimus used his Super Mode's firepower to see the Decepticons off, and brought the children back to the Autobots' base to explain the history of the Transformers and their mission on Earth. Base
Soon afterward, a Mini-Con activation signal drew the Autobots and Decepticons to the Grand Canyon, where Prime found himself outmatched by Megatron thanks to the additional power of the Decepticon's Mini-Con partner. Thanks to an intervention from the Street Action Team in their combined form of Perceptor, Optimus was able to activate the Mini-Con panel, revealing that its occupant was his old Mini-Con partner and friend, Sparkplug. Powerlinxed together, they activated Optimus's powerful Maximum Blast which sent the Decepticons into retreat. Comrade The Autobots' next mission took them to Antarctica, though they suffered a bit of a false start when Prime's drive system failed upon arrival, and he needed Red Alert to repair it. As the Autobots then split up to search for the Mini-Con, Optimus was absent for most of the battle with the Decepticons that erupted, but his late arrival into the fray tipped the scales in the Autobots' favor. Soldier
Unable to haul his trailer through the forest that was the hiding place of the next Mini-Con panel, Optimus left it in the care of Sparkplug while he and the other Autobots began their search. Unsurprisingly, the Decepticons soon turned up and set the forest aflame, leaving the Autobots unable to fire back due to Optimus's concern that they would damage the environment. The kids and Mini-Cons were able to extinguish the forest fire by hooking Optimus's trailer up to a nearby lake, and although the Autobots failed to keep the Mini-Con out of Decepticon hands, Optimus assured them all that they had done the right thing. Jungle Downtime followed, as Optimus helped Red Alert with repairs while the kids visited a carnival. Carnival Unfortunately, when the Autobots' resumed activity with their next mission in the Sahara desert, they failed yet again to keep a Mini-Con from the Decepticons. Palace
A different challenge would face Optimus when Rad and Carlos' schoolyard antagonists Billy and Fred were kidnapped by the Decepticons and ransomed for all the Autobots' Mini-Cons. Optimus was forced to agree to the exchange, and although Megatron reneged on the deal, Hot Shot managed to win the day by freeing the kids. With their cover blown, Optimus and the Autobots accepted Billy and Fred into their circle of human friends. Confrontation It was then back to Mini-Con hunting, this time in the subway tunnels of a large city, whose maze-like construction confused Optimus and nearly led him into a head-on collision with a speeding train. Optimus's team once again lost the Mini-Con to the Decepticons, but they gained a new team member: Smokescreen, who had gotten lost during the space bridge transit to Earth, and who protected the kids from Cyclonus. Underground Next, Optimus carried the kids inside his watertight cabin when the Autobots headed into the ocean depths on the quest for a Mini-Con lost in the ruins of an ancient Atlantis-like civilization. When the Decepticons attacked, a blast from Megatron ruptured Prime's seal, but he was able to get the kids to safety inside the ruins before returning to the fight. Prime and Megatron's battle proceeded to carry inside the ruins, into the chamber containing the Mini-Cons, where once again, the Decepticons emerged victorious and escaped with the panel. RuinAfter telling Rad a more detailed account of the history of the Transformers' war, Optimus led the Autobots to a volcanic island in search of their next Mini-Con, using his trailer's firepower to fend off the Decepticons as he headed into a narrow tunnel to recover the panel. A sudden volcanic eruption opened a fissure beneath the Autobot leader's feet, but this allowed him to avoid the lava flow that covered the island's surface and get the drop of the Decepticons, allowing the Autobots to at last claim another Mini-Con for themselves. Prehistory As with one of the other panels they had recovered, however, this Mini-Con would not awaken because it was part of a set of three. The Decepticons were in possession of the third panel, and soon invaded the Autobot base to complete their collection. Forced to order a shut down of the internal defense lasers to protect their human allies, Optimus gathered up the panels in his hands and tried to get them to safety, only for Megatron to catch up to him, awakening and combining the Mini-Cons into the Star Saber sword. Optimus was able to blast the blade from Megatron's hands, and Hot Shot used it to beat the Decepticons into retreat. Swoop
Hot Shot quickly became overconfident while wielding the Star Saber, much to Optimus's displeasure; he warned the young Autobot not to let his ego get the better of him several times. Then, Optimus's old tutor Scavenger arrived on Earth. It was hardly a happy reunion: his friend had now taken on a new life as a mercenary, and was now selling his services to the Decepticons. His interference cost the Autobots another Mini-Con. Overmatch The Autobots also soon gained a new member in Sideways, who helped Optimus's team recover the Mini-Con Spiral in a highway battle. Gale Unfortunately, appearances were deceiving: while Optimus and Smokescreen were searching for a Mini-Con during the next battle, Hot Shot and Sideways were inadvertently warped away to the Decepticons' moonbase, where Sideways revealed himself to be a traitor and stole the Star Saber for the Decepticons. Credulous Fortunately, the next battle proved that Scavenger's alleged Decepticon alliance was also a ruse: Optimus had actually been employing him as a spy within the Decepticon ranks, and as that mission had now come to an end, Optimus welcomed him back into the Autobot fold. Conspiracy Prime's trust did not immediately assuage the misgivings of the other Autobots, but Scavenger soon proved himself to them on the battlefield when he saved Prime from plummeting into a chasm during the Autobots' next Mini-Con hunt. Trust
When the Autobots went on vacation to a lake only to be caught up in a flood, Optimus Prime helped saved some human lives by blocking the flow of water with his body. Vacation Soon after welcoming the antisocial Blurr to the team and failing to secure the last member of the Skyboom shield trio, Reinforcement Optimus was challenged to a pitched battle in the desert by Megatron, now wielding both the Star Saber and the Skyboom Shield. Though helplessly outmatched by the power the Mini-Con weapons conveyed on his eternal enemy, Optimus fought bravely, and was able to use a distraction to disarm Megatron of the Skyboom, but was then nearly run through by the enraged Decepticon leader. At the last moment, Sparkplug threw himself between the combatants and summoned the Skyboom to protect Prime; when shield and sword collided, an incredible reaction resulted, producing a beam of light that shot off into space. With the shield in Autobot hands, the Decepticons retreated. Decisive Battle
Prime barred the kids from the Autobot base while he concocted a strategy that would allow the team to use the Skyboom against the Decepticons, but his plans were preempted when the Decepticons lured the Autobots into a trap, splitting them up by warping them individually to different locations of past battles. In the Sahara once more, Optimus was confronted by Megatron and a small legion of Mini-Cons; chastened by Rad's warnings, Optimus was unwilling to fire back at the attacking Mini-Cons, and this act of restraint was enough to convince the Mini-Cons to turn on Megatron. Vow It was not long before Prime and Megatron met in battle again, though the outcome of that particular clash went undocumented. Rebellion
The sudden deactivation of Laserbeak prompted Optimus to break off a battle to return to base and discover what had happened to the kids. Discovering that they had been sucked into cyberspace by Sideways, the Autobots safely extricated them, but their tale of an encounter with another evil force within the cyber-realm deeply perturbed Optimus. Chase
After Optimus used the Skyboom to help secure another Autobot victory, the Decepticons' new tactician Thrust put together a plan to lure the Autobots into a valley, separating Prime from the group and wiping him out. The scheme would have succeeded, if not for the sudden arrival of Jetfire on Earth, who foiled Thrust's plans. Tactician Jetfire took over leadership of the Autobots while Optimus's injuries were being repaired, but his cocksure attitude soon saw him lured into another of Thrust's traps. In defiance of his wounds, Prime warped into the battlefield, where he and Jetfire Powerlinxed to form "Jet Prime" and sent the Decepticons packing. Linkup
A rare moment of downtime was used by the Autobots to begin repairs on their base, though Optimus was no better at the task than Hot Shot was. Detection Soon after, during a battle at a shoreline, the Autobots had a new menace to face when the Decepticons were joined by the monolithic Tidal Wave, against whose power not even Jet Optimus could stand. Awakening Forcibly separated from Jetfire during the battle, Optimus was sent plummeting to the ground at deadly velocity, was but saved by the timely awakening of the three Mini-Cons who formed the Requiem Blaster. Wrestling the blaster away from Thrust, Prime saved himself by firing its beam into the ocean below, slowing his descent. DesperateThe three new Mini-Cons reluctance to fight made Prime hesitant to employ them in any further combat situations, but he soon had the choice taken out of his hands when the kids helped the Mini-Cons run away. Prime hit the road to look for them, and when he found they had become targeted by Thrust, used his Super Mode to scare the Decepticon off. Runaway
When the Autobot greenhorn Side Swipe arrived on Earth, Optimus charged a discontented Hot Shot with supervising him. Past The pair of them ran afoul of Wheeljack, who shot Hot Shot at point-blank range. Side Swipe managed to drag Hot Shot back to base, and while he healed in intensive care, Optimus filled Blurr in on Hot Shot's past involvement with Wheeljack. Past II
Unfortunately, the Autobots' new manpower did not prevent them from falling into a Decepticon trap: lured into a battle with Starscream in a jungle, Optimus and his team were unable to prevent their enemies from attacking their base and stealing the Requiem Blaster. Smokescreen was fatally wounded by the blaster and died with Optimus at his side, Sacrifice but fortunately, his Spark survived, and he was rebuilt as "Hoist". Simultaneously, Starscream arrived at the Autobot base, having abandoned the Decepticons, and petitioned Prime for a place among the Autobots. A display of genuine comradeship from the Star Saber Mini-Cons prompted Prime to agree. Regeneration
Using Starscream's information, Prime led the Autobots in invading the Decepticon moonbase and rescuing all the captive Mini-Cons, but he and Starscream clashed briefly when the ex-Decepticon temporarily refused to obey his order to withdraw. Rescue Prime agreed with Jetfire's decision to detain Starscream when his insubordination continued on a mission to Mars, Mars but continued to look upon their alliance as a means of better understanding the differences between Autobot and Decepticon, encouraging Hot Shot to do the same. Alas, the manipulations of Thrust shattered the burgeoning trust; while Jet Optimus was engaged in combat with Tidal Wave, Starscream stole the Skyboom Shield and returned to the Decepticons with both it and the Star Saber in hand.Crack
With all three Mini-Con weapons now in Decepticon hands, Optimus had his hands full trying to keep his emotionally-charged soldiers in-line. In spite of his betrayal, Optimus still hoped that Starscream would come around and return to the Autobots. Then, the Decepticons used their newly finished Hydra Cannon to destroy a comet passing near the Earth. Optimus and his troops could do little but stare as the super-weapon unleashed its awesome might... and then turned its sights towards the Earth! Threaten The Autobots scrambled to prepare a preemptive strike to destroy the Decepticons' warship before the cannon could be fully turned upon the planet. Optimus, fearing he would not survive what was to come, attempted to pass the Matrix of Leadership to Hot Shot. However, the young Autobot refused. Accepting his decision, Optimus departed on the mission with Jetfire. The two Autobots were unable to overpower the Decepticons, and Optimus's only option was to hurl himself in the path of the cannon's planet-destroying beam. Using the power of the Matrix, Optimus halted the beam and saved the Earth, but at the cost of his own life: as the beam died out, his bleached body crumbled away to space dust. Crisis
After Optimus possibly contacted him from beyond, Hot Shot accepted the role Optimus had tried to pass on to him. Remorse Hot Shot led the Autobot in into space in pursuit of the Decepticons aboard the Axalon, now joined by all the Mini-Cons of Earth, their powers fully awakened. During a confrontation with their enemies, the Mini-Cons united their powers to resurrect Optimus from within the Matrix, and the reborn Autobot leader used all the power of his Super Mode to end the battle. Miracle No sooner had the Autobots welcomed their leader back than their ship was pulled through a worm hole to a dead planet, where they were menaced by a twisted clone of Optimus named Nemesis Prime. Prime ended his dark doppelgänger's threat with the added firepower of his new weapons system, Overload. Puppet
The Decepticons proceeded to beat the Autobots back to Cybertron, but this was the least of Optimus Prime's worries: learning from the Mini-Cons of the existence of an ancient evil named Unicron, Prime attempted to convince Megatron—now upgraded to Galvatron through the power of the Mini-Cons—of the necessity of an alliance, to no avail. Uprising Prime was left to co-ordinate the Autobot resistance as best he could. He managed to make planetfall with the Axalon and ordered a full Autobot retreat from Cybertron. Dash As the Autobots were being pulled off-planet, Optimus received word from Hot Shot and Wheeljack. They informed Optimus that Thrust and Sideways had stolen the Requiem Blaster and Skyboom Shield. Drift Optimus then learned that Rad, Alexis, and Carlos had snuck off to help track down Thrust. He reluctantly allowed the children to continue on their mission, though he sent Jetfire to back them up. Unicron's servants then used the Mini-Con weapons in their possession to begin the reawakening of their master, who was revealed to be concealed within Cybertron's moon. Portent
Having experienced Prime's leadership first-hand, Starscream realized that an alliance was the only way forward, and so threw himself into the middle of a battle between Prime and Galvatron and sacrificed himself to convince Galvatron of the reality of Unicron's threat. Swayed by his lieutenant's death, Galvatron moved to hand the Star Saber over to Prime, only for Sideways to snatch it away at the last second, using it to complete Unicron's reactivation. Cramp In a formal ceremony before all their troops, Prime and Galvatron shook hands, uniting the Autobots and Decepticons into an armada that struck at Unicron together. Their attacks were ineffective. A secon plan was put into motion, where a small scouting team was sent to Unicron's surface. This mission also ended in failure, and the scouting party had to be rescued by Jet Prime and Galvatron. Alliance
While their troops defended Cybertron, Optimus Prime and Galvatron decided to infiltrate Unicron's body, where they immediately came under attack by his internal defenses. Union Working their way to the chamber containing Unicron's "heart", they were captured by the chaos-bringer, and offered the chance to merge with him willingly. Optimus's refusal prompted Unicron to accuse him of lying to himself, telling him that he had always loved the thrill of war as much as Galvatron, and that the only thing that distinguished them was the Matrix in Prime's chest. Before Unicron could forcibly merge Prime with him, the kids intervened, freeing the Mini-Con weapons from Unicron's hold and de-powering him, creating a wave of energy that spontaneously changed the color of Prime's armor. As they all tried to escape Unicron's dormant body, however, Galvatron challenged Optimus Prime to one final duel. Origin Prime agreed, discarding the Matrix so that he could prove Unicron's analysis of him wrong, but as the fight raged, both combatants succumbed to their base natures, fighting the most ferocious clash of their history. The negative energy of their battle reawoke Unicron, and he began to draw everything nearby into his maw. Prime held tight to Galvatron, trying to save his life, but Galvatron was unwilling to live in a world where peace was the only option, and forced himself free of Prime's grip. Galvatron disappeared into Unicron, and with their battle concluded, the flow of negative energy ceased, causing Unicron to vanish in a flash of light.In the battle's aftermath, the Matrix of Leadership floated by Prime in space, but, feeling that he had only proven Unicron correct, Prime considered himself unworthy of carrying it. While the other Autobots and Decepticons, still united, set about rebuilding, Prime, his armor returned to its normal hue, embarked on a soul-searching voyage through space. Mortal Combat
Alternate timeline
In a timeline where the Cybertronians' conflict never left their home planet, the Mini-Cons' influence on the Autobots and Decepticons subjugated the larger robots. Optimus Prime and the rest of his kind were left entangled in a semi-organic growth spawned from Unicron's cells, and were shut down by Unicron's power. Carlos, Alexis, and Rad appeared before him, visitors from another time, and beheld Optimus's inert form before shooting off into time once more, eventually leading to Optimus's fate being prevented. Drift
Japanese cartoon continuity
The battle between Optimus Prime and Megatron raged on as newly awakened Mini-Cons emerged in a West Coast city in the United States. Linkage Part 1
When the Starscream of MD World encountered the Optimus Prime of Cloud World, he briefly confused the extradimensional visitor with his world's Optimus. Encounter
Super Link pack-in comic
While investigating an energon reaction with Kicker, Optimus Prime found a dark duplicate of himself, Scourge, already at the site. After the mysterious Transformer shot at them, Optimus leapt to battle. Optimus Prime VS Mysterious Supreme Commander Scourge After some struggle and help from other Autobots, Optimus gained the upper hand, and Scourge disappeared into a mysterious portal after complimenting his counterpart. Supreme Commander Optimus Prime VS Dark Commander Scourge
Robotmasters 3D diorama manga
When G1 Optimus Prime, Optimus Primal, and Victory Saber were drained of energy by a team of gloating Decepticons, Optimus Prime (in his body from the era of the black hole crisis) emerged from the sky to rescue the Autobot leaders. He granted them use of his Galaxy Cannon, infusing them with new energy in the process. The three, along with Lio Convoy, merged their energies with the Galaxy Cannon to create the Big Bang Cannon attack that blew away the Decepticons. Afterwards, Optimus Prime promised to protect the peace of Earth, a passion that G1 Optimus encouraged. Robotmasters Vol. 11
Ask Vector Prime
In Aurex 105.08 Alpha, Blue Max was killed in a battle between Optimus Prime and Megatron. This caused Seawave and Cradon to fall out with each other as they blamed opposite factions for Blue Max's demise. Ask Vector Prime, 2015/09/18
Transformers Legends anthology
Following his destruction by the Hydra Cannon, Optimus Prime found himself in Maccadam's Old Oil House on Cybertron, where he encountered an Optimus Prime from another universe, and two versions of Optimus Primal from that same universe. After establishing the possibility that alternate universes existed, the other three were able to help Optimus Prime overcome some of his doubts over his leadership abilities. That done, Optimus returned to life in time to save Hot Shot from Megatron. Prime Spark
Energon cartoon
- Voice actor: Garry Chalk (English), Katsuyuki Konishi (Japanese), Luis Miguel Perez (Latin American-Spanish), Niclas Ekholm (Swedish) Dariusz Odija (Polish), Alfredo Martínez (Spain-Spanish), Sepuh Apikian (Armenian), Pekka Lehtosaari (Finnish), Massimo Lodolo (Italian), Michel Dodane (French), Péter Barbinek (Hungarian)
A few years after the defeat of Unicron, Optimus Prime returned from his self-imposed exile to a newly unified Cybertron where Autobots and Decepticons lived side by side in peace. Reassuming leadership of the Autobots, Prime took on a new body and established a dialogue with Earth's governments with the help of his human friends. Doctor Brian Jones came to Cybertron to meet with Prime and discuss potential new energy endeavours the two races could work together on, but his son Kicker was frightened by the robots and ran away. Prime followed the boy to an abandoned part of Cybertron, and discovered him in the chamber of the reawakened Primus, the creator-god of the Transformers, who endowed Kicker with the ability to sense Energon. Using Kicker's powers to detect Energon deposits, the united Autobot-Decepticon-human federation set up numerous Cybertron Cities in the Solar System over the next few years to mine the mineral. Sometime after this, Primus bestowed upon Optimus the Spark of Combination, giving him the ability to combine with his new drone vehicles, the Prime Force. Prime began personally training new Autobot recruits, including the hotheaded young Ironhide.
In 2020, Optimus Prime personally led a team to investigate attacks on the Cybertron Cities in the asteroid belt and on Mars. Finding no life remaining on Mars, his unit then moved to Earth, where Prime saved Kicker and Ocean City from an attack by the culprits, the bestial Terrorcons, who had been sent to steal the cities' Energon by their master Alpha Q so that he could revive Unicron. Cybertron City Fearing future attacks, Prime agreed to the evacuation of Ocean City, then led a counterattack against the Terrorcons when they assaulted Lunar City on the Moon. Before the battle, he assigned the headstrong Kicker to be partners with Ironhide, suspecting that the experience would be difficult but beneficial for both of them. Though Optimus and his soldiers repelled the Terrorcons on the Moon-base, the enemy escaped with a substantial amount of Energon. Energon Stars
As attacks on Earth continued, Prime led the Autobots in battling the Terrorcons at Desert City, but he was dismayed to find that the Decepticon troops under his command had begun to abandon the cause of unity, having been promised the resurrection of Megatron in return for their service. Scorpinok A second attack on Mars City forced Prime to make a difficult call, leaving the Autobots there to fight alone out of fear that the Earth would be attacked if his team left to help. His suspicion was proven correct when the Terrorcons besieged Plains City; during the battle, Prime discovered that the Terrorcon leader Scorponok was wielding a sword that was pulsing with the evil essence of Megatron, leading him to fear that his old enemy was indeed still alive. Megatron's Sword
With Terrorcon attacks continuing, Optimus had his Prime Force drones upgraded by Doctor Jones. This allowed for a smoother combination with his drones, which he soon put to good use in another clash against Terrorcon drones taking place in some snowy mountains. The New Cybertron City This upgrade proved timely, as it was not long before Optimus again found himself face-to-face with Megatron, reborn through the power of Energon. Megatron Resurrected Optimus retreated with the severely wounded Hot Shot in tow, leaving the Energon supply in Plains City to be pilfered by Megatron. In a subsequent battle at Ocean City, Optimus was attacked by the newly resurrected Starscream, now endowed with ghostly powers. Starscream's assassination attempt was interrupted when Megatron warped in to attack Ocean City. Optimus and Megatron threw down with all their power, but Optimus was able to emerge triumphant when the Omnicons provided him with a copy of Megatron's sword. Megatron Raid But Starscream, sent by Alpha Q to assassinate Optimus, still stalked about. To prevent interference or collateral damage, Prime lured Starscream to the moon, and in the battle that followed, he learned of Starscream's master's plan to revive Unicron. Badly wounded by Starscream, Prime was knocked unconscious, but an infusion of Energon from Skyblast revived him and interacted with the Matrix of Leadership, generating a powerful blaster that Prime used to drive off his opponent. Starscream the Mysterious MercenaryOn edge and battle-ready after the assassination attempt, Prime was quick to lead his team into the asteroid belt when he suspected the Decepticons were operating from a mobile base there. Though the Autobots destroyed the base, its similarity to Unicron only worried Prime more. Battle of the Asteroid Belt The need for Prime and the Autobots to leave the Earth and investigate the potential return of Unicron fortunately coincided with Doctor Jones's development of energon towers, which could project a grid of Energon that would protect Earth in the Autobots' absence. The first Tower was successfully activated while Optimus held Megatron at a stalemate atop of Ocean City. The structure's "Energon shockwave assault" drove the Terrorcons back, and Optimus mused over the amazing power of Energon. Energon Tower Constructing the towers was not the easiest task: during the endeavour, Optimus Prime was forced to order a detonation that wiped out Jungle City and some ancient archaeological ruins to fend off the attacking Decepticons, Crisis in Jungle City battled Megatron once again at Lunar City, Kicker Beware! and led a space-based defense against several giant "comets" that Megatron had created to destroy Earth, which was ultimately saved by the completion of the energon grid. Energon Grid
With Earth secure, Optimus held a conference, where he made known his plan to move onto the offensive against their enemies; the Autobots would go into outer space to pursue and destroy Unicron before Megatron could revive the planet-eater. Rodimus Friend or Foe? A Decepticon attack failed to stop them from leaving the Solar System aboard the Miranda II, though Prime only narrowly avoided getting caught by the ship's energon grid during the fight against the Decepticon their maiden voyage took them into. Go for Unicron! Prime's team was next led into a misadventure on a frozen planet, where their ship wound up temporarily trapped between two glaciers. Megatron somehow tracked them down, and Optimus was forced to defend the ship with Hot Shot and Inferno, for fear that activating their energon grid would interact with the local energon, and potentially destroy the universe. (Yes, really.) Once the grid could safely be activated, the Miranda II's crew was nonetheless forced to flee the planet, leaving the energon behind for their enemies to gather. The Return of Demolishor Optimus's team then crossed paths with Rodimus, an Autobot leader who had left Cybertron 8,000 eons ago, shortly before Optimus had ascended to the position of supreme Autobot commander. Rodimus shocked Optimus with his declaration that Unicron must not be destroyed, instead claiming that if the planet-eater was allowed to be restored using Energon, Alpha Q could in turn re-create all the worlds he had destroyed. Unconvinced, Optimus turned down the offer of an alliance, and Rodimus went his own way. A Tale of Two Heros Unfortunately, this meant Prime's Autobots arrived to late to stop Megatron from reactivating Unicron, and Optimus was forced to carry out his plan to lure Unicron into the space bridge, teleporting him to Cybertron, where the planet's energon grid massively damaged him. Battle Stations
Unicron's appearance caused the Decepticons on Cybertron to rampage, so Prime led a team to the planet's surface Alpha Q: Identity where they failed to stop the escape of the Decepticon criminal Shockblast. Greater concerns soon emerged when Rodimus returned, and his and Optimus's dispute escalated into a battle between the two until Kicker talked them down and convinced Prime to hear Alpha Q out. Shockblast: Rampage Moved by Alpha Q's tale of his lost home planet, Prime agreed to his plan, though his concerns at the danger Unicron still posed were quickly proven to not be without merit as the chaos-bringer began reflexively attacking everything within his body in what Optimus recognized as blind survival instinct. Survival Instincts
Prime returned to Cybertron's surface to lead the planet's defense as Megatron attacked again, and was present to witness prison guard Wing Dagger's death at the hands of Shockblast. Each One Fights... Making matters worse, the Decepticons had brought down enough towers to allow a swarm of Terrorcons to breach Primus's chamber. From there, they gathered enough Energon to allow Unicron to transforms, and endanger Cybertron with imminent destruction. Prime led his team in a direct counter-attack against Unicron, seeking to infiltrate it and defeat Megatron inside. Unicron Unleashed Prime was fully prepared to face down his enemy in a one-on-one showdown, but instead was ambushed by a vengeful Shockblast and left damaged. He ordered his troops to push forward without him. But once he was left behind, Optimus found himself facing two Decepticons, and was unable to fight back. Optimus was rescued by Scorponok, who drove Snow Cat and Demolishor away, and then revived to full working order by the arrival of an Energon infusion from Earth. Open Fire! Soon after, Wing Dagger arrived, now rebuilt as Wing Saber by Primus and infused with the Spark of Combination, allowing him to combine with Prime and give him the power needed to end the battle. Rather than face defeat, Megatron triggered a catastrophic Energon reaction, ripping a hole in the fabric of space and fleeing into it. Optimus gamely led a team in pursuit of him. Ripped Up SpaceOn the other side of the rift, Optimus and the Autobots found Alpha Q's solar system being reborn as recreations of his original homeworlds slowly grew through the power of Energon, radiating from the sun which Unicron's disembodied head had become. The battle to protect these Energon-rich worlds from Decepticon attacks started immediately; when Kicker and Ironhide went to investigate Iron Planet after sensing Energon there, Optimus's team went to search after them, only to run into Shockblast. Optimus let Wing Saber loose to avenge the death of Padlock, resulting in Shockblast's recapture. Scorponok, found and brainwashed by Megatron, then led a Terrorcon assault which Optimus' team repulsed. Protection Soon after, when Inferno was captured by the Decepticons, Optimus was kept busy by Mirage and arrived too late to stop Megatron from infusing Inferno with Decepticon programming. Imprisoned Inferno
Optimus and his team were investigating the rift when the Decepticons attacked Jungle Planet, and forced them into a space battle that kept them from stopping the Terrorcons' pillaging. The fortunate arrival of Bulkhead, Downshift, and Cliffjumper allowed Optimus, combined with Wing Saber, to break away and make it into the planet's atmosphere; although they were met with a relentless bombardment from Megatron, Optimus was able to blow him out of the sky and teach him a lesson about how the Autobots' teamwork granted them greater power. Jungle Planet Realizing that if Bulkhead's team could make it through the rift, other object could too, Optimus sent Hot Shot and Downshift to obtain energon towers from Doctor Jones that they could use to protect Alpha Q's planets. The towers arrived to late to save Iron Planet, but Optimus led a successful holding action on Jungle Planet, giving the Autobots enough time to establish a new tower there. Bulkhead More towers were steadily established on the various planets; while setting up a tower on Ocean Planet, Optimus wielded the Energon Saber in battle against Megatron, but it took Inferno sacrificing his own life to successfully complete the mission. Farewell Inferno After ordering Jetfire to take Inferno's still-living spark back to Primus on Cybertron, Prime aided in the defense of the newly-recreated Planet Q. Return! Our Scorponok
Prime was initially surprised to find his troops had halted their duties for a little R&R on Circuit Planet, but when he learned that Rodimus had signed off on it, he decided to join the "Autobot Grand Prix" himself. Combined with Wing Saber, Optimus threw himself into the race as the final obstacle on the track, and proved enough of challenge to front-runners Hot Shot and Ironhide that Misha Miramond, riding Arcee, snuck past to steal the win. Crash Course
Contacted by Doctor Jones with news of the awakening of the legendary warrior Omega Supreme, Optimus Prime requested requested more energon towers be sent in preparation for Megatron's inevitable reawakening of Unicron. Omega Supreme and Roadblock, the reborn Inferno, arrived with energon towers just as this occurred and hurled them at Unicron, but only caused minor damage. Omega Supreme With the energon grid no match for Unicron's power, Prime, Rodimus and Wind Saber attempted to enter the chaos-bringer's body in order to stop him from recovering his head, but Prime was badly damaged in the attempt. As Unicron successfully extinguished the Energon sun and reclaimed his head, Omega Supreme revealed that he had the power to combine with Optimus as "Optimus Supreme". A Heroic Battle In this new form, Optimus headed up a renewed offensive against the restored Unicron, but found himself faced with a new opponent in the form of the maddened Shockblast, who had attempted to usurp Unicron's power from Megatron and had been driven insane by his newfound strength. Optimus Supreme battled Shockblast on Blizzard Planet and managed to bring him back to sanity, but Shockblast was then promptly destroyed by the Megatron-controlled Unicron. The Power of Unicron Unicron proceeded to destroy Blizzard Planet and Circuit Planet, with Optimus powerless to stop him. Battle raged until Optimus was the only Autobot left standing, at which point a beam of Energon sent through space by Primus restored and upgraded his wounded troops and enlarged Optimus to planetary proportions, as large as Unicron himself. Optimus Supreme Facing off against Unicron on a vast disk of Energon in space created by the beam, Optimus drew on the power of Primus and the strength in his spark stemming from the courage of his friends and unleashed his "Final Impact" attack, a massive laser barrage that blew Unicron to pieces, finally destroying the god's corporeal form. Unicron Perishes
With the remaining Decepticons arrested and Cybertron back in Autobot control, Optimus was placed in an Energon tank to heal. While slumbering, Prime had a vision of a Super Energon Temple beneath Cybertron's surface, and awoke to find the planet besieged by Megatron and the Terrorcons. Ambition While Optimus and his team battled on the surface, Megatron was guided by Unicron, whose intelligence still lived within him, to the subterranean temple and upgraded into Galvatron once more by the power of the Super Energon. He and a similarly upgraded Starscream began destroying energon towers, unleashing green Energon gas, toxic to Autobots. While trying to save Kicker from the gas, Optimus collapsed, though he was saved by Jetfire and repaired by the unlucky guardian of the Super Energon pool, Superion Maximus, who asked to join the team. Wishes The Autobots withdrew to the Miranda II in orbit, but the ship was soon shot down by the Decepticons' newest recruit, Shockblast's brother Six Shot, who believed Optimus Prime was responsible for killing his sibling and sought revenge. Optimus and Cliffjumper tried to steer the ship into a controlled crash, but when that failed the two were rescued by Omega Supreme and Superion Maximus. Galvatron! Soon after, Optimus's crew were able to return to Cybertron's surface when a team of Energon-immune Omnicons shut down the Energon gas. Another battle between Prime and Galvatron was soon to erupt, prematurely ending when Six Shot released more Energon gas on them all. The Autobots fled, meeting up with the underground resistance. Break Through
At some indeterminate point, the Autobots played a training simulation game which pit them against each other and Decepticons in a fighting tournament. Though Optimus and Wing Saber lost to Rodimus and Hot Shot, Optimus and Omega Supreme easily defeated the Decepticon combiners. In the final round, Optimus again faced off against Rodimus and Hot Shot-but following a flashy combination sequence with Omega Supreme that ended in the two landing outside the ring, they were immediately disqualified. Distribution
Optimus and Superion Maximus kept Bruticus Maximus and Constructicon Maximus busy in battle while two separate Autobot teams rescued their allies around the planet. Six Shot tried to take another shot at Optimus with the energon grid but was beaten by Galvatron for insubordination, allowing Prime and Superion to escape. The Omega Train In a later battle, Six Shot finally succeeded in taking Prime down with the energon grid, but Superion came to his rescue before the Decepticons could finish him off. With a little help from Wing Saber and his Prime Force, Optimus then beat Galvatron and his forces back with his "Meteor Attack". Decepticon Army Continuing to evade the Maximus combiners, Terrorcons and Energon gas all the way, Optimus's team made it back to the surface and faced off with Galvatron's Decepticons once again just as Ironhide's team succeeded in re-energizing Primus, in turn restoring Prime's ability to combine with Omega Supreme. Linking up, the pair used a whirlwind attack to clear the battlefield of Decepticons. Ironhide Team
Transported via space bridge into Alpha Q's realm by the Decepticons, the gas-enshrouded Cybertron began moving through the system, destroying the planets there by bringing its atmosphere into contact with theirs. Calling on Primus to help him, Optimus Prime was enveloped in light that once again transformed him into a planetary-scale giant, allowing him to stop Cybertron's forward motion with his bare hands. This task accomplished, however, it became apparent that Prime was powered not just by Primus, but by the dark power of Unicron that existed within all Transformers, as he began to strike at the planet. Rodimus was able to snap Optimus out his frenzy, and he returned to normal size. Formidable
After an Energon recharge on Ocean Planet, Galvatron Terror Optimus returned to Cybertron just in time to witness Galvatron growing to gargantuan proportions following a second exposure to Super Energon. With Primus asleep once more after Prime's most recent growth spurt, Omega Supreme believed they would be unable to combine, but Optimus now knew he had another power source to draw upon: The power of Unicron. Drawing on the dark god's strength, Optimus and Omega Supreme combined and began attacking the gigantic Galvatron to little effect. Destructive Power Galvatron departed for space and Optimus gave chase, drawing on Unicron's power even more to transform himself into a giant so he could battle Galvatron on equal footing. The two titans brawled on the surface of Jungle Planet, but as the fight raged on, Optimus began to fall prey to the violent impulses the power of Unicron caused. Luckily, he was able to shake off the effects long enough to taunt Galvatron into such a fury that he too became enraged enough to break free of Unicron's influence. Themselves once again, the two leaders unveiled new heights of their powers, growing even larger, with Optimus gaining the appearance of Optimus Supreme combined with the Prime Force drones. The two titanic leaders battled until Prime opened his Spark of Combination and absorbed from Unicron's essence out of Galvatron, returning them to their normal sizes. SparkNearly dead, Optimus's spark called out to the other Autobots, drawing them to Jungle Planet where they all combined their Sparks of Combination with his, restoring his power and giant stature. Following Omega Supreme across space, the re-powered Optimus arrived to find that Galvatron had become possessed by Unicron's spark and grown gigantic yet again. Optimus and Omega combined to form "Ultimate Optimus Supreme" and battled the Unicron-possessed Galvatron while Primus fashioned a new energon sun for Alpha Q's planets from the remaining Super Energon. Too proud to admit defeat, Galvatron broke out of Unicron's control and plunged himself into the energon sun, igniting it and seemingly destroying himself and Unicron. With Galvatron and Unicron's death, the Autobots delinked from Optimus, and Rodimus stated that things were finally over; Optimus replied that it was a new beginning of a new universe. The Sun
Cybertron cartoon
- Voice actor: Garry Chalk (English), Taitem Kusunoki (Japanese), Liu Qin (Chinese), Jeong-gu Lee (Korean), Luis Miguel Perez (Latin American-Spanish), Eberhard Haar (German), Niclas Ekholm (Swedish), Dariusz Odija (Polish), Alfredo Martínez (Spain-Spanish), Sepuh Apikian (Armenian), Sami Kuronen (Finnish), Michel Dodane (French), Péter Barbinek (Hungarian), Gábor Vass (Hungarian, Optimus Prime vs Megatron: The Ultimate Battle), Roberto Certomà (Italian), Jun Legazpi (Tagalog, HERO TV dub)
During the war against the Decepticons, the Autobot soldier Overhaul came to Optimus's attention. Though Overhaul was a reliable soldier, his approach to battle had left him isolated in the ranks, and so Optimus took it upon himself to watch his back. During one battle that Overhaul initially believed was to be a solo mission, he was rescued by Optimus and henceforth came to see him as a close friend. Honor
At some point over the next ten years following the battle for Alpha Q's planets, Optimus Prime and Wing Saber were involved in an attempt to save the life of a stranded space-farer in the Chaar asteroid belt. The pair were able to safely navigate the asteroids by combining into "Sonic Wing Mode", but Wing Saber, tired of Optimus's command, left the Autobot ranks some time later. United
In the year 2030, the energon sun that Unicron's spark had been trapped in collapsed, freeing the still-living Megatron, and turned into massive black hole that threatened to consume first Cybertron, and then the rest of creation. When attempts to close the black hole failed, Optimus Prime realised there was no choice but to evacuate the population of Cybertron to Earth, and had Jetfire scout ahead to gather alternate mode data, including a new fire truck form for Prime himself. As preparations for departure were being made, a mysterious time-travelling Transformer named Vector Prime appeared, advising Optimus to search for the long-lost Cyber Planet Keys, which could restore Primus's power and allow him to close the black hole. Unconvinced of even the existence of the keys, Prime put the safety of his people first, and was one of the last through the space bridge to Earth. Upon arrival, Optimus immediately set out with Scattorshot to search for the missing Landmine, another of his old teachers who had educated him in the art of Metallikato. Prime was forced to break his own strict orders to hide from the human population in order to save the injured Landmine and three human children he had befriended from Thundercracker. Fallen Inferno
With help from the children—Coby, Bud and Lori—Optimus and the Autobots set about constructing a base in the Rocky Mountains. The Decepticons nearly discovered its location, but Optimus, Vector Prime, Hot Shot, and Jetfire held them off while the kids and the rest of the Autobots finished the stealth coating that kept it hidden. At the battle's end, Optimus Prime was granted the power to summon a Cyber Key by Vector Prime, Haven which he later used for the first time to fell Starscream in a mid-air battle. Further attempts to seal the black hole proved fruitless, and Optimus agreed that Vector Prime's plan to search for the Cyber Planet Keys was the only hope they had left. Hidden The Autobots set about scouring the globe for the Omega Lock, eventually finding a lead in a Mexican museum. Arriving at the building in the dead of night, Optimus held off Starscream while Vector Prime analyzed the artifact. Though what they had found turned out not to be the real Omega Lock, simply an imitation, Vector Prime was able to extract some useful information from it: the coordinates of the first Cyber Planet Key, on Velocitron, the Speed Planet. Prime used his Matrix of Leadership in concert with Vector Prime's sword to open a dimension gate to the planet, and sent Hot Shot and Red Alert through as an advance team. Landmine Prime then continued to lead the other members of his team on their search around Earth for the Omega Lock, the focusing device for the Keys, though an ancient druid site proved to be another dead end. Space Seeking to put an end to the Decepticons' continued attempts at discovering the Autobot base's location, Optimus set in motion a plan to trick his enemies. The Autobots first built a decoy base, then after their next outing, allowed Thundercracker to follow Jetfire back to it. Thundercracker blew the false base to smithereens while Optimus and his team watched the whole debacle unfold from their real base. RushAfter the kids returned from a day out at the movies, Lori and Bud shared how Coby had been frightened by the flick, and the Autobots all had a hearty laugh at his expense. That evening, Lori alerted the Autobots to a strange beacon emanating from a nearby forest, depicting the Omega Lock's "Atlantis Pattern." The Autobots investigated, discovering it to be a Decepticon trap upon approach. Optimus used his weapons platform to blast Thundercracker, then combined with it to take on the more powerful Starscream. Optimus and Starscream fought to a standstill until Jolt warned them that humans were inbound to their location. Not wanting to be discovered any more than the Autobots, Starscream broke away from the clash and rocketed away. Speed
When Mount McDermott outside of the children's hometown of Rockville threatened to collapse and displace an underground reservoir that would flood the area, Coby had the idea of using Optimus Prime's pumping equipment to drain the reservoir, allowing the mountain to be safely brought down. This plan went off without a hitch, allowing the Autobots to prevent any harm from coming to the children's homes and families. Collapse When a mission to the Sahara to recover what the Autobots believed to be the Omega Lock turned out to be another wild goose chase, Time Prime permitted the civilian Autobots to join in the search, which quickly turned up the co-ordinates of the second Cyber Planet Key world, the Jungle Planet. Prime dispatched Overhaul to this new world, after which word came in of a new clue to the Omega Lock's location at the bottom of the Bermuda Triangle. Search Prime and his team battled the Decepticons in the ocean depths while Vector Prime and the kids investigated, discovering the Cybertronian starship Atlantis, resting place of the Omega Lock, buried in the seabed. When the ship activated, Prime raced Scattorshot back to the surface ahead of it, so he could hide it from human detection with jamming signals. The ship promptly disappeared, Deep but Optimus quickly deduced that it had warped to the far side of the moon and tracked it down. Within the ship, Prime battle Megatron for possession of the Omega Lock, and emerged victorious. Ship
With the Omega Lock in Autobot hands, Optimus Prime travelled to Velocitron, discovering that Hot Shot and Red Alert had broken his rule of non-interference, and that Hot Shot was preparing to enter a race that would net them the Planet Cup—the disguised form of Velocitron's Cyber Planet Key—if he won. Initially angry at Hot Shot, Prime attempted to make planet leader Override see reason, but when she dismissed his pleas, he agreed to let Hot Shot race. Hero Though he harbored no illusions of winning himself, Prime even took part in the first round of the race, helping to stymie the Decepticon competitors Ransack and Crumplezone where he could, and making sure Hot Shot qualified by using his own body as a ramp to give the young Autobot the extra room he needed to make the final jump of the race. Race Out of the race as a consequence of not finishing the first round, Optimus instead put his skills to good use in the second leg of the tournament by putting out a fire caused by Ransack and Crumplezone. Detour
Leaving Hot Shot to train for the third leg of the race, Primes Optimus and Vector were tricked into heading to Jungle Planet to check in on Overhaul by the sneaky Sideways. Upon arrival, they were immediately assaulted by a giant, monstrous plant, but were saved by Overhaul, who had been reformatted into Leobreaker by the Jungle Planet's Cyber Planet Key. Prime petitioned Jungle Planet's dictatorial leader Scourge to hand the Cyber Planet Key over peacefully, but Scourge had already fallen in with Megatron, and proposed a battle to determine his decision. Leobreaker's anger tapped into the Planet Key once again, and through its power, and he and Optimus combined into "Savage Claw Mode", Leobreaker forming a massive arm for the Autobot leader that allowed him to easily defeat Megatron. Savage Optimus and Leobreaker then used this new power to best Scourge in combat when they were tricked into fighting by Sideways. Learning that Coby had smuggled himself to Velocitron, Prime allowed the boy to stay and watch the final race, Sand then returned to the planet himself in time to use Savage Claw Mode to lay Megatron low when he tried to steal the Planet Cup after Hot Shot's victory. With the virtue of the Autobots' mission and the evil of the Decepticons proven to her, Override requested permission to join the Autobots, which Optimus granted. Champion
Afterwards, Optimus, Leobreaker, and Vector Prime returned to Jungle Planet, where they quickly dispatched Ransack and Crumplezone and made their way to Scourge's temple. Ice Scourge insisted that they obey the customs of his planet and engage him in combat rather than debate. Though Leobreaker was ready to engage Scourge, Optimus once more refused this request. Annoyed by Optimus's more passive stance, Leobreaker stormed off, leaving Optimus to meet with Backstop and inquire on Scourge's past. Learning how Jungle Planet's leader had become corrupt by his rise to power, Optimus reconciled with Leobreaker and finally acquiesced to fight Scourge on his own terms. Honor In preparation for fight, Prime returned to Earth to get tuned up by Red Alert, then headed back to Jungle Planet for the brawl. Scourge seemed to gain the upper hand when he damaged Prime and Leobreaker's combination joint and forced them to separate, but Leobreaker simply recombined on the opposite site, as Prime's left arm, and together they triumphed over Scourge. Scourge handed over the Cyber Planet Key, as well as leadership of Jungle Planet; while Optimus took the former, he turned down the latter. Primal Megatron's forces then attacked, hoping to snatch the Key, but Optimus duped the Decepticons with a shell game, hiding the Key in one of several boxes which he distributed among the Autobots. Prime entrusted the box containing the Key to Leobreaker, and when Megatron deduced this, Prime went to his comrade's aid so they could merge, only for them to be blindsided by Starscream. Before Megatron could deliver the killing blow, Prime's Matrix interacted with the Cyber Planet Key and opened up a space bridge that brought all the other Autobots through from Earth, forcing the Decepticons to retreat. Trust

Returning to Earth, the Autobots placed the Jungle Planet Key in the Omega Lock, causing the activation of a mysterious signal somewhere in the Arctic. Optimus, Jetfire, Leobreaker, and Landmine headed there to investigate and discovered the containment site of ancient Decepticon colonists lost on Earth. Unfortunately, the Autobots were unable to stop Starscream, who had rebelled against Megatron, from freeing the ancient Decepticons and collapsing the cavern on top of them. Trap Starscream proceeded to begin an invasion of Earth to search for its Cyber Planet Key, while the other Autobots dug Prime and the others out. Invasion Refusing to reveal the existence of the Autobots to humanity at large, Prime tried to fight Starscream's forces covertly, but that failed when he took a blast meant for the ancient Earth Autobots Crosswise and Evac and the Autobots had to withdraw. Invasion Seeing no other recourse, Optimus instructed the Autobots to abandon Earth for Velocitron, taking the Earth's Key with them, but Starscream caught wind of their plan and assaulted them on the space bridge. Only Optimus, combined with Leobreaker in Savage Claw Mode, could stand in the determined Decepticon's way, but when Starscream instead opened fire on the watching humans, Prime was forced to abandon the Lock and Keys to his evil clutches in order to save them. Retreat
When Optimus and his troops engaged Megatron's forces at Niagara Falls, Hot Shot, Red Alert and Scattorshot were fatally wounded, Revelation but were restored to life in new, more powerful forms by the power of Primus. They returned to the battle to hold Megatron off so Optimus, Vector Prime, Evac and Override could take a dimension gate to Starscream's island base. Critical Fighting his way through ancient Decepticons and with Megatron hot on his heels, Prime soon found himself with some unexpected back-up in the form of Wing Saber, who had just arrived on Earth. Assault Delayed by Scourge and Sideways, Prime was unable to stop Starscream from tapping the Omega Lock's power, and could only watch as the treacherous Decepticon grew to towering proportions. Starscream When Starscream used his new powers to levitate a barricade of rocks to block Prime and Wing Saber's attacks, the pair were reminded of the Chaar asteroid belt incicent, and Wing Saber proposed combining. Despite a faulty start and Optimus' doubts that it would work, the two successfully merged into Sonic Wing Mode, darting through the rock barrier and bringing Starscream to his knees. United
With the threats on Earth disposed of, the Autobots returned to Cybertron, where Megatron attacked them and stole the Omega Lock. Megatron fled into his fire dimension, but Optimus Prime followed, and they engaged in a battle so fierce that the wall between dimensions was ruptured, and Optimus was able to escape back to Cybertron with the Lock, ordering Vector Prime to open a dimension gate across the portal, thereby collapsing the dimension in on itself. Megatron attempted to tear his way free, but Prime blasted him with the combined power of the Omega Lock and Vector Prime's sword, apparently destroying him. Following this, Optimus and the Autobots placed the Omega Lock in an altar, and Optimus supplemented the energy of his Matrix for the missing fourth key, which triggered the transformation of the planet into the body of Primus himself. Cybertron The transformed Primus immediately became a target for Starscream, but Prime and Wing Saber combined to fend the giant Decepticon off. Balance
Preserved by his Armor of Unicron, Megatron returned from beyond death and created his own dark clone of Leobreaker, Nemesis Breaker, with whom he could combine to form "Dark Claw Mode". Combining with Leobreaker, Prime challenged Megatron; the clash of the two Claws produced such a huge explosion that it could be seen from space. Darkness. Optimus fought Megatron to prevent him from claiming it, resulting in another gigantic collision between the two Claws. Memory Eventually, Prime and Leobreaker determined that Megatron, combined with Nemesis Breaker, was on too equal a footing with them and fled. While all of this was going on, Sideways had kidnapped the kids and Mini-Cons in order to pry the location of Gigantion, home to the final Cyber Planet Key, from their minds; Vector Prime rescued most of them, but Bud, Jolt and Reverb were warped away aboard the Atlantis by the devious side-switcher. Escape To follow the Atlantis through the wormhole in the Skeleton Nebula that led to Gigantion, Optimus's Matrix and Vector Prime's sword were used to create a vaccination program that would protect Optimus and the Autobots from the deleterious effects of the interdimensional transit. Prime finally broke his secrecy protocol when he returned to Earth with Vector Prime to back Coby and Lori up when they revealed the truth of the Transformers and Bud's kidnapping to their parents. Prime extolled the virtues of his human comrades and requested that Coby and Lori be allowed to travel to Gigantion with him. Stunned, their parents agreed. FamilyIn order to prevent the further expansion of the black hole while they were away, Optimus again added the power of the Matrix to the Omega Lock, which re-energized Primus enough to fire a beam into the singularity's heart and halt its growth. Titans The Autobots then departed through the wormhole aboard the Velocitronian starship Ogygia, where, following a battle with the Atlantis, Prime and his team combined their Cyber Key Powers to clear a safe path for the ship by blast clean through a huge asteroid. Warp
Arriving on Gigantion, Optimus and the Autobots quickly befriended friendly natives Metroplex and Quickmix, but were soon attacked by Megatron and his new allies, Menasor and Soundwave. Optimus merged with Wing Saber to battle Soundwave in the skies, while Metroplex bested Megatron soundly with Sparkdrinker axe. Giant His raw fury over the defeat allowed Megatron to tap the power of the Gigantion Cyber Planet Key remotely, once again powering himself up into Galvatron, but Optimus Prime was (just barely) able to force him into retreat when Metroplex gave him Sparkdrinker to fight with. Fury After rescuing Bud and the Mini-Cons from the Atlantis, Optimus gave his approval to Coby and his secretly-modified Scrapmetal, and allowing it to be used on the Autobots' mission down into the bowels of Gigantion in search of the Cyber Planet Key. The Autobots divided into four teams for the search, with Optimus Prime's consisting of Vector Prime, Bud, the Mini-Cons, and Metroplex, who again granted Optimus the use of Sparkdrinker to pummel Ransack and Crumplezone when the two Decepticons tried to grab Jolt. City Ransack and Crumplezone tried multiple times to impede Optimus's team, only to have the Autobot leader run them over, blast them with his Super Mode weapons, Ambush and combine with Wing Saber to blow them sky high. Challenge
Separated from Optimus's team when he fell through a secret passage, Bud crossed paths with Scourge and gave him a lecture on how to be a good leader without having to resort to violence. Actually learning from the boy, Scourge challenged the Autobots to a duel one after the other; Optimus was his final opponent and, combined with Wing Saber, he took down Scourge, though was a bit wounded himself. Collapsing but happy, Scourge admitted defeat. Scourge Following this, Prime's group finally made it to the lowest layer of Gigantion, but when they were confronted by Galvatron, Optimus was summarily crushed after refusing to allow Wing Saber to combine with him out of concern for his safety in the face of Galvatron's fearsome power. The other Autobots all teamed up against Galvatron to stop him reaching the Cyber Planet Key, to no avail; fearing his leadership had brought doom to his comrades, Optimus was on the verge of mental collapse until Vector Prime brought him back to reality with a punch to the jaw and the assurance that his concern meant he was a good leader. With his confidence restored and the Matrix glowing in his chest, Optimus took Sparkdrinker and blasted Galvatron into the sky. Optimus
Recovering the Gigantion Key, the Autobots placed it in the Omega Lock, which caused a spacebridge back to their universe to open in the sky above the planet. Before they could depart, however, Galvatron returned, stole the lock, and fled through the portal, which disintegrated behind him, trapping the Autobots on Gigantion. Showdown Optimus suggesting building a new space bridge generator, but when that only succeeded in summoning a horde of Laserbeak drones from Planet X from somewhere beyond space and time, Vector Prime proposed to use his ability to turn back time to reopen the Skeleton Nebula wormhole. Realizing this would kill Vector Prime, Optimus immediately vetoed the idea, but Vector Prime explained the true magnitude of the black hole's threat, which made his sacrifice a necessity. While the Autobots boarded their ships, Primes Optimus and Vector shared a somber moment on a mountainside at sunset, saying goodbye and thanking each other for their partnership. As the ships took off, Vector Prime turned back time and opened the warp gate; the entirety of his strength used up by the act, his body disintegrated, and Optimus led the Autobots in salute for their great comrade. Guardian
Back in their home universe, Optimus Prime led the Ogygia back to Cybertron/Primus, where Galvatron was using the Omega Lock to control the black hole, pulling the Jungle Planet from its place in space. Optimus combined again with Wing Saber but was no match for the powered-up Galvatron, only surviving the clash when the Transformers from all the four colony worlds arrived to support him, prompting a Decepticon retreat. Homecoming With all four colony world leaders at his side, Optimus Prime pursued Galvatron into the black hole, where together, they triumphed over the Decepticon leader. In the struggle, however, the Cyber Planet Keys were separated from the Lock, and each planet leader went to grab one while Optimus—with Coby acting as another set of eyes—chased down the Omega Lock before it could reach the singularity's core. When all seemed lost, Vector Prime's spirit emerged, guiding Optimus Prime's hand towards the Lock and helping him grasp it. The Lock and the Keys then combined with Primus, fully restoring his spark, and allowing him to close the black hole once and for all. His work done, Primus transformed into Cybertron, fully restored into a technorganic paradise. End
Although peace had descended on Cybertron, Optimus Prime was unable to rest easy knowing Galvatron still lived, and his fears were soon made manifest when the Decepticon leader returned to challenge him to one final battle. While the other Autobots—and even the Decepticons, tired of losing—helped safely return Jungle Planet to its system, Optimus and Galvatron battled on Cybertron's moon, which seemed poised to end with Optimus's defeat as all his troops watched. At the last moment, Vector Prime's planet map emerged from Bud's pocket and flew into the path of Galvatron's sword, flooding the battlefield with light. A vision of Vector Prime appeared before Optimus, and granted him a gift: from the glowing sphere of the map, Optimus drew Vector Prime's sword. Glowing golden with the light of the Matrix, he used the blade to finally end Galvatron's threat once and for all, impaling his body and dissolving it into cosmic particles. Unfinished
Some time later, Optimus called for an intergalactic peace conference among the Transformers' colony worlds, where he proposed that rather than seal away the Omega Lock and Cyber Planet Keys, they fulfill their ancestors' dream of building the universal space bridge. Optimus announced that he would lead the mission himself, initially aggravating Jetfire, who believed this would leave Cybertron without a commander—until Prime appointed Jetfire himself to the position. The colony starships were assembled for launch, and Bud gave Optimus the planet map, asking him to return it to Vector Prime if they ever met again. Boarding the Atlantis, Prime ordered the ships to lift off, and they launched into space. While Optimus held the planet map, it glowed once more, and Prime saw out in the sea of stars the face of Vector Prime, who smiled upon them. Optimus called for the engines to be put at full throttle, and the Transformers blasted off into deep space, on course for new adventures.
Years later, Optimus Prime returned to Earth to attend the wedding of Coby and Lori. Beginning
Cybertron comic
Several months after Cybertron's transformation into Primus, Optimus Prime and his crew met with a team of Autobots who were stationed on Cybertron, including the Optimus Prime of another universe. The native Optimus Prime brought the sad news of Vector Prime's demise to the Cybertron-based Autobots, as they had worked with him. Nevertheless, he thanked the alternate Optimus Prime for his efforts in battling Unicron and his forces. Optimus also expressed to Anti-Blaze his hopes that the Cybertronians and the Mini-Cons would live together in peace, like on Gigantion.
With the other Autobots, Optimus Prime joined Alpha Trion in forging a new future for the Transformers. Revelations Part 6
- Energon Optimus Prime's CGI model has inaccuracies compared to the toy due to being based directly on control art,[1] likely due to time constraints:
- For at least part of the series, his handgun resembled an oversized six-shooter rather than the actual toy's chamber-less handgun.
- His non-super mode model has his knees being much higher up on the leg than they are on the toy. Interestingly, Prime's toy does have a joint in that very same spot, but it is totally blocked off for unknown reasons. The model's elbows also have a secondary joint, and the toy has it blocked off. Beyond that, model also has the antennae on Prime's super mode helmet as perpendicular to the helmet's folded "cheek guard" sections when stored on his back. Again, the toy's antennae show signs of being able to be configured the same way at one point, but the final toy has blocked off curves and a pointless slot on the bottom of each antenna as well as unnecessary ball joints.
- Optimus' super mode model is also different in more subtle ways, again drawn from the control art. Notable CGI model differences retained from the control art include better proportions thanks to a second waist piece flipping down for super mode, and slightly larger drone limbs. The control art depicts each drone having a geared gimmick (OP-1's front water cannons, OP-2's rotors, OP-3's drill, OP-4's claw, with only OP-3's surviving to final) and dummied out Mini-Con ports in some areas such as on OP-2's horizontal stabilizers or over OP-3's cockpit, implying a slightly larger toy overall than the final product. The gear and blank Mini-Con posts for each are still visible on the CGI models.
- ↑ https://www.tfraw.com/p/superlink-model-sheets-3.html Superlink Model Sheets 3