Battle Ravage
From Transformers Wiki
The name or term "Ravage" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, see Ravage (disambiguation). |
- Battle Ravage is a Decepticon Terrorcon from the Energon portion of the Unicron Trilogy continuity family.
Battle Ravage is as merciless as his name suggests. Literally incapable of feeling emotion, this Terrorcon will ruthlessly, and without hesitation, tear his enemies to pieces with his energon-enhanced jaws and mace-tail. Sometimes Battle Ravage exists as an individual, but often he’s a mass-produced drone.
Variants include Command Ravage and Command Jaguar.
Contents |
Toy pack-in comics
After Hot Shot and Strongarm found a pool of energon, they were quickly beset by a pack of Battle Ravages. They easily defeated the drones, only to realize that the ambush was a distraction while other Battle Ravages absorbed the Energon. When the two tried to shoo off the Ravages, Scorponok appeared and blocked their path. One Battle Ravage created an energon mace for Scorponok to use.
After the Battle Ravages absorbed all of the energon, they left the scene with Scorponok. Energon Volume 1
A Battle Ravage later fought alongside Scorponok and Starscream against Optimus Prime, Hot Shot, and Skyblast. Energon Volume 2
A group of Battle Ravages attempted to take over an energon site, but they were all demolished by the mysterious Scourge. Optimus Prime VS Mysterious Supreme Commander Scourge
Energon cartoon
One of the most common forms of Terrorcon, the Battle Ravage drones were created by Alpha Quintesson to gather raw energon. Like Omnicons, they could handle the unrefined ore without injury, and convert it into a quasi-stable form for transport. Along with Divebombs for aerial support, the Battle Ravages were tasked with recovering as much energon as possible, so that Alpha Q could revitalize Unicron and use his power to recreate Planet Q and the other lost worlds the Planet-Eater ravaged. Cybertron City Alpha Q: Identity
Battle Ravages first attacked Cybertronian forces at Asteroid City and Mars City, where they overwhelmed Tidal Wave and the meager defenses assembled by the pacifistic Omnicons. While a small group transported their prisoner Tidal Wave back to Alpha Q, the rest of the Terrorcons proceeded on to Earth, making their first strike at Ocean City. The Autobot defenses on Earth were much stronger and, after reinforcements arrived from Cybertron, the Terrorcons were all destroyed or driven off. Cybertron City Back in space, the Battle Ravages assaulted Lunar City, and despite suffering heavy losses successfully made off with a sizable quantity of energon. Energon Stars
Back at Unicron, the Battle Ravages carrying Tidal Wave delivered him to Scorponok, the new Terrorcon general constructed by Alpha Q. Scorponok manipulated Tidal Wave into fighting by their side, and another attack was launched on Earth, this time at Desert City. Scorpinok Terrorcon attacks continued to retrieve energon for Alpha Q, on Mars and on Earth under the command of Scorponok and his ever increasing number of Decepticon allies. Megatron's Sword
The Terrorcons next attempted to beat the Autobots to a new source of energon in some snowy mountains, but failed to stop Kicker and Strongarm from setting off a beacon to Cybertron. Doctor Jones then dropped an entire new energon mining city on top of the Terrorcons, squashing a large number beneath its weight. The New Cybertron City
Alpha Q and Scorponok began to lose more and more Terrorcons with each raid, as the Autobots learned from each encounter and fortified their defenses. Events took a drastic turn when Megatron awakened inside Unicron. He quickly overpowered Scorponok and used his new-found connection with Unicron to assume control over the Terrorcons being generated inside the entity. Alpha Q was forced to flee with Unicron's head, leaving the rest of Unicron and control of the majority of Terrorcons to Megatron. Megatron Resurrected As Megatron learned to control the Terrorcons, they provided him with an energon star, much like the Omnicons used to enhance the Autobots. The Terrorcons joined Megatron in a major raid on Ocean City. Megatron Raid
Megatron next sent out the Divebomb and Battle Ravage drones to attack Lunar City, while Optimus Prime was busy fighting the rejuvenated Starscream. Starscream the Mysterious Mercenary They returned after their first strike to soak up every last morsel of energon on the moon. Battle of the Asteroid Belt The energon the Terrorcons collected was harnessed by Megatron to create a new space fortress for the Decepticons. When the Decepticons left for an attack on Earth, however, Alpha Q sent out HIS Terrorcons to steal energon, apparently from the Decepticons. (It was rather unclear if some Terrorcons were actually loyal to Alpha Q or Megatron individually, or if Alpha Q was taking advantage of Megatron's absence to merely be the only "user" interfacing with the Terrorcons in and around Unicron.) Energon Tower When Megatron uncovered the drop in energon reserves (although not the reason for it), he allowed Scorponok to take a cadre of Terrorcon drones back to Mars City to scrounge for any remaining energon. The Legend of Rodimus
Alpha Q then tried a different tactic by sending the stealth-capable Command Ravages and Shadowhawk Desert Type drones to Jungle City, hoping they could recover a large supply of energon before the Autobots or the Decepticons even noticed. The plan failed, as all three sides began fighting over the energon mine, including a second group of Terrorcons loyal to Megatron. The Autobots eventually abandoned the base and detonated the energon supply altogether, destroying vast swaths of Terrorcons and ensuring that NO ONE got the energon. Crisis in Jungle City

The Autobots salvaged a Battle Ravage drone, and used it as a scent-hound to track down some faint energon readings on the Moon. Signal Flare put the cat on a leash, as it raced around the Moon's surface with Kicker and Ironhide. It soon joined a pack when Demolishor arrived on the Moon to kidnap Kicker so that Megatron could study his energon sensing abilities. Demolishor failed, and Alpha Q took the opportunity to communicate with Kicker, using a previously unknown ability to speak through the Battle Ravage drones when necessary. Alpha Q and Kicker briefly discussed his abilities before the Terrorcon drones were destroyed in an energon tower shockwave. Kicker Beware!
When Scorponok returned from Mars with a new supply of energon, Starscream and Tidal Wave confiscated his Terrorcon drones immediately to prevent him from passing off the energon to Alpha Q and not Megatron. Rodimus Friend or Foe?
Later, Megatron unleashed a pack of Battle Ravages on an uncharted planet to recover the energon there, until they were attacked and overwhelmed by Alpha Q's new form of Cruellock Terrorcon drones. The Return of Demolishor
As Unicron's body temporarily flared up in a hunger-induced frenzy, it speared a number of Battle Ravages inside its hull and sapped them of all their energon. Survival Instincts
The newly reformatted Mirage led a cadre of Terrorcons to Cybertron where they accumulated a large amount of energon. This energy was used to revitalize Unicron into an active threat to the Autobots. More Terrorcons stood in defense of Unicron as the Autobots attempted to strike back. Unicron Unleashed During their struggles with the Decepticons inside Unicron, the Autobots fought off a large number of Battle Ravages. Open Fire!
As Unicron's body fell through a rift in space and Unicron's head became the nexus of a new energon-based star housing Alpha Q, Megatron captured Scorponok in the aftermath of several battles. The Terrorcon general was forcibly reprogrammed to be loyal only to Megatron and, with Alpha Q essentially out of action as well, the Decepticons now controlled the entire Terrorcon force. Scorponok unleashed a cadre of Divebombs and Battle Ravages on his former Autobot allies on the Iron Planet after his brainwashing was complete. Protection Scorponok used the Terrorcons for an assault on Jungle Planet, where the Autobots had set up their temporary base of operations. Jungle Planet Although that assault failed, Iron Planet was now unguarded, and the Terrorcons were able to completely drain the planet of energon, destroying it. A second strike on Jungle Planet was interrupted, however, by an energon tower transported through the rift from Cybertron. Jungle Planet was now protected by the same energon shockwave weapon as Earth and Cybertron. Bulkhead
When Scorponok uncovered the reincarnated version of Planet Q, he showed no remembrance or remorse, turning a Terrorcon horde on Alpha Q's reconstructed palace to recover the energon concentrated there. Battle Ravages and Divebombs recovered a sizable amount of energy from the planet before transporting back to Unicron. Return! Our Scorponok
Divebombs and Battle Ravages fought against the Autobots on Unicron's surface as Megatron attempted to reclaim the entity's head from Alpha Q. A Heroic Battle Spurred by Unicron's incessant need for energon, Megatron had Scorponok dispatch all the Terrorcons out into space to find more sources of power, making them absent during the final conflict that destroyed Unicron's body. The Power of Unicron Though the Decepticon forces were left in shambles after Unicron's defeat, several Battle Ravage drones still remained. Ambition
As the Decepticons took control of Cybertron, Battle Ravages were seen racing over the planet's surface at Scorponok's command. Galvatron! A pack of Ravages accompanied Mirage, Demolishor and Snow Cat to Cybertron's core, where they caught Dr. Jones and Rad White trying to access Primus. The Omega Train
When Scorponok arrived to assist Galvatron at the Super Energon pool, he brought a pack of Battle Ravage drones. They kept the Autobots occupied while Six Shot, Galvatron and Scorponok fought over the power source. Galvatron Terror
Energon comic
Ten years after the fall of Megatron, Battle Ravage joined a group of disgruntled Decepticons who met with Scorponok in Cyber City. They became Terrorcons, upgraded through the power of Unicron by Alpha Quintesson to possess Hyper Modes. In their search for more energon and new worlds to conquer, they targeted Earth. This Evil Reborn
In Australia, the human research consortium named Alterenergy was searching for energon when the Terrorcons came calling. While the others focused on securing the site, Battle Ravage renewed his favorite pastime: hunting. He stalked Kicker Jones on his dirt bike through Alterenergy's grounds until the boy was momentarily rescued by Alexis. What Lies Beneath Now with two prey to stalk, Battle Ravage caught the humans and brought them back to Scorponok for inspection. What Lies Beneath, Part Two The boy, Kicker, had unique energon sensing abilities that Scorponok found useful, and Battle Ravage helped threaten Alexis to ensure the boy's cooperation. When Rad White came looking to rescue them, Battle Ravage used his cloaking field to lure the new human in close before pouncing. Unfortunately, Rad set off an explosion in one of the energon cells, costing Ravage his prey. What Lies Beneath, Part Three The Autobots eventually managed to defeat the Terrorcons, and they were forcibly pulled off-world by Alpha-Quintesson. What Lies Beneath, Part Four
Through some unknown process, Battle Ravage was replicated thousands of times over. His horde was unleashed on Moscow, Russia as part of the Terrorcons' full invasion of Earth. Multiplicity They quickly went to work destroying St. Basil's Cathedral and wrought destruction on a massive scale to the city surrounding it. Multiplicity, Pt. 2 When Megatron returned from Unicron, the drone-troopers fell in droves before him, and the remaining Battle Ravages and other Terrorcons fled back to Alpha Quintesson. Multiplicity, Pt. 4
Ask Vector Prime
In an unspecified reality, Killswitch employed hordes of Terrorcons, including Command Jaguars, to guard Existimus. Ask Vector Prime, 2015/11/06
Transformers Energon: Battle for Megatron
Battle Ravage and his fellow Terrorcons went on a mission to retrieve Megatron, held deep within Unicron's defenses. In order to destroy the many units standing in their way, Battle Ravage could use his Laser Cannons, Grenades, Tail Mace or "Cougar Bite" technique. The Terrorcons were eventually successful in liberating Megatron from Unicron's clutches. Transformers Energon: Battle for Megatron
- Battle Ravage (Energon Class, 2003/2004)
- Takara name: Command Jaguar (コマンドジャガー)
- Takara ID number: SD-06
- Takara release date: December 25, 2003
- Accessories: "Leopard Cannon" spring-loaded missile launcher, "Night Eyes" cannon, "Tail Crush" tail/flail, missile, Decepticon energon chip
- Known designers: Aaron Archer (Hasbro), Yuichiro Hira (TakaraTomy)
- Released in the first wave of Energon "Energon Class" toys (basically "Basics"), Battle Ravage transforms into a robotic predatory cat. Moving his outer chest during transformation automatically swings his arms and beast-mode head into the proper positions. His beast mode tail can also detach to become a hand-held flail weapon, the ball-joint having a 5 mm diameter.
- He comes with a pair of clear-plastic "energon" cannons: one that fires a spring-loaded missile, the other a non-firing accessory that greatly resembles the fusion cannon used by Generation 1 Megatron. These two pieces can be combined to form the ultimate energon weapon "Energy Rifle" (only named in the Takara release), which in turn loosely resembles Megatron's gun mode. The non-firing cannon has a Mini-Con-style Powerlinx port, letting it activate Armada-mold Powerlinx gimmicks. He also comes with a clear-plastic "energon chip" which can be attached to pretty much every new-mold Energon toy.
- There are several minor variants of the Hasbro version. The initial release of Battle Ravage lacked any way of locking down the torso in robot mode, so moving his arms tends to start the torso's auto-transformation. Early in the run, a small peg and tab were added to the neck-plate and inner torso (respectively) to lock the robot-mode head and torso down and prevent this. Much later, towards the very end of the line, a Decepticon sigil tampograph was added to the white disc on the forelimb's shoulder.
- The Takara Super Link "Command Jaguar" version of the toy has a few notable differences from the Hasbro version. The most obvious one is that the Takara version uses a rich dark green for its energon parts, where the Hasbro version uses a bright yellow-green. There are also some differences in the paint applications, with the most obvious-at-a-glance difference being that all copies of Command Jaguar have the Decepticon symbol on the shoulder-disc, but also the gunmetal paint on his robot and beast-mode heads have been replaced with matte black, with the face paint layouts also slightly altered. This toy also has the neckplate locking peg from the later Hasbro releases.
- This mold was redecoed to make Command Ravage.
- Transformers Booster Pack (2-pack, 2006)
ID number: | TF06 |
Rarity: | |
Faction: | Decepticon |
Class: | Specialist |
Special: | Rally - 8/26 (30%) success ratio |
Point Cost: | 20 |
Base Speed: | 10 |
Attack Type: | Striker (Mace) |
- Released in the first (and ultimately only) wave of Transformers-themed Attacktix toys, Battle Ravage is a minimally-posable figure permanently affixed to a base that "ticks" off movement points when rolled forward. A "Striker"-type figure with unique ball and chain (okay, ball and string) attack, his upper torso is spring-loaded so pulling his mace-holdin' arm back then releasing it makes him swing the huge spike-ball around, knocking over other pieces (hopefully). Attacktix players recommend positioning the handle of the mace as close as possible to an opponent's figure, rather than attempting to strike with the ball. Ravage also has a swivel neck and shoulders, the latter being potentially helpful in properly positioning his swinging arm for maximum knockdown power.
- His "Rally" Special Power allows you to put another Battle Ravage figure back into play from the graveyard. This power allows a player to replicate the endless Battle Ravage swarms from the Energon cartoon with only a handful of Battle Ravage figures.
- Battle Ravage was randomly packed into the 2-piece "Booster Pack" assortment. Each box contained one "Rare" piece (like Ravage) and one "Super Rare", with there being twice as many potential Super Rare characters available. On top of that, each piece has a roughly 1 in 8 chance of coming with a super-shiny silver-chrome base rather than the standard black; this is merely a cosmetic difference and no point values have been changed.
- Battle Ravage is, of course, a 20th anniversary homage to Generation 1 Ravage, though with a slightly different name for trademark reasons.
- An undetermined number of unassembled Battle Ravage toys were presented as part of a toy painting workshop supervised by Anthony Beard at OTFCC 2004. These toys were slightly prepped by Anthony to give them red translucent parts.
- Battle Ravage's CGI model used in the cartoon appears to either be flipped or the weapons of the model were designed for the opposite sides of the beast mode when compared to the actual toy, which is somewhat strange as the weapons can be found on the correct sides in robot mode, à la Animated Bumblebee's racing stripe. It is unknown if an older prototype of the toy existed where the weapons were able to connect on opposite sides or whether the animators were just given reversed toy images to work from. The robot mode model still has the weapons placed on the respective shoulders, which suggests the latter may have occurred. Being a complete redressing of the model, Command Ravage and the Planet Q natives also suffered this fate.
Foreign names
- Japanese: Command Jaguar (コマンドジャガー Komando Jagā)