Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Sociology"
The meaning of "Sociology" in various phrases and sentences
Sociology and a minor in African American Studies ne anlama geliyor?
It means in University their main focus of study will be sociology, and their secondary area of study will be African American Studies, but in less depth. They will receive a degree in sociology with a minor in African American Studies. In the USA at university you generally have a major and a minor. Or you can “double major”.
Major- your main field of study.
Minor- you second area of study less in-depth.
Major- your main field of study.
Minor- you second area of study less in-depth.
Synonyms of "Sociology" and their differences
I am studying Sociology. ve I study Sociology. arasındaki fark nedir?
They both mean the same thing
I am studying Sociology ve I study Sociology arasındaki fark nedir?
They have the same meaning, that you are a student of sociology. However, "I am studying sociology" can also mean what you are doing in that moment, that you are right now studying sociology.
Translations of "Sociology"
Bunu İngilizce (Birleşik Krallık) da nasıl dersiniz? Sociology kiya hain
the study of the development, structure, and functioning of human society.
the study of the development, structure, and functioning of human society.
Other questions about "Sociology"
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Lütfen bana nasıl telaffuz edeceğimi öğret Sociology .
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