Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Budge"
The meaning of "Budge" in various phrases and sentences
budge ne anlama geliyor?
To "budge" is to move, but it's basically only used in the negative to say that something won't move: "We tried to open the door, but it wouldn't budge."
I won’t budge on you ne anlama geliyor?
To be certain I would need context but I’m guessing it’s something like wanting to win someone over to date them. Like “I won’t give up on (dating) you.”
To not “budge” on something means firmly keeping a view/position
Eg “the politician won’t budge on the climate change issue”
“My mom won’t budge on her expectations for my test grades”
This is an example that refers to a physical state rather than a mental one:
“I tried to get the lid off the pickle jar but it wouldn’t budge”
The first two examples are figurative usages and use “won’t budge” to illustrate their mental states being as stubborn and unchangeable as a big rock
To not “budge” on something means firmly keeping a view/position
Eg “the politician won’t budge on the climate change issue”
“My mom won’t budge on her expectations for my test grades”
This is an example that refers to a physical state rather than a mental one:
“I tried to get the lid off the pickle jar but it wouldn’t budge”
The first two examples are figurative usages and use “won’t budge” to illustrate their mental states being as stubborn and unchangeable as a big rock
budge up ne anlama geliyor?
"Budge up" means to "Get close to", or "push against".
It's usually only used in regards to people, and not objects.
For example:
"The train was crowded and everyone was budged up against each other".
"I tried to budge up next to my crush, but she wasn't interested and moved away."
I hope that makes sense. :)
It's usually only used in regards to people, and not objects.
For example:
"The train was crowded and everyone was budged up against each other".
"I tried to budge up next to my crush, but she wasn't interested and moved away."
I hope that makes sense. :)
budge up ne anlama geliyor?
Telling someone to move over. For example if someone is sitting in the middle of a couch, you tell them to budge/move up to create room for you to sit also
Example sentences using "Budge"
budge ile örnek cümleler göster.
“Hey I’m trying to paint your nails right now so don’t budge!”
“I cannot budge when I have a face mask on because if I do then it will crease.”
“It’s hard not to budge when you’re being tickled!”
Hope these helped! :)
“I cannot budge when I have a face mask on because if I do then it will crease.”
“It’s hard not to budge when you’re being tickled!”
Hope these helped! :)
budge up ile örnek cümleler göster.
Aw it is British slang word !
Ex when I and my friend get into the bus and I am in a hurry to set , so I set and I don't give some space for my friend so he or she says budge up !
Ex when I and my friend get into the bus and I am in a hurry to set , so I set and I don't give some space for my friend so he or she says budge up !
budge ile örnek cümleler göster.
"i tried to get him to come with me, but he wouldnt budge."
Synonyms of "Budge" and their differences
budge ve move arasındaki fark nedir?
“Budge” is a slang term. It means something that moves in a little or small amount.
It is used together with a negative prefix such as “won’t”.
Won’t budge = something that resists movement / doesn’t change its state
This nut won’t budge, it’s too rusty. = The nut won’t loosen, it’s too rusty. “Loosen” is more appropriate to “move”, as it’s specific.
The dog doesn’t want to budge from this spot. = The dog doesn’t want to move from this spot. Both ways work.
My boss won’t budge on giving me a day off for my birthday. = My boss won’t change his mind on giving me a day off for my birthday.
Whilst “budge” and “move” technically mean the same thing, “budge” is more specific in describing a resistance of change, whereas “move” is less specific and describes generalised movement.
It is used together with a negative prefix such as “won’t”.
Won’t budge = something that resists movement / doesn’t change its state
This nut won’t budge, it’s too rusty. = The nut won’t loosen, it’s too rusty. “Loosen” is more appropriate to “move”, as it’s specific.
The dog doesn’t want to budge from this spot. = The dog doesn’t want to move from this spot. Both ways work.
My boss won’t budge on giving me a day off for my birthday. = My boss won’t change his mind on giving me a day off for my birthday.
Whilst “budge” and “move” technically mean the same thing, “budge” is more specific in describing a resistance of change, whereas “move” is less specific and describes generalised movement.
to budge ve to move arasındaki fark nedir?
To budge means to make a slight movement.
The window would not budge at all, it was completely stuck.
Budge over children, make room for me to sit down.
He would not budge on his decision, his opinion was firm.
To move means to change something or someone from one position to another.
The window would not budge at all, it was completely stuck.
Budge over children, make room for me to sit down.
He would not budge on his decision, his opinion was firm.
To move means to change something or someone from one position to another.
budge ve move arasındaki fark nedir?
'budge' implica negatividad, molestía, dificultad, problema. También implica: "para nada, no se mueve en absoluto, ni un centímetro".
I tried to move it, but it wouldn't budge. -> suena bien
I tried to move it, and it budged easily. -> suena muy raro!!! (mejor: "it moved easily")
I tried to move it, but it wouldn't budge. -> suena bien
I tried to move it, and it budged easily. -> suena muy raro!!! (mejor: "it moved easily")
Other questions about "Budge"
Lütfen bana nasıl telaffuz edeceğimi öğret budge.
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Can you budge up please? bu doğru görünüyor mu?
It is natural but can sound rude to some people. ‘Do you mind moving up a bit please?’ Sounds better. :)
That's not budging at all. bu doğru görünüyor mu?
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