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Thundercracker (Armada)

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The name or term "Thundercracker" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, see Thundercracker (disambiguation).
Thundercracker is a Decepticon from the Unicron Trilogy continuity family.
"I'm happier 'n a tornado in a trailer park!"

Thundercracker loyally served under Starscream during the search for the Cyber Planet Keys. Though frequently a jokester and goofball, especially when Megatron is the brunt of the joke, it is far from positive attention. That being said; he does know when to get the smelt out of Decepticon HQ before Megatron looks for someone to pummel.



Toy bios

Thundercracker suffered from low self-esteem and longed for approval from authority figures to validate his existence. He was willing to work as hard as necessary to gain attention and praise from Megatron, but when all his efforts were ignored or taken for granted, he grew frustrated. Thundercracker felt the need to engage in ever more risky and reckless behavior in an attempt to gain Megatron's notice. Many predicted this would lead to his destruction. Armada bio

Thundercracker specialized in creating fear among the enemy. He easily abducted the Mini-Con Downshift from the Autobots, but he was surprised at Downshift's speed and willingness to help him wreak havoc among the Autobots on Earth. Walmart Cybertron bio

Cartoon continuity

Armada cartoon

"I look just like that toy I'm not!"

When both the Autobots and Decepticons encountered the powerful Nemesis Prime on a strange world, they were thoroughly thrashed by the evil Optimus Prime look-alike. The Mini-Cons accompanying the Autobots joined together to repair the Transformers and give them extra power. When Starscream gained his new coloration, he stated with distaste that he looked just like Thundercracker. Puppet[1]

Cybertron cartoon

Voice actor: Mark Oliver (English), Michael Dobson (English, "Rush" dubbing error), Kazunari Tanaka (Japanese), Maurizio Fiorentini (Italian), Ari Wirta (Finnish, episodes 1 - 11), Marko Ahde (Finnish, episodes 12 - 26), Vesa Hämes (Finnish, episodes 27 - 52), Luis Vicente Ivars (Castilian Spanish), Romain Redler (French), Christian Rudolf (German), Johan Svensson (Swedish), Sim Seung-han (Korean)
Thundercracker goes to face the Emperor Bulblax unprepared.

Thundercracker was first seen ten years after the end of the Energon War. Issued with orders from Megatron to look for and attack whatever Autobots he could find, Thundercracker opened a warp gate to Earth. Before emerging, he scanned a nearby Sukhoi Su-35 jet for disguise. He apparently liked it, saying, "Now this is a shape that can do some damage!"

Thundercracker soon spotted Landmine walking through a Colorado forest with three human children. He attempted to blitz the group with missiles, only to miss completely. He then found himself tangling with an airborne Optimus Prime, whose Super Mode proved impervious to missile fire. When Prime detonated Thundercracker's next missile volley in the Decepticon's own face, 'Cracker beat a hasty retreat via warp gate. Fallen Inferno

Later, Jetfire caught Thundercracker harassing two human-piloted fighter planes. Jetfire took several hits from Thundercracker's missiles to keep the planes safe long enough for Vector Prime to teleport them to safety, robbing the Decepticon of his fun. Thundercracker got some digs in by easily dodging fire from Jetfire's robot mode, but was stopped in shock as Jetfire summoned his Cyber Key for the first time. He was promptly blasted by the Autobot's newly activated shoulder guns. Thundercracker attempted to flee, only to be hounded by Jetfire. He was eventually shot out of the sky by Scattorshot, and his even his reinforcements were driven away when Optimus activated his own Cyber Key power. Hidden

The next time Thundercracker clashed with the Autobots was outside a museum where they were investigating a lead on the Omega Lock. Thundercracker revealed that he was now able to summon a Cyber Key, resulting in stronger shots. Starscream called for his own Cyber Key, and the battle was going in the Decepticons' favor until Landmine arrived. After a false start, Landmine knocked Starscream down, and then activated his Cyber Key, creating a gust of wind that not only knocked Thundercracker backwards but crashed one of his own missiles into him. When the Decepticons learned that the Omega Lock in the museum wasn't the genuine article, they opted to retreat from the Autobots' greater numbers. Landmine

Thundercracker and Starscream continued to interfere with the Autobots' efforts to locate the Omega Lock, next attacking their foes while they were excavating an ancient druid site in the British Isles. Though this time, Starscream attempted to fight more strategically, the dim-witted Thundercracker brought defeat on the pair nonetheless. By allowing himself to be lured close enough to the ground for Overhaul to nail him with a Cyber Key-assisted blast, Thundercracker put his team at enough of a disadvantage that Starscream opted to call a retreat. Space

The Decepticons next attempted in being more proactive in tracking down the Autobots' secret base. While Starscream attacked Jetfire and Optimus directly during the Autobots' next outing, Thundercracker was positioned to secretly trail them after the confrontation. He wound up being duped into following Jetfire to a decoy base, which he destroyed while cackling like a maniac. Rush

After Megatron informed Starscream to use "whatever means necessary" to eliminate Optimus and his Autobots, Thundercracker took this as permission to implement plans of his own. He fashioned a spotlight to project the Omega Lock's "Atlantis Pattern" into the night sky, and used it to lure the Autobots out into a forest. Having not thought his plan through, Thundercracker quickly found himself being overpowered by the enemy. Starscream happened upon the scene, and instructed his subordinate to leave the thinking to him before withdrawing. Speed Continuing their search for the Omega Lock, Starscream took Thundercracker in chasing a lead to west Africa, but came up empty once again. They had more luck when they followed Vector Prime and the Autobots' human friends to the Sahara, where they uncovered a ruined temple and what appeared to be the artifact they desired on open display. After being joined by Megatron, the Decepticons nearly made off with the Lock, only for Optimus to trick Thundercracker into blowing it to pieces! Rationalizing that the true Omega Lock couldn't be destroyed so easily, Megatron deduced that what they had found was yet another facsimile. Thundercracker then made sure to deliver a few taunts towards Optimus before he fled the area. Time

While out on patrol, Thundercracker came across a riderless motorcycle speeding down the open road. Recognizing that she was an Autobot refugee, he began firing upon her for his own amusement. Optimus Prime's team intervened just as Thundercracker was about to finish off his victim. Badly outnumbered, Thundercracker flew off... only to return when the Autobots had managed to open a dimension gate to the Jungle Planet, location of the second Cyber Planet Key. Thundercracker struck Vector Prime, badly injuring the elder Autobot before being blasted away by Scattorshot. Search

The Decepticons continued trailing the Autobots on their search for the Omega Lock, eventually leading them to the bottom of the Bermuda Triangle. There, the ancient Cybertronian starship, the Atlantis, was uncovered. Thundercracker once more went after Vector Prime, only to be booted away by Landmine. His main weapon ineffectual underwater, Thundercracker was unable to stop the Autobots from activating the ship and warping it away. Deep The Decepticons tracked the Atlantis to the dark side of the Moon, and Thundercracker rushed the ship, only to be shot down by its automated defenses. By the time his team had destroyed enough of the ship's weapons to break into it, the Autobots had caught up to them, and kept both Thundercracker and Starscream busy while Megatron dueled Optimus for possession of the Omega Lock. Only Optimus emerged from the ship, Omega Lock in hand, while the Atlantis self-destructed behind him. Thinking this meant Megatron had perished, the remaining Decepticons left to nurse their wounds. Ship


Megatron had survived hower, and made contact with his troops on Earth while they were watching the Autobots competing in Velocitron's Planet Cup through a viewing portal. Megatron requested that they help Ransack and Crumplezone in the race, but Starscream argued that, without car modes, they'd be of little use in the competition. Thundercracker was shocked to hear Starscream talk back to their leader is such abrupt a manner. Once Megatron closed communications, Starscream revealed he planned to take over leadership of the Decepticons. Thundercracker showed interest in helping him out. They both approached an Autobot named Mudflap, one of the many refugees hiding out on Earth. Thundercracker roughed him up, but was stopped from finishing him off. The two jets then recruited Mudflap to the Decepticons, preying on his dissatisfaction of spending a life in hiding. With Mudflap's allegiance secured, Thundercracker volunteered to take the new recruit for a tour of the Decepticon hideout. Race The two of them trained in the Fire Dimension for a time, though they both grew eager to head back out into the field and kick some Autobot tailpipe. Though Starscream and Sideways didn't take them along for a mission to the Jungle Planet, Thundercracker grew giddy over having been left unsupervised once more. Savage

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Primal Trust Trap Retreat Revelation Critical Assault Starscream United Cybertron Balance Darkness Memory Escape Titans Warp Giant Fury City Ambush Showdown Homecoming
Thundercracker gits 'er done.

Back outside the boundaries of the Unicron Singularity, Thundercracker and the few remaining Decepticons still loyal to Galvatron were given a boost of Omega Lock power, super-sizing them so they could take on the massed armies that had gathered from all of the colony worlds to oppose them. Thundercracker took on Optimus Prime himself to give Galvatron time to achieve his goal. However, Thundercracker was then gang-attacked by Leobreaker, Hot Shot, Jetfire, and Landmine, giving Prime the opportunity to chase Galvatron into the black hole. Thundercracker continued to fight and very nearly came directly into the path of the singularity-collapsing cannon-blast from the massive Ark starship. End

After the defeat of Galvatron and the closing of the Unicron Singularity, Thundercracker realized that Galvatron was going to let him die in the cataclysm that his plan would have caused, so he ran off along with the other now-de-powered Decepticons. When the rocket boosters that were built on the Jungle Planet to push the world back to its normal place in the cosmos began to fail, the four Decepticons arrived, cackling... and helped with the efforts to keep the thrusters upright and functional, deciding to try being on the winning team for once. Unfinished

Thundercracker then spent most of his time on Earth under the supervision of Mudflap, helping rebuild cities damaged by the Singularity's effects. When the Autobots were ready to begin their Space Bridge initiative, Thundercracker went to see off his new "best friend", Optimus Prime. Unfortunately, he ran across his former Decepticon allies, who were sick of trying to fit in and so had built a ramshackle rocket and taken off to form the New Decepticon Army. The trio shanghaied Thundercracker, who really didn't want to join them, and took off for parts unknown. They made it as far as Mars before the rocket crashed. Poor Thundercracker wound up with his head buried in the ground, although presumably he wasn't stranded. Beginning

Dreamwave Armada continuity

More than Meets the Eye: Armada

Thundercracker was a former Decepticon who left the army centuries ago. He was also partnered with the overeager, overconfident Mini-Con Zapmaster. More than Meets the Eye #3

Energon comic

Energon ceased publication before the story could conclude. The following would have taken place in unpublished issues.

When Megatron resurfaced on Earth, the Decepticons of Cybertron became bolder and ready to commit acts of civil disobedience against the Autobot government. Thundercracker was one of several Decepticons hassling Dropshot when the ghostly Starscream resurfaced. Armageddon Part 1

Galaxy Force comic

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The Devil's Dogfight! Coby's Courage Deep Sea Discovery! Vector Prime Fastest Dream! Hot Shot's Run Galaxy Force Mission.8

Toy pack-in comics

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Armada Volume 5


Transformers Power Up: The Game

Thundercracker is one of four Transformers that can be built over the course of the game.

Transformers Power Up: The Game

Transformers: Battle Tactics


Thundercracker participated in battles against a variety of opponents, both Autobots and Decepticons. Sometimes there were many of him! He appeared in two different bodies:

  • Thundercracker — This Epic character first appeared in the "Cybertron Episode 2 - Seekers" event, and could be recruited by collecting 500 units of Cybermetal, 250 units of Transmetal, and 50 cores of this character.
  • Thundercracker Armada — This Super Rare character was available as a reward to 100 leagues in the "Armada: Episode 2" medium events.

Transformers: Battle Tactics



  • Thundercracker with Zapmaster (Max-Con, 2003)
  • Accessories: wing-sword, 2 "blast" missiles
  • Known designers: Joe Kyde (deco artist)
Released in the third wave of Armada Max-Cons, Thundercracker is a redeco of Armada Starscream, transforming into a Cybertronic fighter jet. Pressing down on his cockpit canopy activates a laser-pulse sound effect; his pack-in Mini-Con partner Zapmaster can also snap into place under his nosecone, and pops free with an explosion effect when the canopy is pressed down hard. Pulling back his rearmost Mini-Con Powerlinx plug activates a take-off sound effect, while holding it follows up the sound with an extended engine roar that lasts a few seconds. Placing a Mini-Con on the plug (Zapmaster is of course sized perfectly to fit into this small space) releases two spring-activated over-shoulder spring-loaded missile launchers, and pulling back on the port with a Mini-Con attached triggers a laser-firing noise that lasts just long enough to be too long.
In robot mode, he retains the use of both of the jet-mode Powerlinx gimmicks. His robot-mode head pops up automatically during transformation by connecting his waist to his upper torso. His left wing also detaches and unfolds to form a large sword.
The reason for Armada Thundercracker's red face was because the gray plastic used to make the eyes is unpaintable plastic, so Joe Kyde changed the original plan from gray face and red eyes to red face and gray eyes.[citation needed]
In the Takara Legends of the Microns line, the Thundercracker/Zapmaster pairing was released (with very slight alterations) as "Starscream Super Mode" and "Spark Grid", as seen in the Armada cartoon. You can of course use your Hasbro Thundercracker as "Powerlinx Starscream" if you wanna.
Transformers: Armada mold: Starscream

Version 1:

  • SonokongEunha Yeongung: Cybertron MD-02 Scream

Version 2:

Built to Rule!

Energon cake goes right to his hips.
  • Thundercracker (Built to Rule!, 2003)
  • Accessories: 2 launchers, 2 missiles
For the Built to Rule! line, Thundercracker was once again a redeco, a new-color version of the Starscream set. He can be assembled into a Cybertronic fighter jet or a robot, or to whatever else you feel like making out of the blocks provided (or any blocks you feel like adding). The set features two missile launchers that use a unique "twist-block" pressure-launch mechanism.
He also came with a building-brick version of Zapmaster.
He was one of the last of the Transformers-branded Built to Rule! toys released at wide retail.


This hick's shotgun is built-in.
  • Takara name: Thundercracker (サンダークラッカー Sandākurakkā)
  • Takara ID number: GD-02
  • Takara release date: December 28 2004
  • Accessories: drone rocket, Earth Cyber Key
  • Cyber Key Code: d98d
  • Known designers: Eric Siebenaler (Hasbro), Takio Ejima (Takara)
Part of the first wave of the Cybertron / Galaxy Force toylines, Thundercracker transforms into a Sukhoi Su-37 fighter jet. Inserting a Cyber Key into his rear fuselage pops up the back panel, revealing a spring-loaded missile launcher. This assembly becomes his left forearm in robot mode, despite being almost as long as he is tall.
The Takara Galaxy Force release of the toy is slightly different from the later Hasbro Cybertron release, mainly the Hasbro version added a Decepticon insignia to the missile-launcher cover. The Hasbro version also included more silver paint on the wings, missiles and tail fin blades, a rare instance of the Hasbro version having more paint operations than the Takara one.
Thundercracker's instructions show him with his wings sitting somewhat high and his left arm relying on the stiffness of its swivel to stay up. On the Hasbro version of the mold, a defect makes this swivel loose, and as a result his heavy left arm tends to fall down. (This would eventually be remedied for the live-action-movie "Divebomb" release). However, a closer look at Thundercracker reveals his instructions screwed up. His wing assembly is supposed to sit lower on his body, and the left arm is supposed to swivel in farther, locking in place between the chest and the wings.
This mold was also used to make Cybertron Skywarp and live-action movie continuity Divebomb.

  • Ground To Air Blast Pack! Crosswise vs. Thundercracker (Multi-pack, 2006)
  • Accessories: drone rocket, Earth Cyber Key
  • Cyber Key Code: d98d
In 2006, Target got multiple exclusive toys and reduced-price multi-packs, among them a set with unaltered versions of Thundercracker and Crosswise for about 75% of the cost of two Deluxes normally.

  • Thundercracker with Downshift (Tiny Tins multi-pack, 2006)
  • Accessories: drone rocket, Earth Cyber Key
  • Cyber Key Code: d98d
Part of a run of Walmart exclusive Tiny Tins sets, Thundercracker was also sold in a larger box that came with a special redeco of the Race Mini-Con Team member Downshift, plus a special Tiny Tins carrying tin for the Mini-Con.

"Hey Sarge! They done gave me one of these new-fangled DOUBLE shotguns!"
  • Thundercracker (Legends of Cybertron, 2006)
A smaller, simplified version of the deluxe toy was released in the fourth wave of the Legends of Cybertron line. Unlike the large toy, this version has two robot-mode fists, and the blaster-weapon is now an arm-mounted double-barreled (non-firing) weapon.
This mold was used to make Classics Jetfire, and the 2008 Universe Legends Class Starscream and Silverbolt.

Universe (2003)

TFU03-toy ExcellVsThunder.jpg
  • Excellion vs. Thundercracker: Opposites Attack (Multipack, 2007)
  • Accessories: drone rocket, Earth Cyber Key
  • Cyber Key Code: d98d
During Christmas 2007, Wal-Mart got several exclusive double-packs of Cybertron Deluxes sold under the Universe banner. For this series, Thundercracker came packaged with Excellion.


  • Armada Starscream Super Mode (アルマダスタースクリーム スーパーモード, 2016)
  • ID number: LG18
  • Release date: 2016 January 30
  • Accesories: 2 Energon Swords, 2 missiles
  • Known designers: Munetaka Abe (packaging artist)
The Legends Armada Starscream Super Mode toy was repurposed as Thundercracker in Armada Volume 5.
A redeco of the Generations Armada Starscream figure, based on the super mode coloration Starscream had in the Armada cartoon. He comes with two "Energon Swords" which he holds via 5mm post, and can fold up and store on his wings, as opposed to the wings themselves detaching and forming swords. He has numerous Powerlinx plugs on his forearms and turbines, though they do not activate any features. In place of his spring-loaded cannons, his turbines can each fire a missile in either mode via pressure-launch, and can be positioned in robot mode to either face forward or lay flat on his back.
This mold was heavily retooled into Generations Jhiaxus and differently retooled into Timelines Skywarp and Timelines Ramjet. This mold was also the basis for the non-toy Wings Universe incarnation of Eagle Eye.


  • According to Transformers: Armada - The Ultimate 3D Combat Files: Dark Invaders, Thundercracker is Starscream upgraded by Unicron.
  • Thundercracker's characterization in the Cybertron cartoon is heavily based on comedian Larry the Cable Guy. In a few instances, he even quotes the comedian's catchphrase, "git 'r' done".

Foreign names

  • Japanese: Thundercracker (サンダークラッカー Sandākurakkā)
  • Armenian: Ampropatweghq (Ամպրոպաճեղք, "Thundercracker")
  • Hungarian: Villámcsapás ("Thunderclap")
  • Korean: Thundercracker (썬더크래커 Sseondeokeulaekeo)
  • Mandarin: Jīngtiān Léi (惊天雷, "Sky-shocking Thunder")
  • Russian: Gromoverzhec (Громовержец, "Thunderer")



  1. Thundercracker's mention in the Armada cartoon was added in English localization to connect Starscream's coloration with the Thundercracker redeco concurrently being sold in Hasbro markets; in Takara markets, the equivalent release was simply labeled as "Starscream Super Mode" and thus required no connecting tissue in the original Legends of the Microns dialogue.
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