Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Kindergarden"

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Q: While we're heading to Kindergarden,my son asked me , "Mom,did you bring Omamori?""Oh!I forgot to bring it! "
Then I looked at him and he was so upset and almost cried so I told him "We still have a little time to stop by the supermarket so let's go and get it!"

We call Candies as Omamori.He doesn't want to go to Kindergarden.He cries every morning when he goes there so I got a good idea that putting a candy in his mouth saying "you'll have a good day today becoause of Omamori magic" to make my son feels better.

We got to the supermarket.We had little time and it was supposed to be a quick shopping so I left my son alone in my car.I grabed a candy and lined up in harry. but unfortunaelly on entering coins to the casher machine it broke down and a chaser came up to fix it saying "it takes some minitus to fix it"
I left the supermarket in haste saying, keep the change!I got back to my car and I could gave him the Omamori.He didn't cry today.He was able to go to kindergarden with smile. bu doğru görünüyor mu?

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