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Hi. I'm some random guy who never once played with Transformers toys as a kid, but watched Beast Wars in middle school and thought it was cool. Then recently I discovered this wiki, learned about the trainwreck that is the Energon dub, and thought it would be funny to watch. It was. Now I'm a huge fan of IDW and Marvel G1 and pretty much everything TF-related except Animated, which for some reason I haven't cared enough to watch yet.



The only two Transformers toys I had as a wee lad.

Random stuff I find interesting, mostly relating to 3H and FunPub fiction

Doing my part to help put this image on as many pages as possible.

Why is Ramjet still alive? You would think they'd have tied that loose end up, but nope. Know that Razorclaw is still out there somewhere, too. And Unicron is a tank now.

Characters pursuing Unicron across the multiverse

Some interesting members of the Convoy

Matrix Templars still residing in Primax 496.22 Alpha

Decepticons still operating in Aurex 802.23 Alpha

Characters hunting giant Starscream

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