Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Marry"
The meaning of "Marry" in various phrases and sentences
marry into the purple ne anlama geliyor?
Marry into royalty
I could not about to marry you ne anlama geliyor?
Your sentence is missing a verb. ‘I could not ‘be’ about to marry you’ could work and would mean that marrying is not something I could have intended to do
I married up. ne anlama geliyor?
to marry someone of a higher social class than oneself.
eg. Cinderella married a prince.
eg. Cinderella married a prince.
She didn’t marry me because I am rich.
ne anlama geliyor?
ne anlama geliyor?
She cared about you as a person. Her feelings for you are more important than the money you have. Yes, you are right.
i shall marry her ne anlama geliyor?
Shall is used as an emphatic version of will.
Example sentences using "Marry"
marry ile örnek cümleler göster.
"Will you marry me?"
"By this time, next week, I'll be a married man"
"Have you heard of Madoka? She's marrying next week"
"By this time, next week, I'll be a married man"
"Have you heard of Madoka? She's marrying next week"
“ marry to” and “ marry with “ ( add: Which one should I use in Q.19 ) ile örnek cümleler göster.
The answer is 'to'. But we don't say 'marry to', only 'married to.'
- He got married to a beautiful woman.
Or, you could say:
- He married a beautiful woman.
In the present tense, you'd say:
- He's marrying a beautiful woman.
- He got married to a beautiful woman.
Or, you could say:
- He married a beautiful woman.
In the present tense, you'd say:
- He's marrying a beautiful woman.
marry you ile örnek cümleler göster.
I would love to marry you
marry soon enough ile örnek cümleler göster.
would you like to marry to me... I want to marry zoe.
Synonyms of "Marry" and their differences
I married ve I am married arasındaki fark nedir?
"I married John last year"
"I am married to John"
"I am married to John"
marry ve be marrid ve get married arasındaki fark nedir?
Marry and get married have the same meaning, but "get married" is more common and probably more casual.
"Be married" is about the state of being married. After someone gets married they are married.
For example,
When did you get married? (get married)
Are you married? (be married)
Also "get married" uses "to" or "with" whereas "marry" does not so:
He got married with an older woman.
He married an older woman.
Hope this helps...
"Be married" is about the state of being married. After someone gets married they are married.
For example,
When did you get married? (get married)
Are you married? (be married)
Also "get married" uses "to" or "with" whereas "marry" does not so:
He got married with an older woman.
He married an older woman.
Hope this helps...
I marry ve I get married arasındaki fark nedir?
There's no difference other than you'd have to phrase things differently.
For example:
I marry him
I get married TO him
Also, when talking in the plural persons (we, you (plural) and they), "get married" is far more common.
E.g. They get married
Sounds a lot better than
They marry
For example:
I marry him
I get married TO him
Also, when talking in the plural persons (we, you (plural) and they), "get married" is far more common.
E.g. They get married
Sounds a lot better than
They marry
I married ve I got married arasındaki fark nedir?
"I married a man" "I got married last weekend"
He married her ve He got married to her arasındaki fark nedir?
Could you explain what nuance you're trying to explain? てもらう here is for one's benefit, right? I don't see that nuance.
@markun 'got' is like a more casual 'became', 'he became married to her'. It's just an extra and unnecessary word, but both are common.
@markun 'got' is like a more casual 'became', 'he became married to her'. It's just an extra and unnecessary word, but both are common.
Translations of "Marry"
Bunu İngilizce (Birleşik Krallık) da nasıl dersiniz? should I marry, should not I marry
You can say more simply
should I marry them or not
should I marry them or not
Bunu İngilizce (ABD) da nasıl dersiniz? would you marry me
Check the question to view the answer
Bunu İngilizce (ABD) da nasıl dersiniz? will you marry me?
Check the question to view the answer
Bunu İngilizce (ABD) da nasıl dersiniz? marry my
"Marry me"
Other questions about "Marry"
I married in late 20ages. bu doğru görünüyor mu?
× I married in late 20ages.
✓ I married in my late 20's.
✓ I married in my late 20's.
Who will I marry to?
who will I marry? bu doğru görünüyor mu?
who will I marry? bu doğru görünüyor mu?
× Who will I marry to?
Second one is correct. You could also ask "Who will I be married to?"
Second one is correct. You could also ask "Who will I be married to?"
He isn’t married. He could be a divorcée though. Why don’t you ask him about it? bu doğru görünüyor mu?
If you use the accent, you have to follow the original French rules. Divorcée is a woman who is divorced. Divorcé is a man who is divorced. I’d say it’s a lot more common to get rid of the accent and spell it divorcee for either a man or a woman.
I won't marry who that is not loves me bu doğru görünüyor mu?
"I won't marry someone who does not love me."
i marry her little sister today at 11p.m. bu doğru görünüyor mu?
You use "going to" in order to say what you will do in the future.
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