Rollbar (RID)
From Transformers Wiki
This subject of this article goes by multiple names that apply to other articles as well. See Rollbar (disambiguation), Greejeeber. |
- Rollbar is a Decepticon Commando originally from the Robots in Disguise continuity family.
Rollbar (aka Jeepers) is a member of the Commandos, the team that combines into Ruination. Though just as dedicated to fighting Autobots as the rest of his team, he's more restrained, especially in comparison to his fellow land-based Decepticon, Armorhide, though this is not hard. He's a practitioner of Crystalocution, as well as jiu-jitsu and other forms of Earthly martial arts. Curiously, he enjoys sauna baths and rainy days.
Also, he sounds vaguely Southern.
Contents |
Cartoon continuity
2001 Robots in Disguise cartoon
- Voice actor: Michael Lindsay (English), Riki Kitazawa (Japanese), Alexandr Novikov (Russian, till Ultra Magnus: Forced Fusion!), Vladimir Gerasimov (Russian, from Ultra Magnus: Forced Fusion!), Benjamín Rivera (Latin-American Spanish)
Rollbar was originally one of a group of Autobots led by Scourge, who travelled to Earth in a protoform state. Their ship crashed, and years later was dug up by a group of Predacons under Megatron's leadership. Taken to McKinley Army Base, the Predacons scanned army vehicles as Megatron infused them with his spark energy. For Rollbar's protoform, Gas Skunk selected a jeep, on the grounds its cannon would "make scraplets out of the Autobots". Though the newly born-Decepticons were ready to fight, Megatron ordered them to retreat so they could repower. The Decepticons The new troops' first mission was to destroy a dam, during which Scourge described Rollbar as "all-terrain terror". They planted pulsar bombs on Sherman Dam, however when Sky-Byte took control of the bombs, preventing them from firing, Mega-Octane, Armorhide and Rollbar blasted a hole in the dam. This released the Autobot Brothers from their watery prison, and Rollbar was grabbed by X-Brawn. The subsequent arrival of Team Bullet Train led the Commandos to undergo their first merging into Ruination, tangling with Rail Racer. The combined power of the Autobots was too much for them, however, and they retreated. Commandos
The Commandos unsuccessfully fought against the Spychangers on Montrose Island Volcano after which they substituted Movor for a real space shuttle, shooting the Decepticon into orbit so he could try to find the Autobots' secret base. Eventually he sent the Commandos to Pier 7B, where the Autobots sprung a trap. Mega-Octane ordered the Commandos to form Ruination, but Rollbar rightly pointed out that they were a man down. Things went downhill from there. Attack from Outer Space
The next cunning plan was to try to make the Autobots think that the Decepticons were defecting. The Autobot Brothers tested them by forcing them to do various menial tasks, which they threw themselves into in an attempt to lull the Autobots into a false sense of security. Having to act positive all the time was getting on Rollbar's nerves by the time they came to cleaning up a canal, and he told his teammates to can the act, as the Autobots wouldn't be able to hear them anyway. Despite all their hard work, Scourge ended up giving the plan away at the last minute, and Optimus Prime fought them to a retreat. The Test
Scourge, Mega-Octane, Armorhide and Rollbar attacked a power plant, only for Sky-Byte and his three sidekicks to show up disguised as Autobots, followed by the actual Autobots. Attacks at several other power plants didn't go much better, despite Megatron lending a hand. The Fish Test The Decepticons later interrupted one of Sky-Byte's plans, and obtained a disk which appeared to be a map to the Global Space Bridge system. Unfortunately when they used it, it turned out to be a map of the local sewer system, and the Decepticons found themselves on the business end of Optimus's blizzard storm. Wedge's Short Fuse

When once again, X-Brawn slipped through the Decepticons' fingers using the Global Space Bridge, the Decepticons tracked down the space bridge control center. Rollbar was a proponent of the idea to sabotage the Global Space Bridge computer and accused Armorhide of having a "half-track mind" when his fellow displayed enthusiasm for simply blowing it up. He admitted smashing a wall down is one way to get into a room, but "I myself woulda used the door". Once the space bridge was sabotaged, the Commandos caused havoc in Metro City to trick the Autobots into using it, but Build Team soon realised what had happened, defeated the Commandos and repaired the space bridge. Landfill Later the Decepticons attempted to intercept Optimus Prime, who they believed was taking the O-Parts to Sky-Byte, however even combining into Ruination didn't help them and the Autobot leader soon defeated them. Sky-Byte Saves the Day
After their raid on the East Power Station was foiled by the Build Team, the Commandos resolved to get their revenge on the Autobots. To this end, they started attacking construction sites in an attempt to goad the Build Team into fighting them. Eventually they drew the Build Team out and were able to dominate them in combat, at least until Landfill led Ruination into an oil-filled cavern and ignited it, blasting the Commandos into the ocean. A Test of Metal
A later raid on an oil refinery went better—while the Autobot Brothers did turn up, they were prevented from stopping the Decepticons by the arrival of Ultra Magnus. Still, the Decepticons only got a portion of the fuel and, at Megatron's orders, set up a trap for the Autobot Brothers. Instead they got Ultra Magnus, whose fighting skills outclassed theirs. Even forming Ruination didn't help, and the Decepticons were forced into a retreat with the arrival of Optimus Prime. Ultra Magnus Back in the Megastar, they watched the fight between Optimus and Ultra Magnus, as Movor spied on it from orbit. Though Optimus lost, he was taken by the other Autobots to an island to recuperate, and Megatron and his troops went there to finish the job. Despite the Commandos forming Ruination, they were no match for Omega Prime, the combined form of Optimus and Ultra Magnus, and retreated hastily. Ultra Magnus: Forced Fusion!
After Rollbar captured the Autobot Brothers in a net, the three Autobots were held captive, allowing the Decepticons and Megatron to inflict some punishment on Optimus and Rail Racer, who were unable to fight back. Unfortunately Ultra Magnus rescued the three brothers, and Megatron's forces were soon in retreat once again. The Two Faces of Ultra Magnus Rollbar joined Scourge, Sky-Byte, Megatron, and the rest of the Commandos in watching archival footage of Ultra Magnus in order to get a better understanding of their newly arrived enemy. Mystery of the Ultra Magnus Scourge attempted to get Ultra Magnus to join him in destroying Optimus, but Magnus turned him down, resulting in the Decepticons springing a trap on the Autobot. Though Side Burn and Prowl attempted to help Magnus, the renegade Autobot promptly left them to it, and they were little match for Ruination. Of course, the arrival of Optimus and return of Magnus turned things pretty firmly back in the Autobots' favour, and the Decepticons retreated once again. Power to Burn!
More information was gleaned from the captured Doctor Onishi's mind—there were strange ruins beneath Metro City which emanated powerful energy. The Decepticons set out to find the ruins and promptly ran into the Spychangers. Armorhide and Rollbar were left to do battle and easily dispatched the six Autobots, before rejoining the other Decepticons in a tunnel dug by the Build Team. As they neared the source of the power, Rollbar started hallucinating Armorhide was Sky-Byte and accused him of being send by Megatron to spy on them. Scourge settled the matter by swatting Rollbar in the head, freeing him from the illusion. Finally they reached the ruins, and combined into Ruination to fight the Autobots. Fortress Maximus Chased off by Fortress Maximus's defense systems, the Commandos formed Ruination to keep Rail Racer busy while Scourge made a second attempt to access Maximus. Koji Gets His Wish
With the hunt for the O-Parts on, the Decepticons confronted the Autobot Brothers and Build Team, who had found an O-Part, and demanded they hand it over. The Autobots promptly disappeared through the Global Space Bridge, starting a game of cat and mouse. The Decepticons eventually cornered them in Egypt, however Sky-Byte's bungling made recovering the O-Parts impossible. A Friendly Contest Spying from space, Movor spotted the Autobots in the Sahara Desert, and Megatron and the Decepticons arrived in time to attack Side Burn. Venturing into the subterranean ruins, they found the Autobots had located the Orb of Sigma, and the Decepticons fought them while Megatron went for the Orb. Ultimately they were unsuccessful and, with the loss of Megatron, the Decepticons retreated back to the Megastar. Peril from the Past
Without Megatron's leadership, the Decepticons had a lot more freedom to do what they wanted. They tracked the Autobots to an old temple, where they were able to snatch Cerebros, the key to controlling Fortress Maximus, away with the help of the Predacons. Rollbar and Ro-Tor were able to locate Maximus himself in Metro City and, despite the Autobots attempting to defend the giant, Scourge was able to use Cerebros to activate him. The Commandos combined into Ruination during the following battle, however Scourge's lack of ability to control Maximus and the return of Megatron as Galvatron resulted in the Decepticons retreating. Maximus Emerges
A second attempt in the desert to control Maximus, with Ruination providing backup, didn't go any better The Human Element and during a third attempt, Scourge's treachery was revealed to Galvatron. Mistaken Identity This resulted in Galvatron forcibly reprogramming all of the Decepticons to obey his will, and putting them under the command of Sky-Byte for an assault on Autobot headquarters. Pursuing the fleeing Optimus Prime, the Decepticons and Predacons were led into a trap, though the arrival of the Megastar and Fortress Maximus rendered them superfluous anyway. They watched as Maximus defeated the Megastar, and Galvatron fell to the ground. Surprise Attack! Galvatron was not out, however, and the Decepticons defended him while he drained energy from Fortress Maximus. He sent Ruination and Scourge into the Global Space Bridge after the retreating Autobots, before himself flooding the tunnel with lava by rupturing the tunnel wall. Galvatron's Revenge They survived the lava, only to be swiftly defeated by the Autobot forces. After Galvatron's defeat, they were shipped off to the asteroid prison colony with Galvatron and the Predacons. The Final Battle
Dreamwave Robots in Disguise comic
Rollbar along with Armorhide was assigned to help Scourge steal an experimental nuclear generator from a facility in Arizona. As they stormed the base, he accidentally stood on Slapper's tongue. After Optimus Prime and Ultra Magnus turned up, his warning to Armorhide came too late, as Magnus peppered his comrade with laser fire. Rollbar himself was then delivered an "ultra kick" to the head which put him out of action for the rest of the confrontation, until Scourge ordered his men to pursue the Predacons. Ultra the Rescue?
Unite Warriors/Legends
Following their capture, Rollbar and the other combining Combatrons were brought to a future Cybertron and sentenced to be reverted into protoforms to cleanse them of their evil programming... and identities. They were brought to safety by the Unicron of 2021, who transported them into the past and granted them new bodies in exchange for helping him combine with the planet. During the battle with the local Autobot forces, Rollbar's finely tuned martial artist senses allowed him to sense the invisible Mirage sneaking up on him and dispatch the Autobot with a crystalocution kick. Upon connecting Unicron's head to the planet, the Combatrons learned that the dark god had no intention of letting them go free, but rather planned to undo the future they hailed from! In order to avoid being erased from existence, the team combined into Ruination and turned on Unicron. Ruination Chapter, Part One After Unicron was defeated thanks to the efforts of Ruination and other combiners, the Combatrons returned to the future with Scourge and Sky-Byte, seeking to free their leader as well. Ruination Chapter, Part Two
The Combatrons occupied an Earth bathhouse to discuss strategy, and Rollbar took this opportunity to have a bath and a sip of oil. Strategy Meeting in an Earth Bath?!
After recovering the ship they once arrived on Earth with, the group attacked Neo Brave Maximus where Devil Gigatron was being held. They managed to infiltrate the ship, only to learn that their leader had abandoned his evil ways and joined the Dimensional Patrol. LGEX Scourge Prologue With Scourge forcibly reverted into a heroic protoform by Gigatron, the Combatrons fled to the Legends World where their former commander hunted them down. Rollbar was the first to fall: converted back into a protoform and cleansed of his evil, he immediately turned on his fellow Combatrons and converted everyone but Mega-Octane. Fortunately for them, Dark Ai was managed to undo the conversion using backup personality data, and the Combatrons returned home with Scourge. Bonus Edition Vol. EX
Scourge and the other Combatrons continued traveling together with Dark Ai, seeking their own destiny. Epiloge
Universe comic continuity
The Rollbar of Viron 704.31 Epsilon came under the command of Megazarak after the death of Megatron. However, the Commandos, Constructicons, and Megabolt were abducted by Unicron for the Universe War. Ask Vector Prime, 2015/07/30
As part of Ruination, Rollbar and the Decepticons were sent by Unicron along with Reptilion, Sunstorm, and Perceptor to intercept some extra-dimensionals Unicron wanted for the Cauldron. Ruination's group was successfully fought off by the Children of Primus. Voice Actor Drama
Ask Vector Prime
Bio Ranger Iga selected a Viron Ruination from Greengard to be one of his Thirteen Great Demon Generals. Presumably Rollbar was part of this Ruination. Ask Vector Prime, 2015/06/27
Beast Wars: Uprising
Jeepers was a member of the Commandos. Working with the Resistance, he volunteered to be converted into a K-Class bomb, an alternate mode which tapped into the power of his spark to create almost unfathomable explosive force. Jeepers, Movor, and their comrades were to be a weapon of last resort in the Uprising, should the threat of the Builders prove unsurpassable.
That time came when the Builders unleashed the Vehicon nano-vector, a virus which transformed protoformers into mindless slave drones able to assimilate others into their ranks. Three Resistance held cities were compromised, and the Commandos were called into action for Operation Amputation. Jeepers was deployed over Damaxus, and his K-Bomb explosion destroyed the city-state and the Vehicon plague that had arisen within it. Derailment
Velocitron Speedia 500
Rollbar was one of many spectators for the Speedia 500 race on Velocitron. Velocitron Speedia 500 Part 2
Transformers Roleplaying Game
Rollbar was a member of the Commandos. Decepticon Directive
Robots in Disguise (2001)
- Greejeeber (2000)
- Rollbar (Basic Class, 2001)
- Takara ID number: D-006
- Takara release date: July ??, 2000
- Accessories: Pistol, large cannon
- A redeco of the "Generation 1" Swindle toy, Robots in Disguise Rollbar transforms into an FMC XR311 combat support vehicle. He has a pair of non-firing weapons that form a gun turret for his vehicle mode. As the toy uses the "Scramble City"-style of connection, he can form any limb to any combination of similar robots, though naturally, he normally forms a limb to the combined robot Ruination; as the right leg in the more-common "Flight Mission" mode, or the left arm for "Land Mission" mode.
- He was first released as part of the fifth assortment of Takara Car Robots product as "Greejeeber" in 2000. This version of the mold has one minor retooling done to it, adding a small peg to the top of the large cannon. While this has no real practical applications by itself (you could make him hold his gun upside-down, whoopeeeee), it is actually a mounting point for Dangar's large double-cannon, forming the core of a super-weapon for the team's combined mode.
- In 2001, Hasbro released the toy as part of the Robots in Disguise series in the third wave of "Basic" toys, with quite a list of deco changes. Greejeeber's dark metal-flake green plastic changed to a lighter forest-green (very close to Mega-Octane's green), and the dark brown chestplate plastic turned dark gray. The white star and "GV" on Greejeeber's chest was completely removed, with a greenish-tan spray replacing it. The black windshield became silver, the black seats are dark gray, and the "Anti-Cybertron" symbol on his leg was replaced with a Decepticon emblem. For reasons unknown, the large cannon also got some extra retooling, extending a meaningless detail on the left side of the barrel.
The Transformers combiner team mold: Combaticons | ||
Version 1 (Bruticus):
Version 2 (Baldigus):
GS = Gift set release
In = Individually released Onslaught (leader)
Version 1 (Onslaught):
Version 2 (Dolrailer):
Blast Off
Version 1 (Blast Off):
Version 2 (Shuttler):
Version 1 (Brawl):
Version 2 (Dangar):
Version 1 (Swindle):
Version 2 (Greejeeber):
Version 1 (Vortex):
Version 2 (Hepter):
| ||
- Baldigus (Multi-pack, 2000)
- ID number: D-011
- Release date: July ??, 2000
- Accessories: Pistol, large cannon
- In Japan, Greejeeber was also made available as part of a complete team multi-pack with his teammates Dangar, Dolrailer, Hepter, and Shuttler. All toys were identical to their individual Takara releases, but the set only came with a bio card for the combined form.
- Sonokong also released this gift set in Korean markets with no differences other than the packaging.
- Ruination (Ultra Class multi-pack, 2003)
- Takara release date: September 26, 2003
- Accessories: Pistol, large cannon
- The entire Commando team was redecoed in various shades of gray with "urban camo" patterns, an extensive amount of robot mode paint and dirt-wash, as part of a Walmart-exclusive gift set, oddly released well after the end of the Robots in Disguise line. This version of Rollbar also has a bright white smile painted on his mug. Awesome.
- This set was made available in Japan as a "USA Edition" release, available only to retailers participating in Toy's Dream Project's "Toy Card" program. This release uses the same packaging as the Hasbro version, only with some added stickers for "USA Edition" branding and other legal information.
Universe (2003)
- Ruination (Ultra Class multi-pack, 2004)
- Accessories: Pistol, large cannon
- The entire Ruination team was redecoed again to make another Walmart exclusive set, this time with a unified "desert camo" theme, under the Universe banner. It came out at the same time as five other Wal-Mart Transformers exclusives, which led to a glut. Ruination seemed a particularly slow mover in this batch.
The Transformers combiner team mold: Combaticons | ||
Version 1 (Bruticus):
Version 2 (Baldigus):
GS = Gift set release
In = Individually released Onslaught (leader)
Version 1 (Onslaught):
Version 2 (Dolrailer):
Blast Off
Version 1 (Blast Off):
Version 2 (Shuttler):
Version 1 (Brawl):
Version 2 (Dangar):
Version 1 (Swindle):
Version 2 (Greejeeber):
Version 1 (Vortex):
Version 2 (Hepter):
| ||
Unite Warriors
- Baldigus (Giftset, 2017)
- ID number: UW-EX
- Release date: March 31, 2017
- Accessories: Minigun, cannon
- Unite Warriors Greejeeber is a redeco of Combiner Wars Swindle (naturally), transforming into a teched-out military SUV. His "standard" gun uses the new tooling from Combiner Wars Hound that adds two small nubs onto its rear, which allows it to attach to his backpack as an over-shoulder blaster. He also comes with a redeco of Unite Warriors Long Haul's gun as a subtitute for the original Greejeeber's large cannon.
- As a Combiner Wars Deluxe-sized figure mold, he can combine with any compatible Voyager Class torso to form a super-robot limb, though once again he is meant to combine with his box-set-mates Dangar, Dolrailer, Hepter, and Shuttler to form Baldigus. Greejeeber's weapons are both incorporated into Baldigus's two handheld multi-guns.
- As a redeco of the Swindle mold, Greejeeber is likely to suffer from the same flaws from that toy, as repeatedly transforming him will eventually create horizontal scratch marks across the hip parts of his thighs, due to the internal molding of his shins.
- This set was the sixth TakaraTomy Mall exclusive set in the line, and the final Unite Warriors release period. It was also the fourth toy to have the "UW-EX" ID "number", shared with Grand Scourge, Lynxmaster, and Megatronia.
Combiner Wars mold: Rook | ||
Version 1:
Version 2:
Version 3:
Foreign names
- Japanese: Greejeeber (グリジバー Gurijibā), Rollbar (ロールバー Rōrubā)
- Korean: Greejeeber (글리지버 Geullijibeo)
- Beast Wars: Uprising Maximals
- Car Robots Predacons
- Generation 2 Autobots
- Legends Predacons
- Martial artists
- Minions of Unicron
- Resistance
- Robots in Disguise (2001) combiners
- Robots in Disguise (2001) Decepticons
- TakaraTomy Mall exclusives
- Transformers Roleplaying Game Decepticons
- Unite Warriors characters
- Universe combiners
- Universe Decepticons
- Wal-Mart exclusives