Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Statistics"
The meaning of "Statistics" in various phrases and sentences
Vital statistics ne anlama geliyor?
In a medical context, it means your heart rate, blood pressure, etc. Basically all the measurable aspects of the state of your medical condition.
The statistics wouldn't bare him out. ne anlama geliyor?
Statistics would show that he is incorrect
Statistics may be boring to some, but to other savvy entrepreneurs they unlock hidden riches! The key is knowing which statistics are critical to YOUR business, and which ones are irrelevant. ne anlama geliyor?
@Ri-na Statistics may seem dull, but shrewd businessmen know their value. The most important thing is to know which statistics matter and which don't.
statistics ne anlama geliyor?
Synonyms of "Statistics" and their differences
Previous statistics from 2015 were created by xx Inc. ve 2015 previous statistics was created by xxx Inc. arasındaki fark nedir?
the first one is correct, and the second one is grammatically wrong.
she is making statistics of number of people walking dogs in a park every day, but she forgot to count a day where she saw no dogs ve she is making statistics of number of people walking dogs in a park every day, but she forgot to count a day when/that/none she saw no dogs arasındaki fark nedir?
sorry for my late reply. thank you. big help!!
mean ( in statistics for example ) ve average arasındaki fark nedir?
They are synonyms. The mean is the average.
statistics ve statistic arasındaki fark nedir?
check this one, it tells you the difference between the two.
Translations of "Statistics"
Bunu İngilizce (ABD) da nasıl dersiniz? I used statistics at my advantage
You need to change one word:
"I used statistics 'to' my advantage."
I hope this is helpful!
"I used statistics 'to' my advantage."
I hope this is helpful!
Bunu İngilizce (ABD) da nasıl dersiniz? 변량 in statistics of mathematics
(Which one is correct? Variable or variate or variant)
(Which one is correct? Variable or variate or variant)
In my math classes, we use “variable.”
Bunu İngilizce (ABD) da nasıl dersiniz? 統計が取れています。
I have got statistics .
I have taken statistics.
Which are prefer English?
I have got statistics .
I have taken statistics.
Which are prefer English?
I have got statistics. = 統計報告をもらった。統計分析を行った。
I have taken statistics. = 統計の授業を取ったことがあります。
I have taken statistics. = 統計の授業を取ったことがあります。
Bunu İngilizce (ABD) da nasıl dersiniz? 厚労省「人口動態統計」WHO”Health statistics and health information systems「Mortality Database」”によると 脳血管疾患による粗死亡率がEU加盟国のスウェーデンでは67.9人であるのに対し日本では89.4人ととても高いです。オランダなどの他加盟国のデータを見ても日本が高いことがわかります。このことから残業による心労で脳血管疾患にかかり亡くなっている方が他国に比べ日本では多いと考えられます。
According to the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare “Demographic Statistics” WHO “Health statistics and health information systems” “Mortality Database”, the crude death rate due to cerebrovascular disease is 67.9 in Sweden of EU member countries, compared with 89.4 in Japan. If you look at the data of other member countries such as the Netherlands, you can see that Japan is expensive.Therefore, it is thought that there are more people in Japan than those of other countries who have died of cerebrovascular disease due to overwork. .
Bunu İngilizce (ABD) da nasıl dersiniz? statistics
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Other questions about "Statistics"
(In statistics) How do you refer to this kind of things?
correlation or interrelation or mutual relation?
correlation or interrelation or mutual relation?
1. positive correlation
2. negative correlation
3. no correlation
4. Constant y value
5 constant x value
(I will have to research the rest haha)
2. negative correlation
3. no correlation
4. Constant y value
5 constant x value
(I will have to research the rest haha)
(In statistics)
What the difference between: range and deviation
What the difference between: range and deviation
Range is the difference between the highest and lowest data point, and deviation (usually we talk about standard deviation) is a measure of how far apart data points are from each other.
According to some statistics, tens of thousands of cats and dogs are killed at animal shelters. Most of them are originally pet animals sold at pet shops. bu doğru görünüyor mu?
“Most of them are originally pets sold in pet shops”
“...tens of thousands of cats and dogs are killed in animal shelters”
“Most of them are originally pets sold in pet shops”
“...tens of thousands of cats and dogs are killed in animal shelters”
The statistics shows the colder is there, the less possibilities to catch a flu exist. bu doğru görünüyor mu?
"(The) statistics show that the colder *it gets*, the less possibility/chance *there is* to catch the flu."
He enrolled statistics taught by Professor Wu and get the score A- and A. bu doğru görünüyor mu?
sorry small mistake in my text it should be "Achieved"
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